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Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

@svetz, instead of discrediting the messenger, why dont you dispute the message with some facts?
I think he needs to make his case on the other thread ..... I just thought both conversations should be merged.
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Old news. I watched that 5 hrs ago. New doubt she's a clever science communicator. She's way out of her field of expertise. And the number of might, possibly, could bes (especially with her prognostication of the next score) are scifi. Sabine will only debate things directly related to her expertise (theoretical physics). Put her on a stage with William Happer and the narrative will crumble.
I thought this video was very interesting .... the core idea being that if you calculate the thermal radiation of the earth with various CO2 levels, there is a huge difference between 0 and 400 ppm .... but almost no difference from 400 to 800 ppm as represented in the chart below.
I found the video much better at 1.5 speed

... there is a huge difference between 0 and 400 ppm .... but almost no difference from 400 to 800 ppm as represented in the chart below...
It does still make a difference, it was discussed earlier in the thread. It's not new news, but if they're saying it makes no difference beyond 400 they're misrepresenting the facts by ignoring other factors. And yes, it's taken into account in the models. It's also easy to confirm, just look at historical records, CO2 levels have been over 400 ppm in the past, and yes it correlated to higher temperatures.
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So while @svetz is sitting here preaching about "Globull Warming" and "Caboon emishanz", These guys are probably emitting more "caboon" that the entire civilian industry combined in 50 years.
Where are all the Greta's protesting about this?

Are the global parasites in power cornered so badly they are preparing to flip the chessboard?

Wind Turbine Explodes After Bursting into Flames​

A wind turbine in Wales has exploded after bursting into flames. The Fire Service said that “pieces of the wind turbine were falling nearby”. The Mail has more.

Walkers enjoying a quiet stroll in the Welsh countryside captured a shocking sight on Sunday, after a wind turbine burst into flames before exploding.
Nick Blasdale, 61, and his wife Alison, 59, were left stunned when they saw burning parts of a turbine fall more than 100ft to the ground.
Firefighters were called to the blaze at Blaen Bowi Wind Farm near Newcastle Emlyn, Pembrokeshire at 11.46am, but could only watch and make sure passersby didn’t get too close.
Alison said: “We watched the top section burst into flames then drop off whilst still burning then explode when it hit the ground.” …
Mid and West Wales Fire Service said: “Crews responded to a wind turbine which was well alight on their arrival. Pieces of the wind turbine were falling nearby and crews monitored the condition of the debris.”

WINNING – Trillions Spent on ‘Climate Change’ Based on Faulty Temperature Data​

This is something I’m proud of – an article in the nationally published Epoch Times covering my work on weather stations. My friend Dr. Roy Spencer is also mentioned as well as a regular commenter here, John Shewchuck. If there is one article in your lifetime you should read about the state of the surface temperature network, this is it.

The government can’t even run the DMV well, what makes you think they can run a weather station network well?

To all of you that have contributed time and money to this, I thank you. Please share the hell out of the article on social media.

To read the article, you’ll have to register for a free account, but trust me when I say it is worth it, and they won’t spam you.

Link to article:

Cost of Living Farmers Protests Paralyse Europe​

There are several factors driving the protests, but one of the planned government responses is “lower fuel prices”.

‘It shows they are fed up. It’s a revolt’: European farmers are furious with the EU for 3 main reasons—and one has to do with Ukraine
January 25, 2024 at 3:49 AM GMT+10
With roadblocks and street protests, farmers in France demonstrated Wednesday across the country and in Brussels against low wages and what they see as excessive bureaucracy, part of a rising tide of anger among agricultural producers across the European Union.
There were also demonstrations in Poland, where disgruntled farmers slow-drove their tractors through major cities in protest at what they call “unfair” competition from neighboring Ukraine.
In a sign that the protest movement was expanding in France, roadblocks were spreading in many regions, coming a day after a farmer and her daughter died when a car crashed into a protest barricade in the southwest.

Government spokesperson Prisca Thevenot said Wednesday that the government would make new proposals to respond to the crisis “in the coming days.” Announcements were expected to focus on lower fuel prices for farmers and simpler regulations.

Read more:
The protests have been simmering off and on the last few years, but the latest protests appear to have been triggered by a German Government attempt to meet climate targets, by cancelling diesel tax exemptions for agriculture.

The only thing Berlin’s fueling is discontent…
The German government’s CO2 price increase beginning from January 2024 will make petrol, heating and electricity more expensive.

Already Germany’s industry is shrinking rapidly and farmers are now protesting nationally due to high fuels costs:

Read more:
It seems inevitable that European governments will back down at least a little from their eco-crusade to wreck the EU agriculture industry.

But the new settlement with farmers could also lead to a dramatic reduction in European support for Ukraine. Another major grievance of farmers is Ukrainian farmers, who don’t have to pay punitive green European fuel taxes, have been given free access to sell their goods in the EU, undercutting local EU farmers.

Ukraine’s Zelensky administration has repeatedly aligned with radical liberals and the green movement. Last September Zelensky told the Republican US Congress one of the reasons Ukraine needs billions of dollars of military aid is so the world can address climate change. Zelensky’s clumsy appeal was not well received by Republicans.

To add to this madness, early last year George Soros gave a speech in which he explained Ukraine needs to crush Russia, to liberate the funds needed to complete the green revolution – to consolidate the very policies which are currently wrecking the livelihoods of European farmers.

Obviously there is no way to know the new European political landscape until after the dust settles. The EU Parliament election will be held in June this year. Large numbers of ordinary working class Europeans are pushing back against EU green policies like never before. At least some components of Europe’s support for Ukraine’s Zelensky are also in the firing line.

Solar Update January 2024​

Religious cults promise a wonderful future if only people would believe. The promise the global warming cult made is that we would see the end of snow, no doubt about it. It seems that not enough people believe and that earthly paradise is yet to come. In the meantime, it is energy from the Sun that stops the Earth from looking like Pluto so we should keep an eye on what the Sun is up to, at least out of respect. Let’s start from the solar interior and work outward to the lower atmosphere.


Figure 1: Ap Index 1932 – 2024

The change in character of the Ap Index from the Modern Warm Period continues. Average activity is lower but the big change is the amplitude. This geomagnetic index would have its origin the Sun’s tachocline.


Figure 2: aa Index 1868 – 2024

The aa Index has dropped to the level of the last 65 years of the Little Ice Age.


Figure 3: Cumulative aa Index 1868 – 2024

This is a methodology that captures the long terms changes in trend. Now 18 years into the New Cold Period, it looks like a major trend has been established. With almost the same average level of the last 65 years of the Little Ice Age, the steepness of the downtrend is almost the same.


Figure 4: Interplanetary Magnetic Field 1966 – 2024

In this series Solar Cycle 25 has been appreciably more active than Solar Cycle 24. The 1970s cooling period of Solar Cycle 20 shows up as a period of small swings in activity.


Figure 5: F10.7 Flux 2008 – 2024

Whereas the aa and Ap indices have a lower amplitude of activity in the current solar cycle relative to 24, the F10.7 flux has been stronger, sooner than in 24.


Figure 6: Hemispheric Sunspot Number 1940 – 2023

Energy is conserved within a solar hemisphere from one solar cycle to the next, unless it is destroyed by a retrograde movement. The north and south hemisphere have different trends of activity which suggests that this is controlled by planets crossing the plane of the solar system.


Figure 7: Solar Wind Proton Density

This figure is from Nasa’s Omniweb page. It is included because it is one of a number of solar parameters that now show a clear break in their level of activity between the Modern Warm Period and the New Cold Period.


Figure 8: Oulu Neutron Count 1964 – 2024

Finally, this is where the rubber meets the road in terms of solar control of climate. The Sun’s magnetic field, carried on the solar wind, pushes galactic cosmic rays away from the inner planets of the solar system. This effect is strongest at solar maximum.

While they are called rays, they are particles – mostly protons and alpha particles. Upon hitting oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the upper atmosphere, a cascade of particles is created which is largely neutrons by the time they reach the lower atmosphere. A high proportion of the atmosphere is saturated with water but lacks nucleation sites for cloud droplet formation. The neutron tracks provide nucleation sites and there is a correlation between low solar activity, neutron flux and cloud cover. Clouds are more reflective than open ocean or land and so the Earth cools. Note the period of high neutron count associated with the 1970s Cooling Period.

WINNING – Trillions Spent on ‘Climate Change’ Based on Faulty Temperature Data​

This is something I’m proud of – an article in the nationally published Epoch Times covering my work on weather stations. My friend Dr. Roy Spencer is also mentioned as well as a regular commenter here, John Shewchuck. If there is one article in your lifetime you should read about the state of the surface temperature network, this is it.

The government can’t even run the DMV well, what makes you think they can run a weather station network well?

To all of you that have contributed time and money to this, I thank you. Please share the hell out of the article on social media.

To read the article, you’ll have to register for a free account, but trust me when I say it is worth it, and they won’t spam you.

Link to article:

This is ONE of the biggest flaws I see in climate science ..... Their reliance on flawed temperature data.
It creates a GIGO scenario where no reliable conclusions can be reached ..... but is VERY handy for the climate activists.

Europe Erupts In Widespread Farmer Protests As Revolt Against 'Green' Policies Intensifies​

Farmers in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Romania, and other countries across Europe are protesting radical leftist governments by obstructing major transport networks with tractors. This widespread populist movement is sweeping Europe at a time when over-regulation, taxes, and the climate change agenda threaten the livelihoods of not just farmers but working-class people and comes several months before the European election cycle kicks off in June.

Some countries hit hardest by protests have been Germany, Italy, Belgium, and France. Protests are expected to spread to Spain and Portugal.

On Tuesday, France's new prime minister, Gabriel Attal, promised farmers emergency funds and stricter trade controls on foreign products to guarantee fair competition.

However, that might not have been enough, as the farmer's union in France was unimpressed by concessions offered by the French government. They encouraged their members to continue the fight.

"I'm so proud of you," Serge Bousquet-Cassagne, head of Lot-et-Garonne department's farmer's association, told protesters in the south of Paris.

Bousquet-Cassagne said:

"You are fighting this battle because if we don't fight we die."
Meanwhile, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin told local TV station France 2 that police were preparing to defend strategic areas of larger cities.

"They can't attack police, they can't enter Rungis, they can't enter the Paris airports or the center of Paris," said Darmanin, adding, "But let me tell you again that if they try, we will be there."
According to Armstrong Economics:

Farmers throughout the world have been protesting the increasing regulations on agriculture. The media is barely covering the story, and when they do mention it, they say that the farmers are protesting due to Russia blocking supplies from Ukraine. This is simply untrue. The farmers are protesting against over-regulation, taxes, and the climate change agenda that is making it increasingly difficult for them to make a successful living.
EU farmers' complaints are very basic:

  • Out-of-control energy prices (thank whoever blew up the Nord Stream).
  • Disastours carbon-cutting targets.
  • Overall inflation.
  • Bureaucracy from radicals in Brussels.
  • Ukrainian grain imports.
The demonstrations, which could soon consume Europe, come ahead of the June European Parliament elections.

Here are scenes on the ground as protests spread across Europe:

NEW - Farmers encircled Paris, blocking highways to France's
— (@disclosetv) January 31, 2024
🚨Meanwhile in Germany🇩🇪, Farmers start attempting to drive through police cordons.....

All over Europe

Are you realising the significance of this? #FarmersProtest
— AntiCensorship (@truthscant) January 31, 2024
#Farmers from all over the country continue to converge on #Paris in their fight against the Climate Scam & Climate Communism.

I Support the Farmers#France #FarmersProtest
— WorldNews (@RichKidsClips) January 31, 2024
God bless those farmers. #FarmersProtest
— Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL) (@Demo2020cracy) January 29, 2024
This is so cool. It's almost like a video game.#FarmersProtest
— Peyman Askari (@PeymanAskari451) January 30, 2024
⚠️ The farmers' uprising in Germany continues throughout the country.#FarmersProtest #Farmers #Deutschland #protest
— Tulublin (@tulublin) January 31, 2024
Small farmers are upset that WEF elites such as Bill Gates, linked to the World Economic Forum, aim to reset the global food supply chain, a move that could render small-scale farming obsolete.

Farmers protests are spreading across the World. #FarmersProtest#Farmers #FarmersProtests
— Emma Peel (@madelynrogers) January 27, 2024
And discontent is quickly spreading across the West. As we noted earlier this week: "Mess In The West: 'Army Of God' Convoy Heads To US Border While EU Farmers Block Cities."

Unrest in the West is a symptom that leftist politicians are completely out of touch with the common man. Quickly, queue the next crisis. Is that the eruption of war or another virus?

The Climate Change is responsible for Meat Processing plants being destroyed every where.
After all anything weather related is climate change at fault.

When the time comes remember there is an old saying, “Eat the Rich.” Leftist got credit for it.

Pierre Gaspard Chaumette, President of the Paris Commune, gave a speech to the city during the Reign of Terror on 14 October 1793 in which he said:

Rousseau faisait parti du peuple aussi, et il disait: 'Quand le peuple n'aura plus rien à manger, il mangera le riche.'
Rousseau, who was also one of the people, said: 'When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.'
The phrase was initially a criticism of the French nobility, but it was later popularized in France as a response to the perceived failures of the French Revolution that perpetuated poverty in the country”’ wiki

The leftist need to fatten up for their debut on the grill.

More on bogus temperature data.
Sure, forget about the fact that the models have never been outside their
range of accuracy (see red dots image right). If anything, it's been hotter.

Your video presumes the model is flawed because the data in the 19th
century was dubious so how can they be so accurate? It displays ignorance
as to how hindcasting was used for model tuning.
FYI: the British navy started taking ocean temperatures in the 17th century,
that data just isn't in the NASA database, but it exists.


"Natural Evolution": Volvo Shares Soar On Plans To Stop Funding Cash-Burning Polestar​

Shares of electric-vehicle companies have been battered since the mid-point of 2022. The price war Tesla started about one year ago has made the environment even more challenging for EV automakers.

On Thursday, Swedish automaker Volvo Car AB announced, "As a result, Volvo Cars will no longer provide further funding to Polestar."

In an earnings report, Volvo said Polestar is "entering the next exciting phase of its journey with a strengthened business plan and cost actions." It said the parent company will concentrate on developing Volvo Cars.
The Swedish firm is mulling over a reduction of its 48% Polestar stake through distribution to its own shareholders. Chinese billionaire Li Shufu's affiliates control about 40% of Polestar, while Li holds a 79% stake in Volvo Car.

"We are therefore evaluating a potential adjustment to Volvo Cars' shareholding in Polestar, including a distribution of shares to Volvo Cars shareholders. This may result in Geely Sweden Holdings becoming a significant new shareholder," Volvo continued.

Investors welcomed the move designed to stop the hemorrhaging of cash-burning Polestar that has damaged Volvo Car's share price.

Shares in Volvo Car jumped as much as 30% on the news. Shares are still down 38% over the past year.

Volvo's attempt to disentangle itself from cash-burning Polestar underscores the harsh reality in the EV space. Also, Volvo cutting funding brings up viability concerns for Polestar.

Urban Heat Island Studies – Do Pristine Weather Stations Even Exist?​

Measured historical factors can be used to distinguish between urban and pristine stations.

Australian weather stations and data were tested. Australia’s low population density plus its many weather stations allow many “pristine” station candidates to be examined for studies of Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects.

From an initial list of 1,000+ stations, those with adequate data were narrowed down subjectively to 45 pristine station candidates. Some of their general properties are tabled below. pristine candidate comparison stations.xlsx

If several stations in a set are truly pristine, they should have similar temperature trends over time. If they do not have similar time series trends, then some factor more than natural variation must be affecting them; they cannot all be pristine.

Sure, forget about the fact that the models have never been outside their
range of accuracy (see red dots image right). If anything, it's been hotter.

Your video presumes the model is flawed because the data in the 19th
century was dubious so how can they be so accurate? It displays ignorance
as to how hindcasting was used for model tuning.
FYI: the British navy started taking ocean temperatures in the 17th century,
that data just isn't in the NASA database, but it exists.

It's pretty easy to keep things in line with the model when you just make up temperature data that makes it fit ..... or use temperature data from urban heat islands.
More evidence that the temperature data is manipulated in a way to achieve the desired conclusions.

More evidence that the temperature data is manipulated in a way to achieve the desired conclusions.

I generally say you can make stats, or polls say anything you want them to say. You can make test data say whatever you want. You just need to adjust your sample, size, content, location.....anything.

I think you might understand where I am going with that.

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diy solar