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diy solar

Battery configuration for a 16 bank EVE 304


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Hi there,

Trying to figure out the best battery setting on an inverter deye sun-8k-sg01lp1-eu for a 16 x EVE 304 bank.

Battery specs:
Here my calculations and my config settings at the moment:

1. Battery settings ONE
Capacity= 304ah x 16 =4864ah (First image is wrong)
Batt Mode = Use Batt % (First image is wrong)
Max A Charge = 190 A (Actually limited by the inverter capacity 8000w)
Max A Discharge = 190 A (Actually limited by the inverter capacity 8000w)

* Most likely I will disable float charging


2. Battery Setting TWO

Custom setting to select when Low Battery SOC is reached and also how to charge the battery


3. Battery Setting THREE

This is where I am a bit more confused as how to define the battery levels for the charging phases.

Floating Voltage = 16 x 3.375v = 54v

Absortion Voltage = 16 x 3.65V = 58.4v

Equalization Voltage = 16 x 3.65V = 58.4v

Equalization days = 90 days (is that relevant?)

Equalization hours = 0 hours (is that relevant?)

TEMPCO ?? Not sure how to set this

Battery resistance = 8 mOhms (from specs)


Any help on my calculations is most welcome!

Amps do not sum when in series. The capacity of your pack is still 304 Ahrs but at nominal 51.2 volts so the capacity in kWhs does increase. Unless you are sure your inverter has an acurate coulomb counter I would use Voltage as the parameter not % and I would uncheck the No Batt box although when you check Batt V that will probably happen automatically. Activate Battery is typically only used to set up closed communication with the BMS in the battery packs so unless you know how to do that, uncheck that box.
I personally do not like to Float my pack above resting voltage and I eliminate Equalization by setting it to zero,
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1. Battery settings ONE
Capacity= 304ah x 16 =4864ah (First image is wrong) --> This should be 304Ah, as the commenter above stated.
Batt Mode = Use Batt % (First image is wrong) --> if your BMS can communicate with inverter, use Lithium, else use voltage. SOC percentage calculations are often inaccurate
Max A Charge = 190 A --> Check if your BMS supports this
Max A Discharge = 190 A --> Check if your BMS supports this
3. Floating Voltage = 16 x 3.375v = 54v --> looks good, you should keep float mode enabled
Absortion Voltage = 16 x 3.65V = 58.4v --> I would lower it to something like 56.8V
Equalization Voltage = 16 x 3.65V = 58.4v --> Not relevant for Lithium batteries
Equalization days = 90 days --> Not relevant for Lithium batteries
Equalization hours = 0 hours --> Not relevant for Lithium batteries
TEMPCO ?? temperature coefficient. Shouldn't change much in charge/ discharge behavior
Battery resistance = 8 mOhms (from specs)
What's the difference betwen shutdown, Low Batt and Restart values?
Shutdown = stop drawing from battery
Low battery = usually just some low battery warning status
Restart = if you hit shutdown voltage/ SoC, start drawing from battery again after this much charged
Turn OFF Activate battery. Only for damaged or extremely low batteries and not to be active in normal use.

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