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diy solar

Megarevo 8K Firmware Update

Aug 1, 2020
Mansfield, TX
I've been talking with the folk at Megarevo and have the files to do the update but I think my computer and the megarevo aren't talking. It looks like when I plug the computer into the USB-c of the Megarevo I should get a COM port generated at the computer. But nothing comes up. In the update software it wants me to choose which com port and then hit upgrade.

I will ask them as well but figured if nothing else I can update the thread with what they say. Anyone upgraded the software on the Megarevo or EG4 8k hybrid yet?

Having an issue where mppt 3/4 under produce by 10x in cloudy weather compared to mppt1/2. They do fine in sunny weather.

Edit: Added upgrade files, after getting a data usb cord instead of one made for charging only it worked great. Doh! Not taking responsibility for you bricking an inverter due to these files. You can always ask Megarevo directly if you want to get them straight from the source.

Nice features I've noticed:

1. Can change the CT Ratio. I had put some 2500:1 CT's in instead of the original 1000:1. Now I can change the ratio to match. Possibly this could be used to adjust how much to zero out the meter? I'll have to play around with it.

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There is a possibility the USB cords I'm using are charge-only instead of being data as well. I have a cord at the warehouse I'll bring back tomorrow and try that.
Would be interesting to see if the firmware update fixes your issue. I'm looking into these inverters for another project....Megarevo/BlueSun/EG4 8k which are essentially the same hardware for the most part.
I was able to get my inverter updated. No issue following the directions after getting a data usb cord. I uploaded them to my website and put the link in my original post if you need them.
Awesome. So, did the firmware upgrade fix the issue you were experiencing?
These are my firmware versions, but don't have a generator setup section, yet have a version number higher than yours??? I bought the 8k Dec 31st and received a week later. I've got PV and grid hooked up, and anti-reverse enabled. Yesterday, after changing grid and discharge power percent from 100 to 50, looking to get rid of the constant charge/discharge cycling, I found it was feeding the grid for a half hour before I shut it down. I changed the settings back to 100 and am back to where I was,

I've been talking with the folk at Megarevo and have the files to do the update.
1. Can change the CT Ratio. I had put some 2500:1 CT's in instead of the original 1000:1. Now I can change the ratio to match. Possibly this could be used to adjust how much to zero out the meter? I'll have to play around with it.
I have compared your version of the firmware with the one mentioned here:
The HybridInverter8KSNA_v1.4.13.B03D06.out is exactly the same (checked with MD5SUM)

The .AXF file on the link I mentioned above seems to be newer:

Different size:

3221692 hybrid_app_8K_V20.axf
Last modification: 12/09/22 16:08 (4:08PM)
md5sum: ffbbe0f988c3afc1203f40d80b4baa2b

vs yours

3221628 hybrid_app_8K_V20_20221208_2.axf
Last modification: 12/09/22 09:17 AM
md5sum: 60cb9c1636413586068ef9a0aab06a51
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It seems the no-reverse peak shift mode now aims for zero export instead of 100W import. Which I appreciate! I didn't see a setting to change this though, which would be a step better.

There is a new setting, something about home loads. With it on I now see loads in Solar-Assistant on the graph according to how much the inverter is putting out or CT is seeing. Haven't nailed that down exactly. Nice as I have a more complete picture. Before I had to use Sense in addition to solar-assistant to see what the house was using vs. what my inverter was supplying.

Blue is new for me. In this photo you can see in yellow the PV I generated for the day. In blue is what power I used during the day, and red is what came from or went to the grid. At the moment the inverter is in off hours so I'm just pulling power straight from the grid. Battery shows that it's discharging since I have one battery with a Seplos that is being monitored here and a couple others with ANT BMS's, so power is probably flowing between batteries: 1676255495297.png
These are my firmware versions, but don't have a generator setup section, yet have a version number higher than yours??? I bought the 8k Dec 31st and received a week later. I've got PV and grid hooked up, and anti-reverse enabled. Yesterday, after changing grid and discharge power percent from 100 to 50, looking to get rid of the constant charge/discharge cycling, I found it was feeding the grid for a half hour before I shut it down. I changed the settings back to 100 and am back to where I was,

View attachment 134470
OK so this is interesting. Here are my version numbers after updating. The 1.03.09 is from the factory and 1.03.06 is what I updated to this last week. It is definitely a newer version based on me having the parallel options now along with other settings. Don't know how they are versioning their software.


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  • IMG_6191.jpeg
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Ok and back to the original reason to update firmware. It does appear to have worked as my output on cloudy days is similar from MPPT 1 to MPPT 4! You'll see that during this troubleshooting process I added MPPT 3 panels into MPPT 2 hence the flatline on MPPT 3. Hoping this helps significantly on those cloudy days where I need all I can get!

I am on OLD firmware and I see the same problem you described. I even tried moving strings between inverters to see if it was the inverter or a bad panel. Here's the strange part, the low output matches mppt with 2 in parallel! I didn't think it could be firmware!
Just to add context to my situation. Look at these, I thought my HA parameters were wrong. All strings are the same, and pointed in same direction on the same roof pitch.


This is after I rearranged so I could monitor the 'situation' easier.


This one has an "outlier" but I think it was just an update issue when I took the screen shot.


These values are low for a string, but as you said, it only seemed to happen on low production days. When the sun is shining, this is not an issue.
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Just to add context to my situation. Look at these, I thought my HA parameters were wrong. All strings are the same, and pointed in same direction on the same roof pitch.

View attachment 135131

This is after I rearranged so I could monitor the 'situation' easier.

View attachment 135132

These values are low for a string, but as you said, it only seemed to happen on low production days. When the sun is shining, this is not an issue.
Yep that looks just like what I was running into! Thankfully it seems they fixed it in a more recent firmware update.
Ok and back to the original reason to update firmware. It does appear to have worked as my output on cloudy days is similar from MPPT 1 to MPPT 4! You'll see that during this troubleshooting process I added MPPT 3 panels into MPPT 2 hence the flatline on MPPT 3. Hoping this helps significantly on those cloudy days where I need all I can get!
Thank you! I had a clear "aha" moment.
I have different sets of panels hooked up to PV2 & PV3 where 3 was the higher powered group.
When I just hooked PV3 up, I was only getting 50% of the expected performance (relative DC Watt compared to PV2)
At some point I updated the firmware and I never realized that firmware fixed that.
Since my arrays are flat, I thought the angle of sun improved (over a month) and offered more power!

Old firmware:
Screenshot from 2023-02-16 13-45-04.png
vs new firmware

Screenshot from 2023-02-16 13-43-14.png
Thank you! I had a clear "aha" moment.
I have different sets of panels hooked up to PV2 & PV3 where 3 was the higher powered group.
When I just hooked PV3 up, I was only getting 50% of the expected performance (relative DC Watt compared to PV2)
At some point I updated the firmware and I never realized that firmware fixed that.
Since my arrays are flat, I thought the angle of sun improved (over a month) and offered more power!

Old firmware:
View attachment 135175
vs new firmware

View attachment 135176
Pretty choppy for both before the update too, was that a cloudy day or just rotten firmware you think?
Here's a new one....Every night around 11pm I cutoff the grid feed breaker and coast on battery power through the night and next day til around 5 pm when there’s no more useable solar to charge the batteries and cut on the grid breaker.

Between 615 and 625 am every morning, the inverter reboots and we lose all power for around 30 seconds. Sometimes this happens twice within that time frame. It does not happen if I have the grid breaker on.
I have read about the ARC being enabled could cause this, so I disabled it and had no change. Does anyone have anything else I could try?

Setup is:
EG4 8kEXP-240 Hybrid inverter
Eg4 LL V2 battery
Eg4 lifepower4 battery
4kw of Solarever panels
Here's a new one....Every night around 11pm I cutoff the grid feed breaker and coast on battery power through the night and next day til around 5 pm when there’s no more useable solar to charge the batteries and cut on the grid breaker.

Between 615 and 625 am every morning, the inverter reboots and we lose all power for around 30 seconds. Sometimes this happens twice within that time frame. It does not happen if I have the grid breaker on.
I have read about the ARC being enabled could cause this, so I disabled it and had no change. Does anyone have anything else I could try?
Disabling the ARC check should prevent the reboot in the early morning.
What firmware version are you running?
I leave the grid connected for mine. It does stop back feeding every morning. Looks like it did it twice this morning. Forgot this was one of the things I wanted to have Megarevo look into. Something I Just noticed is it thinks the load goes down during this time as well. It does not according to my sense readings that I'll put up here too. 8am and 10:05 am:

You need to disable "insulation d" -> "Leack Dete". I'm not sure if that is the same as the ARC you are referring to.

Setup > Run Setting > Active Rep > Insulation D > Disable

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