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Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

The Hill is a LONG way from a right wing outlet.

newly released evidence from the House Ways and Means Committee reveals at least nine Biden family members benefitted from over $20 million dollars coming from 23 separate countries on four continents. It was a worldwide brand with only one product: Senator then Vice-President Joe Biden.​

cool investigate it.

lets do some math:
"over" 20 million divided by 23 countries. that's 1 million per country.

1 million per country divided by "at least" 9 family members. lets say 10. That's $100,000 per person per country per person.

Investigate the Bidens.

Jared Kucher recieved 2 billion. BILLION

If you are against investigating that, you are just a hypocrite.

20 million:
2 BIllion:

I'll believe you aren't just a hypocrite when you care not only about Bidens 20 million (divided amongst at least 9 people, in 23 separate countries)... but also a number 100 times that amount going to one single person.

I won't hold my breath.

But I will say this, I say investigate the Bidens. I also say investigate Jared Kushner. I doubt you can do the same.
cool investigate it.

lets do some math:
"over" 20 million divided by 23 countries. that's 1 million per country.

1 million per country divided by "at least" 9 family members. lets say 10. That's $100,000 per person per country per person.

Investigate the Bidens.

Jared Kucher recieved 2 billion. BILLION

If you are against investigating that, you are just a hypocrite.

20 million:
2 BIllion:

I'll believe you aren't just a hypocrite when you care not only about Bidens 20 million (divided amongst at least 9 people, in 23 separate countries)... but also a number 100 times that amount going to one single person.

I won't hold my breath.

But I will say this, I say investigate the Bidens. I also say investigate Jared Kushner. I doubt you can do the same.
Typical child like manipulative response. Instead of dealing with the topic at hand. ( Biden's impeachment investigation ) You attempt to derail the subject trying place blame on another. Then using math to razzle dazzle, a attempt to further muddy when waters.
If you want to go after Kushner, then open a thread about it. If guilty he needs to face a judge.
these morons will keep trying to impeach Biden for his son receiving 500k. meanwhile not giving a shit about Jared getting 2 billion.
idiots gonna idiot, yell about people not providing evidence while ignoring all evidence.
no point interacting with them
What a dope. That $2bil isnt a gift, its a legitimate business investment. Trumps son has no official government power and Trump left office. Why would this be interpreted as bribery?
Hunter toured the world on air force one with his father who was vice president at the time. Joe made policy decisions after his son took the money.
@Ryujin classic topic switching.

As was posted already noone here is defending Kushner or anyone like that. Ofcourse they are all crooks, everyone in politics is.
The only credit i give to Trump is that he really exposed the parasite class (or maybe they just dont care anymore) and that Trump did not actually start a new war. Credit where credit is due (the rest was empty talk).
But, "Biden" is the very essence of the parasite class. There has never been anyone before "Biden" that is so openly and in your face destroying this country (I am assuming you are from the US). Obama did come close though and so did Bush Jr.
People like to say politicians are stupid, but this can not be further from the truth. They pretend to act stupid, while executing orders given to them by the parasite class (who rule via influence and "contributions"). In this sense the entire "Biden" apparatus has truly excelled in its shamelessness of shitting on people's heads.
Note that i always put "Biden" in quotes because Biden the man is lucky if he can pull his pants on on his own.
I stand by my assertion that dude is a total waste and not worth the energy. The other two seem gone for good, hopefully he leaves too since you can't totally block somebody.

Maybe we can all pitch in and buy him a Prius and he'll use it to drive away from here.
@Ryujin classic topic switching.

As was posted already noone here is defending Kushner or anyone like that. Ofcourse they are all crooks, everyone in politics is.
The only credit i give to Trump is that he really exposed the parasite class (or maybe they just dont care anymore) and that Trump did not actually start a new war. Credit where credit is due (the rest was empty talk).
But, "Biden" is the very essence of the parasite class. There has never been anyone before "Biden" that is so openly and in your face destroying this country (I am assuming you are from the US). Obama did come close though and so did Bush Jr.
People like to say politicians are stupid, but this can not be further from the truth. They pretend to act stupid, while executing orders given to them by the parasite class (who rule via influence and "contributions"). In this sense the entire "Biden" apparatus has truly excelled in its shamelessness of shitting on people's heads.
Note that i always put "Biden" in quotes because Biden the man is lucky if he can pull his pants on on his own.

And closed the border.

Kushner used name recognition to get people to invest in his new hedge fund after Trump was no longer president.

Hunter took direct bribes and went to great lengths to conceal and launder them on behalf of Biden that in exchange for policy decisions.

Liberals are too retarded to know the difference or purposely pretend to be due to tribalism.
Widespred consensus does NOT make it Fact.
Youre right. Facts make it fact. She quickly rose through the ranks of city govt while involved in an affair with the mayor.
Nobody disputes that.

After several years of watching her public speaking performsnces no one can seriously argue she was elected to town dog catcher on her own merits. No democrat party official has even dared to suggest she should take the lead and run for president, she is hopelessly unqualified to even be an aide for a freshman congressman.
Defending Kamalas professional qualifications, is that a hill you really want to die on?
cool investigate it.

lets do some math:
"over" 20 million divided by 23 countries. that's 1 million per country.

1 million per country divided by "at least" 9 family members. lets say 10. That's $100,000 per person per country per person.

Investigate the Bidens.

Jared Kucher recieved 2 billion. BILLION

If you are against investigating that, you are just a hypocrite.

20 million:
2 BIllion:

I'll believe you aren't just a hypocrite when you care not only about Bidens 20 million (divided amongst at least 9 people, in 23 separate countries)... but also a number 100 times that amount going to one single person.

I won't hold my breath.

But I will say this, I say investigate the Bidens. I also say investigate Jared Kushner. I doubt you can do the same.
So .... You think over 20 million being paid to the Biden family thru shell companies for influence peddling is perfectly OK?

What was done for the 20 million?
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I stand by my assertion that dude is a total waste and not worth the energy. The other two seem gone for good, hopefully he leaves too since you can't totally block somebody.

Maybe we can all pitch in and buy him a Prius and he'll use it to drive away from here.
Yeah .... it's pretty obvious that facts have no effect on his thinking.
Youre right. Facts make it fact. She quickly rose through the ranks of city govt while involved in an affair with the mayor.
Nobody disputes that.

After several years of watching her public speaking performsnces no one can seriously argue she was elected to town dog catcher on her own merits. No democrat party official has even dared to suggest she should take the lead and run for president, she is hopelessly unqualified to even be an aide for a freshman congressman.
I was referring to your use of "widespread consensus" The left uses this terminology like "Climate Change is a existential Threat" Nonsense.
Defending Kamalas professional qualifications, is that a hill you really want to die on?
See post 246 in this thread. About what I think of Word Salad ER Kamala.......
I was referring to your use of "widespread consensus" The left uses this terminology like "Climate Change is a existential Threat" Nonsense.

See post 246 in this thread. About what I think of Word Salad ER Kamala.......
Okay so you werent disputing the point about Kamala just the term used to describe public opinion on the matter.
Im not sure the two issues are similar enough to quibble over semantics.
So .... You think over 20 million being paid to the Biden family thru shell companies for influence peddling is perfectly OK?

What was done for the 20 million?
Whats stupid about criticizing Kushner over the Saudi investment is what he was really doing by developing a friendship with the prince was strengthening our alliance which has historically been very beneficial to our economy. To me thats what our leaders are supposed to be doing. All Biden accomplished with the Saudis is pissing them off. The people Hunter took money with werent doing much to benefit our economy if at all.
My take is that he is so tied up with the LGBT issue (solely on which he supports "Biden") he lost context to all other much more serious issues that will make the LGBT issue irrelevant. Bad stance to take.
My take is that he is so tied up with the LGBT issue (solely on which he supports "Biden") he lost context to all other much more serious issues that will make the LGBT issue irrelevant. Bad stance to take.
From their tone I had the impression this person was a girl. I suppose if I was wrong theyd take that as a compliment anyway, so...

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