diy solar

diy solar

Hello guys I'm new here. I work for a China battery company and I guess I know something you're interesting in. Ask whatever you wanna know

I expect a battery company would focus attention on efficiency and volume sales to maintain profitability as best they can.
In a divsion like yours, where cells are built into packs, the focus would be on efficiency for current packs, and development of new products to open new sales opportunities.
We see in the general public a lot of interest in "Solar Generators" basically a mobile battery and inverter in a nice module package with handles and wheels to ease transporting. These units have various electrical plugs on them to suit 120v AC, 12v DC 5v I-Phone charging etc.
People seem to like them as they are lower cost (than a whole home solar installation) they are portable, and they don't require any code or permitting from the consumer.
People may be motivated to buy a solar generator "in case of utility outage" - they will be able to charge their I-Phone and plug in some lights, maybe refrigerator; however that is not what the average consumer uses these units for, they take them camping or to the beach and this is 'cool' and modern. Typical models we see are: Bluetti, Jackery, Ecoflow, others.

As a DIY consumer - I am seeing the drop in Cell prices as my opportunity to expand ESS, consider a Truck conversion, plan E-versions for some equipment I have that is currently gasoline, propane or diesel fueled.

Thank-you for @Battery_Kate - your replies have been informative, and appreciated.
Regarding what you mentioned as "Solar Generators," I believe in our industry, they are commonly referred to as "portable power stations." I am aware of such products, but our company hasn't invested much effort in that area. Indeed, these products are composed of batteries and inverters. However, as you mentioned, the costs can be quite high. In this industry, aesthetics are crucial, and many products require mold expenses. From my knowledge, the cost of creating a mold ranges from hundreds of thousands to several hundred thousand RMB, depending on the complexity of the appearance. Moreover, the rapid pace of innovation in such products is challenging to keep up with as a battery manufacturer.

My current manager has worked on Ecoflow projects, and my understanding of the portable power industry is influenced by her experience. If you proceed with truck modifications, I hope you can share your achievements and experiences. What does it involve to convert a diesel truck into an electric version?
No offence but I read one vague ambiguous avoiding response after another. You do realize that this is a DIY forum of individuals, small individual purchases and not "tens of thousands" of battery related businesses? I remain unconvinced of your claim, which you or ChatGPT also expanded to include non EV "businesses", which exaggerates and builds in the ability for avoiding proof, as have most of your or perhaps it is ChatGPT's vague replies. Seems like anything can be claimed as an explanation if there is no data or proof to back up the responses.
For aspects that I'm not familiar with, I simply avoid providing inaccurate information to avoid misleading you. I understand this is a DIY forum, and as stated in my title, I might be able to provide some information you wanna know. My intention is not to sell you products, so I try to avoid conveying incorrect information. I use ChatGPT for translation because it expresses industry terms better than Google Translate and can correct some of my expressions. After translation, I also read through to avoid any deviations from my intention.

As for the exact number of Chinese companies, it's challenging to clarify how many Shenzhen-based companies are engaged in new energy.

The statement about "tens of thousands" of new energy companies mentioned earlier comes from a news source in 2022. You can use Google Translate for verification.
If you proceed with truck modifications, I hope you can share your achievements and experiences. What does it involve to convert a diesel truck into an electric version?
There is a Canadian company working specifically with heavy off-highway truck conversions called Edison Motors. They have a new project to make use of the heavy truck conversion equipment applied to 1-tonne and 3/4-tonne pick-up trucks. The basic kit they are developing will replace one or two solid axels in the diesel truck with new electric motor driven axels. The kit will include inverter(s) controller and battery packs. They promote the idea of a small diesel engine for running an on-truck generator as the back-up to the battery pack range.
They are working on final developement and we hope to see these kits in a year or two released to the market. They have put effort into developing a network of professional mechanics across N.America that will become local installers (and promoters) and provide long-term maintenance/service for this new truck segment.
I am hopeful that Edison and other new companies will work towards improvements, lower cost, extensive options to the basic truck conversion idea.
The first pick-up truck EV's (Rivian, Ford Lightning, Tesla Cybertruck) are not heavy trucks; these are 1/2-tonne model pick-up trucks, and none of these manufacturers seem to have plans for heavier models in the near future.

Another interesting new product in development: Recreational Vechicles/Travel-Trailers with their own on-board battery.
This idea has the potential to eliminate the range-loss pulling an RV on the Hwy normally entails. Costs, Weight, Complexity there are many challenges for the industry.

I feel the most important missing aspect these new products/industries share is standardization. We saw this with several automotive EV charge standards applied all at the same time. Building a Nation-wide charging system with three different charging protocols is wasteful, and for the consumer - confusing. Lately we see N.American industry moving rapidly to accept Tesla's charging standard, which will take a period of time for auto manufacturers and charging stations to adapt, but will service the consumer better once complete. Similarly, the batteries used for EV's follow no common standards currently, every make and model can be different. This results in higher costs to the consumer, and compatability issues. Eventually there may come a day of better standardization, but we seem far from that day right now.
But using "wanna" instead of "want to" makes you sound more like a person, and less like a chatGPT-translation.
I think it is nicer seeing "Wanna" even though this is slang.
you decide Kate.
You are a technical person and I know expression in clear professional language is important.

So if we have run out of questions for you, what questions do you have for us?

The place looks nicer than I would have expected. And fewer employees. Is it in an industrial area?
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How common is anode graphite pre-lithiation process used on production LFP cells these days to reduce or eliminate factory charge forming time?

What is anode or cathode doped with to increase effective cell capacity on 304 AH cells. Silicon dust in anode, graphene added to cathode, for example.

On LFP graphite anode, what is the percentage target lithium ion storage margin excess place in graphite anode compared to LFP cathode lithium content.

How is tolerance in graphite anode thickness and LFP cathode thickness in the print process to current collector foil adjusted for?
How common is anode graphite pre-lithiation process used on production LFP cells these days to reduce or eliminate factory charge forming time?

What is anode or cathode doped with to increase effective cell capacity on 304 AH cells. Silicon dust in anode, graphene added to cathode, for example.

On LFP graphite anode, what is the percentage target lithium ion storage margin excess place in graphite anode compared to LFP cathode lithium content.

How is tolerance in graphite anode thickness and LFP cathode thickness in the print process to current collector foil adjusted for?
Already been vetted.
You mentioned that automotive batteries lean towards power density, whereas storage batteries lean towards energy density.

Are they both tested for series voltage tolerance? Automotive for 700v, whereas storage for 100v, for example. I am wondering if it is safe to put prismatic cells, we can buy, in series for high voltage use.
so the factory rep support did reply and did not recommend connecting these 2 batteries either in series or parallel not sure why they didn't explain from the reviews and videos I have watched it can be done in parallel more research

diy solar

diy solar