diy solar

diy solar

What software do most people use to monitor their system?

I use victron equipment with bluetooth. It also has an internet option.

i would be interested in seeing a monitoring device that would be able to constantly send something over the web and do recording. I’m sure it’s out there, but have not found something like that.

I think to do what I’m asking to interface with not just Victron but a JDB BMS and Samlex Inverter, I’d need to hack the source code and write some sort of program myself.
Samlex not. The modbus/canbus are behind an NDA &that's not easy.
I use Grafana open-source graphing software to generate graphs and a MySQL database for data storage.

It's not a very beginner-friendly setup and requires coding knowledge, but is pretty powerful/configurable to make it do what you want.

If someone wants a set-up guide, it's in our Wiki:

Share output of basic commands with not work
#mpp-solar -p /dev/hidraw2 -o screen -c /command from bellow one by one/
and same with
#mpp-solar -p /dev/hidraw2 -P IP30MAX -o screen -c /command from above one by one/
see the Audio-catalyst posts in ned kelley's issue tracker
Not clear how you try to connect and read data (here and in github)
there is a huge difference

Information you provide can be helpful for some fortuneteller not for forum members.
/but I hear forum fortuneteller is on vacation/
Not clear how you try to connect and read data (here and in github)
there is a huge difference

Information you provide can be helpful for some fortuneteller not for forum members.
/but I hear forum fortuneteller is on vacation/
it was connect through usb ,
query done by ssh

worked half, and tried for months, on all 3 inverters

bought solar assistant, same pi 4 , same cable worked instantly, never looked back

end off
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Easy solution for lazy people. :(
Will not buy something with I cant test before this, no matter what.

I have the abilities to develop my own system. I don't know what your time is worth but my time is worth at least 30 or $40 an hour and to develop something as Folsom and robust as solar assistant would take several hundred hours.
For less than $200 I have a very fulsome robust pre-made system including hardware.
To monitor eight or $9,000 worth of hardware.
Those several hundred hours saved I'd rather spend in my pool in my backyard with my grandkids.
So, lazy, no.

I have the abilities to develop my own system. I don't know what your time is worth but my time is worth at least 30 or $40 an hour and to develop something as Folsom and robust as solar assistant would take several hundred hours.
For less than $200 I have a very fulsome robust pre-made system including hardware.
To monitor eight or $9,000 worth of hardware.
Those several hundred hours saved I'd rather spend in my pool in my backyard with my grandkids.
So, lazy, no.
Explain detailed what change that?
Is there any way to get Solar assistant to work with Victron Multiplus ? Have just bought a Victron Multiplus 2 and trying the Venus OS but it is no where as good as Solar Assistant. I am almost to the point of taking the Victron back and buying something that uses Solar Assist.
Is there any way to get Solar assistant to work with Victron Multiplus ? Have just bought a Victron Multiplus 2 and trying the Venus OS but it is no where as good as Solar Assistant. I am almost to the point of taking the Victron back and buying something that uses Solar Assist.
ask on correct place

diy solar

diy solar