diy solar

diy solar

48V Server rack battery price comparison.

You are not compairing like for like. The SS battery does not have a display where as the others do.
To be fair you should amend the first post to correct this.
There might be warrante and capacity issues to clarify too.
Amy is my colleague , my name is Dozi
Thanks Dozi.

Have you shipped any Nruit batteries to US-based customers yet?

I know logistics and shipping is still a problem, but can you or Amy provide any estimate of current shipping costs for one of the 9kWh batteries to California?

You can send me a Personal Message if you would prefer but I am getting ready to place an order for a 9kWh battery and would appreciate an estimate of current shipping costs the US (California).
I ordered a big Lanni 48V battery (300Ah) for about $250/kWh with the Bluetooth BMS upgrade. I'm hoping it's decent quality.
Fixing to pull the trigger. What is the care and feeding of one of these server rack batteries if they might be sitting unused for a couple weeks while the system is being completed?
Fixing to pull the trigger. What is the care and feeding of one of these server rack batteries if they might be sitting unused for a couple weeks while the system is being completed?
Just make sure you smile at the battery any time you throw a glance it’s way ;).
Fixing to pull the trigger. What is the care and feeding of one of these server rack batteries if they might be sitting unused for a couple weeks while the system is being completed?
Just make sure you smile at the battery any time you throw a glance it’s way ;)
That's it? No charging, or cycling, or anything?
Don’t store it near full or near empty (33% to 67% is a god target) and if it’s going to be stored for more than 6-9 months, charging back to target level would be advised.
I don't find inverter compatibility (or lack of it) a problem.
I also was wondering about this. What is the point of advertising CAN bus and RS-485 if there is zero documentation/info on compatibility with inverters? Would be big advantage if it could be connected to the Victron BMS CAN bus.
Also of note the Trophy ones have built-in heating which I don't see mentioned in any of the others. Most of the others also do explicitly state compatibility with Growatt, Victron, etc bus..
Partially in thanks to this thread, I have a pair of the eg4 on the way.
In regards to communication between a Growatt spf6000dvm and eg4; is there a premade communication cable or is it an easy diy? If diy, where can I find detailed instructions on building the cable?
Same thing for the communication cable between batteries. When asked, SigSolar says the communication cable between batteries is not included unless you buy six batteries and didn't answer what kind of cable or where it could be purchased.
Getting excited. Hopefully this system will be up and running in a couple months.
That's the issue I am seeing is there is a large black hole when it comes to the communication ports on all these server rack batteries that appear to be using same BMS. Whomever makes the BMS seems to be keeping this info hard to get and/or not available. I tried asking person at Trophy battery if it is compatible with Victron CAN bus system and they had no idea. At least one of them server rack brands provides some windows software but no documentation on the protocol. I wish Will would call this out on his video since all of them advertise these ports as a feature but then provide little to no support for how you can actually use it..
Shot another email off to SigSolar.

If anyone else has a question about cabling between a Growatt spf6000dvm and EG4 LiFePOWER4, and between EG4 batteries, this is SigSolar's answer; " ... The cables that go between batteries and from the growatt to the battery and from battery to battery are just standard CAT 5 ethernet cables ... ".
if this is the same battery, I asked about it and shipping was $1800
exactly,,, if shipping is not included... then you do not have anywhere near what the real cost per Wh or KWh is. so then just comparing apples to pineapples!
I tried to order a shipping container full of solar panels... the price is great until you add the shipping price into the equation...
ask lots of questions, do the research....

hopefully, you find a good-hearted person to send you the correct answers.?
exactly,,, if shipping is not included... then you do not have anywhere near what the real cost per Wh or KWh is. so then just comparing apples to pineapples!
I tried to order a shipping container full of solar panels... the price is great until you add the shipping price into the equation...
ask lots of questions, do the research....

hopefully, you find a good-hearted person to send you the correct answers.?
Wow, that’s a lot of panels (600-682 I believe).

Are you building your own solar farm or were you planning on reselling most of them?

I’m interested in which panels you were looking into purchasing and if you ever reactivate your initiative (perhaps after supply chain issues are behind us and shipping rates come back down out if the stratosphere), I could be interested in buying some of your imported panels if you have any for sale (please send me a PM).
exactly,,, if shipping is not included... then you do not have anywhere near what the real cost per Wh or KWh is. so then just comparing apples to pineapples!
I tried to order a shipping container full of solar panels... the price is great until you add the shipping price into the equation...
ask lots of questions, do the research....

hopefully, you find a good-hearted person to send you the correct answers.?

Where did you try to order a shipping container full of panels from? Where we are located it is cheaper than shipping one or two pallets freight over on the barge than to ship a container from China or Japan.

Where did you try to order a shipping container full of panels from? Where we are located it is cheaper than shipping one or two pallets freight over on the barge than to ship a container from China or Japan.

the price for a shipping container direct from China to the USA more than doubled the price of the solar panels. so it seemed to not make a huge difference vs just buying a couple of pallets at a time; the same panels were already in the USA.

it has been last summer when I was researching that purchase. they advertise a low price but when you get the actual quote with shipping the price is a lot higher. A bulk order does not always equate into economic savings. ?

the seller offered to ship them from their USA Stockpile for essentially the same price so no advantage to order in bulk.
I was seeking an order of approximately 660 new 72 cell monocrystalline solar panels at that time....? to purposely fill a shipping container, with the idea it would be more economical but it did not turn out that way.

the takeaway is to get all the facts on a purchase, including shipping and their fees disclosed. now they (Alibaba) are trying to collect sales tax unless you provide them tax-exempt papers... not sure I would care to provide that to them....

have you received notice from Alibaba trying to get this new form of information??? looks like Alibaba is trying to get a method to collect more tax....would it then be submitted to the USA and the rightful recipients???

The last large order was raw LiFePO4 cells which arrived in December 2022.
better stop on that for now...
just do your research....?
the price for a shipping container direct from China to the USA more than doubled the price of the solar panels. so it seemed to not make a huge difference vs just buying a couple of pallets at a time; the same panels were already in the USA.

it has been last summer when I was researching that purchase. they advertise a low price but when you get the actual quote with shipping the price is a lot higher. A bulk order does not always equate into economic savings. ?

the seller offered to ship them from their USA Stockpile for essentially the same price so no advantage to order in bulk.
I was seeking an order of approximately 660 new 72 cell monocrystalline solar panels at that time....? to purposely fill a shipping container, with the idea it would be more economical but it did not turn out that way.

the takeaway is to get all the facts on a purchase, including shipping and their fees disclosed. now they (Alibaba) are trying to collect sales tax unless you provide them tax-exempt papers... not sure I would care to provide that to them....

have you received notice from Alibaba trying to get this new form of information??? looks like Alibaba is trying to get a method to collect more tax....would it then be submitted to the USA and the rightful recipients???

The last large order was raw LiFePO4 cells which arrived in December 2022.
better stop on that for now...
just do your research....?

If they have a location, even just a stock pile storage, in the United States it isn't Alibaba cracking down it is the United States. The US is doing this through the credit card processing companies coming down saying they will stop processing credit cards etc.

I haven't purchased through Alibaba, but have friends that have and they have tried to get me to, I may on something like this.

Why not provide the tax-exempt paperwork if you have it? There is nothing they can do with it. With my companies that are in the United States(I am a US Citizen but full time live outside of the US right now and run the companies remotely) if you don't submit that we charge tax and pay it. There is a way around the tax issue and that is ship them to a state like Montana that does not have sales tax and then forward them to yourself. I have customers that I know are doing that, but can't prove it so I can't do anything about it.

I am going to send you a PM about the quote you received.
Fixing to pull the trigger. What is the care and feeding of one of these server rack batteries if they might be sitting unused for a couple weeks while the system is being completed?

If the charge on the LiFePO4 battery is not real low, sitting unused for a few weeks, even months is not a problem. These batteries generally lose 3% per month. We recommend charging them occasionally if they sit unused for three months or more.

The real issue is how long have they been sitting idle before you received them.
It makes sense to check the charge, then charge them if you will not be using them for months.


Dan Keaton
If the charge on the LiFePO4 battery is not real low, sitting unused for a few weeks, even months is not a problem. These batteries generally lose 3% per month. We recommend charging them occasionally if they sit unused for three months or more.

The real issue is how long have they been sitting idle before you received them.
It makes sense to check the charge, then charge them if you will not be using them for months.


Dan Keaton
Checked voltage with a vm and used the software found on SigSolar's website to connect the laptop with the batteries. Both batteries are at 50%. Software shows the variance between cells was <.03 on both batteries.
That's the issue I am seeing is there is a large black hole when it comes to the communication ports on all these server rack batteries that appear to be using same BMS. Whomever makes the BMS seems to be keeping this info hard to get and/or not available. I tried asking person at Trophy battery if it is compatible with Victron CAN bus system and they had no idea. At least one of them server rack brands provides some windows software but no documentation on the protocol. I wish Will would call this out on his video since all of them advertise these ports as a feature but then provide little to no support for how you can actually use it..
At the time I answered your question, I was unaware of the Victron Cerbo GX system. I could not find a CAN port on the Victron gear you mentioned. I know now that the CAN port is located on the Cerbo GX. Our Trophy Batteries support the Victron CAN Bus Protocol.

I am sorry that I did not have the answer at the time we spoke. We support a wide variety of CAN protocols, and this is documented on our website.


Dan Keaton
Trophy Battery
Checked voltage with a vm and used the software found on SigSolar's website to connect the laptop with the batteries. Both batteries are at 50%. Software shows the variance between cells was <.03 on both batteries.
You are good to go to store them safely for 6 months (may even a lot longer), We recommend charging them to 50% every three to six months.
Our batteries start out at the factory at 50% charge. This is after the individual cells have been tested for weeks, then matched and balance, then the entire battery is fully charged and drained twice, then charged to 50%.


Dan Keaton
If they have a location, even just a stock pile storage, in the United States it isn't Alibaba cracking down it is the United States. The US is doing this through the credit card processing companies coming down saying they will stop processing credit cards etc.

I haven't purchased through Alibaba, but have friends that have and they have tried to get me to, I may on something like this.

Why not provide the tax-exempt paperwork if you have it? There is nothing they can do with it. With my companies that are in the United States(I am a US Citizen but full time live outside of the US right now and run the companies remotely) if you don't submit that we charge tax and pay it. There is a way around the tax issue and that is ship them to a state like Montana that does not have sales tax and then forward them to yourself. I have customers that I know are doing that, but can't prove it so I can't do anything about it.

I am going to send you a PM about the quote you received.
If Alibaba is collecting tax now, I'd bet it is going straight into their pockets...not the tax authority.

diy solar

diy solar