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diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

I saw that in a different article at work earlier. I laughed at the guy that left his sit all week, at the airport, and came back to a dead battery. People need to do more homework on what they are buying instead of just listening to everything they see on TV / utube, this doesn't just apply to EVs.... The manufacturers should also be more transparent / forthcoming.
There was a Tesla in front of me covered in rock salt on the snowy country roads driving just fine and dandy...
I'm really hoping I remembered to add Howes to my last batch of tractor fuel...
It's freaking cold out, things slow down in the cold, this impacts other things... Isn't this elementary info...

Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble.
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I saw that in a different article at work earlier. I laughed at the guy that left his sit all week, at the airport, and came back to a dead battery. People need to do more homework on what they are buying instead of just listening to everything they see on TV / utube, this doesn't just apply to EVs.... The manufacturers should also be more transparent / forthcoming.
There was a Tesla in front of me covered in rock salt on the snowy country roads driving just fine and dandy...
I'm really hoping I remembered to add Howes to my last batch of tractor fuel...
It's freaking cold out, things slow down in the cold, this impacts other things... Isn't this elementary info...

Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble.
I think current state with technology …they make it ….then do little to no r&d …..just let us spend big bucks on the hype …. and we field test it but they don’t want to fix it. Cost us more money to fix. Customers will eventually take whatever.. supply demand …. They can shut off gas They can shut off power. What would be the purpose? Imagine if they had shut off gas day or two before 6 jan.

Yes there are ppl that buy the hype. The corporations depend on that hype to bring in money They lure - troll ppl in the door. Trolling is fishing. Sales should be done out front but they always take ppl to the back room for high pressure part for the BIG GUY.

Biden dictates the politics too.

best practice would probably be short distance light weight ev. Plug and Hybrid for combo ….. keep gas too. Politics and Lobbying is in play. Trillions of dollars put on tab of USA tax payers.

Mass transportation does not work in USA. Wonder why?

Green Deal is a rip just like PUBLIC BUS SERVICES.

Ever notice with Hollywood you get about to point where you can predict the beginning - plot - end? SOS.
I’ve done that before. But I get a jump and I am on the road headed home.
I've been there a few times (a dead battery) years ago. Popping the clutch on a hill or from a nice push was always fun.
Wonder if you could bump dead EV going down a steep grade... ?
I've been there a few times (a dead battery) years ago. Popping the clutch on a hill or from a nice push was always fun.
Wonder if you could bump dead EV going down a steep grade... ?
A little bit with regeneration breaking/coasting…

If the hill is not long enough, maybe call a tow truck to tow you for a while as a battery charge…

Anthony Blinken Stranded In Davos After His Boeing 737 Breaks Down​

After the recent fiasco involving the Boeing 737 Max, aka the "mid-air convertible" model and subsequent grounding, the last thing the aerospace giant needed was more focus to its DEI-inspired airplane production practices. Alas, that's precisely what it got moments ago when Bloomberg reported that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was unable to fly home from Davos as scheduled on Wednesday due to a critical error with his aircraft.... which, you may have guessed - is a Boeing 737.

After flying from Davos on helicopters (the gas-free variety, because we all know that the Davos set is very concerned about the environment and CO emissions) and boarding the modified Boeing 737, Blinken and his party were informed that the aircraft had been deemed unsafe to fly. An oxygen leak detected previously could not be remedied.

A smaller jet (supposedly "more private" and even more gas-guzzling, yet one that does not spontaneously become a convertible model mid-air) was being flown to Zurich from Brussels to ferry home the top US diplomat, while many of his aides and members of the press pool had to travel to Washington commercially. Those peasants.
Interesting how 1 has to go but bet the other gets rewarded.


the interesting part next Bolt rumored will have LIFEPO but wonder what the cost difference will be? “They are going to use existing curret lifepo cells “ Are lifepo batteries for us about to increase in price and become harder to find.?

I think they should make the white guy CEO go to prison and pay back all the monies given to him. “Guy is white. Nobody likes white guys…REPLACE HIM”. Hahahah that seems to be current DEI. Right?

““‘’Jeep maker Stellantis NV on Thursday named a new CEO of its adventure brand.
Antonio Filosa, chief operating officer in South America, is replacing Christian Meunier as Jeep's CEO effective Nov. 1. Meunier, according to a news release, will "take a long break to focus on personal interests" after leading the brand since May 2019.”””

New jeep chrysler ram CEO fresh face looks like a mobster. Hey Tony …. FIAT - Fix It Again Tony.

Mean while Mary Barra has job security celebrating year number 10 with many more to come. Problem after problem she is teflon coated… even Elon Musk is helping her.
It is reported both: “Tesla and Hyunda out sold Chevy EV.“

Will Chevy replace battery packs on current Bolt or will Chevy Mary Barra still say the Software is all you get as mentioned in previous post ? DEI challenge
Humans do not cause climate change. The entire "Antropogenic" Climate change is based on FAULTY COMPUTER MODELS (just like the plandemic) and have a single goal - to reduce YOUR standard of living or to get rid of you entirely.


Watch: EU President Demands Globalist Control Over All Information​

President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen addressed elites at the World Economic Forum in Davos Tuesday, calling for overarching globalist control over the flow of all information in the digital age.

“The top concern for the next two years is not conflict, or climate, it is disinformation and misinformation,” von der Leyen proclaimed, adding “The boundary between online and offline is getting thinner and thinner, and this is even more important in the era of generative AI.”

Addressing the elite as “Excellencies,” and personally naming “dear” Klaus Schwabb in her introduction, von der Leyen further called for the development of “a new global framework for AI risks,” and a vow to “drive global collaboration” to prevent the spread of ‘misinformation’ (information they don’t want you to know about).

“Excellencies” and “Dear Klaus”, you’re right, we need to control all information so people don’t think and act differently to how we’d like.
— m o d e r n i t y (@ModernityNews) January 17, 2024
She continued, “Many of the solutions lie not only in countries working together but, crucially, on businesses and governments, businesses and democracies working together,” adding that “While governments hold many of the levers to deal with the great challenges of our time, business have [sic] the innovation, the technology, the talents to deliver the solutions we need to fight threats like climate change or industrial-scale disinformation.”

Full speech: Unelected President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen addresses "dear Klaus" and her "excellencies," the WEF elites. She calls for overarching globalist control over the flow of all information in the digital age. Report here:
— m o d e r n i t y (@ModernityNews) January 17, 2024
Furthermore, von der Leyen said 2024 is “the biggest electoral year in history”, and expressed concern that “freedom comes with risks.”

“There will always be those who try to exploit our openness, both from inside and out. There will always be attempts to put us off track. For example, with disinformation and misinformation,” she added.

She also touted the EU Digital Services Act, which under the guise of preventing ‘hate speech’, establishes controls over all information on social media platforms.

“With our Digital Services Act, we defined the responsibility of large internet platforms on the content they promote and propagate,” von der Leyen bragged.

She concluded “there is no doubt that we face the greatest risk to the global order in the post-war era. But in my mind, there is also no doubt that we can move forward with optimism and resolve.”

There can be no doubt that the number one target of these unelected technocrats is Elon Musk and X, given that they already have every other major platform in their pockets.

NEW - Harvard's Naomi Oreskes says X is "such a toxic place" with a "scary name" at Klaus Schwab's
— (@disclosetv) January 15, 2024

Yet this small global average temperature anomaly difference of 3/20ths of a degree C from the prior highest year anomaly value of 2016 (which is an El Niño year just as is year 2023) is hyped by climate alarmist media as representing dangerous increased “record heat” and the “Earth’s hottest year on record” (instead of “highest average temperature anomaly on record” which represents an “average temperature “outcome instead of a “maximum temperature” outcome that is required to make a valid claim of “hottest year on record”).

Alarmists further exaggerate global “average temperature anomaly” outcomes by claiming they represent a “global climate emergency” where “temperatures during 2023 likely exceed those of any period in the last 100,000 years” with all this ridiculous climate alarmist propaganda based on an increased 2023 global “average temperature anomaly” difference of 0.15 degrees C from year 2016 levels.

The year 2023 flawed climate alarmist claims of “hottest year on record” are in the same vein as the flawed claims made by climate alarmists about the summer of 2023 being “the U.S. hottest summer ever” that was addressed here and shown below.

Think found the THINK problem. ‘Planting more trees didn’t work so you went to find more books”

We need to stop making books out of trees. Computers were suppose to save trees but seems that didn’t happen even with free internet porn providing wood. The waste baskets across America next to the computers have to many used tissue in them. Have you ever went to someones home to repair their computer and noticed the full waste basket? Wear mask, gloves, and bring your own chair. Don’t look at their browser history or stored temp pictures in windows folder. No no no. Just say no.

Seriously computers were suppose to save trees - less wood but the printers mean more trees cut down then ever. Years ago the Office Depot CEO made bank for printer paper and printers - office supplies. Computers are good example of not doing what was advertised. Green Energy Star. Energy Saver Mode. They did remove most of the GOLD from the modern production versions vs old IBM with 640k monster. ??

Most recent “the office depot CEO Executive PAGE LIST’’ there are several Executives now.

Save the Trees Save the Planet.
Office Depot DEI Green statement So SO Diverse…


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Think found the THINK problem. ‘Planting more trees didn’t work so you went to find more books”

We need to stop making books out of trees. Computers were suppose to save trees but seems that didn’t happen even with free internet porn providing wood. The waste baskets across America next to the computers have to many used tissue in them. Have you ever went to someones home to repair their computer and noticed the full waste basket? Wear mask, gloves, and bring your own chair. Don’t look at their browser history or stored temp pictures in windows folder. No no no. Just say no.

Seriously computers were suppose to save trees - less wood but the printers mean more trees cut down then ever. Years ago the Office Depot CEO made bank for printer paper and printers - office supplies. Computers are good example of not doing what was advertised. Green Energy Star. Energy Saver Mode. They did remove most of the GOLD from the modern production versions vs old IBM with 640k monster. ??

Most recent “the office depot CEO Executive PAGE LIST’’ there are several Executives now.

Save the Trees Save the Planet.
Office Depot DEI Green statement So SO Diverse…

"Go Green"

Means: "Go turn yourself into soylent green"

Watch: The Most Ridiculous 75 Seconds Of Bullshit From Davos Yet On "Ecocide"​

Just when you thought you had heard it all...

This lady (we are presuming she/they is/are a lady) - who looks like she has not missed a meal in her life - explains - with no sense of irony or shame - that farming the land, fishing for food, and worse still 'making money' is now on par with mass murder or genocide.

Jojo Mehta - founder of 'Stop Ecocide Now' - explains in her upper-class English accent to her ultra-rich peers in Davos that:

"We have this cultural, very ingrained habit of not taking damage to nature as seriously as we take damage to people or property."
Her goal is to have "mass damage and destruction of nature" legally recognized as "a serious crime."

"With human rights, mass murder and genocide are serious crimes, but there is no equivalent in the environmental space."
"Unlike an international crime like genocide that involves a specific intent, with ecocide, what we see is that people are trying to do is make money, is farm, is fish... and what's missing is an awareness of the side effects and collateral damage that happens..."

Latest buzzword just dropped from the Devil’s den in Davos.

Farming, fishing and making money is now called “Ecocide.”

So basically if you want to live, you’re committing a crime if these people get their way.

— Kat Kanada (@KatKanada_TM) January 16, 2024
You literally cannot make this shit up! The socials quickly responded...

I guess ecocide doesn't include killing whales to put up windmills.
— Jeff Flinn (@JeffFlinn_) January 17, 2024
That's right, NetZero is net population growth of zero. That's what they were after all along, no more euphemisms about carbon emissions, they're moving on.
— Bulagan (@Bulagan1996) January 17, 2024
Ecocide is actually Eliteocide—which is allowing unelected elites, to tell farmers to stop farming, fisher to stop fishing, miners to stop mining—when you allow those things to happen, that is when you starve, unrests happens and society collapses.
Because you listen to the…
— Christopher Olguin (@cjo_olguin) January 17, 2024
These people are evil.
— Paul G ???? (@Paulgman47) January 17, 2024
"Do as I say, not as I do..."
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Watch: The Most Ridiculous 75 Seconds Of Bullshit From Davos Yet On "Ecocide"​

Just when you thought you had heard it all...

This lady (we are presuming she/they is/are a lady) - who looks like she has not missed a meal in her life - explains - with no sense of irony or shame - that farming the land, fishing for food, and worse still 'making money' is now on par with mass murder or genocide.

Jojo Mehta - founder of 'Stop Ecocide Now' - explains in her upper-class English accent to her ultra-rich peers in Davos that:

Her goal is to have "mass damage and destruction of nature" legally recognized as "a serious crime."


You literally cannot make this shit up! The socials quickly responded...

"Do as I say, not as I do..."

it would be just awful ….terrible if terrorist went there. WAIT for the reality: We already know there are supposed 2800 terrorist inside making their plans to conquer the planet with WEF One World Govt… DEI. Their minion are just waiting for Global orders while visions of AOC and Greta dancing through their heads. Some even like Chesla Clinton or straight to her dad …. Bill. Are the Clintons there representing their … Clinton Foundation ?
What should be made illegal is philanthropy and foundations.

Atmospheric moisture over dry regions not increasing as expected by Climate Models

A basic rule of climate science is that the atmosphere can hold more moisture as it warms. This is known as the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship, and it’s the reason climate models consistently project that atmospheric water vapor will increase as the planet becomes warmer. But in dry regions, this isn't happening.

Right? No flooding in Socal and Moab to be found. ???

The Colorado doesn't originate in a dry area but have you checked the pool level in lake mead recently? ?
Watch what they do!

‘That’s A Stupid Question’: John Kerry Snaps At Reporter Asking Him About His ‘Carbon Footprint’ At Davos​

U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry lashed out at a reporter who asked him about his “carbon footprint” at the World Economic Forum’s Davos conference on Tuesday.

Kerry will leave his role later this winter to assist President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign because he feels that is the most effective way for him to pursue his preferred climate policies, according to Axios. He neglected to answer questions regarding the “carbon footprint” of the Davos conference, instead snapping at Rebel News Reporter Avi Yemini. (RELATED: Biden Admin Unveils ‘Natural Gas Tax’ Proposal)

CRAZY RAW FOOTAGE: John Kerry’s goons pounce after the US Special Presidential Envoy for CLIMATE found it difficult to justify his carbon footprint in attending the World Economic Forum each year in Davos.
Bookmark and support now!
— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) January 16, 2024
“What’s the carbon footprint of these events every single year that you come here? Think it’s worth it? Peasants pay for your crimes?” Yemini asked Kerry.

“That’s a stupid question,” Kerry responded.

A female member of Kerry’s entourage then appeared to shove Yemini, aggressively telling him the interview was over.

“Don’t grab me. You can’t grab us. This is a free society, mate,” Yemini retorted. “We have freedom of the press. Why do you think you’re more important? Your carbon footprint doesn’t matter.”

“I never suggested that,” Kerry snarled. “Nobody ever suggested that. Don’t make up stupid questions.”

Biden “climate envoy” John Kerry at the World Economic Forum in Davos: “I am not retiring, folks. I want to make that clear. I am shifting my efforts.”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 16, 2024
Yemini told Kerry his appearance as the conference suggests this.

“Don’t make up stupid questions,” Kerry reiterated. He then started to flex the work he has done for the climate, but his remarks got cut off.

As climate czar, Kerry has sought greater cooperation with China on climate change because of its heavy pollution, praising the country in July 2023 for its green initiatives and asserting the country was doing an “incredible job.” He has been Biden’s climate czar for the entirety of Biden’s presidency and has met with numerous world leaders and climate officials, facing criticism for a lack of transparency and suspected cooperation with hardline environmental groups.

Kerry proposed allocating millions of dollars to an international climate reparations fund during the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore in November. The fund would give out money to impoverished countries that have allegedly been impacted the most by climate change.

Biden Caught In Huge Rigging Of EV Carbon Credits At Taxpayer Expense​

Tesla is a huge beneficiary of an improper “no legal basis” Biden-sponsored subsidy. This is a massive scandal reminiscent of the diesel-emissions cheating that rocked Germany.

Carbon Tax Credits

The Biden administration and the Department of Energy colluded to rig estimated gas mileage from EVs.

For example, a Tesla that gets the equivalent of 65 MPG, receives tax credits as if the Tesla gets 430 MPG.

Electric-Vehicle Cheating Scandal

The Wall Street Journal comments on The Electric-Vehicle Cheating Scandal

It’s hard to think of a worse environmental scandal in recent years than Volkswagen’s 2015 diesel-emissions cheating. The German automaker was rightly pursued by regulators, enforcement agencies and class-action lawyers.
The scandal ended up costing Volkswagen an estimated $33 billion in fines and financial settlements—and revealed that diesel-emissions cheating was endemic.
When it comes to electric cars, the government has a cheating scandal of its own. Under an Energy Department rule, carmakers can arbitrarily multiply the efficiency of electric cars by 6.67. This means that although a 2022 Tesla Model Y tests at the equivalent of about 65 miles per gallon in a laboratory (roughly the same as a hybrid), it is counted as having an absurdly high compliance value of 430 mpg. That number has no basis in reality or law.
Until recently, this subsidy was a Washington secret. Carmakers and regulators liked it that way. Regulators could announce what sounded like stringent targets, and carmakers would nod along, knowing they could comply by making electric cars with arbitrarily boosted compliance values. Consumers would unknowingly foot the bill.
The secret is out. After environmental groups pointed out the illegality of this charade, the Energy Department proposed eliminating the 6.67 multiplier for electric cars, recognizing that the number “lacks legal support” and has “no basis.” [Let’s not mince words, how about … illegal subsidy]
Carmakers have panicked and asked the Biden administration to delay any return to legal or engineering reality. That is understandable. Without the multiplier, the Transportation Department’s proposed rules are completely unattainable. But workable rules don’t require government-created cheat codes. Carmakers should confront that problem head on.

Illegal Credits

The Journal noted this scandal is buried deep in the Federal Register—on page 36,987 of volume 65.

Since the tax credits “lack legal support” and have “no basis”, all the beneficiaries should have to return their illegal gains.

How much is that?

Tesla’s Record Carbon Credit Sales Up 94% Year-Over-Year

On October 23, 2023, Carbon Credits reported Tesla’s Record Carbon Credit Sales Up 94% Year-Over-Year

While Tesla has missed this year’s third quarter on both earnings and revenue expectations since its Q2 2019 report, the EV leader reported record-breaking carbon credit sales, which the company referred to as regulatory credits.
For over 4 years, the EV maker has been drawing attention by reporting record-breaking income from selling carbon credits. The automaker reported a revenue of $554 million from the Q3 2023 sale of carbon credits, significantly contributing to its profits.
This record sales also represented a huge portion of Tesla’s net income in Q3 2023 ($1,878 million) – 29%. Most notably, its quarter three carbon credit revenue increased 94% year-over-year, marking the value of Tesla’s EV production.
Despite Elon Musk’s “paranoia” over the global economy’s instability due to ongoing wars, its soaring carbon credit income steadily contributes to its overall profits.
A 29% revenue-to-net income ratio is hard to ignore and speaks highly of the value of the credits for Tesla.
It’s not clear who exactly bought the credits and for how much, but most likely they’re sold to other car companies that miss out on emissions standards of the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

Will Tesla Have to Return Is Unwarranted Gains?

Ha! You know the answer.

However, the carbon credits it does receive are set to drop roughly 85 percent.

Now, about those Tesla profits... Anyone care to crunch some numbers assuming Biden is forced to hand out credits based on reality, not fiction?

Diesel Scandal

Regulators in bed with the auto industry. Gee who coulda thunk? And It happened here too, only worse.

Biden Weighs Banning Natural Gas Exports to Save the Climate

In case you missed it, please see Biden Weighs Banning Natural Gas Exports to Save the Climate

If Biden does follow through with this nonsensical (and probably unconstitutional action), Russia will be the biggest beneficiary.
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This natural gas that is being exported, does it belong to the companies selling and profiting from it?
Or does it come from leases on federal land, and the companies are making money now by selling it cheap to Europe?

If we kept US gas for use by US homes and industry, that would reduce our costs at home and raise our standard of living. Have you seen a utility bill lately? Mine are up several fold over the past couple decades.

Stationary equipment has been converted from diesel to natural gas. Much cleaner. Is it practical to convert or make new semi trucks to use has, and have LNG tanks feeding fueling stations along major highways? Think how much that would clean up our air.
This natural gas that is being exported, does it belong to the companies selling and profiting from it?
Or does it come from leases on federal land, and the companies are making money now by selling it cheap to Europe?

If we kept US gas for use by US homes and industry, that would reduce our costs at home and raise our standard of living. Have you seen a utility bill lately? Mine are up several fold over the past couple decades.

Stationary equipment has been converted from diesel to natural gas. Much cleaner. Is it practical to convert or make new semi trucks to use has, and have LNG tanks feeding fueling stations along major highways? Think how much that would clean up our air.

Agree with you about US Gas.
LNG is a bit tricky, while it works well and is clean, it is a bit volatile in case of an accident (as any compressed gas is).

Guardian: A third of British Teenagers think Climate Change is Exaggerated​

According to the Guardian, climate deniers have influenced teens by infiltrating youtube with disinformation videos.

Third of UK teenagers believe climate change exaggerated, report shows
YouTube criticised for amplifying lies about the climate with disinformation videos watched by young people
Helena Horton Environment reporterTue 16 Jan 2024 22.00 AEDT
A third of UK teenagers believe climate change is “exaggerated”, a report has found, as YouTube videos promoting a new kind of climate denial aimed at young people proliferate on the platform.
Previously, most climate deniers pushed the belief that climate breakdown was not happening or, if it was, that humans were not causing it. Now, the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) has found that most climate denial videos on YouTube push the idea that climate solutions do not work, climate science and the climate movement are unreliable, or that the effects of global heating are beneficial or harmless.
Researchers from the CCDH gathered a dataset of text transcripts from 12,058 climate-related YouTube videos posted by 96 channels over almost six years from 1 January 2018 to 30 September 2023. They also included the results of a nationally representative survey conducted by polling company Survation which found 31% of UK respondents aged 13 to 17 agreed with the statement “Climate change and its effects are being purposefully overexaggerated”. This rose to 37% of teenagers categorised as heavy users of social media, meaning they reported using any one platform for more than four hours a day.

Imran Ahmed, chief executive of the CCDH, said: “Scientists have won the battle to inform the public about climate change and its causes, which is why those opposed to climate action have cynically switched focus to undermining confidence in solutions and in science itself.”
This mentality has seeped into UK politics, with rightwing politicians having campaigned for years to persuade the public that net zero is unachievable and too expensive, and that technologies including electric cars and heat pumps do not work. The prime minister, Rishi Sunak, has said recently that climate solutions are too expensive and rowed back on net zero commitments.

Read more:
What can I say? It’s not our fault if reality gives us plenty of evidence to refute nonsensical climate claims.

I mean, who can forget the hilarious cost blowout and failure, when German greens tried and failed to install a heat pump in their own headquarters?

Or the crazy energy price hikes, inflicted by politicians who claimed renewables are the cheapest form of power?

And let’s not forget the Chicago Tesla graveyard this weekend, caused by Tesla’s failing in the cold – nope, nothing to see here folks.

The fact is green solutions don’t work, and climate change isn’t a problem. It was always only a matter of time before teenagers realised this, and started rebelling against fake adult climate doomsday messaging.

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