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diy solar

6 MWh SRNE ASF48100U200-H 10kw.

I ordered direct from SRNE through Alibaba on August 8th, it arrived yesterday. Just under $1400 all in. This will most likely be another step before I upgrade to something even bigger / "Tier 1".

Currently running a TP6048 with ~5.6kw PV and ~22kwh of battery.
Major loads consist of 1hp well pump ~40a inrush per leg and 1.5hp belt drive compressor along with your typical household items except the dryer and oven. (more details in the introductory thread I've been meaning to .

Nice ... i'll wait for your review...

To control that insrush of 40a... you can add a soft starter for the well pump...less stress on the inverter... when the major loads kick in...

I'm going tesla modules water cooled for my project in 12S(48v)...lets see how it goes... just getting the last parts for the project ...

did you buy the SRNE over the Powmr ... for economical reasons or another reason? Since they are the same...
Nice ... i'll wait for your review...

To control that insrush of 40a... you can add a soft starter for the well pump...less stress on the inverter... when the major loads kick in...
Any recommendations for a soft starter for a 2 wire pump? I was under the impression they were only available for 3 wire setups.
I'm going tesla modules water cooled for my project in 12S(48v)...lets see how it goes... just getting the last parts for the project ...
Sounds interesting.
did you buy the SRNE over the Powmr ... for economical reasons or another reason? Since they are the same...
Money wasn't the biggest factor, I did save a few hundred, I wanted to buy directly from the OEM.
Money wasn't the biggest factor, I did save a few hundred, I wanted to buy directly from the OEM.

Same as a sense...i can get a good discount in Aliexpress direct from SRNE factory Store... 12XX shipped... 12 day shipping...

Powmr is around 13XX... with the same shipping...

Think I'll be ordering next week...after you do your review :ROFLMAO:...

87boosted reported that the Powmr( same as the SRNE) runs his house like on utilities... in the other thread...
Any updates?
Work life got in the way. I've wanted to transfer everything over every day this week after work but don't want to start and be up all night if something goes wrong...

I have all the settings programed, seemed way easier than the TP6048 but that's probably because I'm familiar with settings now... I did notice a few menu options that aren't in the manual ? and there are more options than the TP6048.

Fortunately I'm off Thurs - Tues.

Tomorrows plan after work is set 3 posts in the ground and get the concrete poured so I can work on the array frame Thursday, then climb up on the roofs and disconnect my strings so I can pull wires back and relocate conduit further down the wall to reach the new inverter (I should have went with my original entry point last year...). It'll be dark by the time that's done so I'll go inside and fire up my portable lights so I can power off the house and finalize the AC out wiring and install a bigger breaker. Then it's a matter of disconnecting the batteries from the TP6048, wheeling them closer to the SRNE, connecting and precharging then flipping on.

I've been thinking about it a lot this week...

Oh and I flashed the latest beta of Solar Assistant to a high endurance card earlier so I'll be able connect that up once I find one of my longer USB cables.

I'll have more updates tomorrow night / Thursday morning.
It should be excellent weather for solar production thurs on so I'll be able to put it through its paces with loads. The only thing that has me a bit nervous is if it will handle the well pump inrush with the electric dryer running...
In the manual setting 22 (power saving mode) ... 50W loads... looks like it goes on sleep mode untill the loads are more then 50W...


I will wait for the 420 measurement of the watts...:ROFLMAO:
Quick updates. Don't judge my TEMPORARY setup. ?
Its powering the house, cycled well pump once and didn't even notice a flicker in the lights. Flipped heat gun on and off a few times and didn't notice any flicker either.
Changed plans up a little bit...
Swapped over to the SRNE and hooked up battery only.
Heading up on the roof before dark to disconnect the arrays so I can redo conduit in the morning.

Biggest issue was the terminal lugs from the SGP being smaller than the SRNE but it was small work for a step bit... I didn't want to deal with crimping 2/0 and finding all my tools without all the lights on... 1st world problems.

Clamps readings in the attached photos are with no AC output so I'd say idle consumption is only a bit less than the SGP.... ?


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Running a load of laundry to test light flicker, I didn't realize how bad it was with the TP6048...
Barely even noticeable unless I'm really looking for it, battery current bounces from ~30a to ~10a rapidly as the drum agitates and the lights are steady, it would be annoying with the SGP (that is my only major complaint with the SGP but I'll still recommend it as a solid inverter, so far the SRNE is better).
Well pump cycled and I saw ~65a from the batteries, fans ramped up and temp dropped from 45c to 42c. The fans are way quieter than the SGP so far, I'll find out tomorrow after 11am for sure.

On to the next biggest challenge, getting my historical data off the old SD card and the new high endurance card activated, to my surprise SRNE was supported in my Oct 22 version.
Create a backup of your SA data as follows:

Click View Detail
SA Backup 1.JPG

Click Backup
SA Backup 2.JPG

Click Download

SA Bacup 3.JPG

File will be saved on PC as a zip file with your site name and the date.

Now download the latest SA image to your new SD card and use the usual process to have it authorized from the Raspberry Pi. After it's running, go back to the same screen where you downloaded your backup file, select choose file, navigate to the copy on your PC, and upload it from your PC.

SA Backup 4.JPG
I hope that's not confusing, it's actually very easy. I'm using a High Endurance SD card and so far it's running very well.

SanDisk Capture.JPG
Create a backup of your SA data as follows:

Click View Detail
View attachment 165426

Click Backup
View attachment 165429

Click Download

View attachment 165430

File will be saved on PC as a zip file with your site name and the date.

Now download the latest SA image to your new SD card and use the usual process to have it authorized from the Raspberry Pi. After it's running, go back to the same screen where you downloaded your backup file, select choose file, navigate to the copy on your PC, and upload it from your PC.

View attachment 165431
Thank you!
I got everything backed up, the new SD card loaded and the inverter connected but now I can't restore the data. I'll figure it out, it shouldn't be that difficult considering I have degree in computer networking ?
If you could test that I would appreciate it. Ie would it run the well pump if the dryer is running?
I'll give it a shot later with the mini split off and see what happens, I think it will overload it but the specs say it can handle the surge.
It handles the air compressor better than the sungold.
The well pump and dryer test will likely be tomorrow; between the mini split, dehumidifier, water distiller and loads of wash I'm keeping it busy today.
Thank you!
I got everything backed up, the new SD card loaded and the inverter connected but now I can't restore the data. I'll figure it out, it shouldn't be that difficult considering I have degree in computer networking ?
Figured it out... IP address for the Hotspot was different than my local network (I should have realized that after the first try....)
Thank you again @Brett V
Need to get the 3rd array up...
It runs the dryer, minisplit and rest of the house with no issues but I don't think it'll handle the well pump with the dryer running...
View attachment 165454
Was really anxious to see how it did with a solid load. Thanks for working on this so quickly!
One Amazon review said there’s would shut down with far less load than you’re showing here so that’s encouraging

diy solar

diy solar