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diy solar

Help me Install 3 EG4 Mini Split Solar Heat Pumps

For the same time of day, same setting, same panel brand and array size, the Living room 24k has made 2kWh more than the 24k Florida room unit off grid today.

Meaning the one 24k unit is struggling to or not staying connected.
Water looks good. Are you telling me conditions like THAT are shutting off the problematic unit when one of the partly-cloudy clouds hits??

If so, definitely NOT right. Obviously somewhat array dependent though (you have plenty of power )
Another FYI from today. Both 24k units where off grid most of the day. As you can see, the one I suspect has the troubled MPPT under performed the other. I lost connection a least 3 times today.

Again. Same 7 panel types for each A/C. REC Twinpeak 2s 370w. Same layout. Same Sun. Same Angle. Same location.

Oddly though, when connected to AC, even though the AC usage is very limited (about 40-90w), both perform very similar

Florida Room 24k Which seems to have MPPT issues. (Note how this first graphs max is under 1.6kWh and the next graphs max is over 1.6kWh)

FL Room kWh.jpg

Living Room 24k Which performs as expected

LR kWh.jpg

The EG4 Mini Split can take up to 380v dc max in and according to Signature Solar a max of 12 amps

So With a panel voltage of 48.9v VOC and an 11.54a ISC (short circuit amps) I'd say no more than 5 in series at 2225 watts.

But if you are in a cold climate, even 5 might be to many
*looks at data sheet*

You're absolutely right. Even via whatever means you limit current to 12A, you'd then be pretty much wasting the bifacial aspect. (?)
Does anyone know, is there a way to do a factory reset on the eg4 mini split units? I need to wipe out the Wi-Fi connection and start over
Did you try running back thru the original registration procedure??


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How are they working for you?
How do they work?

Cooling? Amazing. All 3 have preformed perfectly for the past 40 days or more in cooling.
- They ramp up slowly so no surge on the grid / inverter (as expected)​
- They run hard until the room is cool then ramp down and just sip power to maintain temp​
- The 12k will run on as little as 150 watts AC to maintain room temp​
- They are Cooling Beasts. I have used 5 tons of them (3 units) in the day to "replace" my 5.5 tons of Ducted Heat Pump and I can keep my house 8 - 12 degrees F cooler on PV power.​
- I expect them to "save" me about $1200-$1500 a year in Grid power​

In AC and DC input mode
- If running on Grid / Inverter Power ~ AND ~ PV input power, They prioritize DC PV power extremely well Using on average only about 40w of AC power or less if the sun is out ...​
- And if set in "AC Limit" mode, will greatly limit AC input power when clouds move over​
- Running in AC and DC combo input keeps the PV MPPTs on all the time, so no matter how bad the weather in the day​
1. The MPPTs stay on​
2. They use all available PV input power that is available down to 0 (zero) watts.​
- The AC Limiter keeps even the 24k units from using any more than about 500 watts even at night​
- So in AC / DC input combo mode they work really well​

In DC PV input Only Mode
- They leave some to be desired​
- They need at least 350-400 watts of input power to stay on (understandable)​
- If Clouds move over, One of my 24k Units seems to really struggle to bring the compressor back on once the sun comes back out​
- The other 2 units (24k and 12k) do OK with clouds but not great​
- If they do power off during the day, you must manually turn them back on. The MPPT will seek for about an hour or so and then shut down if it does not find enough power. My one 24k unit struggles to restart the compressor when the sun returns and sometimes just shuts down in full sun​
- But when they power off at the end of the day, They come back on the next day automatically no problem.​
- So this MPPT seek thing makes me suspect of their value IF you only wanted to run them in DC PV only mode. In other words, they are probably not good fit for a situation where no grid or inverter supplement power is available​

The App
- It works well, but leaves a lot to be desired in Functionality​
- There are features you might expect that just are not available such as the ability to program a set temp in the cloud timer​
- To use the timer feature, you need an internet connection for the Mini Split A/C because there is no timer control in the unit​

My Purchase from Signature Solar (SS)
- As always, they are fast to ship​
- BUT ... so far (after over a week) they have NOT responded to my issues with the MPPT of the one 24k unit​
- That same unit also now seems to be having issues staying connected to the LAN (wifi network) here​
1. I am getting no wifi connection or weak wifi connection when I scan the network​
2. The app for that one unit sometimes does not respond when I try to send commands, but does with the other 2 units.​
3. So I assume that is the weak wifi connection ...​
4. BUT maybe it is a 2nd developing issue to the already existing MPPT. I do not know yet.​
- But over all I would say dealings with SS have been about 50/50​
1. They were really good about getting me a new remote when 1 of the 3 did not switch from C to F for temp​
2. But on the MPPT it has been crickets.​
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That's OK. I have these new units here collecting dust for awhile, been off to Colorado some of June / will be most of July then a trip to CANADA ??

Which reminds me...for those that don't know, warranty registration for these is via the EG4 website if you didn't know - wasn't really paperwork with the units for that...
Do you have a Link? What is the EG4 website? Is that at Signature Solar?
Yep that's it. Also found this somewhat noteable:

If a full replacement warranty is needed the warranty is prorated 1/2 per year after the first year at the current retail pricing.

Edit 11/17/23 while registering a new unit: This language no longer appears on EG4electronics. Just

offers a 5-year Full Parts Replacement or Full Product Replacement Warranty from the date of the original mini-split purchase.
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MrM1, I just found this thread and wanted to say what a nice job you did on the install of your mini splits. I have one as well and make youtube videos on it. I am an HVAC professional but only a beginner when it comes to solar so I have joined as a way to gain more info on the solar side, and offer technical assistance on the HVAC side. Here's a link to my channel, anyone with any install related questions feel free to contact me.
MrM1, I just found this thread and wanted to say what a nice job you did on the install of your mini splits. I have one as well and make youtube videos on it. I am an HVAC professional but only a beginner when it comes to solar so I have joined as a way to gain more info on the solar side, and offer technical assistance on the HVAC side. Here's a link to my channel, anyone with any install related questions feel free to contact me.
I have watched your videos......good info there.
MrM1, I just found this thread and wanted to say what a nice job you did on the install of your mini splits. I have one as well and make youtube videos on it. I am an HVAC professional but only a beginner when it comes to solar so I have joined as a way to gain more info on the solar side, and offer technical assistance on the HVAC side. Here's a link to my channel, anyone with any install related questions feel free to contact me.
Thanks so much ... And great channel . Yeah your videos on the install were some of the ones that help mean along the way.


My channel is here. Have a series on an off grid farm is installed back last yearu. Hope to have a video on the EG4s soon

diy solar

diy solar