diy solar

diy solar

AC surge from utility.


New Member
Jul 9, 2023
Hello all, I am fairly new to working with solar and have recently setup my first solar off-grid system. One of the problems I'm trying to solve is that my inverter keeps tripping my GFCI when I turn on my AC that is powered by my system. I have set the inverter to only allow a 2 amp current to be pulled from utility to charge the battery if it falls to 10%. However regardless of the current state of the battery, and regardless of the amount of solar I'm pulling in, the inverter pulls from utility in order to cover the surge from turning on the AC. I'm not sure how to turn that feature off, or what to do to prevent this. Because when I unplug the AC input from my inverter and start up my AC, it starts up great, so I know it doesn't need to pull from utility, yet does so anyway. Any advice on what to do would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I'm fairly new to guessing what brand inverter you have but if there is a setting for overload bypass turn it off.
Sorry it's an EG4 3000 EHV-48

And I just checked the setting, which was turned on (even though the default is off) but it won't let me turn it off.
One of the problems I'm trying to solve is that my inverter keeps tripping my GFCI when I turn on my AC that is powered by my system.
GFCIs don't trip because of load unless a load creates an imbalance in the current on the line and neutral wires. That would be symptomatic of a Ground Fault. Where is the GFCI in relation to your A/C and inverter?
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