diy solar

diy solar

Cheap Chinese junk: I'll trow my 3 Daly controllers in the garbage bin. ANGRY!!!

I too am very unsatisfied with the Daly Smart BMS. I have six brand new units and for some Go!@##$$#@#@@@###$$$%%% Frigginng reason, none of them activate once my LifePO4 packs are charged. I have spent unreasonable hours trying to get these to turn on and activate via bluetooth or whatever. Just dead in the water. My packs are fully charged to 14.2V (4s 280ah EVE cells) and nothing. I short the P & B, nothing. Put them on a charge,.... Nothing cuz I think my batteries are fully charged. AAAAAAAERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG... Smash! Break! Burn them!!!!
I think you have now figured out how to activate them, if not please let me know and I will try to assist.

I understand the frustration, you want something that "just works". Unfortunately the closest BMS to that description is the Overkill BMS, and it has a much lower amp rating.
I have 3x Daly BMS, all with bluetooth, 2 with power bar.
Completely satisfied, if I want to turn them on, I just press the 'power bar' button or bluetooth button.
For balancing I use 5A capacitive balance boards.
I have 3x Daly BMS, all with bluetooth, 2 with power bar.
Completely satisfied, if I want to turn them on, I just press the 'power bar' button or bluetooth button.
For balancing I use 5A capacitive balance boards.
I'm happy for you, with thanks and respect for @rudydevolder and all other early adopters! (That includes myself ?)

Without them and their outspoken critic of the crap that was sold, improvements where made.

2 years is amazing long time in electronics, just look at the development in smartphones.

Yeah, Daly products where good under 100A "set and forget" as @Will Prowse likes to say.

Their struggle to make the 100 into 400A units has cost many forum members lots of money.
Personally about $350 for 2 (both defective) Daly. One "dumb" 250 that stopped after 3 months, one 150A "smart" that never worked with my inverters.
The first "smart" model with 7(?) Hardware revisions in a year they finally produced a more stable product.

Sadly their "warranty/support" is after conclusion that it's defective, you need to send it to China (costs $75-100) and pay for shipment of new unit... ($35)..

Chinese crap that improved over the back of the early adopters.
No love from me for Daly, especially due their absurd warranty "service" where you need to spend 2/3th of the cost again to (hopefully) get a working product.

I'm happy they finally produced a functional piece of crap.
It should have worked and keep working 25 months ago, without all the hassle.
It's not that it's cheap!!
(Their components are, huge profit margins)

Early adaptors: thank you for your financial and time sacrifice!!!

New users on the market will mostly never know of our struggle....
Sadly their "warranty/support" is after conclusion that it's defective, you need to send it to China (costs $75-100) and pay for shipment of new unit... ($35)..
No warranty or support in the country where I live (Thailand), beyond a 7 day return policy from the internet stores.
If something goes wrong after the first couple of weeks you chuck it in the bin and buy another one.
If something doesn't work on arrival, I usually get a full refund and am told to chuck the faulty item away.

Once I learned never to buy Samsung products, I've never had a problem.

All my solar equipment (much purchased direct from China) has worked perfectly.
Delivery from China, mostly free as Chinese post appears to be (secretly) subsidised by the Chinese government.

But you're in Thailand so you should know this already, post from Thailand to China isn't $75-$100.
No warranty or support in the country where I live (Thailand), beyond a 7 day return policy from the internet stores.
If something goes wrong after the first couple of weeks you chuck it in the bin and buy another one.
If something doesn't work on arrival, I usually get a full refund and am told to chuck the faulty item away.

Once I learned never to buy Samsung products, I've never had a problem.

All my solar equipment (much purchased direct from China) has worked perfectly.
Delivery from China, mostly free as Chinese post appears to be (secretly) subsidised by the Chinese government.

But you're in Thailand so you should know this already, post from Thailand to China isn't $75-$100.
555 (Thai for hahaha)

All depends on the timing.
My Daly went defective after 3 months, may 2020..
Thailand in lockdown and all post had to undergo extensive desinfection.
Many normal postal services where suspended.

Special line to China 3000 THB.
That was the fully epoxied 250A unit with, acknowledged by Daly, no possibility to repair.

Test done made clear that the unit is fully defective.
Yet they insist on having the defective, not able to repair unit returned before providing refund.

Sure I'm aware of Thai "taillight" warranty.
When you buy a printer (or chainsaw or...) They assemble in the store, print / start and that is it
It will leave the store in working condition.
End of warranty. 555

When a (global) shop adversities with 3,6 or 12 months warranty, I intend to keep them at it.

That or just say bye bye to $250-
And be happy that it worked for 3 months instead of 2 ???

My financial situation isn't so that I can keep on buying and make sure to have one in spare as it will fail quickly.
If I was planning to spend over $1500 in 1.5 years on replacing BMS, I would have bought Batrium BMS.

It's not a $25,- crap product.
They ask quite a high price for what was supposed to be good quality.

Sadly it wasn't mature yet.
Many Chinese mfrs still havent caught on to the idea of integrity and building a reputation for your business. Thats why there seems to be a never ending revolving door of nonsensically named mfrs out of China. They burn lots of customers then word gets out so they change their name. Obviously Daly is still Daly now but dont be shocked if they disappear then pop up as someone else someday.
Its even funnier when mfrs outright steal the name of other more reputable conpetitors. The poor consumer is left wondering where the hell his product actually came from.
Bill Clinton jump started the acceleration of Chinas industrialization, with China friendly commerce policies which also encouraged US corporations to move production there. Initially we were all alarmed that patents on US products were rendered useless, though that had the silver lining of technology advancing in leaps and bounds. Patents stifle developing technology because they make it difficult to build on and improve your competitors' inventions.
Unfortunately too much of the Chinese business philosophy is building cheap products with low durability for a fast buck.
So all this "progress" doesnt seem like that at all when the hand tools I buy at the local home improvement store arent near the quality they were 30 years ago, and its hard to find good ones at all.

(Incidentally, the death of the value of US patents has surely contributed along with illegal immigration, to the increasing homelessness in America. The stock market existed to connect investors with small manufacturers with new factories and get the product to market. Since that cant really happen any more wall street had to invent new investment vehicles, a very popular one has been real estate holdings funds. Theyre buying up the housing in our cities and renting them out at sizeable markups.)
Daly is one of the "better" Chinese companies, Sorotec is an other.

Probably lots more, I don't have personal experience with them.
EASun as a company to run as fast as you can away from.
While not all crap, they relabeling anything they get their hands on, usually stuff that didn't pass QA test.

Sadly I need to import stuff from Europe if I want a tool to keep working longer then a few months.
Still China product, just 10 times higher quality then what they dump on the local (Asian) market (Thailand)

The world is sponsoring China by letting them use postage service as "third world economy"...

We are all responsibe for the low quality.

Simple 90 degree hook.
European brand € 27.50
Chinese €3.50

With result no one is buying the quality one, except professionals.
With result that company needs to lower it's standard or stop existing.

No patents 90 degree hook... :)

That's just one example I had last year, when I helped a friend while visiting Holland.
She didn't have, so we went to the store.
No way we are paying €27.50 for such simple equipment.
Next stop: "Action" (Local shop filled with cheap Chinese stuff) €3.50

What can I say...
It's the way the world works.
It should not have been €27.50...
Little bit of iron.

Somewhere in the whole line of production to sell some person lost track of what they actually are offering for what price..

Same angle iron is in Thialand € 1.79 (65 THB) in expensive hardware store...
Like I said I've found a very interesting information and a specialized chip the LTC68xx series. Each chip can handle max 12, 15 or 18 channels or battery-cells with a accuracy of 1.5mV. And it has a isoSPI bus to connect multiple chips in series, completely galvanic isolated at 1mbps over max. 100m using 2 wires only. The chip costs around 20 USD and the manufacturer sells a development kit with a master and slave board, and multiple slave boards can put in series. The master board has usb connection and free software 100% compatible with the Arduino with the same pin-layout. But they call their own master board the Linduino, their demo slave boards do already balancing of 50mA, compare this with the Daly that has only 30mA. I was very interested in this one, but than I tried to figure out the datasheet of the chip, I had a headscratching moment, wow a 92 pages datasheet with explanation of filters and many other features like cross-checking. This is not going to be a easy task. But it made me convinced in the capabilities and reliability of this chip, so I started looking for open-source projects with source code to look at.
Hurray, I found the DieBie BMS from a German engineer and a die-hard electric skateboarder. I admired his project but it was not exactly the thing I was looking for, first because it uses the older LTC6803 chip, second it had no extensions for more batterie-cells and 3th it was really leaning more towards electrical vehicles than energy storage. The next open-source project I found was actually based on this one. It is the ENNOID BMS, this project is using the newer version the LTC6811 and Stm32 microcontroller on a separate master board and what I really like is the modular configuration with slave boards you can put in series, the balancing current is 110mA and I was ready to make a very simple adaptation to make it higher but Kevin(the engineer of the ENNOID BMS) said I could buy his older boards with 220mA balancing current. He has multiple models of his slave board and all schematics and source code is available online, both the sourcecode for the master board based on the Diebie bms firmware and the graphical interface on windows which is very straightforward to use. Love it. The only thing is that his current implementation is more towards electric vehicles. But Kevin said no problem together we can do the small adaptations in the software and implement in the next version. The accuracy of the LTC68xx is 1.5 milli Volts, so balancing while charging even halfway should be no problem I think.
To be continued...
Brother you take DIY to a whole new level..?
Many Chinese mfrs still havent caught on to the idea of integrity and building a reputation for your business. Thats why there seems to be a never ending revolving door of nonsensically named mfrs out of China. They burn lots of customers then word gets out so they change their name. Obviously Daly is still Daly now but dont be shocked if they disappear then pop up as someone else someday.
Its even funnier when mfrs outright steal the name of other more reputable conpetitors. The poor consumer is left wondering where the hell his product actually came from.
Bill Clinton jump started the acceleration of Chinas industrialization, with China friendly commerce policies which also encouraged US corporations to move production there. Initially we were all alarmed that patents on US products were rendered useless, though that had the silver lining of technology advancing in leaps and bounds. Patents stifle developing technology because they make it difficult to build on and improve your competitors' inventions.
Unfortunately too much of the Chinese business philosophy is building cheap products with low durability for a fast buck.
So all this "progress" doesnt seem like that at all when the hand tools I buy at the local home improvement store arent near the quality they were 30 years ago, and its hard to find good ones at all.

(Incidentally, the death of the value of US patents has surely contributed along with illegal immigration, to the increasing homelessness in America. The stock market existed to connect investors with small manufacturers with new factories and get the product to market. Since that cant really happen any more wall street had to invent new investment vehicles, a very popular one has been real estate holdings funds. Theyre buying up the housing in our cities and renting them out at sizeable markups.)
They are buying up houses in our cities and sitting on them driving rent up.

I haven’t seen them release any of the houses they bought here yet.

They bought 25% of the houses sold her in Q1.

Have neither resold them nor rented them.
I recently got a response from daligreen. I am not sure but I think it is a copycat of dali. They told me their products suck ;)
nah I am bending their words totally out of shape. But yes that was my conclusion. ;)
They are buying up houses in our cities and sitting on them driving rent up.

I haven’t seen them release any of the houses they bought here yet.

They bought 25% of the houses sold her in Q1.

Have neither resold them nor rented them.
it's not only in your area. Sri Lanka, Afrika and many other areas are being taken over ever so silently. Even Australia. But they at least seem to be waking up finally.
I keep wondering. Why are IP camera's so expensive. Unless you go the no name east route. But even Dahua has been deemed not save.
I have like 20 cheap Chinese IP cameras that keep trying to call home.
I have an IT background with a whaft of networking so I will not give them the chance but still. Why?
I keep wondering. Why are IP camera's so expensive. Unless you go the no name east route. But even Dahua has been deemed not save.
I have like 20 cheap Chinese IP cameras that keep trying to call home.
I have an IT background with a whaft of networking so I will not give them the chance but still. Why?
Have to assume it’s CCP phone home thing.

Is an Chinese IP address?

Remember a few years ago Cisco, Apple, F5 and a few others found out they had installed these little spy chips in them.
I keep wondering. Why are IP camera's so expensive. Unless you go the no name east route. But even Dahua has been deemed not save.
I have like 20 cheap Chinese IP cameras that keep trying to call home.
I have an IT background with a whaft of networking so I will not give them the chance but still. Why?
My inverter wifi uses a server based in China.
They can't see me, but they know all about my off grid solar system.
But my Google nests listen in my home and report directly to the USA.
Nobody is saying the voltage cannot be manipulated safely.

we are all saying that the voltage can be very deadly unprotected, and handled as if it is a car battery.

48v, or even 24V can kill.

the conditions need to be nigh ridiculous, but, in warm conditions, or around children, the wrong step could be the last one made...
Yup It was a long and sweaty day and I made mistake of going across the battery at 48v.

It didn’t kill me obviously but It did burn my arm where it made contact.

Got a newfound respect for 48v.
Yup It was a long and sweaty day and I made mistake of going across the battery at 48v.

It didn’t kill me obviously but It did burn my arm where it made contact.

Got a newfound respect for 48v.
I made that mistake once and I won't forget it. I didn't get burnt but I did melt the terminal off one of my cells and destroyed my ratchet.
It made me realize how easily that can happen if I am not being careful
Yup It was a long and sweaty day and I made mistake of going across the battery at 48v.

It didn’t kill me obviously but It did burn my arm where it made contact.

Got a newfound respect for 48v.
Try fractal burning, the new deadly DIY home art form. Step up wall or battery power to anywhere from 2000-12,000 volts. Add baking soda and lots of water... Enough so you're standing in it. Now put on your gloves and apply electrodes to the mess.
What could go wrong?
so this has quickly turned into a chinese bashing topic, way to go !

no sense in reminding you all the us is by far the biggest datacollecting and privacy basher in the world i gather ?

come on, get off you high horses here
so this has quickly turned into a chinese bashing topic, way to go !

Personally, I'm only here to bash Daly for very poor quality control.

no sense in reminding you all the us is by far the biggest datacollecting and privacy basher in the world i gather ?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm very much aware of that fact. I don't like that either. The two entities that collect the most (and most detailed) data on you are Google and Apple. I'm not happy with that either.

come on, get off you high horses here

I'm not really on a high horse here, I'm not happy with data collection in general. It should all be opt in, not "we might let you opt out".

That said, Daly has a (deservedly so) poor reputation for quality and reliability. I own three of them, so I'm pretty much speaking from experience.
Poor quality in their products probably infers poor quality of data handling as well.

diy solar

diy solar