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diy solar

"Ukraine's Nazi problem is real, even if Putin's 'denazification' claim isn't"

As someone intimately familiar with the area the whole Nazi thing is way overblown. Sure, every country has its share of fringe "nazi" crazies, but the problem never actually existed to a point where it was an issue for society at large.

This blog has the best information (in English) on the what's going on

As someone intimately familiar with the area the whole Nazi thing is way overblown. Sure, every country has its share of fringe "nazi" crazies, but the problem never actually existed to a point where it was an issue for society at large.
Wow.. I need to screen shot this because you actually said something I believe....

I bet you are intimately familiar with the whole Nazi thing.. Of that, I have little doubt. Probably familiar with the whole KKK thing too...
Wow.. I need to screen shot this because you actually said something I believe....

I bet you are intimately familiar with the whole Nazi thing.. Of that, I have little doubt. Probably familiar with the whole KKK thing too...

You did a Red Herring here. Total fail. He said he's familiar with Ukraine, not Nazis.

Not funny Murphy.
Ukraine has a Nazi problem with a jewish president?

I wonder if Zelensky likes to use them as attack dogs, hoping he'll be able to control them in the end.
The very first quesiton i would ask what is Nazi?

Is forcing people to get untested genetic injections called "vaccines" a Nazi thing?
Is locking people in their houses and not letting them travel a Nazi thing?
Are threats and attempts against anyone not going along with the lunacy a Nazi thing?
Is locking people in quarantine camps over a minor disease a Nazi thing?
Is digital ID aka the modern version of "papers please" and universal cattle tagging of people via technology a Nazi thing?

I most governments in the world (Including Russia, Ukraine, collective "West") most definitely qualify as "Nazi".
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The very first quesiton i would ask what is Nazi?

Is forcing people to get untested genetic injections called "vaccines" a Nazi thing?
Is locking people in their houses and not letting them travel a Nazi thing?
Are threats and attempts against anyone not going along with the lunacy a Nazi thing?
Is locking people in quarantine camps over a minor disease a Nazi thing?
Is digital ID aka the modern version of "papers please" and universal cattle tagging of people via technology a Nazi thing?

I most governments in the world (Including Russia, Ukraine, collective "West") most definitely qualify as "Nazi".

Makes you question history.

Basically a Nazi is someone who isn't a libtard.
Only governments are true enemies of people as they can force people to do things people do not want under threat of a gun or prison.
That's the purpose of the government... without government, people like you would be running around doing all kinds of nasty things.
That's the purpose of the government... without government, people like you would be running around doing all kinds of nasty things.

Now you're punching for the moral high ground.

Bruh, you're totally defeated here. Just move along.
Now you're punching for the moral high ground.

Bruh, you're totally defeated here. Just move along.
I don't need a moral high ground to point out how a mentally ill person suffering from paranoid conspiracy delusions would be a danger to society.

Although I do understand that you're part of his Russian cheerleader squad judging by the number of times you feel compelled to hit the emotional emoji button.

You still haven't explained this: I know, duck, cover, deflect.. in 3.. 2.. 1..
I don't need a moral high ground to point out how a mentally ill person suffering from paranoid conspiracy delusions would be a danger to society.

Although I do understand that you're part of his Russian cheerleader squad judging by the number of times you feel compelled to hit the emotional emoji button.

You still haven't explained this: I know, duck, cover, deflect.. in 3.. 2.. 1..

Sure "Hunters Laptop is Russian disinfo" Murphtard.

Because you're a libtarded libtard, even with hunter suing the poor laptop repair guy, you will still say it's Russian disinformation. You get educated and then relapse into stupidity like an addict. ?

Sure "Hunters Laptop is Russian disinfo" Murphtard.

Because you're a libtarded libtard, even with hunter suing the poor laptop repair guy, you will still say it's Russian disinformation. You get educated and then relapse into stupidity like an addict. ?


I have to wonder how empty and sad your life must be to pay so much attention to something so stupid..

Whoops.. I already have the answer to that.. Here's a hint: How does someone think its 1AM in the morning when its the middle of the afternoon?

I have to wonder how empty and sad your life must be to pay so much attention to something so stupid..

Oh look. It's Murphy trying to cope with being wrong wrong wrong. He was passionate that the laptop was "Russian disinformation" because he can't think and is just another NPC libtard doing what libtards do best...being libtarded of course!

Of course now that he cannot pretend there isn't enough evidence proving its real, he had to pretend we are concerned about the sexual content on it and not the info on there that proves Joe Biden took bribes.

It must now be poo pood as being no big deal.

Poor Murphtard. Just quit.
Oh look. It's Murphy trying to cope with being wrong wrong wrong. He was passionate that the laptop was "Russian disinformation" because he can't think and is just another NPC libtard doing what libtards do best...being libtarded of course!
I'm not like you... my emotions don't rule me and I don't get passionate about things outside of my control. That's what you do, as evidenced by the postings here..

Seriously, what kind of moron accuses someone of being up at 1AM in the morning when its the middle of the afternoon? You're never going to get past that.. Ignore and deflect, and don't forget to put the little emotional emoji in there loser boy.

Of course now that he cannot pretend there isn't enough evidence proving its real, he had to pretend we are concerned about the sexual content on it and not the info on there that proves Joe Biden took bribes.

It must now be poo pood as being no big deal.

Poor Murphtard. Just quit.
You're concerned with the laptop.. its a subject you can understand.. I really don't give a crap about it.

I don't need a moral high ground to point out how a mentally ill person suffering from paranoid conspiracy delusions would be a danger to society.

Although I do understand that you're part of his Russian cheerleader squad judging by the number of times you feel compelled to hit the emotional emoji button.

You still haven't explained this: I know, duck, cover, deflect.. in 3.. 2.. 1..
View attachment 167599
This is smurphs default white flag.

Prove him wrong he whips it out for a hopeful distraction.

Gilbert Godfried in Beverly Hills Cop did it better, but its the same idea.

Start at 0:58

I'm not like you... my emotions don't rule me and I don't get passionate about things outside of my control. That's what you do, as evidenced by the postings here..

Seriously, what kind of moron accuses someone of being up at 1AM in the morning when its the middle of the afternoon? You're never going to get past that.. Ignore and deflect, and don't forget to put the little emotional emoji in there loser boy.

Murphybro, it's just before 11PM here which means it's coming upon 2:00AM in the rust belt where you lurk.

Why you up so late buddy?
You're concerned with the laptop.. its a subject you can understand.. I really don't give a crap about it.

Pfft right.

You said it was fake because stupid cant be fixed and believe what you're told by leftists and parrot it back without thinking it through because you can't. Why can't you? Because stupid can't be fixed, thats why.
Murphybro, it's just before 11PM here which means it's coming upon 2:00AM in the rust belt where you lurk.

Why you up so late buddy?
You really are THAT stupid aren't you? Can't figure things out on your own so you depend on others.

I'm looking at the stars you dumbass.. How many times have I told you that astronomy is one of my hobbies? Twenty? Thirty?

Its a crystal clear night, 44 degrees so most of the moisture has condensed out of the air which makes for good viewing. A friend of mine is out of the country until mid October and I get to use his Meade LX850, which isn't something I would want to purchase myself.

Damn are you an idiot. If I was that dumb, I would do the world a favor and throw myself out a window..
I have to wonder how empty and sad your life must be to pay so much attention to something so stupid..
Ya if the FBI had not paid Twitter millions to lie about that laptop and other issues. And lets not forget about the 51 high intelligence connected people that claimed that the laptop was Russian disinformation. ( That the FBI had possession of at the time. ) This alone could have swayed the election.
What is stupid is your the denial of the truth.
Whoops.. I already have the answer to that.. Here's a hint: How does someone think its 1AM in the morning when its the middle of the afternoon?

View attachment 167603
Ya if the FBI had not paid Twitter millions to lie about that laptop and other issues.
Got a link to that? Oh wait, you're just going to link to some conservative wack job website.. Forget I asked, I really don't care either way.

Why you're concerned with it is a mystery to me... Probably why your concerned with immigration, trans people, etc.. Someone told you to be concerned and you fall in line.

And lets not forget about the 51 high intelligence connected people that claimed that the laptop was Russian disinformation.
I don't trust anyone who's high..

( That the FBI had possession of at the time. ) This alone could have swayed the election.
What is stupid is your the denial of the truth.
You view my rejection of your propaganda as denial of truth.. That's typical for a religious mind as you've been indoctrinated into a thought pattern that is incapable of accepting the unknown.

I don't confirm or deny anything about the laptop other than a position that since it was in the hands of a known political operator who lies (Giuliani) that no information concerning that laptop can be trusted until the proper hands validate it.

Either way, real or not, containing evidence of significant criminal activity or not, I don't care.. I didn't vote for Hunter Biden, he's not running for public office.

But you be sure to keep your attention focused on it.. Such subject matter is simple and easy for you to understand, and therefor, you can take part in the grade school level discussions.

Watching you monkeys wave sticks around is true entertainment.

If the FBI finds actual real evidence that a publicly elected official was taking bribes, please be sure to speak up about it.. Unfortunately, you'll have to be clear when you do because you cry wolf so often I don't really pay attention anymore.
You really are THAT stupid aren't you? Can't figure things out on your own so you depend on others.

I'm looking at the stars you dumbass.. How many times have I told you that astronomy is one of my hobbies? Twenty? Thirty?

Its a crystal clear night, 44 degrees so most of the moisture has condensed out of the air which makes for good viewing. A friend of mine is out of the country until mid October and I get to use his Meade LX850, which isn't something I would want to purchase myself.

Damn are you an idiot. If I was that dumb, I would do the world a favor and throw myself out a window..

If you notice his response to you is "got any proof".

It gets to be silly. All liberals are like that.

When you provide proof they poo poo the source. It could be first hand video of the event on youtube and they will say

"i Dont get my info from youtube videos"

Once they can no longer deny it, then they say "why does it matter anyway poo poo"

It's a waste time but a good excercise as they are all the exact same and it's good way to develop a working template on how to manipulate them for your own benefit.
If you notice his response to you is "got any proof".

It gets to be silly. All liberals are like that.

When you provide proof they poo poo the source. It could be first hand video of the event on youtube and they will say

"i Dont get my info from youtube videos"

Once they can no longer deny it, then they say "why does it matter anyway poo poo"

It's a waste time but a good excercise as they are all the exact same and it's good way to develop a working template on how to manipulate them for your own benefit.

Hey dumbass, when do astronomers practice astronomy?

Isn't it almost midnight where you live?

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diy solar