diy solar

diy solar

Solar Sovereign (Signature Solar sub) - Impossible to get ahold of


New Member
Aug 26, 2023
West Coast
Well, my un-lucky streak continues with my solar projects.
Can't get ahold of these guys to set up a return/exchange of my dead 18kpv. Called them every day since the EG4 rep told me my inverter was dead and needed an exchange. Now I sit here waiting for a call back. *sigh*

Since the order was fulfilled by Signature Solar, would I be able to call them to honor the warranty return/exchange?
Well, my un-lucky streak continues with my solar projects.
Can't get ahold of these guys to set up a return/exchange of my dead 18kpv. Called them every day since the EG4 rep told me my inverter was dead and needed an exchange. Now I sit here waiting for a call back. *sigh*

Since the order was fulfilled by Signature Solar, would I be able to call them to honor the warranty return/exchange?
Hello! If you would like to reach out to me directly at with your name and who you are trying to reach, I will get this taken care of immediately.

diy solar

diy solar