diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

If there is only 1 video you ever watch about the Covid pandemic and vaccines .... Watch this one.

Dr McCullough speaking to European Parliament covers all the bases .... Naming names of individuals and organizations complicit in the promotion of these vaccines at the expense of treatment protocols .... He has facts to support his statements. Ends by recommending ditching the WHO.
He exposes the entire debacle in a 17 minute speech.

Interesting article here by Jeff Childers.

There is another deadly virus that has the exact same pattern as Covid .... Funded by Fauci to Eco Health Alliance who transferred the funds to the Wuhan lab for research.
Scientists at Wuhan have been found to have antibodies to this virus.
Luckily ... This virus isn't airborne ... Yet.

If we don't somehow stop these idiots from doing all this gain of function research ..... they are going to kill us all.

A report from a Canadian research group conclusion.

The paper is based on 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region. A definite causal link is shown between many peaks in all-cause mortality and rapid vaccine rollouts. The authors quantify the fatal toxicity risk per injection, which is exceedingly large in the most elderly.

The authors conclude that governments should immediately end the policy of prioritizing elderly people for COVID-19 injection.

Another snippet from the report.

In the 17 countries, there is no evidence in all-cause mortality (ACM) by time data of
any beneficial effect of COVID-19 vaccines. There is no association in time between
COVID-19 vaccination and any proportionate reduction in ACM. The opposite occurs.

All 17 countries have transitions to regimes of high ACM, which occur when the
COVID-19 vaccines are deployed and administered. Nine of the 17 countries have no
detectable excess ACM in the period of approximately one year after a pandemic was
declared on 11 March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO), until the vaccines
are rolled out (Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Singapore,

Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay).
"I keep thinking back to Dr. Robert Malone's statement that the flu vaccines were understood (by insiders) not to work, but were kept in place as a way of ensuring mass manufacturing capacity in the event of a bio-disaster."

And yet, this table shows influenza 31.3% among vaccinated, 44.4% among unvaccinated.
For all the strains listed, 0.39 to 0.80 OR (relative risk?).

That appears to work, at least to some extent.

I would think maybe because the unvaccinated had more flu, that masked symptoms of corona virus. Although, if all were tested for all pathogens it wouldn't escape. Not sure what kind of study this was.
"I keep thinking back to Dr. Robert Malone's statement that the flu vaccines were understood (by insiders) not to work, but were kept in place as a way of ensuring mass manufacturing capacity in the event of a bio-disaster."

And yet, this table shows influenza 31.3% among vaccinated, 44.4% among unvaccinated.
For all the strains listed, 0.39 to 0.80 OR (relative risk?).

That appears to work, at least to some extent.

I would think maybe because the unvaccinated had more flu, that masked symptoms of corona virus. Although, if all were tested for all pathogens it wouldn't escape. Not sure what kind of study this was.

The FLU vaccine does show SOME efficacy in that chart .... but I would want to be seeing a much greater benefit than what is demonstrated ..... especially because there is going to be some degree of risk with the vaccine.
Vaccinated showing a 33% chance of getting the FLU and 44% for the unvaccinated.

Of course, we don't know any of the nuances such as hospitalization, death, or adverse events.
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The FLU vaccine does show SOME efficacy in that chart .... but I would want to be seeing a much greater benefit than what is demonstrated ..... especially because there is going to be some degree of risk with the vaccine.
Vaccinated showing a 33% chance of getting the FLU and 44% for the unvaccinated.

Of course, we don't know any of the nuisances such as hospitalization, death, or adverse events.

Both my close coworkers got the flu jab last year then, I shit you not, within a week or two both had the flu.

Kids had flu and covid and the wife and I avoided both taking absolutely zero protections.

If the flu jab is the wrong strain it makes you more likely to catch flu.
The FLU vaccine does show SOME efficacy in that chart .... but I would want to be seeing a much greater benefit than what is demonstrated

And that is why, years ago when I noticed the promotion of flu vaccine and read details, I decided it wasn't worth getting.

Was going to be my approach to SARS Cov 2 (together with avoiding exposure) until I reviewed phase 3 trial results which looked fantastic.
If only the virus would stand still long enough for everyone to be made immune, without mutating to evade.
China was able to roll out far faster inoculation. Holiday, no travel restrictions, everyone moves around the country and quickly spreads a relatively benign variant.

Of course, we don't know any of the nuisances such as hospitalization, death, or adverse events.

Such a nuisance, I agree.