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diy solar

Building Will Prowse hand cart solar generator but using eg4 6500

Yosemite Fred

New Member
Jan 10, 2023
Mariposa California
My daughter is renting a house and I would like to build a hand cart power unit like Will Prowse did but instead of using an eg4 3000 I was thinking of using a spare 6500 that I have to save her some money . Mainly want to power her freezer and maybe a few lights and fans. I will be using Eg4 server rack battery. Is there anything that I need to change from Will's design or should I get a eg4 3000 to use? I also have a retired friend that wants something similar so looks like I will be building two units.
Thank you,
The only DOWNSIDE I can think of is idle current. Bigger units usually draw more power at idle. If its shut off and she has to go turn it on and plug things into it, then this is a moot point.