diy solar

diy solar

48V Server rack battery price comparison.

Curious what they charged you for shipping, I was recently quoted $712 for 2 of those to WA.
I just got a quote from Tycorun that totally confused me. Initially I asked for a price for the 10kWh battery packs. I was told US$1975 for the rack mounted packs and US$2290 for the wall mounted. I then asked for a costing for freight to Western Australia. I was asked how many units, so I replied 2. I was given a price of $1975/1pc and $900/1pc for freight for the rack mounted and $1875 and $935 for the wall mounted. I asked for clarification that that was US$ price per piece. The answer I got was that that was total cost for 2 pieces delivered, which is half the price I would have been expecting to pay. I think there must be some sort of communication breakdown here and my understanding of what they’re quoting in their messages is not clear. Does anyone have any thoughts on this price that seems too good to be true?
My experience is you need to be absolutely clear with your questions and itemise every detail.
If you are uncertain about the answers, ask again.

You will need to factor in paying extra later on for customs agent fee and GST as well to the customs agent when they arrive (or often before they actually arrive so they can be processed on arrival and not held up).

diy solar

diy solar