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diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

Some people always need to check what others are saying before they can form their own opinion by analyzing information and then forming their own opinion after review. They are called lemmings, and cool-aid drinkers. They rely on emotion instead of information.
It's kinda pathetic, but I do understand.
The CIA does it all the time. Mind control by emotional example via a PsyOps campaign.

Example from News Media: "51 current and former intelligence agents agree that Hunters laptop is Russian disinformation". This is repeated daily on every MSM channel, until it becomes common concensus. Then the TRUTH is revealed, but discounted, because they are emotionally bought into it.
Some people always need to check what others are saying before they can form their own opinion by analyzing information and then forming their own opinion after review. They are called lemmings, and cool-aid drinkers. They rely on emotion instead of information.
It's kinda pathetic, but I do understand.
The CIA does it all the time. Mind control by emotional example via a PsyOps campaign.

Example from News Media: "51 current and former intelligence agents agree that Hunters laptop is Russian disinformation". This is repeated daily on every MSM channel, until it becomes common concensus. Then the TRUTH is revealed, but discounted, because they are emotionally bought into it.
This one has been in tune with reality.
Some people always need to check what others are saying before they can form their own opinion by analyzing information and then forming their own opinion after review. They are called lemmings, and cool-aid drinkers. They rely on emotion instead of information.
I agree 100%

Example from News Media: "51 current and former intelligence agents agree that Hunters laptop is Russian disinformation". This is repeated daily on every MSM channel, until it becomes common concensus. Then the TRUTH is revealed, but discounted, because they are emotionally bought into it.
That is why it is important to go to the source, for example the letter in question:
Its not OK to hamper individual freedoms or destroy a countries economy based on un-founded fear or desire for political control either.
There's that all so wonderful excuse for being irresponsible and selfish.. Just deny there's a problem.
Nothing provided by Rudy Giuliani would ever be considered legitimate or credible by anyone with even a basic level of intelligence.
You are a liar Leo....
The quotes means that he was quoting an article, when I plugged that (supposed) quote into a search engine, I didn't get any results, maybe you have better results?

That article refers to the actual letter, did you read the letter? Did it match the article?

I didn't want to be a dick and pick on that until you butted in with your dumb reality comment..
I agree 100%

That is why it is important to go to the source, for example the letter in question:
Yup, and then the letter was debunked by the TRUTH, and all those people were proven WRONG. They made false statements, and their assertions interfered with the 2020 election by KNOWINGLY creating a FALSE narrative. The FBI KNEW it was true all along, but lied to the public ( along with shifty Schiff).

The worst part was the FBI making Twitter delete any tweets that said otherwise, make sure the NY Post story could not get out, and then ATTACK anyone having to do with the story, in true communist/KGB/Stazi fashion.

The twitter files prove all of that. That is why they are now targeting Elon Musk.
Nothing provided by Rudy Giuliani would ever be considered legitimate or credible by anyone with even a basic level of intelligence.
You see? An emotional response. Zero facts. True lemming thinking.

You do know that Rudy cleaned up NY to the point the quality of life was outstanding? He provided true leadership for the nation after 9/11, and was the driving force prosecuter that eliminated Mafia control of NYC?

He ran the largest city in the US for two terms, and the people wanted him to stay for a third term, but like George Washington, he stepped down.

But I am sure you have already accomplished more in your life.
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Yup, and then the letter was debunked by the TRUTH, and all those people were proven WRONG. They made false statements, and their assertions interfered with the 2020 election by KNOWINGLY creating a FALSE narrative. The FBI KNEW it was true all along, but lied to the public ( along with shifty Schiff).

The worst part was the FBI making Twitter delete any tweets that said otherwise, make sure the NY Post story could not get out, and then ATTACK anyone having to do with the story, in true communist/KGB/Stazi fashion.

The twitter files prove all of that. That is why they are now targeting Elon Musk.
Seriously stay away from bold statements like "the TRUTH". we don't know the truth and we may never know. The chain of custody of that laptop is seriously flawed and if it had been one of Trumps kids, you would agree.
You see? An emotional response. Zero facts. True lemming thinking.
That not an emotional response, that is a rational response. Do you take anything Rudy Giuliani tells you at face value? Personally I would even check my watch if he told me the time.
I am always looking for the truth. But when it comes to global warming, is there any climate scientist who denies that the emissions of CO2 is causing the planet to retain more heat?
That is a trick question in how it is stated. CO2 has always made changes in the environment.

What's a "ha ha ha ha"? Google says nyup nyup nyup.

I would like to see past temperature graphs where C02 drives temperature instead of following.

I'd like a control group. I mean the basic science is there. More light is converted to heat energy but saying stupid shit like the windstorm and fires in Hawaii were caused by someone making a truckload of concrete is guys need to knock that shit off.

diy solar

diy solar