diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

You see? An emotional response. Zero facts. True lemming thinking.

You do know that Rudy cleaned up NY to the point the quality of life was outstanding? He provided true leadership for the nation after 9/11, and was the driving force prosecuter that eliminated Mafia control of NYC?

He ran the largest city in the US for two terms, and the people wanted him to stay for a third term, but like George Washington, he stepped down.

But I am sure you have already accomplished more in your life.
Oh for crying out loud.. this is the problem with you people.. you're so easily manipulated by public perception/relations campaigns...

Giuliani was mayor from 1994 to 2001.. Crime in New York was already dropping.. In fact, crime throughout the entire USA was dropping in near lock step..
Here you go:

And here is the national crime rate showing the same period within the chart. Crime across the entire nation was dropping..
Bill Clinton was president between 93 and 01.


Guiliani didn't clean up jack squat.. Crime was already falling when he took office.. and it was falling throughout the entire USA. We were no longer worried about nuclear war with the soviets and the internet was being born.. Even poor people were flush with cash..

Don't be so gullible.
Oh for crying out loud.. this is the problem with you people.. you're so easily manipulated by public perception/relations campaigns...

Giuliani was mayor from 1994 to 2001.. Crime in New York was already dropping.. In fact, crime throughout the entire USA was dropping in near lock step..
Here you go:
View attachment 163267

And here is the national crime rate showing the same period within the chart. Crime across the entire nation was dropping..
Bill Clinton was president between 93 and 01.

View attachment 163268

Guiliani didn't clean up jack squat.. Crime was already falling when he took office.. and it was falling throughout the entire USA. We were no longer worried about nuclear war with the soviets and the internet was being born.. Even poor people were flush with cash..

Don't be so gullible.
Nope, thats all bullshit. I lived and worked through it in the city. After Rudy took over, the change was palitable. Like a magic fairy made NYC Disney land. In fact, thats when Disney opened stores on 42nd street. Before Rudy, they were porn shops. He kicked them all out, and we got a movie theater, McDonalds, Wax museums, theatre, restraunts, and tourists galore. No more bums, prostitutes, druggies, homeless, windsheild washers, or crazies. It was simply amazing. You had to experience it.

Even the potholes were getting fixed. Subways had graffitti removed, the speaker systems worked so you could hear your next stop, they were clean, and there were police everywhere. They removed the gangs with stop and frisk. Homeless went to shelters, drug program or asylums.
Normal people were free to go out at night, have dinner, see a show, visit the empire state building, and not worry about crime.

The difference between Rudy and mayor Dinkins was astounding. Dinkins had race riots, soaring homeless, drugs, gangs, blacks killing Jews, police corruption.... it was just like the 70's. Then Bazinga! Rudy made it all go away in record time.
I bet if he became mayor of San Francisco, he would have that place looking like it did in the 90's in under a year.

Ask any real New Yorker. They will tell you it was much better when Rudy was Mayor. So screw your statistics. I lived through it in person.
Nope, thats all bullshit. I lived and worked through it in the city. After Rudy took over, the change was palitable. Like a magic fairy made NYC Disney land. In fact, thats when Disney opened stores on 42nd street. Before Rudy, they were porn shops. He kicked them all out, and we got a movie theater, McDonalds, Wax museums, theatre, restraunts, and tourists galore. No more bums, prostitutes, druggies, homeless, windsheild washers, or crazies. It was simply amazing. You had to experience it.

Even the potholes were getting fixed. Subways had graffitti removed, the speaker systems worked so you could hear your next stop, they were clean, and there were police everywhere. They removed the gangs with stop and frisk. Homeless went to shelters, drug program or asylums.
Normal people were free to go out at night, have dinner, see a show, visit the empire state building, and not worry about crime.

The difference between Rudy and mayor Dinkins was astounding. Dinkins had race riots, soaring homeless, drugs, gangs, blacks killing Jews, police corruption.... it was just like the 70's. Then Bazinga! Rudy made it all go away in record time.
I bet if he became mayor of San Francisco, he would have that place looking like it did in the 90's in under a year.

Ask any real New Yorker. They will tell you it was much better when Rudy was Mayor. So screw your statistics. I lived through it in person.

This is true.
NYC under Dinkins was a cesspool. I came to the city in 1991 and it was absolute shit. Revival began circa 2000.
2000-2018 were golden years for NYC. Amazing how quickly they destroyed it all.

Its all completely bought and paid for!

Disclosure for Cultural Change

If you consider IAM scenarios a research industry, the industry leaders are establishing the standards and narratives that drive the demand of their own products.

Mechanisms of accountability for making decisions about scenarios used by the CMIP and IPCC should disperse power in establishing value priorities for scenario selection, making those selections, developing scenarios, and authoring reports.

The IPCC does not make publicly accessible the COI disclosures of its authors. It should.

It is clear that the same researchers that organize, develop, prioritize, and select scenarios for global climate science are doing the same for major financial institutions and regulators. The same people are also authoring IPCC reports.

There should be great concern that the way the world understands the collective climate future prioritizes special business interests particularly, financial institutions.

Meanwhile, funds to support scenario master planning comes in from advocacy organizations.

Sponsors and Partners for the Scenario Forum 2022, a meeting to “inform the use of scenarios in the preparation” of IPCC AR7
A good place to shift the culture of non-disclosure across the climate sciences is within the IAMC and ScenarioMIP. These are important focal point for all of climate change science and improvements at the bottleneck promises to shape expectations of ethical professional behavior across the research enterprise.

As well, disclosure in these locations helps the world understand the business interests served by expertise in this area of science.
Nope, thats all bullshit. I lived and worked through it in the city. After Rudy took over, the change was palitable. Like a magic fairy made NYC Disney land. In fact, thats when Disney opened stores on 42nd street. Before Rudy, they were porn shops. He kicked them all out, and we got a movie theater, McDonalds, Wax museums, theatre, restraunts, and tourists galore. No more bums, prostitutes, druggies, homeless, windsheild washers, or crazies. It was simply amazing. You had to experience it.
Yes, because the entire country experienced much of the same because the 1990's were a major MAJOR economic boom due to the internet and the fall of the soviet union.

That fall in crime and money for the pot holes was a consequence.

Bums, prostitutes and homeless do not equate to criminals.. well.. not in the sense we're talking. Windshield washers? Some guy trying to feed himself is a criminal???
And where did these people go?

Even the potholes were getting fixed. Subways had graffitti removed, the speaker systems worked so you could hear your next stop, they were clean, and there were police everywhere. They removed the gangs with stop and frisk. Homeless went to shelters, drug program or asylums.
Normal people were free to go out at night, have dinner, see a show, visit the empire state building, and not worry about crime.
Again, a consequence of more tax revenue due to more economic activity.

Also, it wasn't just economic activity, go look up the stats for NYC's debt load in the 90's. It went from around 2.1 to 3.3 billion during Guiliani's term..

HINT: Any idiot can go further into debt to fix something.

The difference between Rudy and mayor Dinkins was astounding. Dinkins had race riots, soaring homeless, drugs, gangs, blacks killing Jews, police corruption.... it was just like the 70's. Then Bazinga! Rudy made it all go away in record time.
I bet if he became mayor of San Francisco, he would have that place looking like it did in the 90's in under a year.

Ask any real New Yorker. They will tell you it was much better when Rudy was Mayor. So screw your statistics. I lived through it in person.
Sure you lived through it in person.. I don't doubt that.. but what you see with your eyes is limited to what you see with your eyes.

I could go out tomorrow and purchase a $200,000 Lamborghini.. Tack on another $1000 for some nice clothes, and drive around and I'll look like I'm one super rich dude... and in style..

Except that I'll be $201,000 in debt.. But hey, Sanwizard saw me with his own eyes.. he experienced my wealth.

Anyone can throw money at a problem and fix it.. You either go into debt, or you raise taxes, or both.. problem fixed.

Tell me about your earlier comments concerning government spending again? Remember you were talking about how the Feds are spending too much money?

You think Guiliani did something special? Tell me exactly HOW he did it because he didn't just snap his fingers and magically make the problems go away.. He threw money at it.. First, we had an economic boom of magnificent proportions which gave him a windfall of tax income, and even on top of that, he increased the debt over 30%..

And if that's not bad enough, he violated the shit out of people's constitutional rights.. You like constitutional rights right? Do you think the cops should have the authority to just randomly stop you and search your person whenever they want?
Yes, because the entire country experienced much of the same because the 1990's were a major MAJOR economic boom due to the internet and the fall of the soviet union.

That fall in crime and money for the pot holes was a consequence.

Bums, prostitutes and homeless do not equate to criminals.. well.. not in the sense we're talking. Windshield washers? Some guy trying to feed himself is a criminal???
And where did these people go?

Again, a consequence of more tax revenue due to more economic activity.

Also, it wasn't just economic activity, go look up the stats for NYC's debt load in the 90's. It went from around 2.1 to 3.3 billion during Guiliani's term..

HINT: Any idiot can go further into debt to fix something.

Sure you lived through it in person.. I don't doubt that.. but what you see with your eyes is limited to what you see with your eyes.

I could go out tomorrow and purchase a $200,000 Lamborghini.. Tack on another $1000 for some nice clothes, and drive around and I'll look like I'm one super rich dude... and in style..

Except that I'll be $201,000 in debt.. But hey, Sanwizard saw me with his own eyes.. he experienced my wealth.

Anyone can throw money at a problem and fix it.. You either go into debt, or you raise taxes, or both.. problem fixed.

Tell me about your earlier comments concerning government spending again? Remember you were talking about how the Feds are spending too much money?

You think Guiliani did something special? Tell me exactly HOW he did it because he didn't just snap his fingers and magically make the problems go away.. He threw money at it.. First, we had an economic boom of magnificent proportions which gave him a windfall of tax income, and even on top of that, he increased the debt over 30%..

And if that's not bad enough, he violated the shit out of people's constitutional rights.. You like constitutional rights right? Do you think the cops should have the authority to just randomly stop you and search your person whenever they want?
You dont get it. Rudy did the opposite of democrat Dinkins. He actually upheld the law, and told his police force that he had their back.

Doing so removed the creeps, pimps and drug lords, which vastly improved the quality of life. That brought in business and tourism exploded, because people felt safe again, bringing in REVENUE. Not TAXES, REVENUE, like in a BUSINESS.

Raising revenue brought in much more money than taxing businesses out of existence, like they do in socialist cities. Like they did after Lurch came in, like AOC did when she said business was not welcome in Queens unless they paid up, so they went elsewhere, taking all those jobs.

Tell you what, you can live in NYC under Democrat mayor Adams, or maybe San Fran, or Chicago. Have fun. I sold everything (A business and 4 houses) and took my whole family and fled that place for a Red State, where folks are still free, and can conceal carry. Dudes that rob houses and stores in red states dont live that long, or they find Jesus and change their ways.

God bless you, and I will pray for ya.
You dont get it. Rudy did the opposite of democrat Dinkins. He actually upheld the law, and told his police force that he had their back.
I do not condone the way democrats run some of the big cities. It is my opinion that when an event like a flash mob goes crazy, the owners should be allowed to defend their stores with lethal force if necessary. However, that is not to say I think they should be allowed to shoot the average shoplifter either.
But Giuliani didn't just uphold law, he violated the constitution with unreasonable searches. Is that what you want? Because for every criminal they catch, ten to twenty innocent people will be victimized by the police for it.

Doing so removed the creeps, pimps and drug lords, which vastly improved the quality of life. That brought in business and tourism exploded, because people felt safe again, bringing in REVENUE. Not TAXES, REVENUE, like in a BUSINESS.
But at what cost? I've raised this several times now and you seem to be avoiding it.. Are you in favor of allowing police to violate the 4th amendment and search you anytime they want? Giuliani is responsible for "stop and frisk".. Yes, it absolutely works to reduce crime, there is no argument there as the data is clear..

But are you willing to pay that cost? What are you going to think when the government escalates the same tactics to searching your car or your home any time they want? How many of your constitutional freedoms are you willing to give up in order to reduce crime? Where do YOU draw the line?
I imagine some white guy reading this thinking to himself "Screw it, I'm white, they're not going to search me, they're going after the minorities and black people".. Yeah, that worked fine back in the 1990's when everything was done on paper and searching records required an army, not so much anymore in the age of computerization.. The end result will be a lawsuit (already happened) about persecuting minorities, and the result will be the cops making sure they search the same number of white people. We even have cops faking those records now..

And when crime increases, they'll look back at the "stop and frisk" policy and say "Look how well this worked".. lets apply this to searching people's cars too.. and eventually it will be your home. Just as the 2nd amendment supporters realized, the natural progression of this falls under the camel and the tent... in the USA, we call it a "slippery slope".

So I ask you again.. Since we know that searching innocent people results in nabbing criminals, how much of your constitutional rights and freedoms are you willing to give up to reduce crime?

Raising revenue brought in much more money than taxing businesses out of existence, like they do in socialist cities. Like they did after Lurch came in, like AOC did when she said business was not welcome in Queens unless they paid up, so they went elsewhere, taking all those jobs.
I'm not arguing in favor of democrat policies.. I'm just telling you that Giuliani didn't do anything special.. He took office during a financial boom that provided financing and he reduced individual freedoms by violating constitutional rights.

Tell you what, you can live in NYC under Democrat mayor Adams, or maybe San Fran, or Chicago. Have fun. I sold everything (A business and 4 houses) and took my whole family and fled that place for a Red State, where folks are still free, and can conceal carry. Dudes that rob houses and stores in red states dont live that long, or they find Jesus and change their ways.

God bless you, and I will pray for ya.
Again, I'm not arguing in favor of democrat policies.. I'm just telling you that Guiliani didn't do anything special.. He was the beneficiary of being in the right place at the right time and not screwing it up by doing anything spectacularly stupid.

Just because I oppose something being painted black, doesn't mean I'm in favor of it being painted white. But I am quite sensitive to my freedom and constitutional rights being violated or curtailed, and there is no way allowing police to search innocent people in hopes of catching a criminal, is in any way constitutional.

So one more time: Where do you draw the line?

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
_Benjamin Franklin
(he's the one on your $100 bills).
I do not condone the way democrats run some of the big cities. It is my opinion that when an event like a flash mob goes crazy, the owners should be allowed to defend their stores with lethal force if necessary. However, that is not to say I think they should be allowed to shoot the average shoplifter either.
But Giuliani didn't just uphold law, he violated the constitution with unreasonable searches. Is that what you want? Because for every criminal they catch, ten to twenty innocent people will be victimized by the police for it.

But at what cost? I've raised this several times now and you seem to be avoiding it.. Are you in favor of allowing police to violate the 4th amendment and search you anytime they want? Giuliani is responsible for "stop and frisk".. Yes, it absolutely works to reduce crime, there is no argument there as the data is clear..

But are you willing to pay that cost? What are you going to think when the government escalates the same tactics to searching your car or your home any time they want? How many of your constitutional freedoms are you willing to give up in order to reduce crime? Where do YOU draw the line?
I imagine some white guy reading this thinking to himself "Screw it, I'm white, they're not going to search me, they're going after the minorities and black people".. Yeah, that worked fine back in the 1990's when everything was done on paper and searching records required an army, not so much anymore in the age of computerization.. The end result will be a lawsuit (already happened) about persecuting minorities, and the result will be the cops making sure they search the same number of white people. We even have cops faking those records now..

And when crime increases, they'll look back at the "stop and frisk" policy and say "Look how well this worked".. lets apply this to searching people's cars too.. and eventually it will be your home. Just as the 2nd amendment supporters realized, the natural progression of this falls under the camel and the tent... in the USA, we call it a "slippery slope".

So I ask you again.. Since we know that searching innocent people results in nabbing criminals, how much of your constitutional rights and freedoms are you willing to give up to reduce crime?

I'm not arguing in favor of democrat policies.. I'm just telling you that Giuliani didn't do anything special.. He took office during a financial boom that provided financing and he reduced individual freedoms by violating constitutional rights.

Again, I'm not arguing in favor of democrat policies.. I'm just telling you that Guiliani didn't do anything special.. He was the beneficiary of being in the right place at the right time and not screwing it up by doing anything spectacularly stupid.

Just because I oppose something being painted black, doesn't mean I'm in favor of it being painted white. But I am quite sensitive to my freedom and constitutional rights being violated or curtailed, and there is no way allowing police to search innocent people in hopes of catching a criminal, is in any way constitutional.

So one more time: Where do you draw the line?

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
_Benjamin Franklin
(he's the one on your $100 bills).
I do not condone unwarranted searches. As a kid, one bad cop, who had his badge ID taped, slugged me upside my head and almost knocked me out. What for? I laughed. My uncle was a NYC cop, and my neighbor was a detective. They both let me know that they always knew the creeps in the neighborhood.

Once you walk the streets in an area for a few years, you get to know the folks in the area. Thats how real policing works. You have a beat that you work. I used to know all the cops who worked the 109th precinct in NY.

They dont just randomly search people. They know who the wise guys are, and they search THEM. That keeps the guns and drugs off the streets. The idea is, dont be a wise guy, and you are left alone.

I care about the rights of the little kids who get shot in the crossfire between two known pimps. Screw the pimps, and protect the kids. This liberal bullshit about fairness amd racism and targeting is just that. Bullshit. When you watch the news, and see gangs of blacks robbing stores, stealing stuff and walking out, jumping on cars and rioting... the cops know its not the two Korean kids around the block. Its the kids who's daddy is in jail, and momma dont give a shit what they out doin.
People are targeted because they are the ones doing the crimes. Some of my good friends from high school never made it into their 30's, cause they had that "hood" attitude. Those that actually got arrested ended up doing much better than those who did not, cause they ended up dead.

Growing up on the streets of NY is not for the faint of heart, so particular skills are learned to cope. Some never aquire those skills.
I do not condone unwarranted searches. As a kid, one bad cop, who had his badge ID taped, slugged me upside my head and almost knocked me out. What for? I laughed. My uncle was a NYC cop, and my neighbor was a detective. They both let me know that they always knew the creeps in the neighborhood.

Once you walk the streets in an area for a few years, you get to know the folks in the area. Thats how real policing works. You have a beat that you work. I used to know all the cops who worked the 109th precinct in NY.

They dont just randomly search people. They know who the wise guys are, and they search THEM. That keeps the guns and drugs off the streets. The idea is, dont be a wise guy, and you are left alone.

I care about the rights of the little kids who get shot in the crossfire between two known pimps. Screw the pimps, and protect the kids. This liberal bullshit about fairness amd racism and targeting is just that. Bullshit. When you watch the news, and see gangs of blacks robbing stores, stealing stuff and walking out, jumping on cars and rioting... the cops know its not the two Korean kids around the block. Its the kids who's daddy is in jail, and momma dont give a shit what they out doin.
People are targeted because they are the ones doing the crimes. Some of my good friends from high school never made it into their 30's, cause they had that "hood" attitude. Those that actually got arrested ended up doing much better than those who did not, cause they ended up dead.

Growing up on the streets of NY is not for the faint of heart, so particular skills are learned to cope. Some never aquire those skills.

Crimp'n MC4's in da hood.
I do not condone unwarranted searches. As a kid, one bad cop, who had his badge ID taped, slugged me upside my head and almost knocked me out. What for? I laughed. My uncle was a NYC cop, and my neighbor was a detective. They both let me know that they always knew the creeps in the neighborhood.

Once you walk the streets in an area for a few years, you get to know the folks in the area. Thats how real policing works. You have a beat that you work. I used to know all the cops who worked the 109th precinct in NY.

They dont just randomly search people. They know who the wise guys are, and they search THEM. That keeps the guns and drugs off the streets. The idea is, dont be a wise guy, and you are left alone.

I care about the rights of the little kids who get shot in the crossfire between two known pimps. Screw the pimps, and protect the kids. This liberal bullshit about fairness amd racism and targeting is just that. Bullshit. When you watch the news, and see gangs of blacks robbing stores, stealing stuff and walking out, jumping on cars and rioting... the cops know its not the two Korean kids around the block. Its the kids who's daddy is in jail, and momma dont give a shit what they out doin.
People are targeted because they are the ones doing the crimes. Some of my good friends from high school never made it into their 30's, cause they had that "hood" attitude. Those that actually got arrested ended up doing much better than those who did not, cause they ended up dead.

Growing up on the streets of NY is not for the faint of heart, so particular skills are learned to cope. Some never aquire those skills.

Those are all excellent and reasonable points, and I would not dispute that such policing works.

It also implies that once Jamel is caught by the cops, and once Sheriff Andy remembers him, that Jamel no longer has the protection of civil rights and Sheriff Andy is going to check him every time he goes to get milk. And when you're walking down the street with Jamel, your rights are going to be violated right along with his.

And if we allow Sheriff Andy to "stop and frisk" Jamel whenever he wants, then he's going to do it to others as well.. Slippery slope.

In fact, the concept is well in play and can be seen in youtube videos where innocent people are pulled over and searched and the cop says "well, this highway is known for transporting drugs"

Any time we give the government a foot in the door, that gap is just going to get bigger and bigger. They're doing it with the 2nd amendment (guns), they're doing it with the 4th amendment (searches), and as you've seen them posting in this very forum, the gov is starting to do it with the 1st amendment (speech).

The bottom line is that if we allow Sheriff Andy to search Jamel without cause, then you are going to eventually be searched without cause as well.

What Giuliani did that WAS good was go after the organized crime.. I'll credit him for that.. Of course nowadays he seems to have joined it.

There's no doubt it lowers crime.. but the cost is too high. It allows police to violate rights and target individuals based on personal opinion.
That is a trick question in how it is stated. CO2 has always made changes in the environment.
Not a tick question at all.

You are right if you mean that CO2 has always influenced the heat retention capacity of planets, including earth. But it would be rather ignorant to claim that man's burning of fossil fuels and dumping that CO2 in the atmosphere, would somehow not do that. The conspiracy theorist know this, so they try to change the subject.

If you accept that the additional CO2 does increase the heat retention capacity earth, then you accept that global warming is happening and we can move on to the question if something needs to be done about it. If you come to the same conclusion that the fast majority of climate scientists have, you can think about things like "Can solar and/or wind fix climate change with a battery breakthrough?" (You and I are not going to bring about this battery breakthrough, so it is mostly a thought exercise.)

So my question is; do you accept the fact that dumping all this CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels in the atmosphere is causing earth to retain more heat?
So my question is; do you accept the fact that dumping all this CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels in the atmosphere is causing earth to retain more heat?

"Retain more heat"

Does anybody else want to tell Leo or shall we just let this be?
Not a tick question at all.

You are right if you mean that CO2 has always influenced the heat retention capacity of planets, including earth. But it would be rather ignorant to claim that man's burning of fossil fuels and dumping that CO2 in the atmosphere, would somehow not do that. The conspiracy theorist know this, so they try to change the subject.

If you accept that the additional CO2 does increase the heat retention capacity earth, then you accept that global warming is happening and we can move on to the question if something needs to be done about it. If you come to the same conclusion that the fast majority of climate scientists have, you can think about things like "Can solar and/or wind fix climate change with a battery breakthrough?" (You and I are not going to bring about this battery breakthrough, so it is mostly a thought exercise.)

So my question is; do you accept the fact that dumping all this CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels in the atmosphere is causing earth to retain more heat?
Leo, you stated.
"I am always looking for the truth. But when it comes to global warming, is there any climate scientist who denies that the emissions of CO2 is causing the planet to retain more heat?"
And I stated.
"That is a trick question in how it is stated. CO2 has always made changes in the environment."

Everything that we create has come from the earth and for the most part will return to the earth.
Do we have a effect on the earth's environment? Absolutely we do! Do I want a world run by Elites guided by a Nazi influenced Klaus Schwab WEF, WHO, the United Nations etc. Is a disaster in how they want to control everything. "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely"
"Retain more heat"

Does anybody else want to tell Leo or shall we just let this be?
Depends on what the message is in the year it is stated, ice age, global warming, No more oil in 20 years. With the change to "Climate Change" they won't "get caught with your pants down"
Depends on what the message is in the year it is stated, ice age, global warming, No more oil in 20 years. With the change to "Climate Change" they won't "get caught with your pants down"
I did expect you to sidestep that question, deniers ALWAYS do.
Q: Svetz, why are you so down on CDR tech (or direct air capture)
A: there's an additional cost associated with it. It's okay to research, but I like solutions that reduce costs (e.g., solar is cheaper than fossil) and there are other far more promising things. For example, regenerative farming techniques can possibly neutralize all GHGs from the Ag sector:

Depends on what the message is in the year it is stated, ice age, global warming, No more oil in 20 years. With the change to "Climate Change" they won't "get caught with your pants down"
The "message is now being centrally managed. The WEF is setting the standards of what is TRUTH, and what is Mis-Information. They will de-monitize anyone who tries to put out a message contrary to their narrative. Its all codified in the new GARM alliance, introduced by the WEF in 2019. Look it up. They try to make it pallitable by saying its for "safety" on the Internet, which is code for total control of the message. The FBI and Twitter collusion to exclude any conservative viewpoints are perfect examples, as exposed in the twitter files.

I do not condone unwarranted searches. As a kid, one bad cop, who had his badge ID taped, slugged me upside my head and almost knocked me out. What for? I laughed. My uncle was a NYC cop, and my neighbor was a detective. They both let me know that they always knew the creeps in the neighborhood.

Once you walk the streets in an area for a few years, you get to know the folks in the area. Thats how real policing works. You have a beat that you work. I used to know all the cops who worked the 109th precinct in NY.

They dont just randomly search people. They know who the wise guys are, and they search THEM. That keeps the guns and drugs off the streets. The idea is, dont be a wise guy, and you are left alone.

I care about the rights of the little kids who get shot in the crossfire between two known pimps. Screw the pimps, and protect the kids. This liberal bullshit about fairness amd racism and targeting is just that. Bullshit. When you watch the news, and see gangs of blacks robbing stores, stealing stuff and walking out, jumping on cars and rioting... the cops know its not the two Korean kids around the block. Its the kids who's daddy is in jail, and momma dont give a shit what they out doin.
People are targeted because they are the ones doing the crimes. Some of my good friends from high school never made it into their 30's, cause they had that "hood" attitude. Those that actually got arrested ended up doing much better than those who did not, cause they ended up dead.

Growing up on the streets of NY is not for the faint of heart, so particular skills are learned to cope. Some never aquire those skills.

This is all very true. I also grew up in NYC (Queens, 115pct) and everything Sanwizard describes is spot on. Under Dinkins the were always people being shot under 7 line (Roosevelt Ave). It was a bad idea to go out after 9PM in summer or after 5PM in winter. Our building had shootings every now and than (in the most gun controlled city in America, lol). Then circa 1999 things started to change and even shitty hoods became ok to passby or even visit. Now everything is back to Dinkins days but worse due to the omnipresent "big brother" (cameras, 5g towers staring into peoples windows - funny how with all the cameras they can never catch real criminals) and idiots still wearing masks.
Can't. I'm over here eating a breakfast sammich so I can retain more heat
To retain more heat, you'd could add insulation. Eating food (indirectly) produces heat that the body expels through the skin. To busy with harassing girls in school to pay attention to the teachers?
NY is done. Stick a fork in it.
Under these programs this entire area will become slums ala Detroit. This is destruction on purpose. They will put all the illegals there and crime will consume everything.
I wonder what the Upper West and East side libbies will think about it - maybe that is the silver lining here.

New York Launches Plan To Rezone Midtown Offices To Houses​

As Manhattan prepares to roll out the tented Depression-era shantytowns known as Hoovervilles Bidenvilles smack in the middle of New York's Central Park which will house some of the "Sanctuary city's" brand new 95,000 migrants, the city is taking action on its two other blights: empty offices and soaring rents.

As Bloomberg reports, New York City is rolling out a plan to convert vacant offices into as many as 20,000 new housing units by creating a multi-agency group to help developers cut through red tape and rezoning a section of Manhattan known as Midtown South.

The moves come after Mayor Eric Adams and Governor Kathy Hochul’s quest for a comprehensive program to address the state’s housing shortage was rebuffed by fellow Democratic lawmakers in Albany earlier this year. Much of Adams’s plan will still need state approval.

“We could not just sit back and just lick our wounds,” Adams said at a news briefing on Thursday. “We will roll out what we can do here in the city.”

New York, Boston, San Francisco and virtually all major democratic US cities are struggling with the dual challenges of what to do with office buildings emptied by the shift to remote work (as well as Texas and Florida) and an affordable housing crisis that has sent rents up to record highs.

Since conversions of offices to housing is complicated and expensive, city officials are looking at tax breaks, speeding up approvals and other incentives to facilitate the process.

Under New York City’s plan, parts of which were announced previously, the city would make office buildings built before 1990 eligible for conversion to housing, an update from the existing cutoffs of 1961 and 1977, depending on the area. The proposal would cover an additional 136 million square feet, roughly the same amount of office space as in the entire city of Philadelphia, officials said.

The plan would also allow office-to-housing conversion in any area of the city where residential construction is allowed.

“We could definitely use more housing in the city,” Bess Freedman, chief executive officer of real estate brokerage Brown Harris Stevens, said Thursday on Bloomberg Television. “It would be a great thing to do.”

Maybe; on the other hand, traditionally the relentless demand for Manhattan real estate has been largely a function of the immediate proximity to offices. How shifting that balance dramatically from offices to housing will impact local markets is anyone's guess. Furthermore, New York's admission that it has given up hope on returning to historical work levels will hardly inspire new cohorts of renters to move to the city, and it's unclear what it will do to existing residents and their rents.

The plan for Midtown South, an area below Times Square, envisions a live-work mixed-use neighborhood between 23rd Street and 40th Street, bounded by Fifth Avenue and Eighth Avenue. Residential building, including affordable housing, would be allowed in four areas that were zoned for manufacturing 50 years ago.

City officials conceded that state approval will still be necessary to create a substantial amount of new homes through office-to-residential conversions. Adams called on the state to create a tax incentive for office conversions. The legislature let a tax incentive for constructing affordable housing, known as 421-a, expire last year and have not replaced it.

“We will do everything we can to get Albany to continue to move forward,” Adams said. “But at the same time we are going to continue to do our job.”

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