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diy solar

Monitor JK BMS with Solar Assistant?

I have one of those cheap TTL-USB for Arduino project. That might work. Then my RS485 to USB adapter is pretty much useless too. Oh well, at least I can get this thing to work without waiting for parts.
I have one of those cheap TTL-USB for Arduino project. That might work. Then my RS485 to USB adapter is pretty much useless too. Oh well, at least I can get this thing to work without waiting for parts.
It might work and it might not. Mine did not with any method.
Feedback: I tried the Jikong RS-485 and USB-RS-485 on my JK BMS connected as they recommend and it works great. You need the correct version of RS-485. There is two of them.
Feedback: I tried the Jikong RS-485 and USB-RS-485 on my JK BMS connected as they recommend and it works great. You need the correct version of RS-485. There is two of them.
can you list exactly what you used?
Hankzor BMS store on Ali express. "RS-485 of B2A8S20P" is it called. There is one that is only called RS-485. I have a B2A8S20P so I chose that version. The USB to RS-485 is the regular black one with 3 green terminals A+B+GND for like $7.
I'm using Home Assistant, not Solar assistant, but will SA not allow you to just connect via BT using an ESP32?

I'm able to run wireless with the ESP32 connecting to the JK via BT, then uploading the data via WIFI, but I'm not sure how the SA interfaces. In my scenario, its easier than fiddling with those tiny cables, and wondering if it might be an option for SA also.
I'm using Home Assistant, not Solar assistant, but will SA not allow you to just connect via BT using an ESP32?

I'm able to run wireless with the ESP32 connecting to the JK via BT, then uploading the data via WIFI, but I'm not sure how the SA interfaces. In my scenario, its easier than fiddling with those tiny cables, and wondering if it might be an option for SA also.
Ah ok. I will just do without it. Sadly.
If your bms has a console port and uses pylontech protocol - check out this project which is set up to report to home assistant .
It will work with either esp32 or raspberry pi.
I'd rather not have another rasp pi. Have one already with solar assistant. Don't think jk bms support pylontech. Solar Assistant will have to do. It does provide battery info but not accurate of course.
Hi i just finish setup my connection with inverter must pv1800 and bms jk 8s
for help i can tell you buy cheapest usb ttl converter what you found and it wil work ! i use ft232 rs232 ttl inverter price like 10Euro and its not working then i order cheapest 1 euro in Poland and its working great in my case i use 8s bms witch 7s settings focus on the connector i have opositive way according to picture from seller i should have +21v on right but on my right pin its gnd! look on the picture ;) ps to connect to the bms i use connector from old laptop fan its 3 pin


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New features:

  • Add support for SRNE Split-phase inverter
  • Add support for Deye 20kW and larger inverter.
  • Read JK BMS highest, lowest and average cell voltage.
  • Experimental support for Eskom load shedding schedules under configuration -> advanced.

  • Correct problem where certain settings editable in web UI is not editable via MQTT.


New features:

  • Add support for SRNE Split-phase inverter
  • Add support for Deye 20kW and larger inverter.
  • Read JK BMS highest, lowest and average cell voltage.
  • Experimental support for Eskom load shedding schedules under configuration -> advanced.

  • Correct problem where certain settings editable in web UI is not editable via MQTT.
Just what the Dr. ordered. Too bad I'll have to wait till it's out of beta.
I found the replies on this thread super helpful so I wanted to share I have a JK B2A20S20P-Heat-CAN that I got working with Solar Assistant. This particular BMS comes with cables for the in built RS485/Can port that I could not get working no matter what I tried. However with the JK RS485 thinger plugged into the GPS port on the BMS and connected to my Gen 1 RPi Zero using this RS485 adaptor worked first try, along with my Sunsynk inverter. I had to use a powered USB hub as the Pi W struggles with powering multiple USB devices. I planned to upgrade the Pi but you can't buy official ones for love nor money in the UK and they only support the old Orange Pi 3 T. I am hoping if I hang on they will add something newer to the supported list.

It is pretty slick for relatively cheep software. Install and upgrade is easy. I like how up to date the monitoring is even on my very old Pi W and that I can see some actual battery details when away from home. The Home Assistant integration is easier than with the SunSynk dongle. However, like many I am underwhelmed by the functionality at this stage. My inverter came with the SunSynk dongle which only updates every minute (and you often need to refresh the app to see the data), so this is an improvement. The Sunsynk dongle also does not integrate with JK BMS so some of the battery information is implied or estimated. However the Sunsynk dongle does a much better job of letting you adjust the settings on the inverter and the data you get through Solar Assistant from the JK is better but still pretty limited even with the beta and you can not make any adjustments. There are several things I adjust daily on the SunSynk that I can not get to with Solar Connect and if I only had this would need to use the buttons on the inverter often

I will reserve judgement until have finished integrating it with Home Assistant, perhaps more options are exposed over MQTT, and also look forward to the rumored automation capabilities in the future. I was happy to pay for it for now but may ultimately go back to just an open source project when I have more time to do so, which will also be when I have the time to require more than this data for automation.
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@sw25481 I edited the link in your post because affiliate links are not allowed. Don't use link shorteners, etc. - just link directly without the 'ref=' etc.
Thanks for the tip Admin. Ironically I just used the little share button you get next to the picture on Amazon as that is recommended on other forums, but I don't mind at all that each forum has its own rules to protect members and I will be more careful.

diy solar

diy solar