diy solar

diy solar

Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

Coal is currently 21.8% of total energy production. I guess that may be considered a large portion. California has the largest percentage of EVs at 38% compared to other states. CA uses no coal for power generation.

But even if coal was 100%, using coal for power generation for EVs, that is more green than an ICE engine which is between 20 and 30% efficient.
Ya they have bought coal power from out of state from as an example Utah.
You must be stalking me? That's elder abuse. You found me on the internet and found out I am retired. That's the only way you could have possibly known that private and very personal info about me. You've been reported to the AARP and SPCA just for good measure. I'm calling the bank and am going to have them cut you off and the fbi is liable to show up and take your cell phone at any moment. I can't believe the admin here allows this travesty to continue. Shesh.
If you are worried about electric cars disrupting the grid, you should have a look at how rooftop solar production is disrupting the grid and conventional electricity production. Rooftop solar is growing faster than electric cars and we will need to consume/store that energy locally. Charging your car from solar at home would of course be ideal as it would kill two birds with one stone.

Utility companies around the world are pushing for regulation and taxation to protect their business models, but in the end the free market will prevail and utility companies will either adapt to these new realities, or go bankrupt (and potentially be nationalized)

Interesting times...
Even imported power was less than 3% from coal...and that was 2020. By 2026, 0% will be from coal.

Everything cali is doing does not matter.
You will be sitting in your EV trying to charge during a rolling blackout, breathing the air coming over from China.

China is Currently Building Over Half of The World's New Coal-based Power Plants. In 2021, China began building 33 gigawatts of coal-based power generation, according to the Helsinki-based Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA).Jun 28, 2022
Everything cali is doing does not matter.
You will be sitting in your EV trying to charge during a rolling blackout, breathing the air coming over from China.

China is Currently Building Over Half of The World's New Coal-based Power Plants. In 2021, China began building 33 gigawatts of coal-based power generation, according to the Helsinki-based Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA).Jun 28, 2022
Funny...I have never had a rolling blackout in any of my 3 houses here. I think I will survive.

Meanwhile, you will be in South Carolina with your major crime and medical care issues!
Funny...I have never had a rolling blackout in any of my 3 houses here. I think I will survive.

Meanwhile, you will be in South Carolina with your major crime and medical care issues!
Nah, not worried about crime. You are allowed to protect yourself here in this "Free" state. Tons of folks carry, so there is always a good guy with a gun around to take care of any perp.
Everything cali is doing does not matter.
You will be sitting in your EV trying to charge during a rolling blackout, breathing the air coming over from China.

China is Currently Building Over Half of The World's New Coal-based Power Plants. In 2021, China began building 33 gigawatts of coal-based power generation, according to the Helsinki-based Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA).Jun 28, 2022
Hey fool...LOL...I have driven an EV since 2017 and never once was unable to charge my car when I wanted to.

However, if you are in Texas that might be a problem at times...of course you won't be able to buy gasoline either.
Everything cali is doing does not matter.
You will be sitting in your EV trying to charge during a rolling blackout, breathing the air coming over from China.

China is Currently Building Over Half of The World's New Coal-based Power Plants. In 2021, China began building 33 gigawatts of coal-based power generation, according to the Helsinki-based Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA).Jun 28, 2022
You must've read Science by Herschel Walker.
Not compared to South Carolina!
You can walk around downtown Charleston SC with your young children. Homeless is almost non existent. There may be a couple druggies, but those have been showing up recently, as more drugs cross the border under obiden. Nobody hitting you up for change, and it feels very safe, even though there are probably more minorities than LA. Everyone calls you sir or maam, and say God Bless when departing. It feels like the US in the 50's. No bars on windows. Doors unlocked. Armed civilians everywhere. A feeling of true freedom. I lived and worked in NYC for decades. Rudy Gulliani turned NYC into disneyland. Now its more like sodom.
As a software executive, I travelled 6 days a week for over a decade, and during that time, I personally saw the rot occuring in some once wonderful cities. San Francisco used to be one of my favorite cities. Now its a shithole. Denver was awesome! Now its too dangerous. Chicago was booming. Now its burning.
St Louis now looks like Dresden after WW2. Baltimore is now Satans waiting room. Dont even mention Philly. Zombies.
I am so disillusioned as a longtime registered democrat. Never again. Repubicans are just as bad. The entire country is in a tailspin. The only one with a plan was Trump. Hope he wins in 2024.
Facts are a weird thing. Murder rate by City 2021. Charleston is not on the list.
Murders have ZOOMED under Obiden, but it seems mostly in democrat cities.


  • CPSI Working Paper 2022.01_Homicide Paper 1.pdf
    372.5 KB · Views: 5
You can walk around downtown Charleston SC with your young children. Homeless is almost non existent. There may be a couple druggies, but those have been showing up recently, as more drugs cross the border under obiden. Nobody hitting you up for change, and it feels very safe, even though there are probably more minorities than LA. Everyone calls you sir or maam, and say God Bless when departing. It feels like the US in the 50's. No bars on windows. Doors unlocked. Armed civilians everywhere. A feeling of true freedom. I lived and worked in NYC for decades. Rudy Gulliani turned NYC into disneyland. Now its more like sodom.
As a software executive, I travelled 6 days a week for over a decade, and during that time, I personally saw the rot occuring in some once wonderful cities. San Francisco used to be one of my favorite cities. Now its a shithole. Denver was awesome! Now its too dangerous. Chicago was booming. Now its burning.
St Louis now looks like Dresden after WW2. Baltimore is now Satans waiting room. Dont even mention Philly. Zombies.
I am so disillusioned as a longtime registered democrat. Never again. Repubicans are just as bad. The entire country is in a tailspin. The only one with a plan was Trump. Hope he wins in 2024.
You mean Charleston that has A Democrat as the mayor... that city?
That depends. The stats merely refer to "homicide"
If of the victim, that is a problem. If of the perp, it's all good.
Sure that would be great, if it were I am sure the NRA would love to see research that, sadly the opposite is true. "For more than 20 years, Congress has deterred federal funding for gun violence research by including a provision known as the Dickey Amendment in annual appropriations legislation."

What we do know is that it is a myth that guns are mostly used by people to protect themselves, most gun related deaths are suicide.

"Violence is a serious public health issue in the U.S. This research compares the US and other high-income countries in terms of violent death. We used data from the World Health Organization for populous, high-income countries. Data from CDC's WISQARS and WONDER systems were used to assess mortality data among US white and non-white populations and in low-, medium-, and high-gun states in 2015. Death rates per 100,000 populations were calculated overall, by age, and by sex. Poisson and negative binomial regression were used to test for significance. The homicide rate in the US was 7.5 times higher than the homicide rate in the other high-income countries combined, which was largely attributable to a firearm homicide rate that was 24.9 times higher. The overall firearm death rate was 11.4 times higher in the US than in other high-income countries. In this dataset, 83.7% of all firearm deaths, 91.6% of women killed by guns, and 96.7% of all children aged 0-4 years killed by guns were from the US. Firearm homicide rates were 36 times higher in high-gun US states and 13.5 times higher in low-gun US states than the firearm homicide rate in other high-income countries combined. The firearm homicide rate among the US white population was 12 times higher than the firearm homicide rate in other high-income countries. The US firearm death rate increased between 2003 and 2015 and decreased in other high-income countries. The US continues to be an outlier among high-income countries with respect to firearm deaths."

But by all means, lets get more guns, that will solve the problem lol.
Sure that would be great, if it were I am sure the NRA would love to see research that, sadly the opposite is true. "For more than 20 years, Congress has deterred federal funding for gun violence research by including a provision known as the Dickey Amendment in annual appropriations legislation."

What we do know is that it is a myth that guns are mostly used by people to protect themselves, most gun related deaths are suicide.

"Violence is a serious public health issue in the U.S. This research compares the US and other high-income countries in terms of violent death. We used data from the World Health Organization for populous, high-income countries. Data from CDC's WISQARS and WONDER systems were used to assess mortality data among US white and non-white populations and in low-, medium-, and high-gun states in 2015. Death rates per 100,000 populations were calculated overall, by age, and by sex. Poisson and negative binomial regression were used to test for significance. The homicide rate in the US was 7.5 times higher than the homicide rate in the other high-income countries combined, which was largely attributable to a firearm homicide rate that was 24.9 times higher. The overall firearm death rate was 11.4 times higher in the US than in other high-income countries. In this dataset, 83.7% of all firearm deaths, 91.6% of women killed by guns, and 96.7% of all children aged 0-4 years killed by guns were from the US. Firearm homicide rates were 36 times higher in high-gun US states and 13.5 times higher in low-gun US states than the firearm homicide rate in other high-income countries combined. The firearm homicide rate among the US white population was 12 times higher than the firearm homicide rate in other high-income countries. The US firearm death rate increased between 2003 and 2015 and decreased in other high-income countries. The US continues to be an outlier among high-income countries with respect to firearm deaths."

But by all means, lets get more guns, that will solve the problem lol.
If the victims were able to be armed to protect themselves, those numbers would be dramatically different.
Gov hocul in NY is now also banning armor, so kids cannot bring bullet proof backpacks to school. That is insane.
Disarm all politicians first. No more security guards, cause guns are dangerous!
There are statistics showing guns used far more often to stop a crime in progress.
I didn't track down reliable sources, but many right-wing media sources popped up, e.g.:

When you consider that the U.S. has more privately owned firearms than people, more than all the guns of all the military in the world put together, it becomes apparent that the rate of gun violence compared to gun availability is quite small. I perceive that the problem is primarily justice system using kid gloves on violent criminals, catch-and-release, and the hogtying of law abiding citizens who would otherwise defend themselves and make violent criminals a dying breed.

We are allowed to use all necessary force to defend ourselves and others from certain crimes, including robbery, rape, murder. We do get to defend ourselves at home, and since past supreme court decisions, possession of a firearm at home has been a right. If someone enters a home by force in California, the resident may legally presume he is in danger of death or serious bodily harm (unless the intrude is current/former significant other, roommate, family member.) But outside the home has largely been gun-free zones (except for guns carried by criminals, who therefore have the upper hand.)
Haha. Any Floridians here unfortunate to have bought into Bidens EV mandate BS? Surprise! Youre Dead!
(Ode to the greatest band in the universe)
While most normal people are evacuating to safety with a simple fill up at the gas station, EV owners are stuck fighting for the few recharge stations. Whats the projected range of an EV stuck in evacuation traffic in florida summer with the AC on? In the dozens of miles.
How many people will die before we revolt against liberal stupidity? How many of you will post silly flippant responses while real people die in the storm surge, in dead EVs?
There are statistics showing guns used far more often to stop a crime in progress.
I didn't track down reliable sources, but many right-wing media sources popped up, e.g.:

When you consider that the U.S. has more privately owned firearms than people, more than all the guns of all the military in the world put together, it becomes apparent that the rate of gun violence compared to gun availability is quite small. I perceive that the problem is primarily justice system using kid gloves on violent criminals, catch-and-release, and the hogtying of law abiding citizens who would otherwise defend themselves and make violent criminals a dying breed.

We are allowed to use all necessary force to defend ourselves and others from certain crimes, including robbery, rape, murder. We do get to defend ourselves at home, and since past supreme court decisions, possession of a firearm at home has been a right. If someone enters a home by force in California, the resident may legally presume he is in danger of death or serious bodily harm (unless the intrude is current/former significant other, roommate, family member.) But outside the home has largely been gun-free zones (except for guns carried by criminals, who therefore have the upper hand.)
Without taking a stance on the gun issue in general, that article is about as biased as it gets and cherry picks its stats in the worst way. For instance suggesting Vermonts low crime rate is due to gun ownership.
The basic stat it ignores is that gun owners and their families are far more likely to be killed by guns than non owners.
I agree with the premise that outlawing guns leaves more outlaws with guns. However the idea that a society with everyone walking around armed is going to be safer is just silly. It means the tool we all have to solve our problems is ultimately going to be a gun.
Most strong gun proponents imagine themselves as the good guy who is going to be there to save the day from all the bad guys- oh, and he always gets the drop on everyone else.
San Diego county has some of the most restrictive concealed carry permitting in the country. IIRC at any given time there are only a few hundred permits active in a county with 3 million residents. Nobody, and I mean nobody, here is armed. Not concealed, open carry, or in vehicles. Yet we have one of the lowest violent crime rates in the nation.
And that is fine by me.

Edit: CCW permits currently stand at 418 per 100k residents in SD county, amongst the lowest in the state and nation.
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diy solar

diy solar