diy solar

diy solar

Solar preparation for the crazyness that is coming.

Are you familiar with this theory? Saw a special on cable the other night [JFK: The Smoking Gun] and seems like a plausible, if not likely explanation and covers all of the inconsistencies in evidence and eyewitness accounts.

I don’t honestly know. I doubt he made all the shots. High stress. I am firm believer that they killed JFK. The question is who are “they.”

I think Meyer Lansky murder inc since he was tied to Jack Ruby that shot Oswald. To my knowledge and several investigator say, Oswald never admitted he shot JFK. You’d think if Oswald did shoot JFK would want recognition so would have confessed.

Increasing Psychopathic Behavior Is A Sign That Society Is On The Verge Of Breaking Down​

Discussions on collapse often turn to signs and signals - The economy, politics and social tensions have become increasingly unstable for many years now, and much like adding more and more weight to a man standing on a frozen lake, eventually the ice is going to break. The question is, how do we know when that moment will be?

As cultural systems begins to dissolve due to political clashes and economic decline the real evil tends to slither out of the woodwork. It happens slowly at first, then all at once. A sure sign of accelerating collapse is the growing prevalence of psychopaths and psychopathic behavior in the open.

The US appears to have entered the middle stages of such a collapse with many sociopaths and psychopaths beginning to feel that they might be able to act out their worst impulses without consequences. They are beginning to test the waters to see what they can get away with.

In the past ten years there has been a dramatic uptick in mass violence and theft. With the advent of social media it is now easier than ever for spontaneously planned riots to form with little warning, and in most cases these mobs are random in who and what they attack. They might organize in the name of politics or activism, but they tend to lash out at whatever targets are closest or easiest rather than the people they blame for their travails.

In most cases these events result in simple property destruction in urban areas, but more and more there has been an underlying and aggressive impulse to hurt people. There will come a time very soon when the the goal is not just to steal or vandalize, but to use instability as a smokescreen; a distraction the provides opportunities to harm others.

Psychopaths like to exploit the chaos of political turmoil to indulge their violent tendencies, or to convince others to do the same. If no one acts to eliminate the first wave of criminal actions during a social breakdown, then thousands of other criminals will also move to take advantage. The first wave becomes an avalanche, all because the system no longer provides sufficient incentives to behave.

The root psychology is hard to explain, but look at it this way – Imagine a spoiled toddler is kept in check by his parents in the pristine halls of a delicate museum. The toddler might throw fits, screaming and shouting because he wants to touch the many fragile items around him, but at least his parents are there to hold him back. He has not yet learned the responsibility and maturity necessary to have access to these treasures. Now imagine removing the parents entirely and telling the toddler there are no rules anymore?

The rush of joy he experiences is exhilarating; it is the feeling of sudden and unearned power. No one is around to stop him, therefore, he is going to test his own limits. He sees the ordered environment around him and he becomes frustrated. How dare this place restrict him with boundaries and structure. His first inclination is to destroy anything that he can get his hands on.

Now understand that there is a portion of any given adult population that has these same tendencies. They never grew up. They want to take or destroy what they cannot have; they are only waiting for the opportunity to do so without repercussions.

At this phase of a breakdown when the dominoes begin to topple, law enforcement generally folds and retreats, leaving the public with no first line of defense. Gangs and looters organize quickly and take territory rather than just taking people's possessions. Organized crime at the local level leads to large scale death and minimal opposition. People are so isolated and busy trying to scrape together a meager economic lifeline that they have no time or motivation to fight back.

The point of no return comes when regular people are afraid to leave their homes. Organization at the neighborhood level with an aggressive posture must be enacted or the most vicious attacks will be visited on the population.

Sometimes, though, the psychopaths we have to deal with during a collapse are within the very government that is supposed to protect our liberties. This is a situation in which the criminals are given license to use violence against the citizenry through the illusion of law. The populace is then confronted with the inevitable question - Are laws worth following when psychopaths write them?

When corrupt people run government, good becomes evil and evil becomes good. Consider the extreme double standards in place between the treatment of leftist activist mobs and conservative protesters. Look at the government and media response to the BLM riots versus their response to the Jan 6 event. In the case of the capitol "riots", police fired rubber bullets and tear gas into the otherwise peaceful crowd, then when the protesters reacted violently, they were accused of "insurrection."

Is there any example of this kind of setup used against the political left? No. Instead, the media and public officials describe the destructive mobs as "fiery but mostly peaceful."

The double standard is absurd, but then again, it's meant to be. Why? Because the psychopaths among the political left were being rewarded and encouraged. Conservatives and moderates are supposed to feel defeated, making them unwilling to fight back any longer. These are the kinds of conditions that fuel unhinged and predatory people, unleashing them on the population.

When psychopaths feel protected, total upheaval quickly follows.
Anyone tuned into to what’s happening in Germany lately
Too much popping off globally. It's difficult to know if we are still in the steady drip-drip or the train has apexed and just hasn't gained enough speed to say with a certainty that it is indeed coming off the rails.
Continued economic collapse is most looming. Things are changing and will get much worse for a long time before they get better.
The best I can do is get as far removed from "the system" as possible. Food, water, energy, and barter when possible.
Psychopaths like to exploit the chaos of political turmoil to indulge their violent tendencies,
Do you remember the attack on Reginald Denny. The joy the attackers had while they were dancing around him and football spiking bricks at his head was animalistic.
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Do you remember the attack on Reginald Denny. The joy the attackers had while they were dancing around him and football spiking bricks at his head was animalistic.

This goes back to the dawn of history.

They are always around us, just looking for an opportunity when burn/loot/murder is allowed. Because they actually enjoy it, this is what makes the psychopaths.
Too much popping off globally. It's difficult to know if we are still in the steady drip-drip or the train has apexed and just hasn't gained enough speed to say with a certainty that it is indeed coming off the rails.
Continued economic collapse is most looming. Things are changing and will get much worse for a long time before they get better.
The best I can do is get as far removed from "the system" as possible. Food, water, energy, and barter when possible.

Funny how not a peep in the lamestream media !!!

Do you remember the attack on Reginald Denny. The joy the attackers had while they were dancing around him and football spiking bricks at his head was animalistic.
Yes and many years later they were on tv show they never apologized to him and even said would do it again. It was Reginald that apologized to them. Sad you could tell the brick to the head messed him up for life. He had done nothing to deserve it

Increasing Psychopathic Behavior Is A Sign That Society Is On The Verge Of Breaking Down​

Discussions on collapse often turn to signs and signals - The economy, politics and social tensions have become increasingly unstable for many years now, and much like adding more and more weight to a man standing on a frozen lake, eventually the ice is going to break. The question is, how do we know when that moment will be?

As cultural systems begins to dissolve due to political clashes and economic decline the real evil tends to slither out of the woodwork. It happens slowly at first, then all at once. A sure sign of accelerating collapse is the growing prevalence of psychopaths and psychopathic behavior in the open.

The US appears to have entered the middle stages of such a collapse with many sociopaths and psychopaths beginning to feel that they might be able to act out their worst impulses without consequences. They are beginning to test the waters to see what they can get away with.

In the past ten years there has been a dramatic uptick in mass violence and theft. With the advent of social media it is now easier than ever for spontaneously planned riots to form with little warning, and in most cases these mobs are random in who and what they attack. They might organize in the name of politics or activism, but they tend to lash out at whatever targets are closest or easiest rather than the people they blame for their travails.

In most cases these events result in simple property destruction in urban areas, but more and more there has been an underlying and aggressive impulse to hurt people. There will come a time very soon when the the goal is not just to steal or vandalize, but to use instability as a smokescreen; a distraction the provides opportunities to harm others.

Psychopaths like to exploit the chaos of political turmoil to indulge their violent tendencies, or to convince others to do the same. If no one acts to eliminate the first wave of criminal actions during a social breakdown, then thousands of other criminals will also move to take advantage. The first wave becomes an avalanche, all because the system no longer provides sufficient incentives to behave.

The root psychology is hard to explain, but look at it this way – Imagine a spoiled toddler is kept in check by his parents in the pristine halls of a delicate museum. The toddler might throw fits, screaming and shouting because he wants to touch the many fragile items around him, but at least his parents are there to hold him back. He has not yet learned the responsibility and maturity necessary to have access to these treasures. Now imagine removing the parents entirely and telling the toddler there are no rules anymore?

The rush of joy he experiences is exhilarating; it is the feeling of sudden and unearned power. No one is around to stop him, therefore, he is going to test his own limits. He sees the ordered environment around him and he becomes frustrated. How dare this place restrict him with boundaries and structure. His first inclination is to destroy anything that he can get his hands on.

Now understand that there is a portion of any given adult population that has these same tendencies. They never grew up. They want to take or destroy what they cannot have; they are only waiting for the opportunity to do so without repercussions.

At this phase of a breakdown when the dominoes begin to topple, law enforcement generally folds and retreats, leaving the public with no first line of defense. Gangs and looters organize quickly and take territory rather than just taking people's possessions. Organized crime at the local level leads to large scale death and minimal opposition. People are so isolated and busy trying to scrape together a meager economic lifeline that they have no time or motivation to fight back.

The point of no return comes when regular people are afraid to leave their homes. Organization at the neighborhood level with an aggressive posture must be enacted or the most vicious attacks will be visited on the population.

Sometimes, though, the psychopaths we have to deal with during a collapse are within the very government that is supposed to protect our liberties. This is a situation in which the criminals are given license to use violence against the citizenry through the illusion of law. The populace is then confronted with the inevitable question - Are laws worth following when psychopaths write them?

When corrupt people run government, good becomes evil and evil becomes good. Consider the extreme double standards in place between the treatment of leftist activist mobs and conservative protesters. Look at the government and media response to the BLM riots versus their response to the Jan 6 event. In the case of the capitol "riots", police fired rubber bullets and tear gas into the otherwise peaceful crowd, then when the protesters reacted violently, they were accused of "insurrection."

Is there any example of this kind of setup used against the political left? No. Instead, the media and public officials describe the destructive mobs as "fiery but mostly peaceful."

The double standard is absurd, but then again, it's meant to be. Why? Because the psychopaths among the political left were being rewarded and encouraged. Conservatives and moderates are supposed to feel defeated, making them unwilling to fight back any longer. These are the kinds of conditions that fuel unhinged and predatory people, unleashing them on the population.

When psychopaths feel protected, total upheaval quickly follows.
“2020 was constant mostly peaceful protest” “‘insurrection where BLM took over Town redetermined it other then USA and captured - Politicians stated Summer of Love” ….. BS these take overs were done to emotionally wear on ppl to dump Trump as the obvious problem to get peace. The Leftist Leaders called for even more from the rioters.

I think although it would have been messy Trump should have read the protesters the Riot Act like he did the ppl on 6 Jan 2021 at the Capitol Bldg. When Trump told them to go home it was and is a requirement to enforce the next step called Insurrection Act. Chaps my ass that Trump did not do the same to BLM Antifa …..then send out the Military. He could have secured the election process too. But just more ammo would have been loaded by Left claiming Trump was stealing election. Catch 22. Damned if you do Damned if you don’t.

Kyle Rittenhouse was not the oly one to rise up in 2020. Neighborhoods and areas where neighbors bandedtogether and BLM Antifa arrived the results were exactly that Peaceful. Neighborhood Citizens met them with guns ready to stop anything from happening in a criminal protest manner. There were often no police in sight anywhere. Just Neighbors and Citizens lining the streets as BLM Antifa came through very peacefully. Therewere videos over on Twitter. Mainstream media not so much. So twitter does have value. The Left viideos posted of Kyle Rittenhouse on Twitter saved his bacon too. The Left did not post those videos to help Kyle Rittenhouse. They just thought he was criminal….and bad person…trying to hurt him. The Leftist do not know difference between right and wrong nor self defense and their comments proved it during 2020. Twitter videos saved Rittenhouse because without those Rittenhouse videos most ppl would have believed the Prosecuters.

Meet BLM Antifa

We are not a Democracy first of all.
We are a representative Republic.
Democracy is mob Rule.
AMEN! A constitutional republic is where one man's rights supercede the wishes of the rest while a democracy is where 51% of the people can vote away the other 49%'s rights. Ive seen it said here that we do have a democracy BUT only in the sense that we vote for a representative of the people.
AMEN! A constitutional republic is where one man's rights supercede the wishes of the rest while a democracy is where 51% of the people can vote away the other 49%'s rights. Ive seen it said here that we do have a democracy BUT only in the sense that we vote for a representative of the people.
Certainly not how a Constitutional republic is supposed to be. Maybe what is has become.. The people should have the capacity to immediately remove a representative that doesn't abide by their wishes. While democracy is pure mob rule.
What we have now are politicians who try to find cracks in the wording of the constitution and slip tyranny in between them. Am I wrong?
Certainly not how a Constitutional republic is supposed to be
Read what I wrote again.....
This is EXACTLY how a constitutional representative Republic is supposed to be.! ....
I dont know how you're getting this from what I wrote.. a constitutional republic has to respect the rights of ONE man over the wishes of the others. His rights supercedes. Period. End of story. Politicians dont have anything to do with my rights except to protect them.
Democracy IS mob rule.
Read what I wrote again.....
This is EXACTLY how a constitutional representative Republic is supposed to be.! ....
I dont know how you're getting this from what I wrote.. a constitutional republic has to respect the rights of ONE man over the wishes of the others. His rights supercedes. Period. End of story. Politicians dont have anything to do with my rights except to protect them.
Democracy IS mob rule.
I am getting that from misunderstanding your post. All apologies. When you referred to "one man" my mind went directly to the politician be that one man. Not "each man" as you intended.
Too much popping off globally. It's difficult to know if we are still in the steady drip-drip or the train has apexed and just hasn't gained enough speed to say with a certainty that it is indeed coming off the rails.
Continued economic collapse is most looming. Things are changing and will get much worse for a long time before they get better.
The best I can do is get as far removed from "the system" as possible. Food, water, energy, and barter when possible.
Definitely heading for some interesting times.
Great idea to prepare and my wife and I have been doing it for the last five years. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, I'm not sure if our efforts will really do much. I think the situation may well be far worse than I was imagining when we started.

Some of my assumptions were likely too optimistic. The idea that there is a "we" in America and that our government is part of that we. The idea that huge conspiracies, of the kind that feels like its in full swing now, are unlikely. And, lastly, the idea that the worst case scenario was depression or economic collapse. I think I was naive with these assumptions.

Those assumptions led us to get a remote 50 acres in Alaska (helicopter delivered our building supplies over the years) and to dig a root cellar and to pressure can and dry store and freeze dry a sizable stash of food that will last my wife and me for about a decade if that's all we consumed. And, thankfully, to finally install 7KW of bifacial panels with 38KW of lithium and wire everything up to power our cabin. Still working on putting up the other 35KW of solar panels we have, installing a water collection system (right now we just collect rainwater into 55 gallon barrels but have to empty them in winter), building a greenhouse and chicken coop, and setting up our portable saw mill.

We don't see people unless we leave our property and it's a mile on a tracked ATV to get here from the nearest dirt road. We have moose, grouse, snowshoe hare, and black bear all over the place for meat. We have a large supply of ghee stored and consider it liquid gold since it will supply the fats that will be hard to come by on our property (outside of from future chicken eggs). We have tons of berries and edible plants in the summer, and we finally had a good potato harvest during our second summer as we're still learning.

We have a lifetime of wood to heat with, border hundreds of thousands of acres of huntable public property and rivers and lakes to fish from (would be a challenge to get to though, it's rugged here) and have almost completed the install of a Mitsubishi Hyper Heat to heat the cabin in the shoulder season using solar.

We own all this outright after two solid careers and liquidating our 401Ks, and yet because of my likely too optimistic assumptions, I'm not sure how much it will matter. It may even prove to put us in a poor position as things continue to deteriorate.

It seems to me that a real effort is being made to conquer the United States and perhaps "the West." We are taught never to attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence, and while I think that applies when they get your order wrong at a drive through, I don't think it applies when discussing what is going on in our nation and world today. And I don't mean this administration, I mean since September 11th where something that has been happening for a much longer time has accelerated greatly.

I'm not concerned with partisan politics and I think that stuff is for show to keep us divided and fighting each other. I'm not saying there aren't real partisan differences, I'm just convinced that those behind whatever curtain exists are only concerned with those things for our public consumption. While they continue thieving from our nation, from our citizens, from future generations and they continue to suck the life out of our nation and perhaps the West.

I think my assumption that our government was the enemy we know, but was on our side, was incorrect. As we have had puppet governments that our government has controlled, I believe something like that has happened in America. Who is behind it? I have no idea. I'm sure the lines are blurry in our new "flat" reality. But I am not convinced those behind it are motivated by national identity as they once were. I think palms are greased internationally and strings are pulled in the same way. And I think those people are calling the shots.

What has me the most concerned is what seems overwhelmingly purposeful to degrade our nation economically and militarily. The security threats that are being introduced, the multi-faceted targeting of our military-aged citizens and those who would replace them, policies with our military leading to a recruiting crisis, the takeover of our media which has devolved from "biased" in years past to flat out propaganda today, and the great gains to control the Internet and turn it into a tool of tyranny that eclipses the old "kill your TV" days. I could understand our disastrous fiscal policy as being motivated simply by greed, but these other concerted efforts lead me to believe whatever is happening is worse than I had imagined. Because if what I think I perceive is correct, then the scary question is "why are they doing this." And the answer is truly frightening. It seems the way is being paved for an actual invasion and take over of the nation. I hope I'm wrong, I desperately hope that I am.

If I am not, then we are going to experience something truly horrific. We are a population that has been tracked, surveilled, analyzed, diagrammed and mapped for decades as we pay for multiple spy devices that we have allowed to collect on us. While I'm a fervent supporter of the Second Amendment, I am reminded that those words don't protect a right to keep and bear guns. They protected a right that was much broader, but is not exercised. While our nation argues over magazine capacity and plastic parts, the technology of warfare has changed immensely. While some are fond of saying "stack up" and Molon Labe under the illusion that their firearm will protect them, I think that assumption will prove as useful as a Native American's spear did in the face of gunpowder. The tools of violence have changed, they are cheap, they are numerous, and an AR-15, though useful against thugs and mobs, will do nothing to defend against what I fear might be coming.

Those in the cities will be easy to control. But those of us on the outskirts with our solar panels proudly boasting our independence, may find ourselves at the top of the most detailed list any invading power or tyrant might hope to have. We will be the first to experience the new cheap technological tools of violence that use the roadmap we have happily provided the data collectors along with satellite imagery and other technologies we're not aware exist. We are nowhere even remotely in a 1776 moment, Americans are nothing like any guerrilla force or defiant population of the past despite our folklore and bravado, and the weapons of warfare are much different than they were even a couple decades ago.

Because of this unprecedented disparity between us and whoever "them" may be, we are seeing the mask slip. The tyranny is becoming much more overt. All of our American sacred norms are being dismantled, and what is emerging cannot be described as American in any way. While our history is far from perfect and we have had serious issues in our past, something seems different to me. We like to say the pendulum will swing back, but when it comes to stopping a pendulum in its tracks, I think there's now an app for that.

Prepare as best you can, what else can you do. But I'm not sure any of us can truly prepare for what's coming.

This recent video supports my point. When they come for your chickens and your gardens, you can be sure they'll be coming for your solar. The carbon tax seems to be the big vehicle for that. They've already got satellite and drone imagery and if you don't comply with their tax or whatever else they dream up (in Arizona private electric companies, as if there is a much of a difference between public and private anymore, they're taxing solar owners on the grid extra simply for having solar), just think how easy it will be for them to neutralize your solar panels to save the environment or whatever the reason they come up with.

As I said before, I believe with cities so easy to control, most of the resources will be dedicated to those of us trying to just be left alone and provide for ourselves. Because at the root of it, independence is the threat they wish to address.

Regardless of whatever technology the government has. Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan show it doesn’t matter and may even be a detriment.

You cannot control 80+ million armed people
Over 9000 sq miles.
Not even with technology.

Reliance on technology creates gaps and blind spots to good old fashion sneaker net and dead drops.

Chin up and prepare..

Just saw Prince's comment here at 00:43 and I wish more people realized how right he is and how much it matters.

"Dudes with guns are not a match for dudes with drones."

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Just saw Prince's comment here at 00:43 and I wish more people realized how right he is and how much it matters.

"Dudes with guns are not a match for dudes with drones."

“Copper disc” make great armor defeat with shape charge. …….. Americans and others made it so rich ppl can do their own wars with drones. Obuma got to watch his ordered murders of Americans carried out in drone strike. One reason electrical is dangerous molten copper cuts through shut off electrical boxes….when blow up. Drone bombs was only matter of time. There are videos trying take out leaders giving speechs with drones.

What he says about losing weapons and punishment for soldiers is 100% . Biden admin lost billions in weapons.
I’d like the serial numbers tracks for weapons used by Hamas in Israel. There were pictures of m4. What were the m4 serial numbers?
Where were they from? Was those weapons from Afghanistan.

Vietnam schooled us and ho chi minh studied us and AmericanRevolution.

Darpa has made anti-drone weapons galore. Shhhhsssss….

Israel took a Robinson 22 and turned it into kill drone in 1980s. …remote pilot dropped bombs. IAI. I watched it fly. Shhhssss They - drones are not new.
Israel now.

The guy in video is 100% the military went to double standards. He is speaking volumes about ton of stuff….. years ago he would of been arrested. Loose lips sink ships. 😁 we are top brass heavy in Military. This guy is speaking volumes.

DARPA have made ton of stuff to defeat drones. Shsssd they can stop rpg attack with air. 😳 . The movie with James Bond 007 going to pick up new weapons in lab is shsss truth. We have tons of shit….

Hamas did not sneak attack Israel…. the Hamas were allowed so retaliation could be used to win goals that would not otherwise have been condoned. Some ppl in America have been fooled so much they cheer what they have been fooled about. Sad in a way. They had predated videos of Hamas practicing before it happened. They were not sucker punched they took the punch so could counter punch for the win.

We set Saddam Hussein up same way when State department okay’ed him to take Kuwait …. Then we had excuse… we threw women on tv saying look human rights violations…those women were found perjury later. So….Suckers are that way because they want to be. In an ambush you setup the directions from initial reactions of attack …ambush after ambush.

Lot of LOST UNACCOUNTED money dumped into military goes to DARPA.

That guy Prince is probably best one Been on Tucker show. Now the pull….he might be CIA. Highly suspect Tucker is an asset to CIA. Long video but lot of good info. Erik Prince knows the deal. Ukraine is getting a forced male - breeding age population change women are going too. Ppl in Ukraine have suffered time and time again Look up Holodomor in Ukraine - was holocaust with intentional starvation as prime weapon. It was prime motivator for Pre-WW2 germans to fight against communist…. Holodomor happened in 1932-1933 era. Guess who gained control in Germany. Rest is messed in pants history. His talk of Roosevelt and communist is 100%. FDR praised Stalin - “Ol Uncle Joe.” We sided with communist then controlled to compete fight 50+ years cold war. We are not as smart as the ppl in control. The ppl in control have centuries of experience - practice with their past control-rule.

Him flying coach is leave over for going un-noticed. In old days of aircraft high jacking ppl in 1st class were prime.

Ppl like George Soros are old gangsters allowed. Prince talking about Fentanyl from china is typical …partial…a group of criminals gangsters destroyed china in 1800’s. Sassoon the Rothschild’s of the East did it…drugged destroyed china with opium . Now we are being done the same way….same group of ppl like Sassoon. Shsss Prince didn’t mention we - USA Military guarded Afghanistan opium harvest - headed to Iran. Why Iran hates us. Shhhhsss
He spilled rest of beans…might as well tell all like a military debrief. They never tell all.

Again best show yet. Ppl that don’t know ….. need to watch entire long video. Keep in mind he might be CIA. Some ppl are reaching for tin foil hats. 😁 Cognitive Dissonance…. They have us carrying our own tattle tale with smart phones. They are much smarter and controlling then ever.
“Copper disc” make great armor defeat with shape charge. …….. Americans and others made it so rich ppl can do their own wars with drones. Obuma got to watch his ordered murders of Americans carried out in drone strike. One reason electrical is dangerous molten copper cuts through shut off electrical boxes….when blow up. Drone bombs was only matter of time. There are videos trying take out leaders giving speechs with drones.

What he says about losing weapons and punishment for soldiers is 100% . Biden admin lost billions in weapons.
I’d like the serial numbers tracks for weapons used by Hamas in Israel. There were pictures of m4. What were the m4 serial numbers?
Where were they from? Was those weapons from Afghanistan.

Vietnam schooled us and ho chi minh studied us and AmericanRevolution.

Darpa has made anti-drone weapons galore. Shhhhsssss….

Israel took a Robinson 22 and turned it into kill drone in 1980s. …remote pilot dropped bombs. IAI. I watched it fly. Shhhssss They - drones are not new.
Israel now.
View attachment 216918

The guy in video is 100% the military went to double standards. He is speaking volumes about ton of stuff….. years ago he would of been arrested. Loose lips sink ships. 😁 we are top brass heavy in Military. This guy is speaking volumes.

DARPA have made ton of stuff to defeat drones. Shsssd they can stop rpg attack with air. 😳 . The movie with James Bond 007 going to pick up new weapons in lab is shsss truth. We have tons of shit….

Hamas did not sneak attack Israel…. the Hamas were allowed so retaliation could be used to win goals that would not otherwise have been condoned. Some ppl in America have been fooled so much they cheer what they have been fooled about. Sad in a way. They had predated videos of Hamas practicing before it happened. They were not sucker punched they took the punch so could counter punch for the win.

We set Saddam Hussein up same way when State department okay’ed him to take Kuwait …. Then we had excuse… we threw women on tv saying look human rights violations…those women were found perjury later. So….Suckers are that way because they want to be. In an ambush you setup the directions from initial reactions of attack …ambush after ambush.

Lot of LOST UNACCOUNTED money dumped into military goes to DARPA.

That guy Prince is probably best one Been on Tucker show. Now the pull….he might be CIA. Highly suspect Tucker is an asset to CIA. Long video but lot of good info. Erik Prince knows the deal. Ukraine is getting a forced male - breeding age population change women are going too. Ppl in Ukraine have suffered time and time again Look up Holodomor in Ukraine - was holocaust with intentional starvation as prime weapon. It was prime motivator for Pre-WW2 germans to fight against communist…. Holodomor happened in 1932-1933 era. Guess who gained control in Germany. Rest is messed in pants history. His talk of Roosevelt and communist is 100%. FDR praised Stalin - “Ol Uncle Joe.” We sided with communist then controlled to compete fight 50+ years cold war. We are not as smart as the ppl in control. The ppl in control have centuries of experience - practice with their past control-rule.

Him flying coach is leave over for going un-noticed. In old days of aircraft high jacking ppl in 1st class were prime.

Ppl like George Soros are old gangsters allowed. Prince talking about Fentanyl from china is typical …partial…a group of criminals gangsters destroyed china in 1800’s. Sassoon the Rothschild’s of the East did it…drugged destroyed china with opium . Now we are being done the same way….same group of ppl like Sassoon. Shsss Prince didn’t mention we - USA Military guarded Afghanistan opium harvest - headed to Iran. Why Iran hates us. Shhhhsss
He spilled rest of beans…might as well tell all like a military debrief. They never tell all.

Again best show yet. Ppl that don’t know ….. need to watch entire long video. Keep in mind he might be CIA. Some ppl are reaching for tin foil hats. 😁 Cognitive Dissonance…. They have us carrying our own tattle tale with smart phones. They are much smarter and controlling then ever.

I share your skepticism of Tucker and Prince. Tucker's odd push on aliens is fascinating. The guy who doesn't trust the government is all about saying alien technology and aliens are real because somebody in the government told him so without providing evidence, simply saying "trust me bro." Very weird.

I also have to wonder why Prince has been so busy on the podcast circuit. He was in deep with the same neocons he disparages now and he got rich from his partnership with them and the CIA. He's trying to sell a "private" phone that secures privacy from the surveillance machine which is fascinating. Why he is making the rounds now seemingly calling out his benefactors is curious. What is his motive? A run for political office?

Add it to the list of things I don't understand.
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There is book called By Way of Deception by mossad agent…you can read pdf for free. It should be read then there are others 1984 is old one Many others. George Orwell was living with communist… it is easier to predict when know their motives and past agendas. Cookie cutter principles. They use stuff over and over….but adapt with technology. They - our govt has had long range voice listening devices since 1970s or before usually line of sight.

I remember reading we had new embassy built and it had so many listening devices implanted in structure that was never used. They had even setup the steel beams in that structure to pick up voices. …. Here we carry cell phones ipads and tablets…. We know smart tv were hacked used as listening devices. There was a court case in GA even stated a smart tv was hacked to communicate with vote counting. That shit show got buried real quick. These ppl are smart. We make it to easy for them

I have not trusted alex jones in years. Trusted him at first…. Old original jones. Suspected him being CIA or asset though. Information dis-information. The Israel got a terrorist to use cell phone with shaped charge then killed him with a phone call. This is out in open now.

The average person is a booger eater. Sorry. Some ppl here get it. Most DIY types are bit smarter than average ppl. Like Professional Wrestling is fake. 👀
The average person is a booger eater. Sorry. Some ppl here get it. Most DIY types are bit smarter than average ppl. Like Professional Wrestling is fake. 👀
Average person isn’t stupid. They just don’t have any context with that sort of thing.
It’s different when you do and can see at least partially what is going on.
Average person isn’t stupid. They just don’t have any context with that sort of thing.
It’s different when you do and can see at least partially what is going on.
50% of the people are highly educated but brainwashed. They see clearly but refuse to acknowledge. My daughter went through the university system hivemind, plus a Disney internship, and by the time she received her masters was fully indoctrinated. Managed to do that to what was a strong-willed independent Texas girl.
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diy solar