diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

Build some gigantic solar powered carbon suckers.

Make them so big... Nevermind I try not to be my normal asshole self on Fridays.
Build some gigantic solar powered carbon suckers.

Make them so big... Nevermind I try not to be my normal asshole self on Fridays.

No way will anything like that work to fix the climate change problem or sequester carbon at any appreciable scale.. But they might teach us something.. not sure what..

Friday Funny – Real Science vs. Fake Science​

osh spots the difference. Do you have your climate emergency “insurance” paid up yet?

Cartoon by Josh - Science vs. EveryMann


John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum mechanics, has decided to sign the World Climate Declaration of Clintel with its central message “there is no climate emergency”. Clauser is the second Nobel Laureate to sign the declaration, Dr. Ivar Giaever was the first. The number of scientists and experts signing the World Climate Declaration is growing rapidly and now approaching 1600 people.

Clauser has publicly distanced himself from climate alarmism and this year he also joined the Board of Directors of the CO2 Coalition. In the announcement by the CO2 Coalition, Clauser was quoted in the following way:

“The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people. Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists. In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”
IPCC is spreading dangerous misinformation
In July Clauser gave a talk at the event Quantum Korea 2023. He warned the audience about the growing amount of pseudoscience and misinformation.

“Now I am not alone in observing the dangerous proliferation of pseudoscience. Recently, The Nobel Foundation has formed a new panel to address the issue called the International Panel on Information Environment. They plan to model it after the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC.
I think personally that they are making a big mistake in that effort because in my opinion the IPCC is one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation. What I’m about to recommend is in furtherance of that, of the aims of that panel. […]
I have a second elephant in the room that I have recently discovered regarding climate change. I believe that climate change is not a crisis. […]
Beware. If you’re doing good science, it may lead you into politically incorrect areas. If you’re a good scientist, you will follow them. I have several I won’t have time to discuss, but I can confidently say there is no real climate crisis and that climate change does not cause extreme weather events.”
Thanks, they are expensive, but I wanted to be able to run powertools, water pump and air conditioners. In a year round sunny climate, I think one could easily go off-grid.

So getting back on track to the topic, I think a battery breakthrough combined with high voltage DC power lines, solar and wind could play a significant role in fixing climate change. Even if you disagree with the scientists and don't believe in climate change, or believe climate change is not a problem, I think solar and wind are inevitable due to the lower cost. A battery technology breakthrough would result in a lot of stranded assets and that would cause a problem for banks and the tax payer who will undoubtedly be left to pay the price for baling out the banks and cleanup of the mess left behind.
Its not going to be a battery breakthrough. Sodium batteries already work, but they are still heavy. What is needed is a breakthrough in energy manipulation. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, we need a simple way to pull it from where it already is. The bonds between atoms already store megajules of energy.

Thats why atom bombs work. If we can find a way to just redirect that energy to do work, we wont need batteries. Water is most likely the best source. God made sure we have a LOT of water. Water is made from Hydrogen and Oxygen, and both burn ( weird that water doesn't burn right? ) when they are apart from each other.

Currently, fission just makes shit hot, and a nuke reactor uses that heat to make steam, to turn a turbine.
So we only know how to use the by product of all that energy. Pretty silly.

Fusion may be the answer if they figure out how to do it at room temperature. Lots of areas to explore, but we all have our heads stuck up our asses worrying about the climate cause the folks running things need a way to keep us all in check and afraid, so they can rape us for money and control.
Carbon capture systems are the absolute dumbest thing I've ever seen.

Aside from giving a tax credit for a wood stove because it's Carbon neutral, Carbon capture tops the list.

It just captures dollars bills and like murphyguy and Leo, serves absolutely no purpose they just waste energy and take up space.
Its not going to be a battery breakthrough. Sodium batteries already work, but they are still heavy. What is needed is a breakthrough in energy manipulation. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, we need a simple way to pull it from where it already is.
A simple way? Did you really say a "simple way" ?

The bonds between atoms already store megajules of energy.
And we harvest the bonds between atoms all day long every day in thousands of different ways. You do it right inside your own body, when you light the wood stove, and when you turn the key on your car.. We harvest all the energy we can from breaking those bonds apart and recombining them into other bonds. We call this "Chemical energy".. and at its core, its nothing more than shuffling electrons (charge) around, and its all governed by the electromagnetic force.

Thats why atom bombs work.
No it isn't.. Not even close. Yikes! That's on the same level as spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes. I don't mean to be rude because you're trying, but chemical bonds and atomic bonds are are two very different fundamental forces. Atom bombs do not work by breaking or combining the bonds between atoms.. That's called chemical energy.. Atom bombs work by breaking the strong nuclear force between the protons INSIDE the atoms.

Whenever you break apart the groups of protons in the center of an atom, or when you combine the protons from two different atoms into a larger group, mass is converted to energy in the form or radiation, and the resulting atom(s) are always missing mass.. the missing mass is what was converted to energy.. IE: E=MC²

Disclaimer: I am intentionally leaving out any discussion related to neutrons.

If we can find a way to just redirect that energy to do work, we wont need batteries.
We already do that.. we call it Nuclear Fission. Batteries are chemical energy..

Water is most likely the best source. God made sure we have a LOT of water. Water is made from Hydrogen and Oxygen, and both burn ( weird that water doesn't burn right? ) when they are apart from each other.
In normal conversations the term "burn" refers to the process of chemical combustion.. which is basically the exchange of electrons and charge between one atom and another. Its just electrons (atomic charge) being moved around...
Combustion is chemical energy where combining two or more elements on the periodic table ( IE: oxygen+hydrogen) result in the release of thermal energy as new molecules are formed.
And the most basic level, the physical process that causes combustion is the same fundamental process that causes steel to rust. The reason we call it combustion is that the process is dialed up to 11 and it happens fast enough that you can feel the heat.. Combustion, rusting, and you running a mile after eating a Snickers bar, are all the same fundamental process.. just electrons moving around causing atoms of different charges to form different molecules. We call this the "electromagnetic force" and it dominates everything you see, feel, or touch.. in fact, it even allows you to see, feel and touch.

When you pick up your coffee cup and you feel your grip putting pressure on the cup, what you are actually feeling is the electromagnetic repulsion between atoms.. and because no two electrons can occupy the same space (Pauli Exclusion Principle), you feel the atoms fighting back and you interpret this as your grip, or the pressure you are exerting on the coffee cup. If there was no electromagnetic repulsion, your atoms would pass right through the atoms of the cup and you wouldn't be able to touch anything. You wouldn't even be able to touch yourself.

The electromagnetic force is why we have chemistry.. IE: chemical combustion, chemical energy, and groups of atoms that make up things like coffee cups and I-phones.

No elements are ever changed under this process. No matter what kind of chemical reaction you have, a hydrogen atom(1) will always be a hydrogen atom(1) and an oxygen atom(8) will always be an oxygen atom(8). They're just no longer singles hanging out in a bar looking to hook up.. They're married! And the honeymoon was HOT Baby!

Those numbers I listed as (1) and (8) ? Wonder what they are? That's how many protons the atom has.. Not how many neutrons, but how many protons.. Hydrogen only has 1 proton. As we move down the periodic table, each element has more protons. It is the number of protons that determine what we call the element..

It would be easy for an alien civilization to communicate element descriptions to us.. all they would have to do is to represent the number of protons with dots we can count, or some other collection of symbols. We would just count the dots to determine which element they were referring to.

Currently, fission just makes shit hot, and a nuke reactor uses that heat to make steam, to turn a turbine.
So we only know how to use the by product of all that energy. Pretty silly.
The byproduct of all that energy? It's not a byproduct, THAT IS THE ENERGY.. That's the energy released when the Strong Nuclear Force is overcome. We've taken an atom and broken it apart (fission = splitting).. the combined mass of the resulting two individual atoms is less than the mass of the original atom that was split. The missing mass is converted to energy in the form of radiation, which we then use to heat water.
The missing mass is actually the "binding energy".. (Energy and mass are the same thing sort of like water and ice)

And it's extremely difficult to do.. Breaking atoms apart requires massive atomic nuclei that are so unstable that they tend to break apart all on their own. This is called "radioactive decay".. We call these atoms "radioactive elements" because they have so many protons they don't want to stay together, the protons tend to spontaneously fly off.. Which then changes the number of protons within the atom and it becomes a different element, minus some energy. Also, when these protons fly off, a whole bunch of other stuff (energy) also flies away with it... The act of nuclear fission is speeding this process up by putting lots of these atoms in close proximity to each other so the stuff that flies off one collides with another, which speeds the process up.

There is no combustion taken place here.. Fission takes a large group of protons (an element) and changes it into two smaller groups of protons (a different element). This releases a bunch of energy.

Fusion may be the answer if they figure out how to do it at room temperature.
There can be no such thing.. I didn't say "there is no such thing", I said "there can be no such thing" that's like asking for fire to be at room temperature... or expecting warm ice.
And what good would it be anyhow? If its cold, then by definition of the very title it's not producing any energy.. When you take two lighter atoms (lighter means fewer protons in the atom) and force them together, energy (mass) is also given off.. The mass of the atoms you combined to form a single atom, is less than the sum of the atoms you started with. In other words, in Fusion, the resulting helium atom weighs less than the sum of the hydrogen atoms used to make the helium.

The missing mass is the energy you capture.. which makes the very concept of "cold fusion" a sort of an oxymoron in itself. Like warm ice or cold fire.

Lots of areas to explore, but we all have our heads stuck up our asses worrying about the climate cause the folks running things need a way to keep us all in check and afraid, so they can rape us for money and control.
If you understood the basics of science, you would understand why man made climate change is a serious problem.. But the problem is that you don't understand even the basic physical principles that govern everything. The result is that you will "believe" what someone tells you even though you don't understand even the basic fundamentals.

People "believe" in man made climate change, or they don't "believe" in man made climate change. Either position is just ignorance at work.
Lots of ignorant people out there don't believe in man made climate change and they don't understand the physical science.
Lots of ignorant people out there do believe in made made climate change, and they don't understand the physical science.

Either position results in "stupid is as stupid does.. "

When you understand the physics and the underlying science, you understand man made climate change. When you don't understand these physics and science, you are forced into an opinion handed to you by someone else. That someone could be Joe Idiot, or a movie star, or someone pandering ideology for profit, or someone just being paid to use their position under the authority fallacy. Regardless of the underlying information source, you are putting your trust into someone else who may (probably) have other interests.. and worse yet, almost universally someone you don't even know. Not very smart or wise if you ask me.
Carbon capture systems are the absolute dumbest thing I've ever seen.
If it is done at the source and payed for by the company, I have no problem with it, after the fact it seems silly for the tax payer to pay for taking CO2 out of the atmosphere, as that CO2 should not have been dumped in the atmosphere to begin with.

Why do you think it is the dumbest idea?

With regards to climate change, the dumbest idea I have seen is tax credits/subsidies to big oil...

Aside from giving a tax credit for a wood stove because it's Carbon neutral, Carbon capture tops the list.
Is that for high efficient wood stoves only, or all wood stoves?

It just captures dollars bills and like murphyguy and Leo, serves absolutely no purpose they just waste energy and take up space.
For some one who believes in capitalism, you sure seem to dislike companies, who try to do the right thing, earning money...

And what is your purpose on earth? In 100 years time will there be any one left to remember you?

Should Tangiers Island be Saved?

The Island is home to less than 500 people and the first settlers were probably from 1686. A new report suggests it will be submerged by 2060 and uninhabitable by 2040. Congress is considering $25M to remediate the problem, although $350M is what's expected to be needed. An alternative is to abandon the land to migrate everyone off the island, similar to the way cities have been abandoned for dam projects. What do you think? refs

Kids and Climate Anxiety

Because climate change is a real threat, it makes sense for kids to worry about it. It can be hard to know when your child is worrying too much and how to help them handle their climate anxiety, especially when you’re anxious too.
The article is primarily some tips for how to talk to your kids about climate change.

Mental Heath​

Opinion: The whole video was interesting, but the link is just to the timestamp regarding climate change impacts. Certainly from what's in the news and articles like "Kids and Climate Anxiety" I expected it to be higher in the U.S.

Should Tangiers Island be Saved?

The Island is home to less than 500 people and the first settlers were probably from 1686. A new report suggests it will be submerged by 2060 and uninhabitable by 2040. Congress is considering $25M to remediate the problem, although $350M is what's expected to be needed. An alternative is to abandon the land to migrate everyone off the island, similar to the way cities have been abandoned for dam projects. What do you think? refs

Kids and Climate Anxiety

The article is primarily some tips for how to talk to your kids about climate change.

Mental Heath​

Opinion: The whole video was interesting, but the link is just to the timestamp regarding climate change impacts. Certainly from what's in the news and articles like "Kids and Climate Anxiety" I expected it to be higher in the U.S.
Let the island sink, or the residents build a wall. Those that built there need to take the hit, not taxpayers. As for climate change anxiety, the media is at fault there, so they should stop scaring little kids!

Little kids already have to worry about paying the $200,000 they owe to fix the budget, and the fact that nuclear war is on the horizon due to idiot politicians, or they may get mugged or abused by perverts, all of which are much more impactful than the weather.

Should Tangiers Island be Saved?

The Island is home to less than 500 people and the first settlers were probably from 1686. A new report suggests it will be submerged by 2060 and uninhabitable by 2040. Congress is considering $25M to remediate the problem, although $350M is what's expected to be needed. An alternative is to abandon the land to migrate everyone off the island, similar to the way cities have been abandoned for dam projects. What do you think? refs

Kids and Climate Anxiety

The article is primarily some tips for how to talk to your kids about climate change.

Mental Heath​

Opinion: The whole video was interesting, but the link is just to the timestamp regarding climate change impacts. Certainly from what's in the news and articles like "Kids and Climate Anxiety" I expected it to be higher in the U.S.

I have instructed both my kids to ignore the fearmongering around covid and climate change.

They both now call out the bs even before I do.

When they see blue-pill male statements like "unprecedented", I taught them to check history via Google but even better, local elders and then go back to Google with tighter search terms.

Should Tangiers Island be Saved?

The Island is home to less than 500 people and the first settlers were probably from 1686. A new report suggests it will be submerged by 2060 and uninhabitable by 2040. Congress is considering $25M to remediate the problem, although $350M is what's expected to be needed. An alternative is to abandon the land to migrate everyone off the island, similar to the way cities have been abandoned for dam projects. What do you think? refs

Kids and Climate Anxiety

The article is primarily some tips for how to talk to your kids about climate change.

Mental Heath​

Opinion: The whole video was interesting, but the link is just to the timestamp regarding climate change impacts. Certainly from what's in the news and articles like "Kids and Climate Anxiety" I expected it to be higher in the U.S.

Second on this again, even dumber than tax credits for wood stoves, corn ethanol etc

And "this thread has been a journey" svetz just pulled some more bullshit here and attributed the loss of an offshore sandbar to "rising seas" instead of subduction.

Even after all this long winded bs of "I now know everything" the only evidence he could cite to support rising seas an island that is sinking.

So pathetic and gross.
And now the California hurricane and "unprecedented rainfall".

Many years ago, I mean you go there and the arrival desert landscape is full of signs of more recent and past flooding. It's cyclic.

These fucking people I swear.....

The desert is dry due to climate change, then the water comes oh but it's too much water so also climate change. I can't anymore ?
And now the California hurricane and "unprecedented rainfall".

Many years ago, I mean you go there and the arrival desert landscape is full of signs of more recent and past flooding. It's cyclic.

These fucking people I swear.....

The desert is dry due to climate change, then the water comes oh but it's too much water so also climate change. I can't anymore ?
The fact that some nefarious group will offer you "carbon credits" if you just pay them some money says it all. They will try to sell you the air you breath next.

Always be wary of any group think that dictates the "science is settled". Thats how you know they are hiding something.
I have instructed both my kids to ignore the fearmongering around covid and climate change.
Grooming them?

They both now call out the bs even before I do.
Must be tough to be called out by your kids...

When they see blue-pill male statements like "unprecedented", I taught them to check history via Google but even better, local elders and then go back to Google with tighter search terms.
That is good actually, be skeptical of what the news media tell you.

Now tell me, do you think man made global warming real, but not catastrophic?
Grooming them?

Now tell me, do you think man made global warming is real

I feel like Im your mom now having to tell you to put your boner away Leo. This is neither the time nor place.

In regards to global warming, aren't you the guy that thinks the way C02 warms the atmosphere is by increasing its thermal mass??

? I just can't with this one.

Understanding The Parasitic Cooperation Between Globalists And Leftists​

have to admit that in my efforts to analyze and dissect far-left/globalist ideologies and agendas I have come to a point where I am just as fascinated as I am horrified. Consider for a moment the progressive “intersectional” narrative which we often refer to as “woke”: It’s not an activist movement because they already have equal rights under the law. It’s partially a political movement but their goals go far beyond putting candidates in government – A large part of the government is already on their side.

They claim to stand against “capitalism” and corporate power, yet their movement is primarily funded by the very money elites they say they despise.
No, this movement is something different – It’s a system of blind belief and the invasion of a cult that worships itself, that worships power and seeks to undermine the truth whenever possible as a means to an end. We are witnessing history in the making; the birth of a monstrous religion of moral relativism.

To understand the political left and their tactics you have to understand their relationship with the globalists. Woke groups are a creation of the corporate/globalist regime. For decades think-tanks like the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation have been grooming universities to produce a steady supply of cult members, all of them indoctrinated into a carefully crafted narrative that clings to socialism and uses victim status as a currency.

They abhor meritocracy and have delusions of equity. They demand an impossible Utopia that guarantees equal outcomes. They see self sufficiency as criminality; an attempt to escape from collective oversight. And they are more than willing to rationalize dishonesty, disinformation, deconstruction, chaos and murder as a means to get what they want.

As I’ve noted in the past, it’s difficult to combat a movement with no morals and no shame. If your purpose is to convince them to stop what they are doing using logic, data, common sense and appeals to conscience, you will fail. They don’t care about any of these things. The leftist obsession with power is absolute – It’s all they talk about. It’s the root of every one of their arguments.

That said, their concept of power is rather limited and childish.

For the woke, power is in cancel culture. Power is in the mob. Power is in displays of collective destruction and control.

They ask themselves “What can we take from others, and how can we instill fear?” They believe the more they can take, the more power they have.

Globalists view power in a similar manner to leftists, but they expand on the manifesto with the question “How can we convince others to give us control willingly?”

Woke useful idiots see power as something that must be stolen through intimidation or force. Globalists see power as something that is handed to them by useful idiots. In order to get that power, globalists spend the vast majority of their energy and wealth on the manufacturing of consent. It’s not enough to control the population, you have to make them believe that your oligarchy is THEIR IDEA. That way, they never try to fight back.

While woke activists are running around like monkeys with matches trying to burn down the world, globalists are looking at the activists and saying “How can I make those monkeys burn down the things I want them to burn down?”

Manufacturing consent from half the population of a nation requires a massive disinfo apparatus.
I doubt that most leftists even realize their entire philosophy was funded and fabricated by corporate interests. And if you educate them on the fact that they are now allied with the same ultra-rich corporate vampires they say they hate, you’ll soon discover they don’t mind. They’ll happily embrace the devil’s contract because they see it as a means of “winning.” In this way political leftists and the globalists are indelibly intertwined.

This is why I don’t take arguments over the “false left/right paradigm” very seriously anymore. Sure, there are still Neo-Cons in the Republican Party that claim to be conservative when they are actually globalists and leftists. That’s not the point. The point is, millions upon millions of regular people on the left have willfully chosen to side with the globalists and have specifically targeted conservative and patriot culture for destruction.

They are the enemy, just as much as the globalists are the enemy. Without the leftist mob the globalists have no power. It’s time to accept this reality instead of falling back on the same old lazy argument: “But both sides are the problem…” No, only one side is the problem. They have always been the problem regardless of the political masks they wear.

If you look at the pyramid from the bottom-up, there is no such thing as the “false left/right paradigm” anymore. There is a VERY REAL left/right paradigm. The division is a fact of life. The lines have been drawn by the establishment; either you’re with them or you’re against them. There is no in-between.

In the film ‘The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari’ an elite member of society turns a man into a monster through hypnosis, sending him to stalk the countryside to kill people the elite wants out of his way. The globalists have also used mesmerism to summon their own leftist monster whenever they need some dirty work done. There are two key pillars that they want leftists to tear down – People’s perceptions of freedom and people’s perceptions of objective fact.

For example, look at the recent covid “crisis” and the draconian response that the majority of leftists supported. Also look at the hysterical climate change narratives and the calls for carbon restrictions that would inevitably lead to mass depopulation; once again largely supported by the political left.

Both agendas rely on the notion of an existential threat that requires people to sacrifice their freedoms on a micro-level. Yet, covid mandates suggest that we need to save the population from death while climate change mandates suggest that we need to kill most of the population to protect the environment. It doesn’t make sense unless you understand that diminishing freedom is the ultimate point. Covid was never about saving lives and climate controls have nothing to do with saving the planet.

As for perceptions of objective fact, one need only look at the transgender movement to see that the very foundations of truth are under siege.
If biology is subjective, if identity is subjective, if the genetic details we use to define and categorize our species are “social constructs” instead of facts, then almost any truth could be targeted. I believe that this attempt to make biological truth a matter of prerogative is done with the intent of making moral truth mutable.

If civilization is convinced to accept the surgical/chemical mutilation and sterilization of our youth, if we can be convinced to accept the sexualization of children from an early age, then we can easily be convinced to accept just about anything else. Pedophilia? Slavery? Murder? All in the name of hedonism posing as freedom.

By extension, the abandonment of universal truths will invariably lead to the rebuke of freedom itself. What is freedom really? Is it a legitimate concern for the future? We “live in a society” after all, and according to leftists everything we do “affects everyone else.” Therefore, freedom can be dangerous; it might hurt or upset others. It might ruin the planet. Best to get rid of it entirely for the good of the collective…

It is an eternal dichotomy – Without truth there can be no freedom – Without freedom there can be no truth. On the dark side of that coin is the globalist/leftist dichotomy – Without the globalists there is no leftist mob, without the leftist mob the globalists will be erased.

Globalists are seeking to subjugate the world, and to do that they need to undermine the basic tenets of human interaction and understanding. They have allied with the political left in order to blitz the populace with chaos, keeping people distracted and off balance while the powers-that-be wrap their tentacles around every last vestige of private liberty.

Our greatest hope is for the citizenry to adopt a hostile posture and refuse to compromise another inch. We have to start calling the political left out for what they really are – The striking hand of the globalist cabal. There can be no give-and-take when it comes to our core principles. No more tolerance of deconstruction, no more slack given to saboteurs. If a subversive group is trying to tear down the moral fabric that makes the west functional and free, if they desire to eradicate the heritage that our founders fought to establish, then we must do as the founders did and remove the threat.
Last edited:

Understanding The Parasitic Cooperation Between Globalists And Leftists​

have to admit that in my efforts to analyze and dissect far-left/globalist ideologies and agendas I have come to a point where I am just as fascinated as I am horrified. Consider for a moment the progressive “intersectional” narrative which we often refer to as “woke”: It’s not an activist movement because they already have equal rights under the law. It’s partially a political movement but their goals go far beyond putting candidates in government – A large part of the government is already on their side.

They claim to stand against “capitalism” and corporate power, yet their movement is primarily funded by the very money elites they say they despise.
No, this movement is something different – It’s a system of blind belief and the invasion of a cult that worships itself, that worships power and seeks to undermine the truth whenever possible as a means to an end. We are witnessing history in the making; the birth of a monstrous religion of moral relativism.

To understand the political left and their tactics you have to understand their relationship with the globalists. Woke groups are a creation of the corporate/globalist regime. For decades think-tanks like the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation have been grooming universities to produce a steady supply of cult members, all of them indoctrinated into a carefully crafted narrative that clings to socialism and uses victim status as a currency.

They abhor meritocracy and have delusions of equity. They demand an impossible Utopia that guarantees equal outcomes. They see self sufficiency as criminality; an attempt to escape from collective oversight. And they are more than willing to rationalize dishonesty, disinformation, deconstruction, chaos and murder as a means to get what they want.

As I’ve noted in the past, it’s difficult to combat a movement with no morals and no shame. If your purpose is to convince them to stop what they are doing using logic, data, common sense and appeals to conscience, you will fail. They don’t care about any of these things. The leftist obsession with power is absolute – It’s all they talk about. It’s the root of every one of their arguments.

That said, their concept of power is rather limited and childish.

For the woke, power is in cancel culture. Power is in the mob. Power is in displays of collective destruction and control.

They ask themselves “What can we take from others, and how can we instill fear?” They believe the more they can take, the more power they have.

Globalists view power in a similar manner to leftists, but they expand on the manifesto with the question “How can we convince others to give us control willingly?”

Woke useful idiots see power as something that must be stolen through intimidation or force. Globalists see power as something that is handed to them by useful idiots. In order to get that power, globalists spend the vast majority of their energy and wealth on the manufacturing of consent. It’s not enough to control the population, you have to make them believe that your oligarchy is THEIR IDEA. That way, they never try to fight back.

While woke activists are running around like monkeys with matches trying to burn down the world, globalists are looking at the activists and saying “How can I make those monkeys burn down the things I want them to burn down?”

Manufacturing consent from half the population of a nation requires a massive disinfo apparatus.
I doubt that most leftists even realize their entire philosophy was funded and fabricated by corporate interests. And if you educate them on the fact that they are now allied with the same ultra-rich corporate vampires they say they hate, you’ll soon discover they don’t mind. They’ll happily embrace the devil’s contract because they see it as a means of “winning.” In this way political leftists and the globalists are indelibly intertwined.

This is why I don’t take arguments over the “false left/right paradigm” very seriously anymore. Sure, there are still Neo-Cons in the Republican Party that claim to be conservative when they are actually globalists and leftists. That’s not the point. The point is, millions upon millions of regular people on the left have willfully chosen to side with the globalists and have specifically targeted conservative and patriot culture for destruction.

They are the enemy, just as much as the globalists are the enemy. Without the leftist mob the globalists have no power. It’s time to accept this reality instead of falling back on the same old lazy argument: “But both sides are the problem…” No, only one side is the problem. They have always been the problem regardless of the political masks they wear.

If you look at the pyramid from the bottom-up, there is no such thing as the “false left/right paradigm” anymore. There is a VERY REAL left/right paradigm. The division is a fact of life. The lines have been drawn by the establishment; either you’re with them or you’re against them. There is no in-between.

In the film ‘The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari’ an elite member of society turns a man into a monster through hypnosis, sending him to stalk the countryside to kill people the elite wants out of his way. The globalists have also used mesmerism to summon their own leftist monster whenever they need some dirty work done. There are two key pillars that they want leftists to tear down – People’s perceptions of freedom and people’s perceptions of objective fact.

For example, look at the recent covid “crisis” and the draconian response that the majority of leftists supported. Also look at the hysterical climate change narratives and the calls for carbon restrictions that would inevitably lead to mass depopulation; once again largely supported by the political left.
Great summary. That sort of explains why BLM revolted by burning down their own towns and businesses, while it was actually just an excuse to loot for the BLM folks, and cause chaos by the Antifa folks, but the result was devestation needed to remold the narrative, and cause fear in many to speak out.

The goal is pretty self evident from a central planning perspective. If your goal is a one world government, then you must first break apart all the nationalist and patriotic entities. Open the borders and remove the existing culture, while calling racist anyone who goes against your own destruction.

Just like in communism, you need to remove religion, borders, finances, safety, national pride, and armed citizens. You need to control banking and finances, and also create the lemmings who will turn you in if you go off the reservation and want to be left alone.

We see that now across the globe in the burning of churches, mass migrations, racism against whites, attacks on normal straight people, glorification and excuses for violent and non-violent crimes, spreading fear and division in the state controlled media, indoctrination of youth, mutilation and sexual perversion of children, and in the US, the militiarization of government and weaponization of that government against all political rivals, with the collusion of the indoctrinated media.

Once democracy is extinguished via control of the voting system ( ID is RACIST! Mail in voting is cool!) I see the only way out may be global rebellion ( which we have seen in Canada and France), or the total collapse of society with war as the result.

Understanding The Parasitic Cooperation Between Globalists And Leftists​

have to admit that in my efforts to analyze and dissect far-left/globalist ideologies and agendas I have come to a point where I am just as fascinated as I am horrified. Consider for a moment the progressive “intersectional” narrative which we often refer to as “woke”: It’s not an activist movement because they already have equal rights under the law. It’s partially a political movement but their goals go far beyond putting candidates in government – A large part of the government is already on their side.

They claim to stand against “capitalism” and corporate power, yet their movement is primarily funded by the very money elites they say they despise.
No, this movement is something different – It’s a system of blind belief and the invasion of a cult that worships itself, that worships power and seeks to undermine the truth whenever possible as a means to an end. We are witnessing history in the making; the birth of a monstrous religion of moral relativism.

To understand the political left and their tactics you have to understand their relationship with the globalists. Woke groups are a creation of the corporate/globalist regime. For decades think-tanks like the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation have been grooming universities to produce a steady supply of cult members, all of them indoctrinated into a carefully crafted narrative that clings to socialism and uses victim status as a currency.

They abhor meritocracy and have delusions of equity. They demand an impossible Utopia that guarantees equal outcomes. They see self sufficiency as criminality; an attempt to escape from collective oversight. And they are more than willing to rationalize dishonesty, disinformation, deconstruction, chaos and murder as a means to get what they want.

As I’ve noted in the past, it’s difficult to combat a movement with no morals and no shame. If your purpose is to convince them to stop what they are doing using logic, data, common sense and appeals to conscience, you will fail. They don’t care about any of these things. The leftist obsession with power is absolute – It’s all they talk about. It’s the root of every one of their arguments.

That said, their concept of power is rather limited and childish.

For the woke, power is in cancel culture. Power is in the mob. Power is in displays of collective destruction and control.

They ask themselves “What can we take from others, and how can we instill fear?” They believe the more they can take, the more power they have.

Globalists view power in a similar manner to leftists, but they expand on the manifesto with the question “How can we convince others to give us control willingly?”

Woke useful idiots see power as something that must be stolen through intimidation or force. Globalists see power as something that is handed to them by useful idiots. In order to get that power, globalists spend the vast majority of their energy and wealth on the manufacturing of consent. It’s not enough to control the population, you have to make them believe that your oligarchy is THEIR IDEA. That way, they never try to fight back.

While woke activists are running around like monkeys with matches trying to burn down the world, globalists are looking at the activists and saying “How can I make those monkeys burn down the things I want them to burn down?”

Manufacturing consent from half the population of a nation requires a massive disinfo apparatus.
I doubt that most leftists even realize their entire philosophy was funded and fabricated by corporate interests. And if you educate them on the fact that they are now allied with the same ultra-rich corporate vampires they say they hate, you’ll soon discover they don’t mind. They’ll happily embrace the devil’s contract because they see it as a means of “winning.” In this way political leftists and the globalists are indelibly intertwined.

This is why I don’t take arguments over the “false left/right paradigm” very seriously anymore. Sure, there are still Neo-Cons in the Republican Party that claim to be conservative when they are actually globalists and leftists. That’s not the point. The point is, millions upon millions of regular people on the left have willfully chosen to side with the globalists and have specifically targeted conservative and patriot culture for destruction.

They are the enemy, just as much as the globalists are the enemy. Without the leftist mob the globalists have no power. It’s time to accept this reality instead of falling back on the same old lazy argument: “But both sides are the problem…” No, only one side is the problem. They have always been the problem regardless of the political masks they wear.

If you look at the pyramid from the bottom-up, there is no such thing as the “false left/right paradigm” anymore. There is a VERY REAL left/right paradigm. The division is a fact of life. The lines have been drawn by the establishment; either you’re with them or you’re against them. There is no in-between.

In the film ‘The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari’ an elite member of society turns a man into a monster through hypnosis, sending him to stalk the countryside to kill people the elite wants out of his way. The globalists have also used mesmerism to summon their own leftist monster whenever they need some dirty work done. There are two key pillars that they want leftists to tear down – People’s perceptions of freedom and people’s perceptions of objective fact.

For example, look at the recent covid “crisis” and the draconian response that the majority of leftists supported. Also look at the hysterical climate change narratives and the calls for carbon restrictions that would inevitably lead to mass depopulation; once again largely supported by the political left.

Both agendas rely on the notion of an existential threat that requires people to sacrifice their freedoms on a micro-level. Yet, covid mandates suggest that we need to save the population from death while climate change mandates suggest that we need to kill most of the population to protect the environment. It doesn’t make sense unless you understand that diminishing freedom is the ultimate point. Covid was never about saving lives and climate controls have nothing to do with saving the planet.

As for perceptions of objective fact, one need only look at the transgender movement to see that the very foundations of truth are under siege.
If biology is subjective, if identity is subjective, if the genetic details we use to define and categorize our species are “social constructs” instead of facts, then almost any truth could be targeted. I believe that this attempt to make biological truth a matter of prerogative is done with the intent of making moral truth mutable.

If civilization is convinced to accept the surgical/chemical mutilation and sterilization of our youth, if we can be convinced to accept the sexualization of children from an early age, then we can easily be convinced to accept just about anything else. Pedophilia? Slavery? Murder? All in the name of hedonism posing as freedom.

By extension, the abandonment of universal truths will invariably lead to the rebuke of freedom itself. What is freedom really? Is it a legitimate concern for the future? We “live in a society” after all, and according to leftists everything we do “affects everyone else.” Therefore, freedom can be dangerous; it might hurt or upset others. It might ruin the planet. Best to get rid of it entirely for the good of the collective…

It is an eternal dichotomy – Without truth there can be no freedom – Without freedom there can be no truth. On the dark side of that coin is the globalist/leftist dichotomy – Without the globalists there is no leftist mob, without the leftist mob the globalists will be erased.

Globalists are seeking to subjugate the world, and to do that they need to undermine the basic tenets of human interaction and understanding. They have allied with the political left in order to blitz the populace with chaos, keeping people distracted and off balance while the powers-that-be wrap their tentacles around every last vestige of private liberty.

Our greatest hope is for the citizenry to adopt a hostile posture and refuse to compromise another inch. We have to start calling the political left out for what they really are – The striking hand of the globalist cabal. There can be no give-and-take when it comes to our core principles. No more tolerance of deconstruction, no more slack given to saboteurs. If a subversive group is trying to tear down the moral fabric that makes the west functional and free, if they desire to eradicate the heritage that our founders fought to establish, then we must do as the founders did and remove the threat.


The goal is pretty self evident from a central planning perspective. If your goal is a one world government, then you must first break apart all the nationalist and patriotic entities. Open the borders and remove the existing culture, while calling racist anyone who goes against your own destruction.
Just out of curiosity.. What would be wrong with a one world government? You have one nation governments, one state governments, and one city level governments, and you seem to be fine with that... So what's the problem with a one world government?

Just like in communism, you need to remove religion, borders, finances, safety, national pride, and armed citizens. You need to control banking and finances, and also create the lemmings who will turn you in if you go off the reservation and want to be left alone.
You might want to keep that in mind the next time you see one of these fruitcakes rallying against our support of Ukraine.

Additionally, if you're so against communism, why is most everything you own right down to your underwear made in China?

We see that now across the globe in the burning of churches,
Pretty sure that's just a reflection of people being fed up with the behavior of the churches...

mass migrations,
You were warned about mass migrations decades ago..

racism against whites,
LOL, now you're just being silly.. That's on the same level of stupid as you saying atom bombs work by breaking the bonds between atoms.

Damn, that level of ignorance is on a level I can't even relate to.. I felt dumber just reading your post...

attacks on normal straight people, glorification and excuses for violent and non-violent crimes, spreading fear and division in the state controlled media, indoctrination of youth, mutilation and sexual perversion of children, and in the US, the militiarization of government and weaponization of that government against all political rivals, with the collusion of the indoctrinated media.
So you're generally not happy.. It was much better when the attacks were only against blacks and gays right?

Indoctrination of youth, mutiliation and sexual perversion of children? Maybe that's why they're burning churches? Hmm.. 2 + 2 = ????

And remember your dissatisfaction with the weaponization of government the next time a police department gets a free Armored personal carrier from the military.
Just out of curiosity.. What would be wrong with a one world government? You have one nation governments, one state governments, and one city level governments, and you seem to be fine with that... So what's the problem with a one world government?

I dont like central control. Too much power in too few hands.

You might want to keep that in mind the next time you see one of these fruitcakes rallying against our support of Ukraine.
Ukraine can take care of itself
Additionally, if you're so against communism, why is most everything you own right down to your underwear made in China?

Cause china uses slave labor to keep stuff cheap, so all the greedy corporate owners shipped their manufacturing to china.

Pretty sure that's just a reflection of people being fed up with the behavior of the churches...
Many people are faithless.
You were warned about mass migrations decades ago..

LOL, now you're just being silly.. That's on the same level of stupid as you saying atom bombs work by breaking the bonds between atoms.

Damn, that level of ignorance is on a level I can't even relate to.. I felt dumber just reading your post...

So you're generally not happy.. It was much better when the attacks were only against blacks and gays right?

Indoctrination of youth, mutiliation and sexual perversion of children? Maybe that's why they're burning churches? Hmm.. 2 + 2 = ????
Correct. Churches preach morality and love, which makes it difficult to mutilate kids.
And remember your dissatisfaction with the weaponization of government the next time a police department gets a free Armored personal carrier from the military.
I was always against that. Cops should be walking a beat, not riding in a humvee

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