diy solar

diy solar

California proposes “blatant seizure of property” in solar ruling

It is simple CCP = CPUC. ??

no representation …. Appointed by communist china loving Gov Newsom.

They out right tell you whom they will regulate upfront.


go listen to the audio vote for Aug 17, 2020. You will see their justifications for taking and voting. ?? Rolling black outs in California and then they vote to make ev requirements especially when grid can not support present past output requirements. They are going to snatch any energy production . It gets comical when person starts interrupting “ hello hello hello” ‘’What’s going on here hello hello hello”

these are the idiots in charge. Sadly govt idiots around the country look at these idiots as genius and trend setters. What happens when you put lawyers in charge of energy.

This is not new. This level of crazy has been going on for decades.
That rate in NEM 3.0 rate in California is nearly identical to what I pay in AZ. In my first solar bill I sold energy back to the grid at $.076 per killowatt. Saved $27.50 on the bill.

I also noticed that only 40% of my bill is electric fees, the rest are taxes and fees.
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Could white gravel camouflage the panels for satellites but still leave them functional? Maybe a reflective or nonreflective coating would work as well. What about the one-way mirror? If you lost 25% of solar power, it might be worth it.
Could white gravel camouflage the panels for satellites but still leave them functional? Maybe a reflective or nonreflective coating would work as well. What about the one-way mirror? If you lost 25% of solar power, it might be worth it.

I doubt there is much of a way to hide solar from satellites. Low earth, angles, they'll know. It's not like Enemy of the State (great and prescient movie) where they have to look straight down. Not anymore anyway. And they have other sensors that will see the electrical activity, heat, etc.
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This is why refusing smart meters is key!
An analog meter spins backwards when you produce so they can not apply any kind of TOU rates.
It seems there IS a way out in CA (And most other states)

diy solar

diy solar