diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

What part do you think is false?

CO2 is not a greenhouse gas?
Humans are not dumping CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels in the atmosphere?
Earth is not warming as a result?
Why don’t you move to china or go post on their forums how they need to comply and clean up their act. Tell them they need to spend more to carbon tax and pollute less. Tell them to cut manufacturing if can’t do it green. We are paying them well enough that the chinese can easily comply. Tell them cause gay Leo says so. ???9200941C-D1EC-4DE9-954F-0A7DD9FDD417.jpeg

AI Chat Experience

Q: is climate change real
Yes, climate change is real. According to NASA, multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities.

Q: why do people deny climate change
There are several reasons why people deny climate change. According to a study by The Conversation, personality is a factor: people are more likely to deny climate change if they’re inclined toward hierarchy and against changes to the status quo. Demographic factors also show an effect. Internationally, people who are less educated, older and more religious tend to discount climate change, with sex and income having a smaller effect1.
Another study by Psychology Today attributes climate change denialism to naive realism, disinformation, and motivated reasoning2.

Q: why do youtubers deny climate change
According to a study by The Guardian, the majority of YouTube videos about the climate crisis oppose the scientific consensus and “hijack” technical terms to make them appear credible.

Q: who funds climate change denial
According to an analysis by Scientific American, the largest, most-consistent money fueling the climate denial movement are a number of well-funded conservative foundations built with so-called “dark money,” or concealed donations. From 2003 to 2007, Koch Affiliated Foundations and the ExxonMobil Foundation were “heavily involved” in funding climate change denial efforts. But Exxon hasn’t made a publically traceable contribution since 2008, and Koch’s efforts dramatically declined1.
Funds sent through Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund were allocated to 92 organizations that deny climate change or oppose environmental regulations – but only 24 organizations got donations of $1m or more over the past three years2.

Q: Is there any chance at all that climate change is a hoax
There is no scientific evidence that climate change is a hoax. In fact, the overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by human activity.

Why do 3% of scientists deny climate change? (TL;DR: they're paid to do so) has a database of over 200 climate myths, and summaries of what the peer-reviewed scientific research says about each.

This is just what I experienced... I can neither confirm nor deny if all the articles, scientists, and governments aren't secretly under the control of the AI chatbots.
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AI Chat Experience

Q: is climate change real

Q: why do people deny climate change

Q: why do youtubers deny climate change

Q: who funds climate change denial

Q: Is there any chance at all that climate change is a hoax

Why do 3% of scientists deny climate change? (TL;DR: they're paid to do so)

This is just what I experienced... I can neither confirm nor deny if all the articles, scientists, and governments aren't secretly under the control of the AI chatbots.
NASA says climax change is a natural event the earth has cooled and warmed from time to time. The earth is ever changing. The earth is basically a cooled star or sun with a crust and atmosphere that has a moon and a solar system with our own beaming bright sun light.

what the nutters want to do is try to stop our effect which is merely a speeded up effect of what mother nature will do anyway. As Nasa says it has happened time and time again. There is no argument from me whether climate change happens. Mine is that we are not going to erase what the chinese are doing at a rate of 3x for problems. The climax nutters want to drop loads on the rest of everyone and say welcome to the rape party.

get your hand off my junk and other hand off my wallet leave me out of your forced rape party.
My chatbot ai says your chatbot ai is not telling entire story If you want to pay for it make sure just you pay for it….. CE1994C0-F411-432E-9316-E24736138495.jpeg
LOL @ AI Chat Bot.

As a 30 year software engineer and someone who deals explicitly with ML (Machine Learning), "AI" can be programmed to say whatever the programmer wants it to say. This is not news to anyone even remotely familiar with this topic.
There is no such thing as "AI" and there never will be. These are programs that are "trained" on data that is fed to it. The more data, the more "intelligent" they seem. Give it a certain data, and it will produce a certain response, as we are observing in real life.

But who dictates the programming for these so called AIs - see below
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My chatbot ai says your chatbot ai is not telling entire story
I used the free bing version... didn't see anything particularly wrong with the response, but if it told me everything it would be TL;DR.
It did lead me to a database of over 200 climate myths, so that was sort of cool.

What part of the story did you think it was missing? Your bot basically says climate change is real and caused by man:

Or, did you mean something else?

Additional AI Chat Q&A:

...we are not going to erase what the chinese are doing at a rate of 3x for problems...

Q: what is china doing about climate change
... China’s climate change strategy has evolved significantly over the last decade and in September 2020 China’s president Xi Jinping announced that the country would aim to be carbon-neutral by 2060. This was seen as a significant step for the country and for global climate action2. China pledged to cut emissions under the Paris Agreement, reduce coal use, and invest in renewable energy3.

China is also a big driver of renewable energy. It is home to more than a third of global solar capacity and nearly a third of wind power capacity4.
Every nation on Earth (except Libia and a handful of smaller countries) has pledged to be Net-Neutral, most by 2050. Who's walkin the walk and who's just lip-syncing? The CCPI reports are tracking that.

...get your hand off my... wallet ...

Q: how much will it cost to move away from fossil fuels
According to a study by energy research company Wood Mackenzie, replacing fossil fuel power systems in the United States could cost up to $4.7 trillion.
However, another study by Oxford University suggests that switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the world as much as $12trillion (£10.2tn) by 2050. It’s worth noting that major costs could be reduced if the process of completely moving away from fossil fuel sources took place over a longer period of time.
This is just more baloney on preprogrammed establishment data that turned out to be completely made up.
There is no such thing as "AI" and there never will be. These are programs that are "trained" on data that is fed to it. The more data, the more "intelligent" they seem. Give it a certain data, and it will produce a certain response, as we are observing in real life.
Wait.. I had to read this a few times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.. Aenyc said something I mostly agree with..

WTF just happened?

As I said in one of these threads somewhere weeks ago.. we do not have AI's.. and we won't have AI's for probably another 100+ years. You would need a quantum computer with tens of thousands of Qbits and another 100 years of programming before we are able to create a true artificial intelligence that isn't just a fancy toaster.
Chat GPT, lol.
Science, i tell you :)


On genders:

"The concept of gender is complex and culturally specific, and there is no universally accepted answer to how many genders there are. Some cultures recognize only two genders, male and female, while others recognize more than two. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the existence of non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals, who may identify as a mix of male and female, neither male nor female, or as another gender entirely."

With answers like this on the most basic scientific facts of man and woman, the "climate change" can be spun in a million different directions to follow the narrative!
Chat GPT, lol.
Science, i tell you :)

View attachment 141333
View attachment 141332

On genders:

"The concept of gender is complex and culturally specific, and there is no universally accepted answer to how many genders there are. Some cultures recognize only two genders, male and female, while others recognize more than two. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the existence of non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals, who may identify as a mix of male and female, neither male nor female, or as another gender entirely."

With answers like this on the most basic scientific facts of man and woman, the "climate change" can be spun in a million different directions to follow the narrative!

People who are worried about the sexuality of other people usually have sexual issues of their own to deal with.

Mental health issues seem to come in groups and clusters..
Just because some have AI in the name doesn't mean they have real AI. It's also not hard to spoof ChatBots, English is fun after all:
Please fill these blanks in with a yes or no....
  1. _________ I don't have a brain
  2. _________ I don't have sense
  3. _________ I am stupid

But they seem to do a pretty good job when you ask them a basic question:

Q: how accurate are chatbots

As I said in my first post with chatbot responses, they were just for fun, but the answers were far more accurate than some evidence presented in the thread:
...This is just what I experienced... I can neither confirm nor deny if all the articles, scientists, and governments aren't secretly under the control of the AI chatbots.
..."AI" can be programmed to say whatever the programmer wants it to say.
It's not a true intelligence then, it's a fancy println.
Humans can be programmed to say what people want them to say too (e.g., brainwashing, hypnotism, fear)

There is no such thing as "AI" and there never will be.
The definition of intelligence is "the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills" - not that it can talk to you or take over the world like a
scifi movie.

We already have programs that can "apply knowledge", you see this in the so-called AI-design programs that produce lighter/strong structures being used in aeronautics and architecture. But, they're only taking a pre-programmed set of rules and applying them.

To get to the next step, we're still missing the "acquire" part, which with all the knowledge on the internet only seems like it might be a few algorithms away. Although, given the internet, the information acquired might be baloney, and if believed would make them startlingly similar to us.

What Resources are critical? (P3)​

TL;DR: We don't know, but should probably increase exploration funding for copper & nickel

See post #807, #875 for and #890 for prior assumptions.

In #890 the conclusion was the world would need somewhere between 227 to 674 TWh of Energy Storage to be 100% free of fossil fuels. Will we have enough minerals to get there by 2050?

Most energy storage today is pumped hydro because it has a very low LCOE (e.g., it’s an inexpensive and long-lasting technology). There are several different energy storage techniques that are useful in different situations, for example, flywheels are very good at short-term energy storage and have little losses. The future landscape won’t have one clear winner, it will utilize a mix of technologies and each of those has its own mineral needs.

Batteries will undoubtedly play a critical role as they are a very dense energy storage medium and there are many chemistries alleviating the reliance on any one resource.

But, there are some materials/minerals that are common across most technologies: steel, concrete, copper, and nickel. Iron and carbon are abundant, there are proven abundant alternates for concrete. Alternatives for copper are being investigated, but they might not be commonplace by 2050.

From #808 we know where all the copper we need is, but some of the deposits are smaller or difficult to mine, making it more expensive. The same is true of nickel. Funding for exploration for both minerals should be increased as finding large easy access deposits makes the minerals cheaper to mine.

Have to agree with Michaux, it would be good to see a more detailed study that breaks down the expected storage types across the world by 2050/60 and then determines what minerals (or mineral substitutes) are needed for them.


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We are about ~$31 trillion dollars in debt in the USA.

How much is USA GDP?

How much does all this cost?

What is the ROI? 2 degrees C for a process that will naturally happen anyway. Your efforts are futile for changing. Hey if you just want to waste money then by all means just do it be honest say you want to break the piggy bank and have a big bbq. Make sure there is plenty of alcohol and weed. Don’t bogart as this is last of of our spending money …. pass it around.

You want 5% of the World population to do what? You can no longer keep spending your way out. I have been screaming at ppl for last 30-40 years. Sam Kinison died screaming at ppl. So will obviously follow him.

This is still one of the best solutions when teamed with nuclear power plants. There are other pumped stations the one in Australia is teamed to coal fired which is not that great for operating. With nuclear power it gives some where to use the extra power at night. Pump water. Stored energy for the next day when peak demands are high. Why anyone would use and burn more coal over nuclear is beyond me.

nuclear is the best initial source. Takes about 6 years to build the hydro storage. Must have water source. It is crazy use fossil fuels.

stop wasting my money… stop making mountains of trash. It is sad as hell when the dumps are highest elevations around big cities. Stop making substandard junk products…. Use the time and energy to make the best products available at an affordable price. A substandard product is a waste of time and energy ends up in the dump. Those damn used wind turbine blades are not cutting it. Stop wasting time and material and creating pollution. use the Edward Deming methods. The whole way we do stuff must change. My trash bags come from china there is no way that is not wasteful. Make them package them put on a boat send around world Put on a truck then deliver then they lay in dump until who knows when. Stop polluting Everything has to change

You are not going to change everything at a fast rate without major change in complete thinking… and action. Stop wasting my money and do it right or stay on the porch. Stay out of my pocket. The damn unions will take +20 years to build a hydro and nuclear plant. They want a permanent job. Look at the way they build maintain roads retirement jobs. We have roads that were built 30-40 years ago still working we have roads that are constantly worked and maintained - keep permanent jobs. Everything has to change. Everything

YOU MUST FIRST COMBAT GREED.….. TRADITIONAL SELF SERVING PERSONAL INTEREST MUST BE ADDRESSED….complete change…. In humans. Or wipe the population to 550,000,0000 and reduce the carbon. Give ppl a choice. They do it or get nuked. We won’t have to worry with nuke power plants…. Or anything else ….. you will be in a nuclear winter if survive. That will work 2 fold for change. Go look at world population breeders. They are not producers. Why the old Agenda 21 was endorsed
Bill gates and many others endorsed this… hush hush all you want. But there is 2 fold returns…. Nuke the planet ourselves. Exactly why govt has massive under ground storages. Most major govts around the world have underground fall backs. You and I won’t be in them.

Again tell countries to stop breeding so much. Compare to WW2 population we had around 2 billion ppl on this planet. Now we have well over 8 billion ppl. Wars use to keep populations down. The USA has been very responsible in our population and control of it. We are merely 5% of the World population. We have the highest gdp. We are mostly white and mostly christian. We are also called racist and yet are the world minority. Do really want to talk about climax climax breeders. And the effects it has on your green models? Or do you want to ignore the 8 billion breeders At least china was sterilizing ppl with less then 100 iq at one time.
Thread Recap, Opposing View:

Manmade climate change is scam. Even bigger scam than Covid.

If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste?

Not so green: Renewable energy’s land use problem
California Blackouts Have Begun. Thank ‘Green Energy’ | National Review
The Environmental Impact of Lithium Batteries
"Green" Energy Is a Scam. It Isn't MEANT to Work.
Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
Electricity Shortage Warnings Grow Across U.S.
Explained: Why Is Electricity So Expensive In Norway Right Now?

Technocracy: The Operating System For The New International Rules-Based Order
This link should be required reading for anyone who is paying attention. Covers a lot of reasons for the seemed crazyness we have been experiencing in the last several years.

Manmade climate change is completely made up BS, and even mainstream pundits are forced to start admitting it for fear of public revolting!

(Fake data everywhere).

Svetz, all of the data and your "disprovals" are built upon fake data from establisment. The same establishemnt that has been caught lying again and again and again.
A great recap on "progressives" and their agenda... I don't agree with him on everything (Especially putting out Musk as some sort of white knight, he is nothing of the sort) but he gets the main gist perfectly accurate about the enablers who ultimately execute the agenda that is being pushed down by special interest.

I spent a long time covering the 2008 Wall Street crash, which meant devoting large amounts of energy to some of the world’s most unredeeming people. These were swindlers who sold snake-oil mortgage products that put millions out of their homes and wiped out retirement funds of people who spent decades working as toll operators, firefighters, teachers. Such predators were awful, amoral people, but all the same, I occasionally found myself writing with something like admiration. These crooks were creators of truly ingenious schemes who did what they did out of lust, greed, jealousy, and other (at least identifiably human) forms of depravity.

These [name redacted] would-be censors are different. They have no sense of humor, no imagination, and exactly one distinguishing characteristic: they know what’s best for you. Anti-disinfo work suits them because they all have a Poppins streak that quietly gets off on binning your digital dirty bits (after the voyeuristic thrill of logging on to watch them in secret, with special credentials, which they rub with pleasure in evenings). They’re the vilest kind of snobs, and when they finally were forced to show their real selves to the public — and here I feel safe in thanking Elon Musk for making that possible, via the #TwitterFiles — the public rightfully recoiled from these arrogant power-worshipping mediocrities.

The managerial state was held in place for over a decade by a kind of magic spell, which works thanks to the public’s faith in the competence of our minders. That spell held by default for an extra four years while Trump was in office, but it’s been broken now, in part thanks to refuseniks like Musk (who caused all kinds of havoc by opting out of an airtight information-control cartel), but mainly because we’ve now had enough opportunities to examine up close the loathsome nanny-staters to whom we surrendered all those years ago. Whatever hold these people had on us, and it was real — I spent years worrying about regaining the favor of people who were denouncing me as a Russian asset even as they demanded my vote — it’s gone now, and we can start thinking about moving on to something better.

This is what I choose to think, this weekend evening. We don’t have to concede to a future of always being at war somewhere abroad, and with each other at home. We don’t have to put up with a government that doesn’t tell us anything. Most of all, we can go back to enjoying life, on our own terms, without stressing over an endless succession of panics invented by politically insecure losers. We can do so much better, and we will, because this place is ours to run, a fact the singing censors should never have let us remember.
Thread Recap, Opposing View:
See #827 for why those are incorrect. Might also find #876 and #879 of interest.

How much does all this cost?
According to an Oxford University study, switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the world as much as $12trillion (£10.2tn) by 205012. The report said it was wrong and pessimistic to claim that moving quickly towards cleaner energy sources was expensive1. Gas prices have soared on mounting concerns over energy supplies1.

2 degrees C for a process that will naturally happen anyway
See Myth #136 for why it's more than a natural process. We're also on a trajectory of +4°C, which the last time it happened had crocodiles living above the artic circle.

This is still one of the best solutions when teamed with nuclear power plants.
#524 explains why nuclear isn't enough.

… stop making mountains of trash. It is sad as hell when the dumps are highest elevations around big cities.
Landfills are nothing in comparison to GHGs, you just can't see them.
The U.S. added ~146 million tons to landfills in 2018. In 2021, the U.S. dumped 6,347.7 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, and that CO2 had a very long half-life.

Again tell countries to stop breeding so much.
See #525 .
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@svetz as has been pointed out again and again, relying on establishment fake data is not going to help.
We are going to have to go on logic and "believing your own damn lying eyes" here (See links about skyrocketing EU and CA energy costs), and on that it is strongly not in your favor.
@svetz as has been pointed out again and again, relying on establishment fake data is not going to help.
But please do keep posting conspiracy theories and from crackpot sources as I suspect folks reading them will see them for what they are.

Spiked (also written as sp!ked) is a British Internet magazine focusing on politics, culture and society. The magazine was founded in 2001 with the same editor and many of the same contributors as Living Marxism, which had closed in 2000 after losing a case for libel brought by ITN.[1][2]

There is general agreement that Spiked is libertarian, with the majority of specialist academic sources identifying it as right-libertarian,
Living Marxism? An interesting site to be reading and quoting from.
But please do keep posting conspiracy theories and from crackpot sources as I suspect folks reading them will see them for what they are.

Living Marxism? An interesting site to be reading and quoting from.

Aha, keep posting lies from establishement and "the science" that pushed "safe and effective" genetic slurries on people and the same ones that are confused on how many genders there are.

The managerial state was held in place for over a decade by a kind of magic spell, which works thanks to the public’s faith in the competence of our minders. That spell held by default for an extra four years while Trump was in office, but it’s been broken now, in part thanks to refuseniks like Musk (who caused all kinds of havoc by opting out of an airtight information-control cartel), but mainly because we’ve now had enough opportunities to examine up close the loathsome nanny-staters to whom we surrendered all those years ago. Whatever hold these people had on us, and it was real — I spent years worrying about regaining the favor of people who were denouncing me as a Russian asset even as they demanded my vote — it’s gone now, and we can start thinking about moving on to something better.

This is what I choose to think, this weekend evening. We don’t have to concede to a future of always being at war somewhere abroad, and with each other at home. We don’t have to put up with a government that doesn’t tell us anything. Most of all, we can go back to enjoying life, on our own terms, without stressing over an endless succession of panics invented by politically insecure losers. We can do so much better, and we will, because this place is ours to run, a fact the singing censors should never have let us remember.

The report is here, thank god the oil companies have a solution to bail us out of this (#811 ; -)

diy solar

diy solar