diy solar

diy solar

Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

I didn't realise there was an option to change colours. Never thought to click on them before but they work same as Grafana, which is the charting engine SA uses.

I'd say the colours are not user definable.

Solar production defaults to yellow, load is blue, grid is red, battery is black/green.
I only found it about two months ago but since it wont keep the setting i found it to be useless.
I only found it about two months ago but since it wont keep the setting i found it to be useless.
So would it be fair to ask that it be added to the wish list? It's pretty handy to know which solar strings is which and differentiating between all the individual and total values
Just looked at the latest update and it's just more Inverters and Batteries being added again:mad:
It's really nice to now have SA working with my eFlex batteries using the same port on my Sol-Ark 12K.
I was almost at the brink of giving up on SA because the low winter PV was giving me really inaccurate SOK numbers because the batteries could never fully recharge.
It's really nice to now have SA working with my eFlex batteries using the same port on my Sol-Ark 12K.
I was almost at the brink of giving up on SA because the low winter PV was giving me really inaccurate SOK numbers because the batteries could never fully recharge.
I remember you explaining why it was not possible to use your closed-loop communication with your batteries and use SA to monitor them at the same time. So I wonder what has changed since then? Care to explain. Just out of curiosity.
Hi All

Has anyone had any luck with home assistant energy dashboard and solar assistant sensors ?

I can't see any stats according to their documents.

I connect via mqtt
Hello, I have a question or a suggestion to improve Solarassistant:
It's cold here in Europe now and since RPI is running all the time and I would like to monitor the temperature in more places, would it be possible to add support for Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensors.RPI can do this, unfortunately solarassistant is a closed system, if we can connect JKBMS according to the instructions, this should not be a problem.
I don't know if it was mentioned because I just discovered the thread and after 3 pages reading I've got tired.
I requested a backup solution few months ago and today in another email.

1. This datalogger needs a backup option: usb local, network share, ftp, cloud, automated, manualetc. The memory cards are prone to data corruption.
A workaround would be to share by samba service the data folders so that an external machine to be able to copy remotely and build archives.

2. A soft autorestart solution is also needed (based on pinging the DHCP server). It is the third time in 2 weeks the solarassistant machine keeps running but inaccessible. All the ports are closed (even 1883 for the MQTT). I suppose the web server, web proxy and MQTT services crashed.
I still have to investigate if it is a local network problem or it is the PiZero2W SA machine issue because it does not respond to ping.
However after power on restart the historic data are there which proved the datalogger was still working but not available on the network.
I use an adapter an usb to 3usb+ETH for my PiZero2W, so I have dual connection (wifi and wire).
Especially I wanted wired connection to eliminate the wifi issues.
I rule out any connectivity issue since on the same switch (recent installed) is connected the Home Assistant server which is accessible.
(Right now I am not at home to be able to physically restart the SBC. Probably I would build a power interrupt relay controlled by the ESP32 I have hear the SA machine or even by the HA machine)

Hello, I have a question or a suggestion to improve Solarassistant:
It's cold here in Europe now and since RPI is running all the time and I would like to monitor the temperature in more places, would it be possible to add support for Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensors.RPI can do this, unfortunately solarassistant is a closed system, if we can connect JKBMS according to the instructions, this should not be a problem.
You can set up OpenHab server or Home Assistant on a second SBC machine and use as many sensors you wish either locally connected, by using independent remote temperature sensors or even an ESP8266/ESP32 with 10x DS18B20 network (sonoff basic with tasmota or ESPHome)
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Having it work with epever all in one hi series inverters would be nice, but i think thats down to epever being awkward....
My solar assistant just stopped working at 5am.

It doesnt seem to want to boot but i see the device name on the router and it has been assigned an IP address.

Tried bluetooth but no connection pops up on bluetooth pairing.

Not sure what else to do.


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My opinion is the PSU powerful need is a hype.
I measured my PiZero2W while running SA and it is 200-300mA /5V.
Let's say there will be some bursts of power demand which on SA is rarely since it only collects data and write on the card.

I have an Odroid C2 runnning HomeAssistant and the current is similar.

To be sure, I will recheck today with an UNI-T ammeter because nou HA is filled with all kind of sensors.
My opinion is the PSU powerful need is a hype.
I measured my PiZero2W while running SA and it is 200-300mA /5V.
Let's say there will be some bursts of power demand which on SA is rarely since it only collects data and write on the card.

I have an Odroid C2 runnning HomeAssistant and the current is similar.
I havec
Figures a PiZero 2W would be drawing 300ma (5v X 300mA = 1.5w), its rated to draw 2w. The Pi 4 that most people use for Solar Assistant draws much more power than that.
hooking up a HDMI to an external display/monitor would be nice. or if it already works... documentation on how to hook it up. I have a 10" monitor that I would like to use, but when I plug it in there is no signal.
Yes, SA has said somrwhere that the Orange Pi and the Pi 4B are the only ones really powerful enough to run the video output as well as data logging.
Yes, SA has said somrwhere that the Orange Pi and the Pi 4B are the only ones really powerful enough to run the video output as well as data logging.
From the link YOU supplied:

"Only the Orange PI 3 LTS currently has video output enabled. In a future update the Raspberry PI 4B will also output video.

We recommend using a Rii mini keyboard for the best experience of SolarAssistant video output:

Rii mini keyboards on Amazon ($12 - $30)
Rii mini keyboards on Takealot (R150 - R250)
No video output
All boards except the Orange PI 3 LTS have video output disabled. This is to ensure the board remains performant. In a future update, this mode will be replaced with text based video output. If you need to access the device for troubleshooting, please see our

diy solar

diy solar