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diy solar

diy solar

6000xp api details


New Member
Feb 3, 2022

Anyone know how I can connect to the 6000xp (wifi dongle connected to my wifi network) and poll details?

Start doing research on rs-485

Maybe something like this?

If that is too much start with rs-232.

If this becomes overwhelming then you know that you’re not quite ready to go deeper.

If you feel as if it’s makes sense then get yourself some usb adapters to connect up and make yourself a cable to a rj45 (network ends). If you have succeeded in being able to make those and connect to devices and use programs to “read only” then you will be on your way.

The problem is most material is written by those that understand it but don’t know how to teach someone who doesn’t yet. Find something that is close to your current understanding of it.

The next stage is understanding how to write back to devices. Some people do this with the CAN bus. Things can get dangerous at that point. You’ll need to learn about these protocols work.


Anyone know how I can connect to the 6000xp (wifi dongle connected to my wifi network) and poll details?


I’m not there yet. Good luck.
oh nice.. Page 31, Charge Current from AC. That is the number that I want to update. I have devices that can read excess solar going to the grid. Now, if I can figure out how to input from an automation, I can tell it to charge the battery according to what I'm seeing going out to the grid.

Thank you for sharing this document.

diy solar

diy solar