diy solar

diy solar

The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

There are two global factions growing on this earth. The Globalist's and the nationalist's. Who do you hope comes out on top?

Actually that's false narrative.
The real factions are authoritarians vs those who value individual freedom.
Both globalists and nationalists are authoritarian (of both "left" and "right" flavours). They both seek to control you.
Sorry I refuse to support "Tik Tok". Do you have another way to show your point?
I didnt ask you to download the app or support tik tok. Going to the website and watching the video does not transfer one penny from your pocket to theirs.
Seems a convenient way to deny information that counters your beliefs.
The clip shows former Israeli soldiers laughing as they describe war crimes they participated in against Palestinian civilians in the 1948 ethnic cleansing.
If you choose to not view it then by not refuting it you accept its truth. Israel did horrible things to those people, pretending the Hamas attack was unjust terrorism or a first strike is ridiculous. Israel is the aggressor, and runs a propaganda machine in this country covering that up.
We should expect blowback from Arab Muslim terrorists. Theyre fighting with the only tools they have.
As for that Hamas charter I view that as their logical counter to the Zionist agenda, and todays Jews have zero legitimate claim to the land of the hebrews who they share no ancestry with. They are US and european.
A. I will not support Tic Tok in any way. You go ahead and be the Terrorist cheerleader if you want.
So is your "Seems a convenient way to deny information that counters your beliefs." Nonsense"
You refuse to look at evidence Jews committed horrible atrocities similar to what Hamas did on the grounds you "refuse to support tik tok" yet you cannot come up with a rational argument detailing how you clicking on a link for 2 minutes could possibly transfer a single penny from your pocket to tik toks.
Your stated reason for refusal is clearly bullshit. Youve spent far more time finding reasons to not watch the video than had you simply watched it. Yet I clicked your link and watched Shapiros clip in its entirety because I wanted to credibly say it was a one sided presentation, expected because hes a Jew.
Your own bias suggests you are as well. Its the only explanation for such loyal defense of Israel and refusal to see the other side.
So now youre trying to argue taking a stand against tiktok is a higher priority for you than finding out the truth behind this conflict, when not one red cent is transferred by you to tik tok. The lives of over a million Palestinians dont matter more than a penny to you.
At least the Nazis had the respect for their holocaust victims to save the gold from their dental work.
You refuse to look at evidence Jews committed horrible atrocities similar to what Hamas did on the grounds you "refuse to support tik tok" yet you cannot come up with a rational argument detailing how you clicking on a link for 2 minutes could possibly transfer a single penny from your pocket to tik toks.
Your stated reason for refusal is clearly bullshit. Youve spent far more time finding reasons to not watch the video than had you simply watched it. Yet I clicked your link and watched Shapiros clip in its entirety because I wanted to credibly say it was a one sided presentation, expected because hes a Jew.
Your own bias suggests you are as well. Its the only explanation for such loyal defense of Israel and refusal to see the other side.
So now youre trying to argue taking a stand against tiktok is a higher priority for you than finding out the truth behind this conflict, when not one red cent is transferred by you to tik tok. The lives of over a million Palestinians dont matter more than a penny to you.
At least the Nazis had the respect for their holocaust victims to save the gold from their dental work.

One thing you have to understand is that both sides are equally to blame. When i say both sides, i really mean leadership of both sides.
Usually people can get along just fine, when the proverbial jar of red and black ants is NOT being stirred by the parasites in the leadership positions. Then normally peaceful folk become brainwashed and propagandized with hate (on both sides), usually when their leaders have ran down the place to shit economically or need a distraction from their shenanigans.

And then you get to the countries who supply arms to both sides of conflict. I will let you guess who those countries (and their MICs) are.
You refuse to look at evidence Jews committed horrible atrocities similar to what Hamas did on the grounds you "refuse to support tik tok" yet you cannot come up with a rational argument detailing how you clicking on a link for 2 minutes could possibly transfer a single penny from your pocket to tik toks.
Your stated reason for refusal is clearly bullshit. Youve spent far more time finding reasons to not watch the video than had you simply watched it. Yet I clicked your link and watched Shapiros clip in its entirety because I wanted to credibly say it was a one sided presentation, expected because hes a Jew.
Your own bias suggests you are as well. Its the only explanation for such loyal defense of Israel and refusal to see the other side.
So now youre trying to argue taking a stand against tiktok is a higher priority for you than finding out the truth behind this conflict, when not one red cent is transferred by you to tik tok. The lives of over a million Palestinians dont matter more than a penny to you.
At least the Nazis had the respect for their holocaust victims to save the gold from their dental work.
Nazis and respect. Your view is a real disappointment. Tic Tok are manipulating children (and adults for that matter) Feel free to use China's manipulation tool.

One of the comments:

This is a well written and well thought out piece! The last suggestion that Netanyahu was the willing dupe of a higher coterie of globalist psychopaths seems to be the most probable. The people of Israel know their leaders have betrayed them through the disastrous consequences of their COVID scam and the recent “surprise attack” by Hamas; just as some people of Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the UK and USA know their leaders are traitors to not only their nation but to all humanity!

The globalists have succeeded in constructing an alternative reality via their 9-11, global economic meltdown, COVID and their all war all the time narratives/propaganda/mind entrainment. They are literally driving people crazy, destroying people’s minds (menticide) using fear and intimidation as the main drivers.

The COVID governmental overreach, the lockdowns, the fear mongering made it easy for the media to dupe us about George Floyd. We know TPTB censor and suppress information/news all the time, they were doing it during the lockdowns. It would have been so easy for them to keep that situation suppressed by flat out not showing it, confiscating the video, buying the videos etc. People were stressed out by the constant fearmongering, the lockdowns, the forced social isolation and the constant pictures of Floyd sent them over the edge not because they wanted justice for Floyd but primarily due to personal stress. The demonstrations allowed people to come out, get out of the house, vent their frustrations at the government by using Floyd as the conduit for their anger. The media manipulated their distress and easily played up the BLM charlatan’s narrative “defund the police” nation wide. As the police stood down more chaos ensued and set the tone and tenor for what we are seeing now.
Think about this for a moment, even before COVID the Black community was under siege by rising crime, violence, drug importation, social disintegration and chaos! Yes police brutality exists everywhere but so does social dysfunction. We needed more security not less! We wanted equal protection under law something Black Americans have never received or experienced in this country.

Psychopaths like Belinda Gates used the Floyd situation to push Blacks who would normally be extremely skeptical and resistant and rightly so of vaccines from the medical mafia to the front of the COVID kill shot lines!

Fast forward to now, the globalists have put their foot on the accelerator, the kill shots are working, the wars popping up all over the place will expand and their global depopulation schemes will come to fruition if we remain asleep, gripped in fear and at each others throats.

One of the comments:

This is a well written and well thought out piece! The last suggestion that Netanyahu was the willing dupe of a higher coterie of globalist psychopaths seems to be the most probable. The people of Israel know their leaders have betrayed them through the disastrous consequences of their COVID scam and the recent “surprise attack” by Hamas; just as some people of Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the UK and USA know their leaders are traitors to not only their nation but to all humanity!

The globalists have succeeded in constructing an alternative reality via their 9-11, global economic meltdown, COVID and their all war all the time narratives/propaganda/mind entrainment. They are literally driving people crazy, destroying people’s minds (menticide) using fear and intimidation as the main drivers.

The COVID governmental overreach, the lockdowns, the fear mongering made it easy for the media to dupe us about George Floyd. We know TPTB censor and suppress information/news all the time, they were doing it during the lockdowns. It would have been so easy for them to keep that situation suppressed by flat out not showing it, confiscating the video, buying the videos etc. People were stressed out by the constant fearmongering, the lockdowns, the forced social isolation and the constant pictures of Floyd sent them over the edge not because they wanted justice for Floyd but primarily due to personal stress. The demonstrations allowed people to come out, get out of the house, vent their frustrations at the government by using Floyd as the conduit for their anger. The media manipulated their distress and easily played up the BLM charlatan’s narrative “defund the police” nation wide. As the police stood down more chaos ensued and set the tone and tenor for what we are seeing now.
Think about this for a moment, even before COVID the Black community was under siege by rising crime, violence, drug importation, social disintegration and chaos! Yes police brutality exists everywhere but so does social dysfunction. We needed more security not less! We wanted equal protection under law something Black Americans have never received or experienced in this country.

Psychopaths like Belinda Gates used the Floyd situation to push Blacks who would normally be extremely skeptical and resistant and rightly so of vaccines from the medical mafia to the front of the COVID kill shot lines!

Fast forward to now, the globalists have put their foot on the accelerator, the kill shots are working, the wars popping up all over the place will expand and their global depopulation schemes will come to fruition if we remain asleep, gripped in fear and at each others throats.
I understand it was recently revealed George Floyds official autopsy was falsified because the medical examiner was afraid of losing his job if he didnt file a report that matched the mob narrative... that it was actually a fentanyl OD and there was no trauma to his neck at all. Yet that poor cop is still in prison for just doing his job.
The ME should be in prison.
Anyway, whether there is a conspiracy to cause mass deaths or not, can you suggest a solution to the worlds coming problems that doesnt involve killing off half the population... Repeatedly?
The question is who decides who lives?
A world population of 10+ billion, with ever increasing industrialization, is not sustainable.
A nuclear exchange would help a lot except the fallout would have a lot of side effects.
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I understand it was recently revealed George Floyds official autopsy was falsified because the medical examiner was afraid of losing his job if he didnt file a report that matched the mob narrative... that it was actually a fentanyl OD and there was no trauma to his neck at all. Yet that poor cop is still in prison for just doing his job.
The ME should be in prison.
That Criminal died of a fentanyl overdose. It did not fit the lefts narrative, so they lied. Big supersize eh?
You don't see any Israeli weapon dumps under schools , below hospitals

The Israelis don't hide behind women and children, they also don't deliberately target civilians (unlike ham-ass who do both)
We should expect blowback from Arab Muslim terrorists. Theyre fighting with the only tools they have.
As for that Hamas charter I view that as their logical counter to the Zionist agenda,

You see deliberate murder of innocence civilians as "logical"

How about using their own innocent civilians as human shields, is that 'logical'?

What about the (billionaire) Hamas leaders denying aid to their people while hoarding it for themselves, logical?
You don't see any Israeli weapon dumps under schools , below hospitals

The Israelis don't hide behind women and children, they also don't deliberately target civilians (unlike ham-ass who do both)
Who is a civilian in israel?
Military service is compulsory.
OTOH palestinians arent allowed to have a military, theyre all civilians. And they arent allowed to have weapons dunps, so whats your point? Make up silly standards of what constitutes terrorism, just so you can condemn them as terrorists?
Israel has killed almost 10,000 people in gaza, AND ALL OF THEM ARE CIVILIANS.
Make up silly standards of what constitutes terrorism, just so you can condemn them as terrorists?

What was the Oct 7th attack if not terrorism?

It won't matter much either way because I suspect that this time Israel is going to take care of business once and for all, and when they're finished there won't be much left of Gaza, hamas, or any other terrorist groups who decide to get involved. And.... the US should stay out of it altogether.
If you look at the bottom of the signs You will see who provided the signs for the terrorist sympathizers at the capital palestine protest, you will find that they were supplied by the Socialist Workers Party. A far Left group that started out from USSR rule.

So in short, if you support Hamas and the sympathizers you are supporting Terrorists and Communism.
Again, i take no sides in this conflict, i think both GOVERNMENTS are to blame, but little things like this are indeed pesky truth if you have been following the region's history

“We Will Always Be There for Our Palestinian Brethren” Says Jordanian King – Who Refuses to Take in a Single Gazan Refugee​

Jordan claimed today it had succeeded in a “fearless” mission to air-drop aid to Gaza, only for the Israeli military to clarify the aid mission had been coordinated through it.

“Our fearless air force personnel air-dropped at midnight medical aid to the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza,” Jordanian King Abdullah II said early on Monday.

“This is our duty to aid our brothers and sisters injured in the war on Gaza. We will always be there for our Palestinian brethren.”

We see here propaganda in action. Jordan identifies Palestinians as “brethren” (Israelis are never “brethren”, of course) and falsely implies the aid was provided against the wishes of Israel and without its assistance, the better to make Israel look bad and Jordan look like it’s got the Gazans’ back.

But is this the same King Abdullah who has refused to take in a single Gazan refugee? Last month he said:

I think I can speak here on behalf of Jordan… but also our friends in Egypt: This is a red line… no refugees to Jordan and also no refugees to Egypt. This is a situation that has to be handled within Gaza and the West Bank. And you don’t have to do it on the shoulders of others.
Always be there – at a safe distance, dropped from a great height.

Jordan originally staked a claim to the whole land of Israel, of course, and annexed the West Bank in 1950 before losing it in 1967. And the Palestinians originally saw Jordan as an integral part of greater Palestine and fought to undermine the Hashemite state established by the British after World War One under its Mandate for Palestine. Palestinian claims on Jordan eventually came to an end after the 1970 ‘Black September‘ victory of Jordan over the Palestinian Liberation Organisation and the brutal driving out of the Palestinians from Jordan.

For some reason, though, this murky history is now largely forgotten, and the legitimacy of Jordan is universally accepted, while that of the Jewish state remains widely questioned. Now why could that be? Particularly as Israel has strived to include Gazans – before the war Israel had just issued thousands of new work permits – while Jordan’s border, like that of Egypt, has remained firmly shut.

“Always there.”
Lest we forget, The reason Hamas hit hard and heavy was the possibility of the Abraham Accord reducing Iran's pull in the middle east. This attack put that possible peace treaty to a screeching halt.

If you look at the bottom of the signs You will see who provided the signs for the terrorist sympathizers at the capital palestine protest, you will find that they were supplied by the Socialist Workers Party. A far Left group that started out from USSR rule.

So in short, if you support Hamas and the sympathizers you are supporting Terrorists and Communism.
Free Palestine, ya dumb son of a bitch!

diy solar

diy solar