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diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

The government should get out of the business all together, so only the utility companies take the gamble on what solution is the most cost effective for THEM. No public funds should be spent, so now the cost is $0 dollars.
While I am not totally disagreeing, that would be bad news for rural communities, their electricity is subsidized by city dwellers.
Manufacturing "Hate"....
People must realize that the real enemy is the parasite class that pretends to rule over them

What kind of uneducated, gullible, trader to his nation, would log into a Russian controlled website and formulate opinion based on what the enemy is telling them??

Zerohedge is a pro-Russian propaganda machine genius. Go back to grades school and pay attention this time.
You can always count on Brad to lower the conversation level to teenager. Keep in mind that this comes from an upper level corporate executive... supposedly.

Trump had and still has issues, no question, and it was hard to listen to his speeches which were often full of cringe-worthy moments. That said, the current guy is perhaps two functioning neurons away from a drool cup, and often rises to the same level of embarrassment on the world stage.

Meanwhile, it appears that the US is about to be invaded by historic numbers of illegal "immigrants" which makes one wonder why we are doing this to ourselves because it makes no sense at all to sit by and watch it happen.
What do you think of this? Wyoming has about 500 K for population. It is a Red state. The U.S.A. owns property in Wyoming. If the goverment built a city to house a the illegal aliens that there letting in, say 200K or so the state would turn blue the next cycle. The U.S.A. owns property in most red states.........
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What do you think of this? Wyoming has about 500 K for population. It is a Red state. The U.S.A. owns property in Wyoming. If the goverment built a city to house a the illegal aliens that there letting in, say 200K or so the state would turn blue the next cycle. The U.S.A. owns property in most red states.........
Illegal aliens can't vote so it wouldn't matter.

Non-citizens can vote in some areas, but only for local elections. Illegal aliens still can not vote.

Of course, if one is a gullible conspiracy nut-job, then they'll believe almost anything.
This is how special interest is scamming you, an actual real life example.
This has absolutely nothing to do with "saving the earth"

"Your money (tax dollars – both State and Federal) is being spent to provide you, as an electricity customer in NY State, with conveniently more-expensive renewable-supplied electricity. Without this opportunity to pay twice (first in your tax dollars and secondly in increased electricity rates) you could be paying over 20% less.

Aggregated energy buying is a good thing – it saves customers money. Mixing that good idea with the “go green” mania is a silly thing, and increases electricity costs to the customer. "
This is how special interest is scamming you, an actual real life example.
This has absolutely nothing to do with "saving the earth"

"Your money (tax dollars – both State and Federal) is being spent to provide you, as an electricity customer in NY State, with conveniently more-expensive renewable-supplied electricity. Without this opportunity to pay twice (first in your tax dollars and secondly in increased electricity rates) you could be paying over 20% less.

Aggregated energy buying is a good thing – it saves customers money. Mixing that good idea with the “go green” mania is a silly thing, and increases electricity costs to the customer. "
You only have YOURSELF to blame.

You asked for this.. YOU WANTED this. And now you're upset you GOT WHAT YOU ASKED FOR? WTF man? Take some responsibility for your choices.
Illegal aliens can't vote so it wouldn't matter.
So you really believe that will stand? You are a fool to believe that it could not happen.

Non-citizens can vote in some areas, but only for local elections. Illegal aliens still can not vote.
The government no long calls them what they are......Why is that?
Of course, if one is a gullible conspiracy nut-job, then they'll believe almost anything.
And some people will believe a lie when the truth is in there face.
So you really believe that will stand? You are a fool to believe that it could not happen.
When I go to vote, I'm required to show ID. The question isn't "does it happen".. the question is how much of it happens. Voter fraud is everywhere, but it is one or two insignificant idiots here and there, not a coordinated conspiracy.

The government no long calls them what they are......Why is that?
Who gives a rats ass what they call them? Damn, does that kind of shallow meaningless crap really concern you?

And some people will believe a lie when the truth is in there face.
Most of us refer to these types as Christians, Trumpanites, and I even heard a new one yesterday "ChuckleFuck" LOL

You live a pampered life in a nation that was stolen through mass murder, and you have the nerve to be concerned about what we call immigrants?

Damn, if that doesn't take the cake... I would say "shame on you", but people don't have shame anymore.. Morality is dead.. what's left is a twisted wreck and an embarrassment.
When I go to vote, I'm required to show ID. The question isn't "does it happen".. the question is how much of it happens. Voter fraud is everywhere, but it is one or two insignificant idiots here and there, not a coordinated conspiracy.

Who gives a rats ass what they call them? Damn, does that kind of shallow meaningless crap really concern you?

Most of us refer to these types as Christians, Trumpanites, and I even heard a new one yesterday "ChuckleFuck" LOL

You live a pampered life in a nation that was stolen through mass murder, and you have the nerve to be concerned about what we call immigrants?

Damn, if that doesn't take the cake... I would say "shame on you", but people don't have shame anymore.. Morality is dead.. what's left is a twisted wreck and an embarrassment.
Wow dude, I get it that your an atheist, and think Christians are "chucklefucks", but hating the nation you live in makes me think you may also be one of those facist antifa types.
ID to vote is not a current requirement in many states. When Georgia tried to initiate voter ID laws, the left raised holy hell and called everyone racist, as if black folks dont know or cannot afford a license.
My wife and I encountered busloads of hispanics being dropped off to vote on Long Island in 2020. They were NOT from our area. They let them all vote without ID.
Wow dude, I get it that your an atheist, and think Christians are "chucklefucks", but hating the nation you live in makes me think you may also be one of those facist antifa types.
Seriously, are you really going to play child games? I guess its really true what they say: Never argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with stupidity.. But lets try...

So Sanwizard, if you hate people and hate America so much, why are you still here? Why not find a NAZI Germany type location to go live in?

See how easy and stupid that is?

ID to vote is not a current requirement in many states.
It should be, but we need to make special provisions for the elderly who have trouble with transportation or health issues.

When Georgia tried to initiate voter ID laws, the left raised holy hell and called everyone racist, as if black folks dont know or cannot afford a license.
My wife and I encountered busloads of hispanics being dropped off to vote on Long Island in 2020. They were NOT from our area. They let them all vote without ID.
To vote in Georgia, the law is solid.. you must have identification.
You live a pampered life in a nation that was stolen through mass murder, and you have the nerve to be concerned about what we call immigrants?

This is true of many "nations" around the globe, and even the American Indians who were no saints themselves. Exploration and conquest were the way of the world for much of human history and I make no apologies for the actions of my ancestors in those times.
See post #1,400 for the first post on this.

Manchin gave an interview, he says the reason why the pipeline is needed is that the only
way to reduce energy prices for Virginians is to increase supply. Except Virginians are
paying less for electricity ($0.0914/kWh) than I am. What an enormous waste of money
the pipeline seems to be. He swears in a video he's not going to make money off it.

There's already another pipeline that takes gas to the port, so that blows the
conspiracy theory. ;)
This is true of many "nations" around the globe, and even the American Indians who were no saints themselves. Exploration and conquest were the way of the world for much of human history and I make no apologies for the actions of my ancestors in those times.
I have no problems with that.. but it doesn't mean we should be a bunch of dickheads now either..

UCLA's SeaChange technology

This looked interesting, a bit of electricity in the seawater to convert the CO2 in the seawater into CaCO3 (aka, limestone) where it sinks to the bottom. They have a 100' floating barge they're doing a trial on.
Interesting. I wonder if there we be any negative impacts to aquatic life due to the limestone altering the pH?
Seems like it would help more than harm.
I wonder if there we be any negative impacts to aquatic life due to the limestone altering the pH?
CaCO3 is what corals and shells (crab, clam, etc) are primarily made of. It's the other way around, that additional CO2 acidifies the water and causes them to decompose. It's generally inert though; so I don't see it being a problem.

There might be something about what happens when you remove calcium ions from the seawater (fish with osteoporosis?), but Calcium is one of the most common elements found in seawater (~400 ppm). What would be funny is, if like acidification, it causes CaCO3 to break down.
See post #1,400 for the first post on the 6.6 Billion Manchin pipeline.
It's only 184 miles... if they only want the natural gas as Manchin says to
lower the cost of electricity, why not convert it at the origin and export
the electricity over wires?

At $394k per mile for 1.34 kV high voltage lines (ref), that would only be about
$73 million. Also no continuous pumping costs and no leakage to worry about.

It makes no sense. I'm sure the first West Virginian hunter(s) that
accidentally (or on purpose) put a few bullets into it will think
so too (ref).

Sorry to seem to be fixated on this, I keep looking for some possible way the pipeline is in anyway a reasonable idea. It's not just that as a Floridian I don't want to pay so Virigians can have cheaper electricity than me (they're already less expensive than me and Californians are probably having a heart attack over paying someone else to go under their current $0.0914/KWh rates). I saw Manchin talk about all the construction jobs, but then he said it would be built in 6 months, so it's not sustainable jobs.

diy solar

diy solar