diy solar

diy solar

Commonly used Forum Acronyms & Abbreviations

Well how about that! I knew LV was less than 50V, but didn't realize outside the US it meant < 1000V. And I always thought ELV meant less than 15v. Glad I looked that one up!
There is EHV - Extra High Voltage at 345 > 765 kV, it's not for this list of acronyms ⚡...
Hate to think what a DIYer would be doing with those sorts of volts? Flux capacitor for a time machine? Nah, that was 1.21 GV.
Hate to think what a DIYer would be doing with those sorts of volts? Flux capacitor for a time machine? Nah, that was 1.21 GV.
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (in the US) produced the highest ever at 25.5MV (Million Volts).
What a DIYer would be doing with that ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡
Courtesy of @L-P-G added:
  • YMMV - Your mileage may vary; means that you can expect similar, but not the same results.
An entry for all of those series/parallel notations:

3S, 2S4P, 4S2P, 2S2P, etc - Shorthand notation for series/parallel connections.

Does anyone know a good link that describes those notations and goes into the results of those connections?
First number/letter combination determines which way the individual cells are arranged, second combo describes the pack.
So, 4s2p would be two parallel sets of 4s cells.
2p4s would be 1 battery comprised of parallel paired cells arranged in a 4s bank.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I understand what the notation means. I'm proposing a new entry for the main acronym list for those that don't. The second line of my previous post could be the new entry with the addition of a link so a good resource that explains the notation. I just couldn't find a good link to add to the entry.
I am not sure how to put that into the list... it isn’t an acronym... and it would be different for each type of battery... 2000P16S etc...
I am not sure how to put that into the list... it isn’t an acronym... and it would be different for each type of battery... 2000P16S etc...

Just add the line:
3S, 2S4P, 4S2P, 2S2P, etc. - Shorthand notation for series/parallel connections. <link here to good explanation>

as the first entry (since it starts with a number). We just need a good link to a good description. And it's not specific to batteries. It could apply to solar panels too.

diy solar

diy solar