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diy solar

Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

I wish he would fix the Mobile view of the Charts. It's been an issue for a long time.
Also an Audible alarm for the Grid going down would be so useful.
I wish he would fix the Mobile view of the Charts. It's been an issue for a long time.
Also an Audible alarm for the Grid going down would be so useful.

Mobile view? What’s the issue? I look at it via phone and sometimes tablet and it seems fine to me.

I use Home Assistant to alert my phone to when there is a grid outage and when the grid returns.
I look at it via phone and sometimes tablet and it seems fine to me.
Agreed. I was just doing this today on my iPhone and iPad and a small Pi 4 touch screen running Ubuntu. The all looked perfect.

ill have to set up that automation for the grid Loss!

I was shocked yesterday to find out that if both the LV6548or LV6048 loose power (no battery or pv) they do NOT go into Grid bypass mode. It was 105 here and the inverters were at 63 degrees C Which is over their 50C operating max temp. So I called my wife to shut off the batteries and PV so the inverters wouldn't go into thermal shutdown. But instead of going into Grid bypass mode, They just shut down and you're S.O.L. - no power at all... So I'm installing a couple of DPDT 80amp relays for an automatic transfer switch function on the loss of the inverters. They'll be here Tue. I'll set up that automation then as well.

So the lesson here is that if it's night time and your batteries unexpectedly die or go into error mode (and SA is crashed), and you don't have a grid tx switch, you go down with no power... glad I figured this out now vs when it matters.

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Mobile view? What’s the issue? I look at it via phone and sometimes tablet and it seems fine to me.

I use Home Assistant to alert my phone to when there is a grid outage and when the grid returns.
On my iPhone when I select the charts the header takes up 3/4 of the screen. The Graphs are down at the bottom quarter and it's almost impossible to scroll through them much less see any data. Other people have also reported this problem. I suspect it works fine on Android and Chrome but not on my iPhone and Safari.
My iphone looks perfect. actual screenshot Pics attached. Iphone SE (the small one), iOS version 15.5, & safari. iPad also is fine. Brave browser on both is exactly the same.

perhaps clear your safari cache?


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On my iPhone when I select the charts the header takes up 3/4 of the screen. The Graphs are down at the bottom quarter and it's almost impossible to scroll through them much less see any data. Other people have also reported this problem. I suspect it works fine on Android and Chrome but not on my iPhone and Safari.
Some screen shots on my iPhone

I have no issue with the main screen, it’s the Charts option that does not work.
I can’t even see the charts most of the time because the top section uses the whole screen and blocks me from scrolling.
On my iPhone when I select the charts the header takes up 3/4 of the screen. The Graphs are down at the bottom quarter and it's almost impossible to scroll through them much less see any data. Other people have also reported this problem. I suspect it works fine on Android and Chrome but not on my iPhone and Safari.
I have the exact same issue using Android.
I've reported it to Pierre.
Why can't the charts tab header work the same as the other 4 tabs. ie. Scroll off the top of the screen.
Agreed. I was just doing this today on my iPhone and iPad and a small Pi 4 touch screen running Ubuntu. The all looked perfect.

ill have to set up that automation for the grid Loss!

I was shocked yesterday to find out that if both the LV6548or LV6048 loose power (no battery or pv) they do NOT go into Grid bypass mode. It was 105 here and the inverters were at 63 degrees C Which is over their 50C operating max temp. So I called my wife to shut off the batteries and PV so the inverters wouldn't go into thermal shutdown. But instead of going into Grid bypass mode, They just shut down and you're S.O.L. - no power at all... So I'm installing a couple of DPDT 80amp relays for an automatic transfer switch function on the loss of the inverters. They'll be here Tue. I'll set up that automation then as well.

So the lesson here is that if it's night time and your batteries unexpectedly die or go into error mode (and SA is crashed), and you don't have a grid tx switch, you go down with no power... glad I figured this out now vs when it matters.

50C is not max operating temp for the LV6548 and similar. It is the max Ambient temp that they can be placed in. The inverters will thermally shutdown at over 70C (72C i think, I can't remember exactly, but its a lot higher than you think.) I try and keep mine under 65C, but they will be totally fine at that temp.

I had a bad problem with temps when I installed mine, and I went back and forth with Ian at Watts247 and Andy from MPP. I was having problems with running into thermal shutdown because it was 115*F outside and they were running into the 70*C regularly. I ended up installing a small 5000BTU window AC in the inverter compartment and setting the compartment to stay under 92*F. It works perfect and they never get over 52*C.

Screenshot_20220717-064459_Samsung Internet.jpg

EDIT: This picture is also to show my Android working fine, and I can see plenty.
I wonder if it has to do with the scale on some phones? I have met many people with the scale on their phone much larger because its hard to read.
I wonder if it has to do with the scale on some phones? I have met many people with the scale on their phone much larger because its hard to read.
I am also perplexed. If it is a scale issue why does it only effect the Charts?
And BTW I also use an iPhone 8 :unsure:
50C is not max operating temp for the LV6548 and similar. It is the max Ambient temp that they can be placed in. The inverters will thermally shutdown at over 70C (72C i think, I can't remember exactly, but its a lot higher than you think.) I try and keep mine under 65C, but they will be totally fine at that temp.

I had a bad problem with temps when I installed mine, and I went back and forth with Ian at Watts247 and Andy from MPP. I was having problems with running into thermal shutdown because it was 115*F outside and they were running into the 70*C regularly. I ended up installing a small 5000BTU window AC in the inverter compartment and setting the compartment to stay under 92*F. It works perfect and they never get over 52*C.
REALLY GREAT info!!! Ok.... I should be ok. It rarely gets over 100 degrees here. inverters hover right around 65 max so I'm good.. --Jeff

Thanks to @wattmatters I can confirm it is a BUG!
If you go into (Settings-Safari-Page Zoom) you will probably see that your page Zoom is set above 100%. If you reduce it to 100% the Charts can be viewed. The bug in the software is that under Charts the Header does not scroll up no matter what Zoom setting I use. In all the other selections the header scrolls up so being at 150% Zoom is not an issue, it just that 100% allows you more space in Charts to get to the charts below and see them, even if the header is still stuck at the top.
The problem is the chart selection options (to choose chart time period and update frequency). I assume the header is fixed to keep those options available no matter which chart you are viewing.
Very possible but I do not see why anyone would really need it fixed in one spot. You could just scroll up and change it and come back down. If he thinks it's necessary then at least give us an option to enable it being fixed position or not.
More options for data integration than Home assistant would be nice to have. Something like a simple JSON API would do wonders. I did eventually get a MQTT broker setup to pull data but it seems like overkill when I just want to know basic status info.
Agreed. I was just doing this today on my iPhone and iPad and a small Pi 4 touch screen running Ubuntu. The all looked perfect.

ill have to set up that automation for the grid Loss!

I was shocked yesterday to find out that if both the LV6548or LV6048 loose power (no battery or pv) they do NOT go into Grid bypass mode. It was 105 here and the inverters were at 63 degrees C Which is over their 50C operating max temp. So I called my wife to shut off the batteries and PV so the inverters wouldn't go into thermal shutdown. But instead of going into Grid bypass mode, They just shut down and you're S.O.L. - no power at all... So I'm installing a couple of DPDT 80amp relays for an automatic transfer switch function on the loss of the inverters. They'll be here Tue. I'll set up that automation then as well.

So the lesson here is that if it's night time and your batteries unexpectedly die or go into error mode (and SA is crashed), and you don't have a grid tx switch, you go down with no power... glad I figured this out now vs when it matters.

That is not normal, I just double checked and mine immediately kicked over to bypass when I flipped the battery disconnect. I noticed this when I installed the shunt, it kicked back to bypass when I killed discharging through the BMS. It did have a bit of a longer delay than I would like though. Just enough to trip all the network switches despite being on UPS's.
Dark Theme.
Grafana supports a dark theme, why is it not a tick box option on Solar-Assistant?

You can tweak the URL to get the dark theme, and that's what I have done, but the front dashboard takes around 15 CSS tweaks to get 'dark'.
It really should be done right by the dev.
You can also enable 'High contrast' mode on your iPad to force a super ugly dark mode (which I love and use 24*7) on that device.

And yes, I have three broken (smashed screens) iPad dashboards for my hobbies on my window still.

The other thing I want to comment on is the JSON that @Riwall asked for.... No. Just no. JSON is a mess and is not needed
You can get the MQTT going in about 5-8 seconds. No broker needed since Solar Assistant is the broker. You simply need to subscribe.
The data is all all there, its not over kill. The basic data is right there. JSON needs so much overhead to support and parse, its just nuts.
Here are the topics that 1 inverter and 2 BMS provides from Solar-Assist.


So quick simple and clean.
Is there any way to get Solar assistant to work with Victron Multiplus ? Have just bought a Victron Multiplus 2 and trying the Venus OS but it is no where as good as Solar Assistant. I am almost to the point of taking the Victron back and buying something that uses Solar Assist.

diy solar

diy solar