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diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

In the past, species have had a lot longer to adapt to "normal" climate change. Many generations. Not so with this climate change. It's not quite as fast as an asteroid strike that plunges the world into an ice age and kills off +90% of all species world wide, but it's not far off either in terms of time.

It would be nice if the fixes happened sooner rather than later. #94 looks at oxygen levels needed for fish to survive. Obviously, a mass extinction in the oceans would be very very bad (although humans would probably adapt).

But, don't freak out about it, it won't get that far because renewable with ESS is cheaper than fossil fuels... it'll happen.

If it comes down to it, we might be a bit busy for that solution. You know humans... it's not urgent, it costs too much.

It's one of our best and worst features. But don't overlook the other big evolutionary advantage humans have: we can sweat efficiently. Doesn't help much in Florida, but it's a really big advantage.

Not really. It primary message was about what happens to other species when key species die off. The doomy/gloomy bit was we don't know what they key species (if any) are for humans. I think we're smart enough to come up with supplements for whatever is lost. Of course, if the vaccine debate is anything to go by, a lot of people will believe it's just a conspiracy for control and by not taking the supplements their brains will get even more impaired.

I did warn people about the content....

Actually, there have been thousands of peeps about that. It just doesn't make "big" news channels. For example:
Easy on the covid we don’t want it to spill over here. ? Btw most ppl dont have problem with most things until govt went stupid ….the EUA was and is bs. The govt is not suppose to tell us how we can be treated …. Nor force vaccinate with extortion

what got from your video is my perception as posted. ? They want to head losing things off at the pass by being proactive.

if cows are going gone gone then their are fat neighbors that are liberals for when things get tough. Might be able get hold of some fiji friends to get their old cannibal recipes.

It's in the news...again...
thank goodness just co2 and global climate change. These kinds of things are recorded in bible too. I thought revelations was upon us.

was worried it was polluted waters and algae causing it. 20-30 years ago it would have been blamed on just water borne pollutions….from land and seas. They blamed all weird fish from around the World showing up here in our lakes and such on commercial shipping. Seems the reports were ships take on water at their polluted home ports then release it when get here. Helps keep the ship at a desired water height. who knows what comes from those foreign ships. ….. Intentionally or not. Just for the conspiracy of it with pipe lines getting blown up and such. We were not worried about that pollution. Or the oil rig in gulf that dumped all the oil few year back. Was that sabotage too. Conspiracy.

I found an article where ppl that actually work and deal with this all the time commented. The dead fish are buried which provides nutrients for grasses and plants to grown on the protected beach areas according to article.

all the fish or vast majority are “ chad” bait fish.

“‘Frazier said the fish kill, though unfortunate, is not uncommon this time of year. "The area was experiencing its first heat wave of the summer, causing temperatures to rise quickly," Frazier wrote. "The warm water does not hold oxygen as well, and combined with very low wind/wave action (which ordinarily helps aerate the water) and inflows from nearby rivers all helped create pockets of low dissolved oxygen in areas of the Gulf."
When this first happens, the initial impact can trap fish in dead zones where they are deprived of oxygen and die off, especially bait fish like menhaden, Frazier added. "Typically, over time, Gulf water conditions balance, oxygen levels disperse, wind and wave action resumes and fish become acclimated to summertime conditions—all of which return the nearshore waters to a more normal pattern," he wrote.
The fish kill was investigated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's Region 3 Kills and Spills Team, a group of biologists who investigate fish and wildlife kills resulting from pollution or natural events. The team determined that the event was caused by a low dissolved oxygen event, which is a common condition during the summer when temperatures rise. The species most impacted was Gulf menhaden.
"If there isn't enough oxygen in the water, fish can't 'breathe,'" wrote Chris Jensen of the Kills and Spills Team. "Low dissolved oxygen in many cases is a natural occurrence."
Daily variations in dissolved oxygen concentration are related to photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. "Increased dissolved oxygen during the day is a result of photosynthesis which is driven by sunlight," Jensen said. "Photosynthesis stops at night and may slow down on cloudy days, but plants and animals in the water continue to respire and consume free oxygen, decreasing the dissolved oxygen concentration."
Before kill events, you can often spot fish trying to get oxygen by gulping at the surface of the water early in the morning, Jensen said. "Some fish may also be lying on the bottom or at the edge of the water," he added.”’’

oh yes almost forgot article states “stay out of water as fish die they cause even more problems with bacteria”. Typically red tide has all kinds of dead sea creatures…. As would think global warming or pollution would cause. Again this is claimed as just basically one species and for some reason common for it “chad.“

Ever watch salmon swimming up stream?
...Might be able get hold of some fiji friends to get their old cannibal recipes...
Sounds like a new thread!

...thank goodness just co2 and global climate change. ... I thought revelations was upon us.
If it was I doubt we could do anything about it.

was worried it was polluted waters and algae causing it.
We get "red tide" here too, that's where the plants suck the O2 out of the water isn't it, from fertilizer runoff?
The three fish kills mentioned weren't from that, but it did cite some others that were.

all the fish or vast majority are “ chad” bait fish.
That's not what the news articles say...
Tens of thousands of dead fish — menhaden, sharks, trout, bass, catfish and stingrays — were covering the shore. Schoppe, 54, had lived near the Gulf Coast his entire life, but he had never seen that many dead fish. He recorded videos of the ocean as he drove along the shore, finding the washed-up fish along a roughly seven-mile stretch near Freeport, Tex.

What exactly is a “zombie forest”?

A “zombie forest” refers to a group of trees (usually a specific species) that are unable to effectively produce new saplings and seedlings due to a warming climate. ... In the Sierra Nevada region, it is estimated that at least a fifth of these coniferous trees are now unsuited for the region’s increasing temperature. And even in best-case scenarios, the number of these trees living “outside their climate” is likely to double in 77 years.
Sounds like a new thread!

If it was I doubt we could do anything about it.

We get "red tide" here too, that's where the plants suck the O2 out of the water isn't it, from fertilizer runoff?
The three fish kills mentioned weren't from that, but it did cite some others that were.

That's not what the news articles say...
I can only relay what the article states That I posted It did say in article that I posted there was 1 stingray. Showed several pictures but I did not post all of them. Provided link. The article posted was very descriptive Are you an article “denier” from working boots on the ground ppl. ????

Ever hear various witness describe a car crash. Depends on their point of notice and view angles for reports. Which can vary greatly - traffic coos have to possess an incredible amount of patience.

this fish dying - same event was also reported around 2012 in another story. it is also reported by the ppl doing the on the scene work investigating as “Natural” for the article I posted.

I learned a long time ago never ask a boss how things are going - just walk about the workers and get the real deal. Technical writers very seldom JUST ask boss how to do a job when writing up procedures. If ppl that do these clean ups such as designated teams then will go with their opinion over the desk jockey watching porn on his computer on and off all day then rubbing one out. I ran out of hand lotion and left that type of job before my hands got silky smooth.

ever shake hands with a retard? They like to yank it and use lot of hand lotion.….very soft hands. When you secret mason hand shake some one are checking for working hands or beater hands.
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Ever hear various witness describe a car crash. Depends on their point of notice and view angles for reports.
Indeed, that's why photos from multiple points of view and people are useful. You can get an idea for the quantity and different types.
Indeed, that's why photos from multiple points of view and people are useful. You can get an idea for the quantity and different types.
if go back and look even your picture the fish look the same and appear be whole.

1 picture from my link they are degraded most skeletons so you know both smell horrible Padre Island - Corpus Christi area. It use to stink something awful - seaweed and jellies everywhere. some of those jellies were huge. They killed fish left and right. Lot of coastal resorts will not refund due to red tide and now we have to fight to get resort - vrbo refund over hurricanes. Florida has been hit with them as long as can remember. The good houses in Florida and coastal areas looked like concrete bunkers made to withstand the hurricanes. The big luxury homes that get rebuilt over and over are by design doomed to fail.

Sudden heat increase in seas around UK and Ireland

Water temperatures are as much as 3 to 4C above the average for this time of year in some areas, according to analysis by Esa and the Met Office. Scientists warn that intense heat like this can kill fish and other sea life, sometimes on a huge scale.
Note: as mentioned in the posts above, this is different from a "red" tide where plant life sucks oxygen out of the water.

Event Tracker
Feds have an interesting map listing events behind weather:

Swiss voters support climate bill

59.1% of voters were in favor of a bill aimed at introducing new climate measures to sharply curb the rich Alpine nation's greenhouse gas emissions...requires Switzerland to achieve "net zero" emissions by 2050...sets aside ... ($3.357 billion) to help wean companies and homeowners off fossil fuels.
Note: as mentioned in the posts above, this is different from a "red" tide where plant life sucks oxygen out of the water.

Event Tracker
Feds have an interesting map listing events behind weather:
I zoomed into the map to where I know the facts claiming "Wheres the snow" Seeing as we have had unprecedented levels of snow this year, I see this as using honesty dishonestly.
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Almost forgot your photo link pulls up the quoted "natural process of fish dying off over years" not just 2023. Have you ever notice they Whom ever they are dropped "global warming" and went to words "Climax Change."

your picture from Texas 2023 event shows same basic fish type. Shad or chad - whatever their other name is are dominant in pictures for 2023. Just an obvious.
Post in thread 'Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?'

Svetz when - if you get old enough remember all the Times the Govt has claimed things that turned out to be lies. You already know they can't be trusted. :unsure: Ever have a woman that you lied to about her giving oral sex and you make the promise? Tip if a woman has callus on her hands she is most likely a man … Run away. Unless you like that sort of thing … no judgement. ?

Fish die in the winter too. Tropical fish aquariums are ultimate proofs where fish are sensitive to temp changes.

Here in shared video - winter killed some fish in texas. Sometimes the dead fish are feasted on by other fish or birds - or crabs when sometimes sink to bottom.
2021 winter cold Snap fish kill.

11 fish found in stomach of a single invasive lionfish caught off Texas, NOAA says

11 fish found in stomach of a single invasive lionfish caught off Texas, NOAA says

Closer inspection revealed lionfish are getting fat, experts say.
JUNE 14, 2023, 6:53 AM

from one of your photo link

Exact example of the invasive fish mentioned earlier .... you do not want to pet one of those. They are poisonous. They have several poison - injectors around their anus….. so those fish are naturally protected from weirdos.…=Leo. Our kids should have same defense mechanisms.…stop child molesters dead. I seen a lot of poison fish -cone fish- - sharks and so forth in the RED SEA where we did some dive training.. also Near harbor in Israel you can watch the sharks swimming behind the big ships. Some come up to shores. Some sharks as or bigger then a bass boat in deeper waters. Why when ppl fall overboard on ships never seen again - among other things. Crunch crunch. On subs can never tell if it is pressures imploding garbage or if it is sharks …. When trash is ejected. They love following big ships for the trash and or ppl that fall over board. We could see the large sharks from air in helicopters. Thinking back jumping out of perfectly good aircraft into visual shark infested waters may not have been smartest thing to do. In the water with big sharks we drop down few notches for top food chain apex predator status. Most of the poisonous fish are closer - near shore lines.

Sharks will often drive schools of fish to shores same as killer whales drive sharks to shore - beach themselves and die.

I keep waiting to see these cone fish show up here:
"Meet The Cone Snail, The One-Inch Sea Creature With Enough Deadly Toxin To Kill 700 People"
Ppl use to pick them up - oh so pretty.…. Oh shit stung. Watched a german female diver expire after a sting. Not much can do for someone after hit by these cloth of gold cones. Wicked shit. She was warned…. She had stuck one in her swim top … and it popped her.

Cone Snail Shell

"Wikimedia Commons The cone snail shell is beautiful, but inside is a deadly weapon."

Remember your name climate deniers use to show weather events that Climate Changers stated was different …. ??? i see the reverse with the fishy….. marking events for climate changer agenda. Just my notice of the car wreck.
Just remember Nature is Nature too. Old ppl die all around country especially in bad crowded - city areas because they lack air conditioners. They are afraid to open windows due to criminals so sweltering heat gets them.
Climate changers changed from global warming to climate change so as to fit narratives - is word salad - warfare.
Everyone has a butthole and an opinion too. ??? Life teaches old ppl that survive.

Svetz …. What did you do with Aenyc? He is missing in action. Mia

btw the feature creature in your earlier link is a full blown nut job. it is a self proclaimed “Climate Change and Energy Transition Reporter” regardless the climate change blame is marked as Natural by the boots on the ground experts that investigated this event. It gets no points…. For blame game. Nor my tax dollars. I hope it practices abortion on it’s own off spring
...your picture from Texas 2023 event shows same basic fish type. Shad or chad - whatever their other name is are dominant in pictures for 2023.
The problem with wide angle shots is you can't see the trees for the forest, and narrow angle shots don't show the scope. That's why I provided multiple links... although you are right that some species are more susceptible than others. Looks like more than one type to me, but Shad are fun to catch and good-eating. They're pretty numerous, so probably provide a staple to other species in the food chain (an adult dolphin eats ~20 lbs or more a day).

I've seen fish die-offs from red tide and Sargasso swaths here. But die-offs without red-tide? That new reality blows. It's been too hot here to take the kayak out and I haven't heard of any local reports. There are some folks upset about the increasing salinity in the bay (not enough water coming out of the everglades) as it's disruptive to the habitat.


Have you ever notice they dropped "global warming" and went to words "Climax Change."
No one has dropped Global Warming. It's two different things, although the confusion is from denier-skeptism claims to disprove both. Obvious if you think about it. Global warming was proven in the 90s. So, given that's true the next question was, what happens to the world as the temperature increases? That last part is what "Climate Change" is about. That is Global Warming is true, and it's the cornerstone for why people are looking into Climate Change.

...remember all the Times the Govt has claimed things that turned out to be lies.
There's a difference between the "government" and "politicians". One can be mistaken, the other is frequently allergic to reality.

Svetz …. What did you do with Aenyc? He is missing in action. Mia
I was wondering that too. Guessing he finally got banned for his many forum violations.


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Stellantis (aka Chrysler/Jeep) idles Illinois plant, takes steps toward closure

Stellantis is...closing its factory in Belvidere, Illinois, as it prepares for the ...transition from internal combustion to electric vehicles. The factory, which now employs about 1,350 workers, officially was placed on “idle” by the company on Tuesday. That term means it intends to shut down the plant....In a statement Tuesday, the UAW said that the decision to idle the plant will not go uncontested.
Opinion: The UAW needs to wake up to the reality that China can dominate the car market in the rest of the world and there will be even fewer jobs if American car manufacturers don't get their act together. In fact, Stellantis already declared bankruptcy in China. It sounds like they have stopped all ICE vehicles in 14 U.S. states excepting custom orders.

Optimistic Researchers Say There Still Time To Head Off Climate Change Before It Starts Killing Rich People

BERKELEY, CA—In a rare silver lining amid increasingly dire assessments of the climate crisis, optimistic researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, released a report Friday suggesting there was still time to head off environmental catastrophe before it started killing rich people.
It's a landmark article from The Onion which has an incredibly long and rich history which you should check into if you're not familiar with them.
They have frequently broken stories long before they actually happened (e.g., secret papers at Mar-a-Largo).
Ran across it and thought it would make an interesting and refreshing read after some of the darker news.
The problem with wide angle shots is you can't see the trees for the forest, and narrow angle shots don't show the scope. That's why I provided multiple links... although you are right that some species are more susceptible than others. Looks like more than one type to me, but Shad are fun to catch and good-eating. They're pretty numerous, so probably provide a staple to other species in the food chain (an adult dolphin eats ~20 lbs or more a day).

I've seen fish die-offs from red tide and Sargasso swaths here. But die-offs without red-tide? That new reality blows. It's been too hot here to take the kayak out and I haven't heard of any local reports. There are some folks upset about the increasing salinity in the bay (not enough water coming out of the everglades) as it's disruptive to the habitat.

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No one has dropped Global Warming. It's two different things, although the confusion is from denier-skeptism claims to disprove both. Obvious if you think about it. Global warming was proven in the 90s. So, given that's true the next question was, what happens to the world as the temperature increases? That last part is what "Climate Change" is about. That is Global Warming is true, and it's the cornerstone for why people are looking into Climate Change.

There's a difference between the "government" and "politicians". One can be mistaken, the other is frequently allergic to reality.

I was wondering that too. Guessing he finally got banned for his many forum violations.
Nope don’t think aenyc is banned.

Are you still an Admin here?
I just get tired of the rush to blame every single thing that happens on climate change ..... it's nauseating.

The instant there is a tornado, hurricane, fish kill, forest fire .... you can be 10 minutes later they will be blaming it on climate change.
All the new media rushed out and blamed the recent forest fires on climate change .... then didn't cover it when they caught the guy who started the fires.
Maybe I'm just getting to old to be terrified by the Armageddon of the day.
I just get tired of the rush to blame every single thing that happens on climate change ..... it's nauseating.
It gets easier to ignore every time they do it.
But truth is, it does seem to at least add to the weather events and we can expect more of it. Makes's climate change after all. Here's a site I ran across:


Stellantis (aka Chrysler/Jeep) idles Illinois plant, takes steps toward closure

Opinion: The UAW needs to wake up to the reality that China can dominate the car market in the rest of the world and there will be even fewer jobs if American car manufacturers don't get their act together. In fact, Stellantis already declared bankruptcy in China. It sounds like they have stopped all ICE vehicles in 14 U.S. states excepting custom orders.

Nobody wants to purchase Chinese cars.
Nobody wants to purchase Chinese cars.
They're doing quite well in several countries. The problem with the European introduction was a marketing failure. They had Tesla-inspired MSRPs and either no one had heard of them, or had seen the news they were selling for a lot cheaper in other countries (e.g., Australia).
This is true

Forever the demented face of climate change. Mental illness. Ppl on other side wanting to be taken serious need new role model. Not someone that has been scared out of her mind all her life needlessly. When we are born and as we grow learn we have an expiration date.
We have ppl pooping in the street. Are the illegals - ppl coming across the Southern Border going to clean it up?
It gets easier to ignore every time they do it.
But truth is, it does seem to at least add to the weather events and we can expect more of it. Makes's climate change after all. Here's a site I ran across:

View attachment 153649
I reminds me of the saying "Find me a man and I will find you the crime" " Find me weather and I will find you climate change"
In human terms we have not been able to see the weather around the world at current detail for very long, This is simply food for thought.
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Are there any positive benefits to climate change?

This is how you can tell the whole thing is a fraud.

The believers can not cite any upside to climate change.
Are there any positive benefits to climate change? This is how you can tell the whole thing is a fraud.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but there are a few places benefitting from climate change (e.g., Iceland/Greenland), you can google positive changes from climate change to find articles. But even they generally feel the downsides to the world are bigger than the advantages to them personally.

Held V. Montana trial ends

A ruling ... could take several weeks to emerge. ...A favorable verdict for the plaintiffs could have implications for Montana’s legislature. Seeley has said in previous court orders that she would not directly order officials to create a new approach to addressing climate change, but that if the challengers successfully make their case, she would issue a “declaratory judgment”, saying officials violated the state constitution.

...Anderson said he is billing the state $500 per hour and that he has “perhaps” worked for 25 hours or more...Gregory attacked Anderson’s credibility, citing multiple errors in Anderson’s expert report which the economist admitted he was later forced to revise....The state was originally expected to ask for expert testimony from climate crisis-denying climatologist Judith Curry, who has charged the state of Montana more than $30,000 for her preparation

And my favorites in terms of amusement:
...the Montana department of environmental quality, which is named as a defendant in the complaint, testified. The agency’s director, Chris Dorrington, ...said, he was unfamiliar with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world’s leading climate body.

Sonja Nowakowski, the state’s air, energy and mining division administrator, testified that it is possible to analyze the local climate impacts of Montana’s greenhouse gas emissions, but the law prohibits doing so for energy permits. Asked if emissions degrade Montana’s natural resources, she said she is “not a scientist”.

'Oppressive' and 'unbearable' heat wave scorches Texas, with no end in sight

The temperature in San Angelo, Texas, soared to an all-time high of 114 degrees on Tuesday...Meanwhile, Texas’ power grid operator asked residents Tuesday to voluntarily cut back on electricity due to anticipated record demand on the system.

Heat waves and power outages persist in Texas, Oklahoma

Dangerously hot triple digit heat ... amplified by power outages. In Oklahoma a powerful storm knocked out power for more than 200,000 residents. 135,000 residents remain without electricity.

NASA Simulation​

This visualization shows the CO2 being added to Earth's atmosphere over the course of the year 2021, split into four major contributors: fossil fuels in orange, burning biomass in red, land ecosystems in green, and the ocean in blue. The dots on the surface also show how atmospheric carbon dioxide is also being absorbed by land ecosystems in green and the ocean in blue. Though the land and oceans are each carbon sinks in a global sense, individual locations can be sources at different times.
Are there any positive benefits to climate change?

This is how you can tell the whole thing is a fraud.

The believers can not cite any upside to climate change.
That rationalization is messed up on so many levels I'm not even sure where to begin.

We have one planet, if we screw it up we go extinct. Even a grade school child can understand that most basic and fundamental bit of logic.
Being able to pass cargo through places that should be blocked with ice is NOT a benefit, it's a symptom.

In fact, in astrophysics and astronomy circles, we're postulating that climate change may be the reason we haven't found any alien signals. Its called "the great filter" While there could be other explanations for the great filter, a civilization killing themselves off through reckless ignorant behavior is probably the most likely.

Humans started space exploration just 70 years ago, and we're already driving and flying robots on other planets and sending out probes into interstellar space. Imagine what a civilization who started their space exploration a billion years ago would be like today... Our galaxy should be a damn zoo, and a crowded one at that, or at least a big ass war zone... (Drake Equation) but we see no signs of such activity (Fermi Paradox).. and the most likely reason is that the same advancement required to get into space exploration has a serious side effect... the destruction of a planet's climate.

If we're wrong about climate change, you lose nothing important. If we're right about it, you lose everything.

Smarten up.

diy solar

diy solar