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diy solar

Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

Yet another name calling expert. think a person who thinks people are "gang stalking" him with direct energy weapons is a sane/smart person? Personally, I would call that person a moron. think a person who thinks people are "gang stalking" him with direct energy weapons is a sane/smart person? Personally, I would call that person a moron.
Youve never been wrong about something?
Youre amazing. Tell us how you do it.

Ill tell you what a moron is. Someone who comes here to talk about ME. Thats all you seem to want to do, keep talking about me. Thats all you got because when it turns to the topic of discussion youre gonna get owned. Like buying a puppy and kicking it home one step at a time.
If I gave a shit about you it would be intereresting to count your posting history, how many were topically relevent and how many were just juvenile personal attacks. Oh youre a real fucking Einstein.
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"Since we arrived in Iraq, we have conducted more than 400 inspections covering more than 300 sites. All inspections were performed without notice, and access was almost always provided promptly. In no case have we seen convincing evidence that the Iraqi side knew in advance that the inspectors were coming."

That is not how it works sunshine, you have to prove that those WoMD existed. You can not prove something does not exist.

You can assert that the UN report showed that no WoMD were found by the inspectors before the invasion, that no WoMD were found after the invasion and that there were serious shortcomings in the intelligence gathering.

There were instances of outright lying, for example ambassador Joseph Wilson had to go public on the false allegation that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger.

His wife, a covert CIA agent (and her colleagues) was exposed by the Bush administration in retaliation.

It is possible that pink unicorns exist. Fact.

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence." -- Christopher Hitchens.
Youre posting lies and you know it.

Wilson "had to go public"?

Thats very interesting.

Tell us, when Dick Cheney sent a request to the CIA that they send someone to Niger to check out the yellowcake story, how is it that a state dept employee got sent instead?
If Dick Cheney was knowingly lying about yellowcake in Niger, why would he ask the CIA to send someone to check it out?

Wilson is a liar.
Just like you. That passage you posted is irrelevent and you know it.

The UN was the leader in making claims about Saddams WMD because they were profiting hugely from the oil for food program.

So tell us what became of Joe Wilson after the senate intelligence report came out.
Everything in that Times piece by Wilson is a goddamn lie.

Which is why you posted it. Its all you know.
Everything in that Times piece by Wilson is a goddamn lie.

Which is why you posted it. Its all you know.


The Telegraph reported on Saturday that Swiss officials have drafted emergency proposals that restrict power usage if things get bad this winter.​

No crypto mining and forget about charging your EV.

This massive push to EVs is so shortsighted.

The Telegraph reported on Saturday that Swiss officials have drafted emergency proposals that restrict power usage if things get bad this winter.​

No crypto mining and forget about charging your EV.

This massive push to EVs is so shortsighted.
Aren’t those areas the highest EV adoption?
I believe they are which goes back to my point about pushing out EVs before you have the capacity. We saw the same warning in California over the summer.
They had the capacity genius, until the fossil fuels became unreliable due to Russia's war. Furthermore, their energy crunch is limited to the winter time when their massive hydroelectric investment falls short. Once the temperatures warm up, they're no longer dependent on the fossil fuels.

It is their investment into carbon free energy sources that is going to save them and limit their hardship to just a few months a year.
Aren’t those areas the highest EV adoption?
I saw one report that said EVs in Switzerland are only two percent. Also the ban is only during level 3 events and only applies to non essential driving.
EDIT: The information varies a lot from 2.6 percent to 38 percent of the market. I have not found a consistent source
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I saw one report that said EVs in Switzerland are only two percent. Also the ban is only during level 3 events and only applies to non essential driving.

22% in sales of last year, still looking for the counts.
Update: Switzerland was 14.3% EV in 2020.

Depending on how I frame the query ...
That gave me the idea to look up EV registrations. So, if the U.S. had 1,454,480 EV registrations in 2021 and the population is 331.900 M, then 0.4%?


So, if Switzerland has 40k EVs registered and a population of 8.698M, then .4% in 2021?
Norway with a population of 5.408M is 2%?
That gave me the idea to look up EV registrations. So, if the U.S. had 1,454,480 EV registrations in 2021 and the population is 331.900 M, then 0.4%?
Only 209M citizens in the U.S. are old enough to drive, so 0.7%? Probably higher as some folks don't own cars.
Only 209M citizens in the U.S. are old enough to drive, so 0.7%? Probably higher as some folks don't own cars.
There's a big difference between most countries and the USA in the number of miles the average person travels. Like most things, the meaning of pure data is quite limited without context.

Only 209M citizens in the U.S. are old enough to drive, so 0.7%? Probably higher as some folks don't own cars.

Those of us who do, make up for it. I own 5.
Out of the 289.6 million cars here.

They had the capacity genius, until the fossil fuels became unreliable due to Russia's war. Furthermore, their energy crunch is limited to the winter time when their massive hydroelectric investment falls short. Once the temperatures warm up, they're no longer dependent on the fossil fuels.

It is their investment into carbon free energy sources that is going to save them and limit their hardship to just a few months a year.stsx
Youre saying that Californias energy production is reliant on Russian petroleum, and the war in Ukraine is why California sent messages to not charge EVs.

Youre saying that Californias energy production is reliant on Russian petroleum, and the war in Ukraine is why California sent messages to not charge EVs.

I read your manifesto, please seek mental health services.
The long term green plan is using citizen’s power to support the grid.

Wait until you wake up 10 years from now hoping “they” didn’t have an event overnight that required “them” to dip into your car or grid tied system’s battery capacity.
Aren’t those areas the highest EV adoption?
It is misreporting...

"A recent draft proposal in Switzerland for how to handle emergencies due to blackouts caused by a shortage of electrical power has raised some attention. In the proposal, if an emergency gets to the 3rd stage, many uses of electricity are discouraged or forbidden. The one that has gotten the most attention is a rule that nonessential driving in electric cars would be curtailed."

"The reality is fortunately not that scary. It’s just a draft, not a regulation yet, and it’s pretty unlikely to happen. If it should, it will be a time when people are being asked to do a lot, even turn down their heat. In addition, wars that shut off oil and gas supplies are just as likely, if not more likely, to cause gasoline shortages with similar curtailments of driving those vehicles."

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