diy solar

diy solar

Daly WNT board connector question


New Member
May 1, 2022
Hi I'm exploring opportunities to make the most of my parallel battery system and I just wondering if there is anyone knows what are the functions of the ports/sockets on the back side of the WNT board. It says LCD + something. Is it possible this is an additional UART port? If so does the data from here contains the information from both board, or just one? I'm trying to implement this to Home Assistant.
What is it..JPG
Not a clue. I have one also and ZERO documentation. Bit wary of connecting it without some instructions. I'm going to poke Daly and see if I can get a manual, stay tuned
Yeah, I've got answer from "Will" on Youtube:

I asked the same question, and he said:
"there are two connector on the back side of the interface panel, one is for LCD screen(5pin), you can directly connect the LCD if you have. The other one(6Pin) is for connecting to the BMS(8 Pin Led), The connector plug connected to the 8Pin position will be changed to 6Pin"
Thanks, but the LCD screen has 6 pin so I cannot plug it into the 5 pin socket.