diy solar

diy solar

Crazy low prices on Aliexpress LifePO4 320A, with buyer protection?

Really, did you bother to try?
Many banks (credit card companies) will require it (police report).
Certainly, the FBI will be interested in people being defrauded out of thousands of dollars by organized Chinese scams.
In the USA, the FBI is who you report computer fraud to.

Maybe some of the 10000 orders from all planet have the possibility to start the procedures because we are a lot in EU and also USA there are many cheated and if you count 10000 orders of min $300 per order than it means the fraud amount is 3 million dollars at least.
I've been contacting ALiExpress support since August, with "chat with an agent" text to automatically trigger the agent connection, since than I think I had more than 30 opened cases with specific case ID assigned and you know what was resolved by ALiExpress since the beginning of the SCAM ? Nothing was resolved, new stores appeared each day, also with false 5 star reviews and stores was not removed since August when they got into big batteries LiFePO4 scam, before August there was a few stores that were dealing with small items bit now after they had seen the potential they are now getting 3 million dollars at least from this fraud.

So for this amount of money and high number of victims and banks involved I want to have some of the victims involved maybe they know the procedures or have someone who knows them and get this thing resolved, because otherwise that will remain there for years and each day 1000 more honest people are being scammed.

What do you all think about it ?
I can tell you from working in IT.
If you call the FBI (assuming you live in the USA), they have a division devoted to this. Seriously, it's their job.
They take computer hackers stealing money very seriously. From the number of reviews on trustpilot, this is an effective and widespread scam.
People who have had this happen to them should make waves, not roll over and say "they got me". Start with a police report, then contact the computer fraud division in the FBI. It won't take that many people taking the time to do it before they notice. If they don't, contact your local television news departments, most have an "on your side" bit. Get them interested in finding out why your money is gone.

Yes, you had a good idea, if television gets involved things will be noticed worldwide and they will start investigating it faster.
So anyone can have the possibility of doing any of the things above ?
When you get mugged, you file a police report.
You start by filing a police report. About 10-15 years ago, the police were very cooperative and seemingly interested. I took the police report down to my credit union and had every penny back in my account by the next morning.
People who are being stolen from need to take that first step.
So for this amount of money and high number of victims and banks involved I want to have some of the victims involved maybe they know the procedures or have someone who knows them and get this thing resolved, because otherwise that will remain there for years and each day 1000 more honest people are being scammed.

What do you all think about it ?
these XXXXOrdersStore are popping out like mushrooms since few months. It is now hard to even find a legit store for Lifepo4 on Aliexpress.
So anyone can have the possibility of doing any of the things above ?
Can you update that list of scam sites on Aliexpress you collated in another post?
It shows the extent of the problem and is something that others can refer to.
Can you update that list of scam sites on Aliexpress you collated in another post?
It shows the extent of the problem and is something that others can refer to.
they create new fake shops every day, a negative-list is futile! better keep your known-good seller lists and stick with these sellers. Just do not buy from unknown stores
hey create new fake shops every day, a negative-list is futile!
It isn't for us, It is for others to see the extent of the problem and know how systemic it has become on AliExpress.
The popularity of LiFePO4 and the large value in a single transaction is what has attracted scammers. AliExpress hasn't recognised these factors yet. The list Elvis complies will also determine when AliExpress starts reacting.
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It isn't for us, It is for others to see the extent of the problem and know how systemic it has become on AliExpress.
The popularity of LiFePO4 and the large value in a single transaction is what has attracted scammers. AliExpress hasn't recognised these factors yet. The list Elvis complies will also determine when AliExpress starts reacting.

The list is so long at this moment so that is pointelss to even add, now the hacker started to :
1) add fake 5 star reviews that was copied from other legit stores and the only way i figured was that an entire page had the same hour and minute and that is impossible
2) now they use also ZERO CHARACTERS NAME so there are tens of stores without any name, just to see how LAME is AliExpress checking system, including their easy to hack 4 characters captcha.
3) Use names that seem legit now, so never buy from any store that is not at least 1 year old
4) Products are duplicated, image of the products are duplicated from other stores, descriptions are duplicated. If you notice this it is also a fake store.

fake battery.jpg
It isn't for us, It is for others to see the extent of the problem and know how systemic it has become on AliExpress.
The popularity of LiFePO4 and the large value in a single transaction is what has attracted scammers. AliExpress hasn't recognised these factors yet. The list Elvis complies will also determine when AliExpress starts reacting.
As I told you, I am sick of talking over 30 times with an agent from their support, since august when this started to affect LiFePo4 cells, nothing was resolved by them, nothing, they act like nothing is happening because they steal the money too.

Only FBI, Interpol, TV or CCP (China Communist Party) can do something about this by starting a global investigation because there are more than 10000 affected buyers from entire planet and the fraud is over 3 million dollars. I can't imagine how Europe and USA can stay blind at this fraud. Just think about this.

The problem is that you can't win the dispute without a valid evidence, so as you can see here, money was released to the hacker :

valid evidence.jpg
these XXXXOrdersStore are popping out like mushrooms since few months. It is now hard to even find a legit store for Lifepo4 on Aliexpress.

The fake store was suspended but my money was not reimbursed ?! What about that ?

dispute supended.jpg

store does above 7899orders Store doesn't exist anymore, and replaced with a generic name, but money are taken by AliExpress, what about that :
dispute supended 2.jpg
As I told you, I am sick of talking over 30 times with an agent from their support, since august when this started to affect LiFePo4 cells, nothing was resolved by them, nothing, they act like nothing is happening because they steal the money too.

Only FBI, Interpol, TV or CCP (China Communist Party) can do something about this by starting a global investigation because there are more than 10000 affected buyers from entire planet and the fraud is over 3 million dollars. I can't imagine how Europe and USA can stay blind at this fraud. Just think about this.

The problem is that you can't win the dispute without a valid evidence, so as you can see here, money was released to the hacker :

View attachment 67064
People have to file reports.
The money goes somewhere, I am 100% certain the CCP could find them if motivated.
The now seem to target 'known' stores as well, by copying their pages, including the 'official store' labels and names

Maybe those real stores (Which are copied) are more willing (And are in China) if they become aware, and might be able to add some pressure

Unfortunately, for those who are scammed it's difficult to get a refund, since you have to deal with a lot of companies involved, none of them willing to pay (Aliexpress, paypal, cc company). It's unlike they can get the refund at the scammer, so they aren't very keen on instant refunding.

And to be honest, the buyer is partially to blame too. If you did even the slighest research you would have known $940 for 16 280Ah NEW cells is impossible..
That's $58 / cell delivered...
With some research, you would have know its $80-$100 (varies over time) at least, without shipping. And there is no such thing as free shipping...

Blame the scammer off course, but blame yourself also for not doing any research and the instant-buy-because-the-price.....
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People have to file reports.
The money goes somewhere, I am 100% certain the CCP could find them if motivated.

I advise everyone that reads this to open AliExpress online support and type "chat with an agent" and ask for a solution. I am doing this since august but can;t do that alone, only if we are many we can get this solved. Many of us already lost money.

I was asked to contact DHL by support and ask them to send the proof i did not pickup the package.
I contacted DHL, provided the tracking number and they said that there is an invalid format provided for the tracking number and they can only answer about the tracking numbers that have DHL format and that was registered into their system.

So result from ALiExpress dispute was this :

valid evidence.jpg

support 1.jpg

But DHL said they only can provide information about valid tracking numbers of their system, if the tracking number is not valid it is obvious the package was never registered on their system.


  • valid evidence.jpg
    valid evidence.jpg
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Update.. First store was closed I am not able to see the products nor the seller store anymore this was the 1.7k$ order and my dispute will be escalated to AE tomorrow so hoping AE did investigated and found the scam. Storename: 68825orders Store

Now waiting for the second order with another seller (68825orders Store) hope it will be closed also.
I got a response from Paypal, provide: "Proof of shipment showing item received"
That doesn't inspire confidence and makes no sense to me.
Lost all hope now.
I got a response from Paypal, provide: "Proof of shipment showing item received"
That doesn't inspire confidence and makes no sense to me.
Lost all hope now.

I advise everyone who will read this to open AliExpress online support and type "chat with an agent" and ask for a solution. I am doing this since august but can't do that alone, only if we are many we can get this solved. Many of us already lost money.
I filed a Policy Report today, its just for the Statistic, no way of Power in China for our Police.

Maybe this poor Guy can Help finding non existing delivered Parcels

Have Fun,
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Only FBI, Interpol, TV or CCP (China Communist Party) can do something about this by starting a global investigation
The CCP has a presence within AliExpress--

From the Global Times-

"According to the article, the number of Chinese Communist Party members have accounted for more than 30 percent of the overall employees at Alibaba's Beijing headquarters.

Currently, Alibaba Group has two headquarters in China, one in Beijing and the other located in Hangzhou. And, its health and entertainment divisions are also headquartered in Beijing.

Wang Hao, secretary of Chaoyang district Party committee who attended Alibaba's corporate Party committee founding ceremony, said that Alibaba should adhere to correct political directions and maintain political integrity. "

Maybe contact Wang Hoa and ask why he excluded honesty.
The CCP has a presence within AliExpress--

From the Global Times-

"According to the article, the number of Chinese Communist Party members have accounted for more than 30 percent of the overall employees at Alibaba's Beijing headquarters.

Currently, Alibaba Group has two headquarters in China, one in Beijing and the other located in Hangzhou. And, its health and entertainment divisions are also headquartered in Beijing.

Wang Hao, secretary of Chaoyang district Party committee who attended Alibaba's corporate Party committee founding ceremony, said that Alibaba should adhere to correct political directions and maintain political integrity. "

Maybe contact Wang Hoa and ask why he excluded honesty.

they have a mandate to sabotage western world, I tell you.
postnl doesnt do shipping cargo, only air freight as far as i know, and only to or from the netherlands ( holland)
You are partly correct. PostNL is usually Air Freight. I get plenty of items from Aliexpress delivered to the UK-England via PostNL. In fact i have just had 2x JBD 200A BMS boards delivered today via PostNL. I have had heavier/larger items via PostNL that were transported by ship in the past. The question is will they air freight the 280Ah/320Ah cells that weight 5kgs (11 Lbs) each plus packaging? Stranger things have happened when the Chinese government decided to subsidise shipping. But i wouldn't hold my breath waiting for boxes of 4 cells weighing 20-25Kgs, to ever turn up. People just have to wait for the 75 day delivery clock to wind down to zero and open a case on Aliexpress if nothing turns up. Or do a charge-back/claw-back via paypal or your credit card. After all that messing around people will eventually do some research and find a reliable retailer and pay extra for cells that have genuine capacity. Plus the 2-4 extra months for the new cells to turn up.
Really, did you bother to try?
Many banks (credit card companies) will require it (police report).
Certainly, the FBI will be interested in people being defrauded out of thousands of dollars by organized Chinese scams.
In the USA, the FBI is who you report computer fraud to.
The reality is you cant chase debts in China unless you have serious connections in the Chinese government.
Even companies moving manufacturing to China dont have any legal right.
If legal cases are taken to court inside China by None Chinese origin citizens (foreigner's), the courts always rule in favour of the Chinese person/company.
So sadly emails from another country wont make an ounce of difference.
Even from the police/FBI etc.
This has always been the case.
It's a Chinese cultural system to ultimately protect Chinese Citizens.

diy solar

diy solar