diy solar

diy solar

Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

so I have already seen 7KG+ of stopping force with these very low wind speeds.

I am actually not going to wait for the extra wire to arive. I am going to install!!!!.

Who ever, but me, thought it important to have 2 of those syco® coils per phase to begin with? :)

I now have 5 and will install all 5 yet only hook up 1 of them per phase.

look what happened when having two coils connected in series! this was around 2.7m/s according to my hand held wind speed meter.


I also have a video at lower wind speeds where you can see the turbine glide and then a close up of the oscope rocking around 60 Vac(pp).

But I have no time now to convert it to webm so that it can be embedded here. More on that later.

I am beginning to believe that we have over done this PMA. I am thinking it is far too powerful but we will see what remains of these values when we have 6 coils in a 3 phase setup and hooked up rather than this open circuit stuff that still tells us not all that much.
btw lets see if we can covert pma hz to turbine rpm
Pma hz = 34.25
/ 48 magnet pairs = 0.713 s/pma rotation
rpm pma = 60/0.713 = 84.08
turbine rpm = 84.08/11 = 7.64

A magnet pair being 2 adjecent magnets on the same disk

Did I mess up or it looks good?
So realistically I can collect hard data with this prototype turbine and pma before my wife kills me.
I guess I'll need advice soon on what it is we need to document and how in order for it to be trustable.

After that the turbine is going for a seasonal scheduled disasembly.

When the data taken is rock solid and awe inspireing I will work through my summer making updates like;
* structural enhancements
* an auto folding/ anti disaster mechanism that triggers the blades being pulled in from the top, at a too high turbine rpm. Whilst keeping the turbine without/with minimal damage for resurection.
* bragging rights :) hahhaha
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I realize by now that I have not properly introduced everyone to the stars of the show.

The coils.

Please witness, an early version of the
60 (13*120) 60 with a wire diam of 0.71mm
all of them came out not soo great. the best 2 I have are installed now and there is even one that is warped :(

The one on display here is the least bad one that is still waiting to be installed. Probably after a touch up of some sort.

Good thing I ordered wire from the UK and the guy telling me will be smooth sailing.
But then reality struck and now I am facing tariffs!!!!!!!!!

@UK. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY did you leave? argg Gsdfg :)


yes yes I know the connectors are not equal and not at all fit for purpose.
We are still prototyping are we? :) ahh yes thank you for understanding.
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btw lets see if we can covert pma hz to turbine rpm
Pma hz = 34.25
/ 48 magnet pairs = 0.713 s/pma rotation
rpm pma = 60/0.713 = 84.08
turbine rpm = 84.08/11 = 7.64

A magnet pair being 2 adjecent magnets on the same disk

Did I mess up or it looks good?
What load did you have on it while it was running?
Good voltage (130V) shown.
Have you tried loading it with a resistor, see how much power can be harvested?
I am beginning to believe that we have over done this PMA. I am thinking it is far too powerful but we will see what remains of these values when we have 6 coils in a 3 phase setup and hooked up rather than this open circuit stuff that still tells us not all that much.

@justgary Welcome back my dear lost brother in arms.

I am proud to have revived you :) yet you missed the part in where I stated this is all open circuit and that now we have to move further.

Also somewhere before that I am seriously asking for advice for how do we now finally get this data we need!.

@Hedges Not yet I will try hooking things up to my 16x3.2Vdc Lifepo4 array directly. And use the shunt and meter to see what happens.

And only when one has gone in dry, only then one can gets to talk about the effects of different in between like mppt or pwm or what have we.

At least that is how I think things are. But as always I am open to any and all that is meant to help.
I didn't time it, but the video clip is consistent with maybe 7 RPM rotation.

The question as it was several months ago is still about loading the output. Open circuit voltage isn't really useful since you are not using any power. A battery is a terrible test load since the charge current is dependent on state of charge. You were looking at car headlights before, but now that you may have roughly 100V to play with, can you get your hands on a few old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs? Hopefully the naysayers have not completely stopped you from buying them.
6 coils as 6 phase not 3 phase (well, 3x split phase) would deliver more steady DC when rectified.

PFC with 3-phase input would be absolutely flat power delivery.
nah brother. I meant 2 of them coils in series per phase ending up with a 3 phase PMA having 6 of them 60 13*120 60 @0.71mm coils

But this whole thing got me thinking.
Daydreaming even.

neee fantasizing.

Let us assume that the rpm of the PMA will be too high for some reason.
Then instead of changing the PMA we can just increase the diameter of the turbine :)

hahah I told one it is ludicrous did not I? :) ahh no this was the first time :( :)

diy solar

diy solar