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Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

BTW time is also revealing Trumps covid response was perfect and Fauci was a literal psychopath, and knew all along it came from a Wuhan lab. Since Trump was criticized for closing travel from China its not a stretch to think the Chinese, allied with Democrats, plotted the whole thing to remove Trump.
So the rest of the world was in on this "scheme too"....all to get Trump? Go back into your closet.
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There is no formal nor even defined action for a President to declassify documents. It can be easily construed that by a President removing a classified document from government property he is declassifying it. Otherwise why hasn't Obama been prosecuted for the classified documents that were found in his collection that is stored in an unguarded warehouse outside Chicago? Hillary OTOH was never President, and the documents that were found on her server were from after Bill was President so she has no defense.

As for Trump having evidence on Hunter, what good would that do? There is plenty of evidence on the laptop that the FBI, DoJ and media keep trying to bury, but nothing has been done.
There is no formal nor even defined action for a President to declassify documents. It can be easily construed that by a President removing a classified document from government property he is declassifying it. Otherwise why hasn't Obama been prosecuted for the classified documents that were found in his collection that is stored in an unguarded warehouse outside Chicago? Hillary OTOH was never President, and the documents that were found on her server were from after Bill was President so she has no defense.

As for Trump having evidence on Hunter, what good would that do? There is plenty of evidence on the laptop that the FBI, DoJ and media keep trying to bury, but nothing has been done.
National Archives had sole custody of Obama's documents in Chicago and they came out with a statement in mid August that none were even classified.

Gotta love the right wing conspiracy theories.
Surely you are not serious. (I can't stop laughing)
So then explain exactly what the contents of the documents were, why Trump would have taken them, and why the DOJ wanted them so badly. You cant so my speculation is as good as anyone elses.
I mean its not like the Presidents son is not up to his eyeballs in scandal, and the deep state hasnt been trying to get Trump since day 1.
So the rest of the world was in on this "scheme too"....all to get Trump? Go back into your closet.

Who said anything about "the rest of the world"? Typical liberal, pervert facts or you dont have an argument. The virus came from CHINA. NOT the rest of the world. Hell you could unleash this thing with the participation and knowledge of less than 100 people.
A focus of Trumps policies had long been restraining Chinas trade offenses. Youre pretending it wouldnt be in their best interests if Biden were elected not Trump?
Hell theyd already paid Hunter millions of dollars. We know China loves the Bidens.
I knew once the meds were off you would come back.

The latest conspiracy you have is that documents implicate Hunter Biden? Are you really that completely nuts...oh thought people were chasing you with direct energy weapons.

The rest of your rant is just ridiculous. Trump was not robbed. Most normal, non election denier Republicans, also don't claim he was robbed....or were is it your conspiracy theory that they were also in on the fix.
The election was rigged. Period.

Surely you are not serious. (I can't stop laughing)
Theres evidence out there indicating corruption by Joe Biden for his son.

Maybe Trump wanted to clear his name over the first fake impeachment.
I would have accepted for Bin Laden to be tried in another country.

Yes, but it show yet again that making decisions in anger, like invading other nations, is dumb. Bin Laden was ultimate found and killed not in Afghanistan, but in Pakistan.

The taliban initially offered bin laden be tried in afghanistan if we offered evidence.
As it appeared we were about to attack them, on Oct 4, 2001, they offered he be extradited to Pakistan to be tried under Sharia law by an Islamic court.
We began to bomb afghanistan on Oct 7.
It wasnt until Oct 15 that the taliban offered extradition to a "3rd country" and even then they put conditions on it that it wouldnt be a country under US influence.
The fact he WAS ultimately harbored in Pakistan proves the offers made before we attacked them were unacceptable.

even though there were indications at the time that they were being manufactured.

Provide this evidence. And if it even existed how would this override an NIE?
But lets see what you got. I think youre making this up.
History shows that I was right, The war cost Trillions and nothing good came from it.

Dumb. Fallacious logic. You dont have a crystal ball to find out what happened when we pulled out, Saddam rearmed and attacked his neighbors.
There were 2,456 United States military deaths in the War in Afghanistan. And more than 70,000 Afghan and Pakistani civilians are estimated to have died as a direct result of the war.

Yeah right, everyones a civilian if they are cowards fighting out of uniform.

I am not going to argue who the biggest state sponsor of terrorism is


After refusing the offer of the Afghan government (which I loath btw) to send Osama Bin Laden for trial abroad, I think it was the only acceptable outcome for Americans. I would have preferred to see him tried for his vile crimes, rather than seeing him turned into a martyr.

As I briefly outlined above that is a false representation of the Talibans offers.
And there was no "Afghan government" in 2001. The taliban was not officially recognized as their government by anyone but a couple of fringe Islamic states. They could not even have guaranteed security if an extradition had been agreed upon which was why Pakistans prime minister refused to be involved with and transfer into his country before we attacked the taliban.

Your entire position on this matter is based on a false pretense.

Actually, 9/11 stems from Jewish occupation of Palestine and the treatment of Palestinians. This was and is supported by many countries in the West, including the US.

Wrong. Thats the third and least significant of three points that Al Qaeda stated in their 1998 fatwa. The first two were directly related to our policies containing Saddam. Ill provide that document shortly to prove this to you.
That is the statistic I read too. Maybe if it was broken down further, a pattern would emerge.

I think most of the harm to family is from unsecured guns. A San Jose cop's son found his personal handgun in night stand and shot himself with it. I read the DA's tortured 4-page argument why there was no criminal negligence, e.g. "his service weapon was left on the bed with blanket covering it, and holster was so tight child would not have been able to draw" "He often kept loaded gun on a high shelf, child would not have been able to reach."

Other times, a gun is taken away from the person. Happened to a lady from my school and work. She was apparently in the habit of carrying a gun when walking her dog, lived at her parents' house in Hayward. Someone took it and used it on her.

Also domestic violence.

I think if one always has gun secured (e.g. in fingerprint safe) or else in concealed holster, much of the risk is avoided.

With CCW process involving $hundreds and training and paperwork, I don't think that will in particular lead to poorly vetted people carrying legally. I think the people who are a problem will largely continue to carry not in compliance, and will continue to have access to guns at home or in vehicle. Legalizing law abiding citizens carrying after jumping through hoops not likely increase illegal violence.

In Oakland (?) someone said they were going to have to spend a huge amount of money performing background checks on CCW applicants to make sure they weren't going to do the next mass shooting ?!

Its safe to assume that if legal CCW and open carry become more common, more guns will actually be stolen from people and end up on the black market and in the hands of criminals. Lets face it people are going to treat their guns like another cumbersome accesory to tote around, and will leave it in their car when going to a restaurant or movie where it will be stolen by thieves.
Provide this evidence
From the Downing street memo's

"The Defence Secretary said that the US had already begun "spikes of activity" to put pressure on the regime. No decisions had been taken, but he thought the most likely timing in US minds for military action to begin was January, with the timeline beginning 30 days before the US Congressional elections.

The Foreign Secretary said he would discuss this with Colin Powell this week. It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.

The Attorney-General said that the desire for regime change was not a legal base for military action. There were three possible legal bases: self-defence, humanitarian intervention, or UNSC authorisation. The first and second could not be the base in this case. Relying on UNSCR 1205 of three years ago would be difficult. The situation might of course change."

Even republicans were upset, like the former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Ronald Reagan.

And have a look at the false "yellowcake uranium" claim

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Dumb. Fallacious logic. You dont have a crystal ball to find out what happened when we pulled out, Saddam rearmed and attacked his neighbors.
Sadam was a dick, but surely you don't want to invade countries because their leaders are dicks in your view, right?
Wrong. Thats the third and least significant of three points that Al Qaeda stated in their 1998 fatwa. The first two were directly related to our policies containing Saddam. Ill provide that document shortly to prove this to you.

That is what Osama Bin Laden claimed as his motivation.

Did you know Israel was founded in part by illegal imigrants to Palestine? And that to this day Jews can easily migrate to Israel, but Palestinian refugees are not allowed to return to their home?
The election was rigged. Period. couldn't even make it through high school. Take your lithium and get some sleep.
Oct. 14, 2001 -- The United States today rejected yet another offer by Afghanistan's ruling Taliban to turn over Osama bin Laden for trial in a third country if the U.S. presents evidence against bin Laden and stops air attacks.

We had already been bombing the country for a week when they made that offer. But then I already told you this.
From the Downing street memo's

"The Defence Secretary said that the US had already begun "spikes of activity" to put pressure on the regime. No decisions had been taken, but he thought the most likely timing in US minds for military action to begin was January, with the timeline beginning 30 days before the US Congressional elections.

The Foreign Secretary said he would discuss this with Colin Powell this week. It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.

The Attorney-General said that the desire for regime change was not a legal base for military action. There were three possible legal bases: self-defence, humanitarian intervention, or UNSC authorisation. The first and second could not be the base in this case. Relying on UNSCR 1205 of three years ago would be difficult. The situation might of course change."

Even republicans were upset, like the former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Ronald Reagan.

And have a look at the false "yellowcake uranium" claim

Ha. You have NOTHING. What report did legislaters have in their hands which would have greater significance than a NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE?

Youve provided zero evidence.

Joe Wilson never even filed a report. He made false claims to the media MONTHS after the war began.

Downing st memo claims Bush made up his mind to go to war already. OF COURSE HE DID, HOW DOES THAT PROVE THAT ANYONE KNEW SADDAM HAD DISARMED OR THAT HE HAD DISARMED?

Why do I care to argue with the unreasonable? Get back to me when you can prove your claims as anything but revisionist history. Youre just throwing silly innuendo up like Im dumb enough to buy it.

For the last time. Congress and the white house both requested an NIE be produced on Iraq WMD. Their votes on the joint resolution was based on that. NOT ONE SINGLE DOCUMENT was issued by any US intelligence agency before the war that contradicted its judgements. AND failure to find WMD is not evidence that none existed before the invasion.
That is what Osama Bin Laden claimed as his motivation.

Did you know Israel was founded in part by illegal imigrants to Palestine? And that to this day Jews can easily migrate to Israel, but Palestinian refugees are not allowed to return to their home?
In 1996. In his own fatwa, which was superceded by the 1998 fatwa in which all al qaeda leaders were signatory to.
Did you know that youre just trying to be obtuse rather than admit you were wrong?.

Al qaeda was pissed that our iraq policy was harming arab muslims. If they were only pissed at israel about palestinians why did they attack the US? Oh darn those facts again.

I dont give a **** about jews or palestinians, if you want to make a big deal about it go back to the UN and 1948. The holocaust was kind of on peoples minds then. That has nothing to do with this argument which is that our Iraq policy had to drastically change because of 9/11. Bin Laden signed the 1998 fatwa.

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