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The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

Video with Lindsay Graham acting crazy… republican. Pushes globalism right there pushing nuke button. Exactly why don’t like those ppl.

This guy eye patch mccain same tye. McCain and Graham destabilized Ukraine.. enriched themselves got Zelensky in power support him. As do a host of Republicans

Don’t confuse me with aenyc. His plan to just bitch has no effect on them. I don’t like Trump and he is not Jesus. However he is a messenger to the establishment.

Aenyc and I do agree they are all bought. You play or get eliminated. Washington DC is tough.

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Trump is a self serving ego monster. He is last chance to prolong or put aside what is happening right now.

All of Washington DC and out top military brass need locked up. The democrats secured General Miley in 2020 to remove Trump early on. Trump should have been doing more from day 1 in 2020. I don’t want to read no shit about he was just 1 man from ppl. He could not have screwed up that many times without trying - intentional.

Aenyc knows the deal about Israel Ukraine and all the money we send out when spending large….. the pukes in congress are maggots. They get their kick backs and we will be left holding the empty bag.

Fool me once… you can’t step in dog shit over and over like Trump did for appointments without it being intentional. Hmmmm… we get folled all the time …

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Trump is last ditch effort The more they think have won for democrats - communist then more they will reveal out in open.

There are going to be a lot of ppl fooled and up set. Automatically taking one side no matter what will never work either. Trump has flip flopped more then anyone know for changing parties. Hmmmmm … i believe he is llast vote chance but ppl better be ready 4 year later if he gets it. His vp needs to be presidential and not some split tail farting antisemitism laws while having an affair.

Whom ever Trump picks will tell the tale. Who promoted trumps last pick - Pence which was given his coins on camera. Who took that video of pence getting his pieces of solver? . Who picked House Leader Johnson a nobody.?
Trump learned a thing or two in Fake Professional Wrestling. Anyone that watches that shit if retarded. There are a lot of trump fans into pop corn and shows. Smartest thing they did was ditch Q.

This post is for everyone. Even ppl that are somehow pissed at me for my opinion. You in the real world have a few options keep walking or do something. The doing something as much as don’t want it is coming as last resort. No option out….if voting doesn’t do it. Democrats are posed to win. Or so they think. Again the more think they have won than less concerns they will have.

I agree that with MOST politicians, there are varying degrees of corruption .... depending on how you define corrupt. Most of that corruption, however, is not threatening the existence of our country .... Most of it is the type of corruption that is almost human nature .... They have had to give away part of their soul to gain what they have.
That type of corruption, while undesirable, is not threatening our freedoms.

It's the same way anyone in management has to sell part of themselves to have their job. It's the reason I refused to be promoted into management. I preferred to remain a tech / customer service level. I did my job the way I thought it needed to be done for the benefit of the company and for the benefit of the customer ..... If they didn't like it, they could fire me. I was lucky to mostly have managers who appreciated the work I did .... when that stopped happening, I found another company to work for.

The Democrat party has morphed into something WAY beyond corruption .... They are attempting to implement all the things aenyc rails against on a daily basis.

As hard as they have tried, they haven't found ANY corruption on Trump. Is he an egomaniac .....Yes .... but his variety of egomania is exactly what we need right now.
Where is ukraine money going…. This is why our govt fear toy drones…. If watch beginning think those russians are losing but keep watching notice how video changes.

They estimate it might take 50 years to remove all the mines. These toy drones have changed warfare. …this is why we are tracking drones now.
Both sides want this war to continue

As long as USA sends their pick money that gives our politicians kick back then yes. They do not want it to end.


It takes 1-3% of population to be very active to bring revolution. The other 97% will reap the benefits when it is done unless they are targeted where they will be rounded up terminated if the communist get full control.

What we have had in 2020 was a civil war revolution to advance Globalism and snuff Nationalism. Now the Right are targeted. The Right are scared shitless …. they don’t want to be the 1-3% which if happens will still be portrayed as the enemy by other side. Proles against each other is unavoidable until some bitch says “let them fucks eat cake as in shit.” Then their head might be separated.

Ludlow Massacre only stopped because proles went to NY and were intent to plant bombs and get Rockefeller familt. Shsss ….. it worked Standard Oil realized they were not going to be free and would live in DANGER.



Hmmmmm …. Are you still in the 97%.? I never listen to anyone with no skin in the game. Our founding fathers were not supported like most ppl think. ….


High price - why ppl won’t do what it takes. The left did it in 2020.


I thought it would be neat to go there Athens TN and visit to see the history. After this battle the democrats took back over next election. Now there are fucking crack-meth heads all over there…. SHIT HOLE….when visited. Like most democrat run shit holes

Just like NYC when visited there many decades ago shithole. Cleaned up now back to shit hole in cycles. The rich buy low and sell high.

Trump had buildings and lots basically given to him. Buy low sell high. Yuck yuck fuck it.

Edit: The only thing criminals fear is prison or death.
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Vote Trump into office and the Ukraine war will end .... Otherwise there will be a continuation of that war .... NATO will try to drag out troops into it ... There will be a continuous stream of new wars.
There ARE warmongers in the Republican party also, but they are not knowingly and actively trying to destroy our freedoms at the same time. Those RHINOS and warmongers also need to be voted out of office .... but there are more important problems.

There are no new ways to say it ..... Everything else is a distraction from the fact that the Democrats are trying to usher the globalist agenda into the US .... THEY MUST BE DEFEATED BEFORE THEY DESTROY US.
Vote Trump into office and the Ukraine war will end .... Otherwise there will be a continuation of that war .... NATO will try to drag out troops into it ... There will be a continuous stream of new wars.
There ARE warmongers in the Republican party also, but they are not knowingly and actively trying to destroy our freedoms at the same time. Those RHINOS and warmongers also need to be voted out of office .... but there are more important problems.

There are no new ways to say it ..... Everything else is a distraction from the fact that the Democrats are trying to usher the globalist agenda into the US .... THEY MUST BE DEFEATED BEFORE THEY DESTROY US.
What happens when Trump gets thrown in jail or they steal the election. Do Republicians scream you just wait until 2028.?? What happened last time then Q (operation Trust) …. hushed squashed any resistance after 6 jan 2021 which was planned. The Right are just as easy to be trick as anyone. Operation Trust was used to convert Russia to communist and stop resistance. They use cookie cutter.

If democrats get 4 more years it is over. If major revolution from Right happens it is over. The elite money changers cover all their tracks for all of their evil criminal deeds. Why they are all in …. because to lose might mean prison or death….-after convictions. They are 100% in to win. The Left have learned to organize much better then the Right. They control basically all the news. Information disinformation. We got in this shape because our generation were self serving and self centered. We gave up on common bonds to fella ppl such as churches. BINDERS.

Lastly, Trump might get elected and not end the Wars then what? Trump might not do anything different from last Presidency. This is most likely Fake Professional Wrestling build up like Trump was famous. Fake.

I get what you are saying and that bridge will be crossed when we get there.
Notice the title…. War of words.

The left control most everything and that is why they are becoming more bold. If you are wondering that is why. They feel have won or have something up their sleeve. They are not incompetent or stupid or would already been punished.
What happens when Trump gets thrown in jail or they steal the election. Do Republicians scream you just wait until 2028.?? What happened last time then Q (operation Trust) …. hushed squashed any resistance after 6 jan 2021 which was planned. The Right are just as easy to be trick as anyone. Operation Trust was used to convert Russia to communist and stop resistance. They use cookie cutter.

If democrats get 4 more years it is over. If major revolution from Right happens it is over. The elite money changers cover all their tracks for all of their evil criminal deeds. Why they are all in …. because to lose might mean prison or death….-after convictions. They are 100% in to win. The Left have learned to organize much better then the Right. They control basically all the news. Information disinformation. We got in this shape because our generation were self serving and self centered. We gave up on common bonds to fella ppl such as churches. BINDERS.

Lastly, Trump might get elected and not end the Wars then what? Trump might not do anything different from last Presidency. This is most likely Fake Professional Wrestling build up like Trump was famous. Fake.

I get what you are saying and that bridge will be crossed when we get there.
Notice the title…. War of words.

The left control most everything and that is why they are becoming more bold. If you are wondering that is why. They feel have won or have something up their sleeve. They are not incompetent or stupid or would already been punished.

In pretty much every election ever, people try to claim this is the most important one ever ...... This time, I agree. We cannot sustain 4 more years of the onslaught to destroy our freedoms.

If they are all in .... We need to be all in also .... focus on the most important thing and put our other differences aside.

Some of the rich donors are trying to force him to choose Nikki as VP .... Hope he doesn't do that. He needs to pick a VP that can carry on in 2030 or if they take him down .... and then we need to get a speaker of the house that can carry on if necessary .... Military thinking .... next in command must be able to take over.
If Putin wanted to end the war all he had to do is cut off the gas spigot.
In fact he could have done it without firing a single shot.
But that would not have benefited his masters.
If Putin wanted to end the war all he had to do is cut off the gas spigot.
In fact he could have done it without firing a single shot.
But that would not have benefited his masters.
It would either end it or speed it up.

The Germans in WW2 were fighting desperately at the Battle of the Bulge to get the gas reserves and be strong enough to negotiate a Truce vs Surrendering …. They were not trying to Win the War any longer. They wanted to end it.

History and way it is repeated is often for end goals by the left. Spoils of the Victor. If you ask the Russians - the ones I met stated “they Beat the Germans and won the WW2.”

The USA should have stayed home ….. we teamed up with communist. Pearl Harbor was setup and allowed to get us into WW2. Just like events all through out our history.

If NATO thought the gas was being cut off would use reserves and strike. Or surrender. Most likely they are Saber Rattling. With latest of Germany talking about getting into the fight. That was the BS spill.

Our Special Forces are already over there engaged in illegal warfare.
It would either end it or speed it up.

The Germans in WW2 were fighting desperately at the Battle of the Bulge to get the gas reserves and be strong enough to negotiate a Truce vs Surrendering …. They were not trying to Win the War any longer. They wanted to end it.

History and way it is repeated is often for end goals by the left. Spoils of the Victor. If you ask the Russians - the ones I met stated “they Beat the Germans and won the WW2.”

The USA should have stayed home ….. we teamed up with communist. Pearl Harbor was setup and allowed to get us into WW2. Just like events all through out our history.

If NATO thought the gas was being cut off would use reserves and strike. Or surrender. Most likely they are Saber Rattling. With latest of Germany talking about getting into the fight. That was the BS spill.

Our Special Forces are already over there engaged in illegal warfare.

As i said, if Putin really wanted to "fight" the west, all he had to do is shut down the gas spigot.
He also would not march in lockstep with the "evil west" on things like Plandemics, Surveilance and general oppression of Russian People. (Russia is still member of the WHO and vigorously defends working with this organization).

This war benefits the ruling class, so this war will continue until war fatigue takes over and the banksters will move onto another shenanigans.

Techno-cows bioengineered to squirt insulin-laced milk from teets​

The dairy techno-cows of the future will emit pharmaceutical-grade insulin from their udders in a remarkable achievement for The Science™.

Related: Anti-Meat Propaganda Roundup: Drinking Milk Is ‘Unsettling’ and Racist

Via HealthDay News (emphasis added):

“There may be an unexpected fix for ongoing shortages of insulin: A brown bovine in Brazil recently made history as the first transgenic cow able to produce human insulin in her milk.
Mother Nature designed the mammary gland as a factory to make protein* really, really efficiently,’ explained study leader Matt Wheeler, a professor of animal sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. ‘We can take advantage of that system to produce a protein that can help hundreds of millions of people worldwide.’
His team, which included scientists from the University of São Paolo, described how they developed the insulin-making cow in a report published March 12 in Biotechnology Journal.”
*This is exactly how technocrats view all lifeforms, including humans: as “factories” to produce biologics for some pharmaceutical or industrial purpose — at least until AI figures out how to achieve the same production capacity without them. Then they become utterly useless.

The Public Health™ authorities, of course, could simply advise the serfs on their techno-fiefdom to not consume 500 grams of refined carbohydrates per day to solve the diabetes epidemic, but where’s the profit in that? Where’s the fun? Where’s the gleeful, satanic destruction of the planet’s genome in that?

Via Biotechnology Journal (emphasis added):

Using transgenic animals as bioreactors to produce proteins of pharmaceutical interest has been proposed as an efficient alternative to increase protein production while decreasing costs. The mammary gland is a tissue where posttranslational modifications are possible for large-scale recombinant protein production. The first step in this process is to produce transgenic animals containing a transgene that drives recombinant protein expression in a tissue-specific manner in the mammary gland. The vector constructed in this study was evaluated for gene expression of hINS by induction of transduced and nontransduced MAC-T cells cultured on polystyrene using lactogenic hormones. Mammary epithelial cells have been used as a model for mammary gland function studies and can produce milk proteins…
The combination of gene transfer mediated by lentivirus and SCNT methodologies used in this work successfully generated a transgenic calf that contains the gene to produce human proinsulin in milk.”

Meanwhile, in glorious China…​

“China is going from door-to-door to install QR codes on citizens' homes. So everyone can instantly check the homeowners' social credit score by scanning this QR code.”

China is going from door-to-door to install QR codes on citizens' homes. So everyone can instantly check the homeowners' social credit score by scanning this QR code.

This is dangerous — it encourages people to treat their neighbors with low social credit scores as sub-human.
— Songpinganq (@songpinganq) March 3, 2024
…To be followed by external locks installed on the doors to shutter the non-compliant peasants inside until they have accrued sufficient Mao Points for good deeds like hacking a U.S. nuclear plant or pledging their kidneys to the state.
Any bets on Nancy Pelosi going all the way at age 20?


To bad she wasn’t blocking those magic bullets.

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