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Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

Another Eminent Scientist Dissents From the ‘Settled’ Science on Climate​

Given how much scientific work has been done on chaotic weather and climate patterns since the Second World War, it might be a surprise that the best that ‘settled’ science can come up with to explain all recent changes is that it’s all down to humans adding small amounts of a trace gas into the atmosphere by burning previously sequestered plant material. But how plausible is that hypothesis? Not very, says Dr. Stuart Harris, a retired Professor of Geography at the University of Calgary, in a recently published and wide-ranging review of climate. The relationship of carbon dioxide to atmospheric air temperature has been widely discussed for 50 years, writes the author, and evidence from 24 sites shows that warming during the current deglaciation appears to precede increasing CO2 concentrations.

As the full implications of Net Zero start to become apparent, it is increasingly clear that blaming all climate change on human-caused C02, as the UN-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states, is a political construct that will enrich global elites and impoverish ordinary people around the world. In Harris’s view, the climate of the Earth is driven by uneven solar heating of the surface, and the movement of the excess heat in the tropics towards the cooler polar regions, primarily via ocean currents, modified by the movement of air masses. Emeritus Professor Richard Lindzen also argues that most weather and long-term climate change is caused by heat exchanges across the planet. In his view, doubling C02 from its present level would lead to only a 2% perturbation to this vast energy budget.

Settled climate science, of course, relies on a vast array of ‘attributions’ and forecasts from computer models. This accumulation of false and/or misleading claims is often referred to as the ‘overwhelming evidence’ that we’re in the midst of a ‘climate emergency’, notes Lindzen. “Without these claims, one might legitimately ask whether there is any evidence at all,” he says.

Different changes in recent temperatures over the planet – higher in the Arctic, much lower in Antarctica, with eastern China and Germany showing “no obvious warming” – raise alarm bells about the anthropogenic climate change hypothesis. Harris notes that atmospheric CO2 is present in extremely low quantities and has a narrow band of wavelengths to absorb heat. It cannot possibly compete, he continues, with much larger solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. The gas is mainly held down in the lower atmosphere by gravity, and models that assume it rises to the outer portion are unrealistic. “Water, in all its phases, is a much more potent agent for moving heat around the globe,” he observes.

Many scientists put great store in trying to understand long-term changes in the climate by studying Milankovitch cycles and the eccentricity of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The cycles determine how much solar heat and energy the Earth receives and in which areas it falls. There are a number of these cycles over different time periods. Harris reports that the 23,000-year Milankovitch cycle has begun to reduce winter heat reaching the surface in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. This results in “extreme” winter weather and high summer temperatures, and is said to herald the start of the next glaciation. Harris’s paper is an excellent summary of many of the natural influences affecting the climate. A brief outline is given of some of the Milankovitch climatic changes that may be expected in western Canada – during the next 11,500 years.

Harris notes that low levels of CO2 in the atmosphere during colder events could result in too little of this gas being available to support photosynthesis in plants, “resulting in the extermination of most life on Earth as we know it”. As the Daily Sceptic has reported, the Earth is emerging from a period of CO2 denudation where levels have been as low as any observed in the 600 million-year paleo record. The unproven human-warming hypothesis – after 50 years, not a single paper yet provides credible proof – fails on the observational front with CO2 amounts up to 15 times higher in the past. No obvious link between gas and temperature can be seen in the historic or paleo record.

One possible reason why this link is absent is the ‘saturation’ hypothesis – also noted in past Daily Sceptic articles. As Professor Harris observes, CO2 only traps heat within a narrow band of the infrared spectrum. There is a debate about the level at which peak absorption is reached, but some scientists say the heating work is mainly done around 300 parts per million (ppm) concentration, about 100 ppm below the current atmospheric level. Above 300 ppm, the warming of CO2 seems to fall off a logarithmic cliff.

Alas, the opportunity for vast financial subsidies to peddle inferior green technologies that few people want is a tad less under the saturation hypothesis of atmospheric greenhouse gas warming.

Another Eminent Scientist Dissents From the ‘Settled’ Science on Climate​

Given how much scientific work has been done on chaotic weather and climate patterns since the Second World War, it might be a surprise that the best that ‘settled’ science can come up with to explain all recent changes is that it’s all down to humans adding small amounts of a trace gas into the atmosphere by burning previously sequestered plant material. But how plausible is that hypothesis? Not very, says Dr. Stuart Harris, a retired Professor of Geography at the University of Calgary, in a recently published and wide-ranging review of climate. The relationship of carbon dioxide to atmospheric air temperature has been widely discussed for 50 years, writes the author, and evidence from 24 sites shows that warming during the current deglaciation appears to precede increasing CO2 concentrations.

As the full implications of Net Zero start to become apparent, it is increasingly clear that blaming all climate change on human-caused C02, as the UN-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states, is a political construct that will enrich global elites and impoverish ordinary people around the world. In Harris’s view, the climate of the Earth is driven by uneven solar heating of the surface, and the movement of the excess heat in the tropics towards the cooler polar regions, primarily via ocean currents, modified by the movement of air masses. Emeritus Professor Richard Lindzen also argues that most weather and long-term climate change is caused by heat exchanges across the planet. In his view, doubling C02 from its present level would lead to only a 2% perturbation to this vast energy budget.

Settled climate science, of course, relies on a vast array of ‘attributions’ and forecasts from computer models. This accumulation of false and/or misleading claims is often referred to as the ‘overwhelming evidence’ that we’re in the midst of a ‘climate emergency’, notes Lindzen. “Without these claims, one might legitimately ask whether there is any evidence at all,” he says.

Different changes in recent temperatures over the planet – higher in the Arctic, much lower in Antarctica, with eastern China and Germany showing “no obvious warming” – raise alarm bells about the anthropogenic climate change hypothesis. Harris notes that atmospheric CO2 is present in extremely low quantities and has a narrow band of wavelengths to absorb heat. It cannot possibly compete, he continues, with much larger solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. The gas is mainly held down in the lower atmosphere by gravity, and models that assume it rises to the outer portion are unrealistic. “Water, in all its phases, is a much more potent agent for moving heat around the globe,” he observes.

Many scientists put great store in trying to understand long-term changes in the climate by studying Milankovitch cycles and the eccentricity of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The cycles determine how much solar heat and energy the Earth receives and in which areas it falls. There are a number of these cycles over different time periods. Harris reports that the 23,000-year Milankovitch cycle has begun to reduce winter heat reaching the surface in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. This results in “extreme” winter weather and high summer temperatures, and is said to herald the start of the next glaciation. Harris’s paper is an excellent summary of many of the natural influences affecting the climate. A brief outline is given of some of the Milankovitch climatic changes that may be expected in western Canada – during the next 11,500 years.

Harris notes that low levels of CO2 in the atmosphere during colder events could result in too little of this gas being available to support photosynthesis in plants, “resulting in the extermination of most life on Earth as we know it”. As the Daily Sceptic has reported, the Earth is emerging from a period of CO2 denudation where levels have been as low as any observed in the 600 million-year paleo record. The unproven human-warming hypothesis – after 50 years, not a single paper yet provides credible proof – fails on the observational front with CO2 amounts up to 15 times higher in the past. No obvious link between gas and temperature can be seen in the historic or paleo record.

One possible reason why this link is absent is the ‘saturation’ hypothesis – also noted in past Daily Sceptic articles. As Professor Harris observes, CO2 only traps heat within a narrow band of the infrared spectrum. There is a debate about the level at which peak absorption is reached, but some scientists say the heating work is mainly done around 300 parts per million (ppm) concentration, about 100 ppm below the current atmospheric level. Above 300 ppm, the warming of CO2 seems to fall off a logarithmic cliff.

Alas, the opportunity for vast financial subsidies to peddle inferior green technologies that few people want is a tad less under the saturation hypothesis of atmospheric greenhouse gas warming.

Why Is There Such A Frenzy To Buy Up The Properties That Were Just Burned Down During The Fires In Hawaii?​

Can you imagine calling up a family that has just seen their home burn to the ground and offering to buy their land for below market value? This is apparently happening in Hawaii right now on a massive scale. Grieving property owners are being bombarded with calls from very greedy people, and I think that says a lot about the current state of our society. We literally worship material possessions and financial gain, and the sheer greed that we are witnessing at this moment is absolutely staggering.

Lahaina was hit harder than anywhere else by the fires, and it turns out that property owners in the area have been getting pressured to sell for a long time.

So now that disaster has struck, those that wish to get their hands on these prime properties are in a feeding frenzy. One local resident made headlines all over the world after she posted a video about this…

When 2020 began, the average home in Lahaina was worth about $600,000.

Today, the average home in Lahaina is worth about a million dollars.

Now there is a race to take advantage of those that have just had their homes burned down, and it has gotten so bad that even Hawaiian Governor Josh Green is speaking out against it

A lot of people applauded Green for taking a stand like that.

But does he have another motive?

Green has been captured on video saying that he is “already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land”


There it is.

Apparently Green has his own plans for these properties.

We will just have to wait and see what those plans are.

Meanwhile, it is being reported that the police chief on Maui just happens to be the exact same guy that was “the incident commander” during the horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017…

That is one heck of a coincidence.

And it is also being reported that Pelletier “earned a certificate in criminal justice from the FBI academy in 2019”.

So he has ties to the feds.

Just when you think that this story cannot possibly get any stranger, somehow it does.

After being greatly criticized for lounging on a beach while the tragedy in Hawaii was unfolding, we are being told that Joe Biden is now “considering” a trip to see the devastation.

Come on man.

I know that Biden doesn’t like to make trips like this, but this is what the American people expect.

It is part of the job.

The Biden administration also angered a lot of people when it was announced that households that have been affected by the fires would only be getting a one time emergency aid payment of $700


After all that we have done for Ukraine, that is the best that we can do for people that have lost everything?

Of course somehow there is always more than enough money for Ukraine. In fact, we are about to send them a gigantic military aid package for the 44th time since the war began

We are at such a critical turning point, and we desperately need solid leadership in the White House.

But instead we have Joe Biden and his minions.

Biden is literally the worst president in the entire history of the United States, and that is saying a lot because we have had some real whoppers in modern times.

Now that there has been so much public pressure, I think that Biden will feel compelled to go visit Lahaina.

Unfortunately, Biden will need to make many more trips like this, because a lot more major disasters are on the way.
Leo, my friend CAUGHT the guy red handed starting a fire, on his property. He kicked the shit out of him and let him go. He also spotted another dude on the 5 doing the same thing. He pulled his car over and the dude ran. He put out the fire with an extinguisher he had in his car.

He had no reason to lie to me. I trust Reuters like i trust CNN. They confirmed via a facebook post? Wtf?
Leo, my friend CAUGHT the guy red handed starting a fire, on his property. He kicked the shit out of him and let him go. He also spotted another dude on the 5 doing the same thing. He pulled his car over and the dude ran. He put out the fire with an extinguisher he had in his car. He had no reason to lie to me.
Just because a friend of a guy on the internet said so, that doesn't make it true.

I trust Reuters like i trust CNN. They confirmed via a facebook post? Wtf?
You don't trust Reuters or CNN I take it, but you do trust a post on facebook?

Assuming the story is true and he did correctly identify the guy as anti fascist instead of fascists who were also in the area, the smart thing to do would have been to call in the cops on the guy and let the law deal with them.
Yeah, biden is brilliant, an astounding public speaker, never needs notes, and is doing a bang up job. People gather in the thousands just to hear him speak! He did after all get more votes than even Obama did! (Although those votes were added in batches by an Algorithm at 3am in most cities after they sent home the auditors).

See Philly as example one.
There he goes again with the fact check bullshit, where everything is a qanon conspiracy.
Nope, q-anon members are scum, no decent person would voluntarily join a right wing extremist group. But nowhere in the fact check screenshot is q-anon, so the question becomes, why are you trying to change the subject?

Fact checkers serve a usefull purpose, they filter out the bullshit sites so people can dismiss them without reading the article and checking every assertion..
Yeah, biden is brilliant, an astounding public speaker, never needs notes, and is doing a bang up job. People gather in the thousands just to hear him speak! He did after all get more votes than even Obama did! (Although those votes were added in batches by an Algorithm at 3am in most cities after they sent home the auditors).

See Philly as example one.
Hey, I wouldn't vote for Biden if I was allowed to, but given the alternative, I can't blame the 81million+ people who voted for him.
Yeah, biden is brilliant, an astounding public speaker, never needs notes, and is doing a bang up job. People gather in the thousands just to hear him speak! He did after all get more votes than even Obama did! (Although those votes were added in batches by an Algorithm at 3am in most cities after they sent home the auditors).

See Philly as example one.
So... do you agree Biden is Obama's puppet?
Nope, q-anon members are scum, no decent person would voluntarily join a right wing extremist group. But nowhere in the fact check screenshot is q-anon, so the question becomes, why are you trying to change the subject?

Fact checkers serve a usefull purpose, they filter out the bullshit sites so people can dismiss them without reading the article and checking every assertion..
One persons bullshit is another persons facts. The TRUTH should be what matters. My comments were based off personal interaction with a friend who actually experienced it, not an article from a third party who was not there.
Dont believe everything you read. Seek out multiple sources.
So..... The truth hurts?
How blind or Sgt Shultz like can some people be? Do they REALLY believe biden is running the show? His handlers wont even let him answer questions! His press secretary even writes his posts! ( see todays news on this).
One persons bullshit is another persons facts.
There are no alternative facts, there are alternative perspectives.

The TRUTH should be what matters.
I agree 100%

My comments were based off personal interaction with a friend who actually experienced it, not an article from a third party who was not there.
Maybe well be so, but hearsay is not allowed in a court of law for obvious reasons.

Dont believe everything you read. Seek out multiple sources.
I agree 100%

Which is why I keep saying that if you read something on a dubious site, regardless if it is left or right wing, look for alternate sources to corroborate the facts. It is perfectly ok to have different ideas on what to do about global warming, or even that you don't want to do anything. It is not ok to deny the fact that the additional CO2 we are dumping in the atmosphere is causing earth to retain more heat,
So..... The truth hurts?
The truth can certainly hurt people. As for me, I don't like being wrong, but if there is evidence that contradicts what I believe to be true, I will change my mind. I see that as a learning experience, not as something painful. How about you, do you feel hurt when something you believed turned out to be false?


I have seen no evidence that Biden is Obama's puppet, even if he was, how is that a bad thing?
How blind or Sgt Shultz like can some people be? Do they REALLY believe biden is running the show? His handlers wont even let him answer questions! His press secretary even writes his posts! ( see todays news on this).
Presidents have teams of speech writers, why is this an issue?

Stephen Miller, who wrote the speech Trump gave at the 2016 Republican National Convention and helped write Trump's inaugural address, is a right wing extremist. Emails leaked in November 2019 showed that Stephen Miller had promoted articles from white nationalist publications VDARE and American Renaissance, and had promoted conspiracy theories.

Is Trump a puppet of Stephen Miller?
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How blind or Sgt Shultz like can some people be? Do they REALLY believe biden is running the show? His handlers wont even let him answer questions! His press secretary even writes his posts! ( see todays news on this).
I have to admit, If you pay attention it is clearly obvious he is not in charge.
How blind or Sgt Shultz like can some people be? Do they REALLY believe biden is running the show? His handlers wont even let him answer questions! His press secretary even writes his posts! ( see todays news on this).
1) Its not supposed to be a show. While I understand that Trump put a show on for you because most dumb monkeys need that, the presidency isn't supposed to be an entertainment venue.

2) The president isn't supposed to run anything, he's supposed to work with congress to get things done. The president isn't a dictatorial position like the CEO of a company, even though you wish for an authoritarian regime, that's not how we do things in the USA.

3) We could have voted Daffy Duck into office and we'd still get a better president than Trump.

Reminds you of the Great Barrington Declaration where everything came out to be true?​

“There Is No Climate Crisis”…1600 Scientists Worldwide, Nobel Prize Laureate Sign Declaration​

1609 signatories recently signed a declaration that states there is no climate crisis, thus casting doubt over man’s alleged role in climate change and extreme weather.


Their doubt is based on data showing that natural factors are very much at play, the warming is slower than predicted, the models are unreliable, that CO2 has great benefits and weather disasters have not increased. The media hysteria and weather hype are not supported by data.

There is no climate emergency
Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.
Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming
The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.
Warming is far slower than predicted
The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.
Climate policy relies on inadequate models
Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools. They do not only exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases, they also ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.
CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth
CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. More CO2 is favorable for nature, greening our planet. Additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also profitable for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.
Global warming has not increased natural disasters
There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.
Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities
There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. Go for adaptation instead of mitigation; adaptation works
whatever the causes are.”
Growing skepticism

Nobel Laureate in Physics Dr John F. Clauser also signed the manifesto.

The message is clear: there is no climate crisis. The number of critical scientists who no longer submit to the dogma of the alleged man-made climate catastrophe is growing.

Reminds you of the Great Barrington Declaration where everything came out to be true?​

“There Is No Climate Crisis”…1600 Scientists Worldwide, Nobel Prize Laureate Sign Declaration​

1609 signatories recently signed a declaration that states there is no climate crisis, thus casting doubt over man’s alleged role in climate change and extreme weather.


Their doubt is based on data showing that natural factors are very much at play, the warming is slower than predicted, the models are unreliable, that CO2 has great benefits and weather disasters have not increased. The media hysteria and weather hype are not supported by data.

Growing skepticism

Nobel Laureate in Physics Dr John F. Clauser also signed the manifesto.

The message is clear: there is no climate crisis. The number of critical scientists who no longer submit to the dogma of the alleged man-made climate catastrophe is growing.
There are no alternative facts, there are alternative perspectives.

I agree 100%

Maybe well be so, but hearsay is not allowed in a court of law for obvious reasons.

I agree 100%

Which is why I keep saying that if you read something on a dubious site, regardless if it is left or right wing, look for alternate sources to corroborate the facts. It is perfectly ok to have different ideas on what to do about global warming, or even that you don't want to do anything. It is not ok to deny the fact that the additional CO2 we are dumping in the atmosphere is causing earth to retain more heat,
Its not OK to hamper individual freedoms or destroy a countries economy based on un-founded fear or desire for political control either. I saw a great license plate in my town. It said LMTFA. I asked the guy, and he said it meant Leave Me The Fuck Alone. I like that motto. That, and dont worry, be happy.
Its not OK to hamper individual freedoms
Governments do that all of the time, you have laws governing our behaviour in public, but other than laws about not killing people, or which side of the road you can and can't drive, etc, I would agree.

or destroy a countries economy based on un-founded fear or desire for political control either.
Again we agree.

I saw a great license plate in my town. It said LMTFA. I asked the guy, and he said it meant Leave Me The Fuck Alone. I like that motto. That, and dont worry, be happy.
Again we agree.

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diy solar