diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

Fitch Ratings took away America’s triple-A credit rating this week, but it could not downgrade the almighty dollar.
The No. 3 U.S. credit rater joined larger rival Standard & Poor’s—after more than a decade—in cutting Treasury bonds from AAA to AA+ on Wednesday, citing well-known economic and political issues that weigh on the country’s finances, particularly a debt measure that is more than twice the amount of similarly rated countries.
But the U.S. has something those nations do not: “the world’s preeminent reserve currency, which gives the government extraordinary financing flexibility,” Fitch wrote in explaining the downgrade, which is based on “expected fiscal deterioration over the next three yea
Indeed, the dollar’s popularity with overseas investors and governments—it accounts for 60% of official reserves around the the world, according to S&P—gives the U.S. a “license to be irresponsible,” according to Martin Fridson, chief investment officer at Lehmann, Livian, Fridson Advisors and editor of the Forbes/Fridson Income Securities Investor newsletter.
And that license will soon be revoked, due to corrupt and irresponsible politicians.
We the people just pay the credit cards of the creeps who are wasting and stealing all our money. The US has not had a budget, no less a balanced budget since Clinton inherited Reagans economy.
We can entirely agree that our government(s) (both local, state and federal) spend too much money. Like a teenage girl with daddy's credit card in a shopping mall..

However, saying "we're the largest debtor nation on the planet" is pretty meaningless without context..

So lets get some context..

Here we see that we are actually 11 down the list in debt to GDP ratio.. Which is the only important ratio..

I am not a national debt expert by any measure, but what I do know is that most of our debt is held by our own citizens.. About 80% of it.. and most of that is held by the super rich who spend hundreds of millions on campaigns to make the average person think they should get a tax break so they can build more factories to employ more people to make themselves richer.

Because that's what I would do...

Any debt is bad.. I run my own life with so little debt that it is inconsequential, and I have cash on hand to pay it off any time I want. Our nation should run the same way... problem is, its not that simple. I am a person and I am not in competition with anyone, whereas nations are constantly competing, and the one with the best tech rules the world.

So do we stop borrowing money and allow other nations to surpass us, or do we go into debt so we can stay ahead?
Yup, your not an expert on the economy, and neither am I. That said, its just common sense.
You are correct that most of the debt is indirectly held by the people through the Fed, but not by the super rich. Its held by everyone.

From a search:

Current. * As of August 1, 2023, the U.S. Treasury's official figure for the debt of the federal government is $32.6 trillion, or more precisely, $32,587,568,982,505. [9] This equates to: $97,229 for every person living in the U.S.[10]

Dont that make you happy? We all owe 97k, even babies. Now ask the government what did you get for that money? Well, at least your paying to kill Russians in Ukraine, and paying off their pension fund. Also all the illegals are a few billion per month. Learning the mating habits of flys also costs. I think Faucci & co got around 300 million in kickbacks from Pharma. It all adds up.
Saw this posted here before, pretty wild to look at.

I didn't fact check it, it could be hosted by the Russian sky fairies from a satellite outside our galaxy that is spreading covid because it didn't get the vaccine due a lack of science and testing; however that would be some wild right wing conspiracy dumbest shit I've ever seen on the internet.

I really think a catastrophic event will take us out long before any impacts man may have had on the climate.
Super volcanoes, asteroids, Solar event etc.

People need to live their lives and not be so worried about shit they can't control.

It's a beautiful feeling knowing I'm only using mAs from that transformer and my minisplit has my house is so cold I don't want to go back inside.


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Yup, your not an expert on the economy, and neither am I. That said, its just common sense.
You are correct that most of the debt is indirectly held by the people through the Fed, but not by the super rich. Its held by everyone.

From a search:

Current. * As of August 1, 2023, the U.S. Treasury's official figure for the debt of the federal government is $32.6 trillion, or more precisely, $32,587,568,982,505. [9] This equates to: $97,229 for every person living in the U.S.[10]

Dont that make you happy? We all owe 97k, even babies. Now ask the government what did you get for that money? Well, at least your paying to kill Russians in Ukraine, and paying off their pension fund. Also all the illegals are a few billion per month. Learning the mating habits of flys also costs. I think Faucci & co got around 300 million in kickbacks from Pharma. It all adds up.

Each president spends more money than the president previous to them. Obama was the record holder, then Trump spent more than Obama did (a lot more), and now Biden is spending more than both of them.

The only president to balance the budget was Clinton.

It has nothing do with Faucci or Ukraine.. I understand those political points are what you're interested in pushing, but they are insignificant to 37 trillion in debt.

There are a few things that do matter.. but you won't like hearing them.
How can you trust the establishment on anything (let alone "climate change") when their actions speak:

The conclusions should be obvious to anyone at this point.

  • Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca wanted to sell their experimental vaccines in the absence of long-term safety data.
  • They couldn’t do it under Emergency Use Authorization if ivermectin and other early treatments were found to have efficacy.
  • Ergo, the media, sponsored by these same pharma companies launched a malicious misinformation campaign in the face of demonstrable proof of both efficacy and safety for ivermectin.
  • This campaign knowingly mislabeled a drug with a decades-long history of success in humans as horse medicine.
  • As this took place, additional “rigged” clinical studies, many of which with significant conflicts, tried to paint a picture of ivermectin not being efficacious through dishonest means (learn all about this here).
  • From there, government worked with social media to stifle and censor anyone who raised critical questions or told the inconvenient truth in the midst of the pandemic.
  • Finally, after all the damage was done and the vaccine grift ended, the FDA casually and cavalierly admitted that doctors “do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat Covid.”
If your eyes aren’t open after understanding what just happened here, you are not paying attention.

Climate Change? Dont make me laugh!
Saw this posted here before, pretty wild to look at.

I didn't fact check it, it could be hosted by the Russian sky fairies from a satellite outside our galaxy that is spreading covid because it didn't get the vaccine due a lack of science and testing; however that would be some wild right wing conspiracy dumbest shit I've ever seen on the internet.

I really think a catastrophic event will take us out long before any impacts man may have had on the climate.
Super volcanoes, asteroids, Solar event etc.

People need to live their lives and not be so worried about shit they can't control.

It's a beautiful feeling knowing I'm only using mAs from that transformer and my minisplit has my house is so cold I don't want to go back inside.
Yup, that clock is real. There was one I passed every day in Manhattan( forget which block), but they had to change it cause there was only one digit in the Trillions space. Who would have thought we would owe more than 9 trillion dollars!
How do we stop the spending?
Thats simple. I would say 30% is just waste or graph. Have you ever seen Rand Paul's list of crazy crap that we fund?
We also pull out of the hundreds of military bases we have around the world. Let other countries fund their own military and defence. Throw the UN out of NYC. They are a waste of time. Eliminate all government subsidies. Eliminate 90% of every agency, and use some of those savings to better fund the VA. I dont think we need another 80,000 IRS agents.

But the biggest savings would come from changing the government accounting system, which mandates wasteful spending.
Not raising your spending in one year does NOT count as a cut in spending.
Spend it or lose it in your budget just makes every agency spend everything every year, even if they may have had a surplus, and could have saved the money.

As an example, the city of NY bought 1000 new PC's for the dept of Ed. They had the money in the budget so had to spend it even though they didnt need the PC's, or they would have lost those funds in next years budget. Those computers sat in boxes for 3 years. When they finally needed to upgrade, the PC's were deemed obsolete, so they had to buy all new ones all over again.

You cannot just throw PC's away due to government regulations. They need to be disposed of properly. They could not donate them, because of local regulations on data security( even though they were all in un-opened boxes).

A rule is a rule, just like in the DMV. Therefore, the city had to PAY a third party to take them off their hands. That third party most likely sold them or sold the parts to a repair depot.

See the waste? This is just a local city government. Multiply that by thousands of towns, cities, counties, states, and then Federal. Hundreds of billions wasted every year.

Did you know that the of the trillion they spent on COVID relief( that they had to pay because THEY forced everything to close, costing trillions to the economy and destroyed small business, the middle class, and commercial real estate), almost one third was stolen by fraud? Look it up. "Covid relief fraud". Hundreds of billions of dollars that the freaking "government" just LOST!!!.

The mayor of NYC (we called him Lurch) provided ONE BILLION dollars to his WIFE out of city funds to "help the poor". There was NO ACCOUNTING on that money, and nobody can find out where it went. A BILLION to his fucking WIFE? Nobody is looking into it either, so that means those funds were spread around to the DA and others as hush money. Corrupt to the core.

Pallets of CASH to IRAN by Obama? Why? Why CASH? Who approved that?
The US government is worse than the mafia. If you get to close to the truth, you get sued, jailed, or whacked. What do we get for the billions in foreign aid? Why is the border wide open? Why are they destroying every city with legal theft and drugs? These people are evil.

Ok, but you got me on a rant. I will chill now and go monitor my batteries.
Thats simple. I would say 30% is just waste or graph. Have you ever seen Rand Paul's list of crazy crap that we fund?
We also pull out of the hundreds of military bases we have around the world. Let other countries fund their own military and defence. Throw the UN out of NYC. They are a waste of time. Eliminate all government subsidies. Eliminate 90% of every agency, and use some of those savings to better fund the VA. I dont think we need another 80,000 IRS agents.

But the biggest savings would come from changing the government accounting system, which mandates wasteful spending.
Not raising your spending in one year does NOT count as a cut in spending.
Spend it or lose it in your budget just makes every agency spend everything every year, even if they may have had a surplus, and could have saved the money.

As an example, the city of NY bought 1000 new PC's for the dept of Ed. They had the money in the budget so had to spend it even though they didnt need the PC's, or they would have lost those funds in next years budget. Those computers sat in boxes for 3 years. When they finally needed to upgrade, the PC's were deemed obsolete, so they had to buy all new ones all over again.

You cannot just throw PC's away due to government regulations. They need to be disposed of properly. They could not donate them, because of local regulations on data security( even though they were all in un-opened boxes).

A rule is a rule, just like in the DMV. Therefore, the city had to PAY a third party to take them off their hands. That third party most likely sold them or sold the parts to a repair depot.

See the waste? This is just a local city government. Multiply that by thousands of towns, cities, counties, states, and then Federal. Hundreds of billions wasted every year.

Did you know that the of the trillion they spent on COVID relief( that they had to pay because THEY forced everything to close, costing trillions to the economy and destroyed small business, the middle class, and commercial real estate), almost one third was stolen by fraud? Look it up. "Covid relief fraud". Hundreds of billions of dollars that the freaking "government" just LOST!!!.

The mayor of NYC (we called him Lurch) provided ONE BILLION dollars to his WIFE out of city funds to "help the poor". There was NO ACCOUNTING on that money, and nobody can find out where it went. A BILLION to his fucking WIFE? Nobody is looking into it either, so that means those funds were spread around to the DA and others as hush money. Corrupt to the core.

Pallets of CASH to IRAN by Obama? Why? Why CASH? Who approved that?
The US government is worse than the mafia. If you get to close to the truth, you get sued, jailed, or whacked. What do we get for the billions in foreign aid? Why is the border wide open? Why are they destroying every city with legal theft and drugs? These people are evil.

Ok, but you got me on a rant. I will chill now and go monitor my batteries.

You forgot gazillions for unnecessary wars all over the world, useless organizations such as the WHO and countless others.
And most importantly eliminating 90% of the 3 letter agencies and 90% of useless grifters in all levels of government.
Thats simple. I would say 30% is just waste or graph. Have you ever seen Rand Paul's list of crazy crap that we fund?
You're telling me about the problem, not how to stop it.

We also pull out of the hundreds of military bases we have around the world. Let other countries fund their own military and defence.
Right! Lets allow Russia and China to move in and befriend these countries.. That's a stupid idea, it would weaken our nation on every level from our war footing to resource minerals.

Throw the UN out of NYC. They are a waste of time.
LOL.. Trump told you to say that because other countries were laughing at his ignorance.

Eliminate all government subsidies.
I can agree with that.

Eliminate 90% of every agency, and use some of those savings to better fund the VA. I dont think we need another 80,000 IRS agents.
Just eliminating 90% of every police force and allow citizens to defend themselves and their own property would probably take a huge chunk out of the budget too..
Again, you're telling me what the problem is but not how to fix it. You will never get people (politicians) to agree on reducing these agencies because each side of the fence has their own favorites.
For example, most of the conservatives would love to get rid of the EPA.. but I know EXACTLY what would happen if we did that..

But the biggest savings would come from changing the government accounting system, which mandates wasteful spending.
Not raising your spending in one year does NOT count as a cut in spending.
Spend it or lose it in your budget just makes every agency spend everything every year, even if they may have had a surplus, and could have saved the money.

As an example, the city of NY bought 1000 new PC's for the dept of Ed. They had the money in the budget so had to spend it even though they didnt need the PC's, or they would have lost those funds in next years budget. Those computers sat in boxes for 3 years. When they finally needed to upgrade, the PC's were deemed obsolete, so they had to buy all new ones all over again.
My Desktop is going on 8 years old and I run Autocad in 3D modeling on two large 27 inch screens.. What is wrong with these people?

You cannot just throw PC's away due to government regulations. They need to be disposed of properly. They could not donate them, because of local regulations on data security( even though they were all in un-opened boxes).
Tear out the hard disk and done.
You're telling me what the problem is again, not how to eliminate it.

A rule is a rule, just like in the DMV. Therefore, the city had to PAY a third party to take them off their hands. That third party most likely sold them or sold the parts to a repair depot.

See the waste? This is just a local city government. Multiply that by thousands of towns, cities, counties, states, and then Federal. Hundreds of billions wasted every year.
Yes, we all see the waste, but recognizing the problem is only step 1.. How do we fix it?

Did you know that the of the trillion they spent on COVID relief( that they had to pay because THEY forced everything to close, costing trillions to the economy and destroyed small business, the middle class, and commercial real estate), almost one third was stolen by fraud? Look it up. "Covid relief fraud". Hundreds of billions of dollars that the freaking "government" just LOST!!!.
I'm not surprised. They should not have shut things down.. What they should have done is told people "here's the vaccine, only vaccinated sick people will be allowed in the hospitals and the insurance will only insure the vaccinated"..

Of course that's a bit problematic since the vaccine wasn't even available during the shutdown.. But hey, wasn't Covid a democrat hoax and "they had it under control" and "its going to go away on its own".. There's the problem..

The mayor of NYC (we called him Lurch) provided ONE BILLION dollars to his WIFE out of city funds to "help the poor". There was NO ACCOUNTING on that money, and nobody can find out where it went. A BILLION to his fucking WIFE? Nobody is looking into it either, so that means those funds were spread around to the DA and others as hush money. Corrupt to the core.
That's a big f*ing problem.. And why are our elected officials taking to such corruption? Its because they rarely go to prison.. How about we start with Trump? You don't think so? So much for fixing that problem.

Pallets of CASH to IRAN by Obama? Why? Why CASH? Who approved that?
That was Iran's cash, not ours.. You do know what stealing is right?

The US government is worse than the mafia. If you get to close to the truth, you get sued, jailed, or whacked.
Bullshit.. Back to conspiracy.

What do we get for the billions in foreign aid?
We get a lot..... Because if we don't do it, China or Russia will...

Why is the border wide open?
Its been that way for 250+ years.. the only reason you're complaining about it now is because someone told you to complain about it. They made it an issue, you fall right in line. Why wasn't it an issue for the last 200+ years? But now all of a sudden its a big thing? Next, you're going to start telling me a bunch of misinformation facts about drugs, crime, etc.. But when we look up these claims, we find hey are entirely made up.

Why are they destroying every city with legal theft and drugs? These people are evil.
Not evil, just stupid.. They can frequently look very similar to each other but there is a huge difference.
The bottom line is that our modern cities are too densely packed... which causes poverty, crime, etc.

It is possible to run a densely packed city with low crime rates, but you'd have to spend a fortune on police and start violating constitutional rights. Most cities can't afford a police force of sufficient size, and unless we allow constitutional violations, then you can kiss yours goodbye too.

Moscow and Kiev do it.. but there's a cop on every corner and they search innocent people walking by them all day for no reason. If you want to know what authoritarianism looks like, its a good example. And the authoritarianism is a petri dish for corruption..

Ok, but you got me on a rant. I will chill now and go monitor my batteries.
Thats simple. I would say 30% is just waste or graph. Have you ever seen Rand Paul's list of crazy crap that we fund?
We also pull out of the hundreds of military bases we have around the world. Let other countries fund their own military and defence. Throw the UN out of NYC. They are a waste of time. Eliminate all government subsidies. Eliminate 90% of every agency, and use some of those savings to better fund the VA. I dont think we need another 80,000 IRS agents.

But the biggest savings would come from changing the government accounting system, which mandates wasteful spending.
Not raising your spending in one year does NOT count as a cut in spending.
Spend it or lose it in your budget just makes every agency spend everything every year, even if they may have had a surplus, and could have saved the money.

As an example, the city of NY bought 1000 new PC's for the dept of Ed. They had the money in the budget so had to spend it even though they didnt need the PC's, or they would have lost those funds in next years budget. Those computers sat in boxes for 3 years. When they finally needed to upgrade, the PC's were deemed obsolete, so they had to buy all new ones all over again.

You cannot just throw PC's away due to government regulations. They need to be disposed of properly. They could not donate them, because of local regulations on data security( even though they were all in un-opened boxes).

A rule is a rule, just like in the DMV. Therefore, the city had to PAY a third party to take them off their hands. That third party most likely sold them or sold the parts to a repair depot.

See the waste? This is just a local city government. Multiply that by thousands of towns, cities, counties, states, and then Federal. Hundreds of billions wasted every year.

Did you know that the of the trillion they spent on COVID relief( that they had to pay because THEY forced everything to close, costing trillions to the economy and destroyed small business, the middle class, and commercial real estate), almost one third was stolen by fraud? Look it up. "Covid relief fraud". Hundreds of billions of dollars that the freaking "government" just LOST!!!.

The mayor of NYC (we called him Lurch) provided ONE BILLION dollars to his WIFE out of city funds to "help the poor". There was NO ACCOUNTING on that money, and nobody can find out where it went. A BILLION to his fucking WIFE? Nobody is looking into it either, so that means those funds were spread around to the DA and others as hush money. Corrupt to the core.

Pallets of CASH to IRAN by Obama? Why? Why CASH? Who approved that?
The US government is worse than the mafia. If you get to close to the truth, you get sued, jailed, or whacked. What do we get for the billions in foreign aid? Why is the border wide open? Why are they destroying every city with legal theft and drugs? These people are evil.

Ok, but you got me on a rant. I will chill now and go monitor my batteries.
Debt based currency. The money has to flow, especially at this late stage. If cuts were made the way you are proposing, there would be a world wide currency collapse. It's a symptom of a debt based currency. Recommend watching 'Money as Debt' by Paul Grignon. It's simplified but a nice introduction into the monetary system in place.
Debt based currency. The money has to flow, especially at this late stage. If cuts were made the way you are proposing, there would be a world wide currency collapse. It's a symptom of a debt based currency. Recommend watching 'Money as Debt' by Paul Grignon. It's simplified but a nice introduction into the monetary system in place.
The world wide currency collapse is what they want IMO. Thats how they can bring in the CBDC to replace the petro dollar. The BRICS will offer an alternative via Gold backed fiat. Its going to be interesting times.
So here you are..blaming climate change for winds and fires in Hawaii.

As if to prove my earlier point.

I can't believe you just did this.
The left did the same in 2020 while Antifa was setting Oregon on fire. A buddy of mine caught one of the idiots in his yard, and another along the highway (5) starting fires. He lives near Medford.
How can you trust the establishment on anything (let alone "climate change") when their actions speak:

The conclusions should be obvious to anyone at this point.

  • Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca wanted to sell their experimental vaccines in the absence of long-term safety data.
mRNA vaccines have been studied for decades and you don't have the luxury of time to check the long term data during an ongoing pandemic for individual vaccines. Good luck to the politician proposing not to vaccinate their population during an ongoing pandemic.

  • They couldn’t do it under Emergency Use Authorization if ivermectin and other early treatments were found to have efficacy.
If Ivermectin worked and it sadly it doesn't, we would have saved millions before the vaccines became available.

  • Ergo, the media, sponsored by these same pharma companies launched a malicious misinformation campaign in the face of demonstrable proof of both efficacy and safety for ivermectin.
Your conclusion is based on falsehoods, ergo your conclusion is false.

  • This campaign knowingly mislabeled a drug with a decades-long history of success in humans as horse medicine.
Ivermectin is useful in dealing with parasite, covid is a virus, learn the difference.

  • As this took place, additional “rigged” clinical studies, many of which with significant conflicts, tried to paint a picture of ivermectin not being efficacious through dishonest means (learn all about this here).
False. Big pharma has rigged studies in the past, some scientist have published bad studies as well and I am sure they will again. The great thing about the scientific method is that science is self correcting. And there is no evidence that the covid studies were rigged. All studies are scrutinized and replicated by independent teams of scientist in different countries. And I am sure China, Russia, Brazil etc would want to prove that their vaccines work better.

  • From there, government worked with social media to stifle and censor anyone who raised critical questions or told the inconvenient truth in the midst of the pandemic.
For your conspiracy be even a little bit believable, all governments would have to be in cahoots with the fast majority of scientists and medical professionals around the world... Considering that there is no compelling evidence for that, it is easily dismissed.

  • Finally, after all the damage was done and the vaccine grift ended, the FDA casually and cavalierly admitted that doctors “do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat Covid.
What damage was done?

Do you mean the millions of people who died during the pandemic? What "vaccine grift", the vaccines are safe and effective. If you want to claim that the makers charged too much, I would like to see the numbers... Why should/shouldn't doctors be allowed to prescribe any substance? Should a doctor loose his/her license if they prescribed medication that was proven not to work without warning the patient that it doesn't work? Should a doctor be allowed to prescribe mistropol, if the patient asked for it? Should government regulate it, why or why not?

If your eyes aren’t open after understanding what just happened here, you are not paying attention.
I understand what happened. There is plenty of information available, the problem is that you guys only believe the conspiracy theories and ignore everything else. There are plenty of studies that show ivermectin doesn't work, even the makers of ivermectin state it doesn't work. Of course all of those are also part of this fast conspiracy theory of yours...

Climate Change? Dont make me laugh!
The fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas was discovered in the 1800's and no scientists today disputes that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Nor does any scientist dispute that adding CO2 to the atmosphere cause the earth to retain more heat. Do you you dispute those facts?

The left did the same in 2020 while Antifa was setting Oregon on fire. A buddy of mine caught one of the idiots in his yard, and another along the highway (5) starting fires. He lives near Medford.

Why Is There Such A Frenzy To Buy Up The Properties That Were Just Burned Down During The Fires In Hawaii?​

Can you imagine calling up a family that has just seen their home burn to the ground and offering to buy their land for below market value? This is apparently happening in Hawaii right now on a massive scale. Grieving property owners are being bombarded with calls from very greedy people, and I think that says a lot about the current state of our society. We literally worship material possessions and financial gain, and the sheer greed that we are witnessing at this moment is absolutely staggering.

Lahaina was hit harder than anywhere else by the fires, and it turns out that property owners in the area have been getting pressured to sell for a long time.

So now that disaster has struck, those that wish to get their hands on these prime properties are in a feeding frenzy. One local resident made headlines all over the world after she posted a video about this…

Filming herself in the recent video, the Hawaii resident said: ‘I am so frustrated with investors and realtors calling the families who lost their home, offering to buy their land.
‘How dare you do that to our community right now. If you are a victim and they are calling you, please get their business name so we can put them on blast,’ she added.
She claims in the clip that she ‘personally’ knows ‘multiple families’ that were ‘offered money from investors and realtors’.
When 2020 began, the average home in Lahaina was worth about $600,000.

Today, the average home in Lahaina is worth about a million dollars.

Now there is a race to take advantage of those that have just had their homes burned down, and it has gotten so bad that even Hawaiian Governor Josh Green is speaking out against it

Hawaiian officials are warning residents that unscrupulous investors are trying to take advantage of the fire disaster on Maui to take over properties.
Gov. Josh Green reported that residents are being approached about selling fire-damaged home or land sites by people posing as real estate agents.
He said those people may have “ill intent” and issued a warning to scammers.
“You would be pretty poorly informed if you try to steal land from our people and then build here,” Green said in a press release Monday.
A lot of people applauded Green for taking a stand like that.

But does he have another motive?

Green has been captured on video saying that he is “already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land”

The Hawaiian governor Josh Green revealed plans for the state to potentially purchase properties in the seaside town of Lahaina, which was devastated by the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history.
“I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost,” Green commented amid the ruins.

There it is.

Apparently Green has his own plans for these properties.

We will just have to wait and see what those plans are.

Meanwhile, it is being reported that the police chief on Maui just happens to be the exact same guy that was “the incident commander” during the horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017…

Maui Police Chief John Pelletier is no stranger to responding to mass tragedy. Nearly six years before disaster struck in the form of wildfires that ripped through parts of the island and killed at least 99 people, he was on the ground in the aftermath of the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
Pelletier was named chief of the the Maui Police Department in 2021 after more than two decades working in Las Vegas. On Oct. 1, 2017, Pelletier was the incident commander covering the Strip when a gunman unleashed a hail of bullets on a country music festival, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more.
That is one heck of a coincidence.

And it is also being reported that Pelletier “earned a certificate in criminal justice from the FBI academy in 2019”.

So he has ties to the feds.

Just when you think that this story cannot possibly get any stranger, somehow it does.

After being greatly criticized for lounging on a beach while the tragedy in Hawaii was unfolding, we are being told that Joe Biden is now “considering” a trip to see the devastation.

Amid growing evidence of the devastation wildfires have wrought in Maui, the White House Tuesday gave the first public indication that President Biden will visit Hawaii.
White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton confirmed that officials were considering an in-person trip, after Biden took heat for his terse ‘no comment’ on Hawaii even while the scope of the tragedy was coming into view.
The president was staying at his Delaware beach house at the time.
Come on man.

I know that Biden doesn’t like to make trips like this, but this is what the American people expect.

It is part of the job.

The Biden administration also angered a lot of people when it was announced that households that have been affected by the fires would only be getting a one time emergency aid payment of $700

President Joe Biden is facing renewed criticism for his response to the devastating wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui after offering victims $700 per household in emergency aid.
Political opponents and commentators described the sum as “insulting” and compared it with the more than $113 billion-worth of aid the U.S. has sent to Ukraine as it defends itself against an ongoing Russian invasion.

After all that we have done for Ukraine, that is the best that we can do for people that have lost everything?

Of course somehow there is always more than enough money for Ukraine. In fact, we are about to send them a gigantic military aid package for the 44th time since the war began

For the 44th time, the ruling class of the United States has decided to continue to prolong the war and send military equipment to Ukraine. The Pentagon has announced a $200 million weapons package for Kiev.
This newest round of equipment will include artillery rounds, dozens of tactical vehicles, and mine-clearing gear.
We are at such a critical turning point, and we desperately need solid leadership in the White House.

But instead we have Joe Biden and his minions.

Biden is literally the worst president in the entire history of the United States, and that is saying a lot because we have had some real whoppers in modern times.

Now that there has been so much public pressure, I think that Biden will feel compelled to go visit Lahaina.

Unfortunately, Biden will need to make many more trips like this, because a lot more major disasters are on the way.

NASA Study Reveals Compounding Climate Risks at Two Degrees of Warming

A 2-degree rise in global temperatures is considered a critical threshold above which dangerous and cascading effects of human-generated climate change will occur.
Opinion: Not exactly new news, what I think is new is they're refining the sigma.

Scammers using deadly Maui wildfires to target people

Pepsi reveals Tesla Semi efficiency is much better than official claims

Teachers and Students React to Climate Denial Book Sent to Schools

3 GW Solar Panel factory being built in the U.S.

Solar-Powered Yachts with a Virtually Unlimited Range

Solar-powered cargo ships that are zero-emission and 50-75% cheaper

Opinion: At first I was thinking it was crazy, but the fuel costs must be the largest cost over the vessel's lifetime; so if this isn't true today it probably will be soon. It would be interesting to see an independent analysis.

GM EV Conversion

Introducing the first-ever Chevrolet Performance battery and motor system designed with electric vehicle conversions in mind. Our new eCrate system offers builders a comprehensive kit that includes all of the primary elements for converting most conventional combustion engine vehicles into fully electric propulsion. Estimated availability is mid-year 2023 in limited quantities.

Why Is There Such A Frenzy To Buy Up The Properties That Were Just Burned Down During The Fires In Hawaii?​

Can you imagine calling up a family that has just seen their home burn to the ground and offering to buy their land for below market value? This is apparently happening in Hawaii right now on a massive scale. Grieving property owners are being bombarded with calls from very greedy people, and I think that says a lot about the current state of our society. We literally worship material possessions and financial gain, and the sheer greed that we are witnessing at this moment is absolutely staggering.

Lahaina was hit harder than anywhere else by the fires, and it turns out that property owners in the area have been getting pressured to sell for a long time.

So now that disaster has struck, those that wish to get their hands on these prime properties are in a feeding frenzy. One local resident made headlines all over the world after she posted a video about this…

When 2020 began, the average home in Lahaina was worth about $600,000.

Today, the average home in Lahaina is worth about a million dollars.

Now there is a race to take advantage of those that have just had their homes burned down, and it has gotten so bad that even Hawaiian Governor Josh Green is speaking out against it

A lot of people applauded Green for taking a stand like that.

But does he have another motive?

Green has been captured on video saying that he is “already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land”


There it is.

Apparently Green has his own plans for these properties.

We will just have to wait and see what those plans are.

Meanwhile, it is being reported that the police chief on Maui just happens to be the exact same guy that was “the incident commander” during the horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017…

That is one heck of a coincidence.

And it is also being reported that Pelletier “earned a certificate in criminal justice from the FBI academy in 2019”.

So he has ties to the feds.

Just when you think that this story cannot possibly get any stranger, somehow it does.

After being greatly criticized for lounging on a beach while the tragedy in Hawaii was unfolding, we are being told that Joe Biden is now “considering” a trip to see the devastation.

Come on man.

I know that Biden doesn’t like to make trips like this, but this is what the American people expect.

It is part of the job.

The Biden administration also angered a lot of people when it was announced that households that have been affected by the fires would only be getting a one time emergency aid payment of $700


After all that we have done for Ukraine, that is the best that we can do for people that have lost everything?

Of course somehow there is always more than enough money for Ukraine. In fact, we are about to send them a gigantic military aid package for the 44th time since the war began

We are at such a critical turning point, and we desperately need solid leadership in the White House.

But instead we have Joe Biden and his minions.

Biden is literally the worst president in the entire history of the United States, and that is saying a lot because we have had some real whoppers in modern times.

Now that there has been so much public pressure, I think that Biden will feel compelled to go visit Lahaina.

Unfortunately, Biden will need to make many more trips like this, because a lot more major disasters are on the way.

Wow, the propaganda is getting scientific.. Starts out with a tragedy affecting a lot of people that anyone would feel compassion for, then creates a bad guy (real estate investors)..

The people with the burned homes can say no, or they can say yes and come into a flood of money.. That is how the free market works you idiot....

Never let a tragedy go to waste right?

Then the propaganda moves to benefiting Russia by proposing we stop supporting Ukraine. This is done AFTER we've initiated sympathetic feelings for victims and anger at opportunistic bad guys (real estate investors)..

And it finishes up by tying it all to Biden..

Pretty transparent and shallow.. But I can understand how it might work on the dumbest demographic among us.

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