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Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?


‘The Western world is in danger’: Argentina’s Milei, a self-described ‘anarcho-capitalist,’ urges Davos elite to reject socialism​


Sam Meredith@SMEREDITH19
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  • Argentina’s President Javier Milei on Wednesday called on business and political leaders at Davos to reject socialism and instead embrace “free enterprise capitalism” to bring an end to world poverty.
  • “Today, I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger,” Milei said in a special address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, according to a translation.
  • Milei’s trip to Davos marks his first overseas tour since taking office last month.””

DAVOS proves the UNELECTED Elites meet to decide the Fate of OUR World ….. Conspiracy confirmed.
Oh boy according to some news sources they might be forced into selling EV for as little as $10,000.
The Chevy Bolt was being sold for as little ~$19,000 in the past with rebates.
I’d wait let them crash.
buy cheap ICE or hold out if you want EV. These car companies are in big do-do.


News & Updates

Some direct air capture programs (Note: they're getting $180/ton in a $3.5 billion government payout to experiment) Exxon & Chevron are participating in are listed below. Currently, prices are around $250/ton (ref) but the thought is it can be brought down to $100/ton (ref). It's been estimated it would cost $2 to $4 trillion annually to remove what the U.S. adds (ref) via DAC.
  1. Global Thermostat: ExxonMobil has expanded their joint development agreement with Global Thermostat to develop technology that captures carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the air1. They have been working together for 12 months to evaluate the feasibility and potential scalability of Global Thermostat’s technology
  2. FuelCell Energy: ExxonMobil is collaborating with FuelCell Energy and Global Thermostat to develop a new generation of carbon capture technology
  3. Exxon In-house Pilot Project: After concluding a three-year collaboration with Global Thermostat, ExxonMobil is working on its own DAC project
  4. Chevron In-house project After concluding a three-year collaboration with Global Thermostat, Chevron is working on its own DAC project
  5. Carbon Engineering Ltd.: to build Stratos, a megaplant that would remove up to 1 million metric tons of CO2 per year. Exxon / Chevron
From previous posts, extraction from flue gas is the most efficient & cost-effective ($46/ton). I think extraction from seawater is the next cheapest ($50/ton).

China’s 2023 coal output hits record high​

Despite the absurd Ambrose Evans-Pritchard’s repeated assertions over the years that China is cutting back on its reliance on coal, its coal output continues to hit record highs:

GWPF China Green Mask

BEIJING, Jan 17 (Reuters) – China’s coal output reached a record high in 2023, data from the statistics bureau showed on Wednesday, amid an ongoing focus on energy security and a rise in demand after pandemic-related restrictions eased.
The world’s biggest coal producer mined 4.66 billion metric tons of the fuel last year, up 2.9% from a year earlier, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.
For December, output reached 414.31 million tons, nearly flat with November’s 414 million tons and up 1.9% from the year-earlier level.
Daily output over the month was 13.36 million tons, slipping from November’s record high daily average of 13.8 million tons.
The country’s overall power generation, which is dominated by coal-fired plants, rose 8% year-on-year in December.
Analysts are predicting another modest coal production increase in 2024. The rate of growth has slowed over the past year, following an energy security push that drove a ramp-up of output beginning in 2021.
Full story

Meanwhile the Wall Street Journal reports:

John Kerry has announced he’ll soon step down as President Biden’s climate envoy to join the 2024 re-election campaign, and maybe he’ll fare better in that job. If he doesn’t, Mr. Biden will be a one-termer.
For three years Mr. Kerry has been preoccupied with getting China to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. But excluding emissions from land use and forestry, China’s emissions rose 13% between 2015 and 2023, according to Climate Action Tracker estimates. U.S. emissions fell by some 9% over the same period.
You can’t say Mr. Kerry hasn’t tried to persuade China, including the use of green flattery. “China has produced more renewable energy, more solar and wind than any other country,” he
said last year.
But China’s CO2 emissions have still soared as demand for electricity surged. In 2022 China accounted for 53% of the world’s coal generation, the Ember think tank
says, and new permits for coal power plants in 2022 reached “the highest level since 2015.” That’s the year Beijing signed the Paris climate accord Mr. Kerry negotiated, promising to reduce its emissions starting in 2030.
Global Energy Monitor tracks worldwide coal-fired power plants of 30 megawatts or more and reports that as of July 2023 China had 305 coal-fired power stations announced or in the works. Together they’ll be able to generate some 391.7 gigawatts—about 70% of the world’s total coal-fired capacity currently announced, planned, permitted or under construction.
Or take coal mining. Reuters reported Wednesday that China’s coal output reached a record high in 2023 as it mined some 4.66 billion metric tons. Global Energy Monitor says China had plans in 2022 for 217 coal mines with a capacity of at least 900,000 metric tons, which would represent nearly 57% of all new coal mine additions in the works globally.
“It is unrealistic to completely phase out fossil fuel energy,” Chinese climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said in September. That follows President Xi Jinping’s declaration in 2022 that China’s carbon goals “can’t be detached from reality,” according the state-run People’s Daily.
Mr. Kerry’s problem has been a failure to recognize reality, which is typical of America’s climate lobby.


"Worried About Next Two Months": Solar Firms Running Out Of Cash In California​

The solar industry in California is facing significant headwinds following the implementation of a new policy in April, which reduced incentives that had encouraged homeowners to install solar systems.

Bloomberg reports the California Solar & Storage Association has found about 63% of its 400 solar installer members have reported cash flow issues because the new policy crushed consumer demand.

Since last April, sales of rooftop solar systems across the state have crashed 85% in the most recent months of 2023 compared to similar periods one year before, according to solar firm Ohm Analytics.

On Wednesday, California Solar and Storage Association Executive Director Bernadette Del Chiaro told an audience at the Intersolar North America conference in San Diego that 25 to 30 solar companies have already closed shop or abandoned the state.

"We are worried about the next two months," she said. "We think a lot more fallout may be coming."
Besides a reduction in incentives, higher interest rates and expensive panels have also curbed demand. This means that solar installers have a dismal pipeline of work through the year's first half.

Meanwhile, a Bloomberg MLIV Pulse survey of professional and retail investors from late last year found the green energy downturn will last well into 2024.

iShares Global Clean Energy ETF has nearly roundtriped Covid lows.

The ownership portfolio of the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF shows solar, wind, and hydrogen stocks have been clubbed like a baby seal over the past year.

"Worried About Next Two Months": Solar Firms Running Out Of Cash In California​

The solar industry in California is facing significant headwinds following the implementation of a new policy in April, which reduced incentives that had encouraged homeowners to install solar systems.

Bloomberg reports the California Solar & Storage Association has found about 63% of its 400 solar installer members have reported cash flow issues because the new policy crushed consumer demand.

Since last April, sales of rooftop solar systems across the state have crashed 85% in the most recent months of 2023 compared to similar periods one year before, according to solar firm Ohm Analytics.

On Wednesday, California Solar and Storage Association Executive Director Bernadette Del Chiaro told an audience at the Intersolar North America conference in San Diego that 25 to 30 solar companies have already closed shop or abandoned the state.

Besides a reduction in incentives, higher interest rates and expensive panels have also curbed demand. This means that solar installers have a dismal pipeline of work through the year's first half.

Meanwhile, a Bloomberg MLIV Pulse survey of professional and retail investors from late last year found the green energy downturn will last well into 2024.

iShares Global Clean Energy ETF has nearly roundtriped Covid lows.

The ownership portfolio of the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF shows solar, wind, and hydrogen stocks have been clubbed like a baby seal over the past year.
That would explain why I'm seeing new panels for $.17 per watt.
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Ford Prepares To Cut F-150 Lightning Electric Truck Production​

Ford Motor's electric vehicle sales are running out of juice as the company plans to slash production of its all-electric F-150 Lightning in April "to achieve the optimal balance of production, sales growth and profitability."

Beginning on April 1, approximately 1,400 employees will be impacted at the Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Michigan, Ford wrote in a statement on Friday.

"Roughly 700 will transfer to Michigan Assembly Plant and the others will be placed in roles at the Rouge Complex or other facilities in Southeast Michigan, or take advantage of the Special Retirement Incentive Program agreed to in the 2023 Ford-UAW contract," the statement continued.
"We are taking advantage of our manufacturing flexibility to offer customers choices while balancing our growth and profitability. Customers love the F-150 Lightning, America's best-selling EV pickup," Ford President and CEO Jim Farley said.

The planned production cut for the Lightning was first discussed in a planning memo to suppliers obtained by Automotive News in early December. The memo pointed out "changing market demand" for the cuts.

"We'll continue to match production with customer demand," a Ford spokeswoman said last month.

This development emerges amid numerous indications that the EV market in the US is slowing.

"EV demand next year could be lower than expectations," Lee Chang-sil, chief financial officer at South Korean battery maker LG Energy Solution, said several months ago.

Also, 3,900 auto dealers wrote a letter to President Biden, warning:

"Electric vehicles are stacking up on our lots which is our best indicator of customer demand in the marketplace."
Plus, high auto loan rates and vehicle prices add to affordability concerns. Folks don't want $1,000 payments for vehicles that come with "range anxiety."
(shipping could add significantly more.)

These deals will probably continue for a while. Can you get out and hustle?
Im reading that at min 20 pallets. Not sure how many panels per pallet. If it were min 20 units I would be on the way.
Sounds like about how much i paid a year ago for mine (same exact 400W qcells panels)
Im reading that at min 20 pallets. Not sure how many panels per pallet. If it were min 20 units I would be on the way.

You're right. I have a "skimming" problem.
Not sure if 20 pallets is one container.
You could contact them and ask about one pallet.

Here are some near me. $.50/w

$0.50/W isn't exciting anymore. But maybe there is a difference in quality. Quality certainly varies.

I'd buy used premium brand before paying that much.
Svetz falls for everything. He is now a full card-carrying member of the useful idiot coalition.

"Climate change denial has moved on to questioning whether solutions will work rather than climate itself"

Ya know...cuz even the deniers can't deny it anymore. ?

Climate driven “Noble Cause Corruption” goes way back​

The attitude of the Green Climate establishment means that they consider themselves entitled to use any Deception or Fraud to emphasise their “Virtuous and Righteous Cause”: to save the planet from Man-made Global warming.

To their minds their Cause is so important that it must take precedent over any other consideration of expenditures.

This is a fallacy.

Climate change activism involves winding back all the technical advances and improvements to human wellbeing that have been achieved by mankind over the last 200 years. In their view there is no higher priority for man-kind whatever the costs or gross damage for mankind.

However, in December 2023 COP28 president UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber said:

“There is no science out there that says that the phase-out of fossil fuels is going to be needed to restrict global heating to 1.5C. Al Jaber also said a phase-out of fossil fuels would not allow sustainable development unless you want to take the world back into caves”.

He let the cat out of the bag.

Supporting the adverse view, there is a huge unashamed Western government and academic misinformation effort that use all types of data manipulation. The propaganda support for the Man-made Climate catastrophe assertion is rife and continuous.
Svetz falls for everything. He is now a full card-carrying member of the useful idiot coalition.

"Climate change denial has moved on to questioning whether solutions will work rather than climate itself"

Ya know...cuz even the deniers can't deny it anymore. ?
Not sure if anyone has linked the recent interview with Dr. Willie Soon. I have seen several of his lectures but the interview was good. He is certainly a firm denier of anthropogenic warming. His voice among other greats in the science community such as Freeman Dyson, William Happer, and Patrick Moore give me strong reason to remain skeptical.

WSJ Editor-in-Chief Admits To Davos Elites 'We No Longer Own The News'​

Thanks to the internet and (shrinking) press freedoms, legacy media outlets no longer have a monopoly on information and narratives.

Case in point, during a WEF discussion at Davos entitled "Defending Truth," Wall St. Journal EIC Emma Tucker lamented this loss of control over 'the facts,' as reports.

"I think there’s a very specific challenge for the legacy brands, like the New York Times and like the Wall Street Journal," Tucker said, adding "If you go back really not that long ago, as I say, we owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well."

"If it said it in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, then that was a fact," she continued, adding "Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of different sources for the news and they’re much more questioning about what we’re saying."


At a discussion titled 'Defending Truth,' the WSJ editor-in-chief admitted to #Davos2024 #WorldEconomicForum elites that the legacy media no longer 'own the news', lamenting "We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well." Report here:
— m o d e r n i t y (@ModernityNews) January 19, 2024
Russia, Russia, Russia!

European Commission VP Věra Jourová also piped up
during the same discussion, calling the rise of "disinformation" a "security threat," and suggesting that "It was part of the Russian military doctrine that they will start information war, and we are in it now."

Like when the Hillary Clinton campaign used a former (?) British spook's Russian source to fabricate a hoax against Donald Trump, which was peddled through the Wall Street Journal and every single other legacy media outlet? That kind of information war? Or when 51 former US intelligence officials used disinformation to influence the 2020 election, suggesting the NY Post's Hunter Biden laptop bombshell was Russian meddling?

"Disinformation is a very powerful tool," Jourová continued, adding that "In the EU we are focusing on improving of the system where the people will get the facts right. We don’t speak about opinions. We are not correcting anyone’s opinions or language. This is about the facts."

Bitch please.

VP of the EU at #Davos2024 on 'disinformation': "We are focusing on improving the system where the people will get the facts right...We are not correcting anyone's opinions or language. This is about the facts." Whose facts? Report:
— m o d e r n i t y (@ModernityNews) January 19, 2024

As we highlighted earlier in the week, Jourová has spent her Davos time meeting the heads of the likes of YouTube and Meta and ensuring they “play by the rules,” while her boss, Ursula von der Leyen called for overarching globalist control over the flow of all information in the digital age.
Full discussion: #WorldEconomicForum panel at #Davos2024 talks about 'Defending Truth' with EU VP saying they wish to control "the facts," in the "information war," and the WSJ editor-in-chief lamenting that they 'no longer own the facts'. Report here:
— m o d e r n i t y (@ModernityNews) January 19, 2024

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