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diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

It is true the magnetic pole is moving (the other one too), but what didn't you like about my response showing it wasn't going to affect climate change and never has before in the long history of it flip-flopping from when you brought it up last week? The sky is blue, is that causing climate change too? Not that I mind, you do come up with some good topics every so often.
I'm not satisfied with your "response" ...... I'll let you know if I find evidence to the contrary.
Ultra simply go look at World birth rate and look at expenditure. Remember you are not breeding and are working harder then ever for less.

Rocket science a moron can see
Just because you don't believe this is about climate change doesn't mean it's not.
It's not about what I believe.
It's about the historical evidence not showing any climate change when it's happened before. See links in prior post.

I can think of a bunch of reasons there wouldn't currently be any evidence and none of them can conclude that the weakening of earths magnetic field is not and will not impact earth's climate.
Sweet! Let's hear them!

Logic alone would tell us that anything that has a major impact on radiation from the sun has the potential to affect the climate.
Except for logic to be valid you have to understand the science.
Most of the energy from our sun is in the form of light, which is
not affected by magnetic fields. See Why can't magnets bend light?
...the magnetic field protects our planet from cosmic radiation and from the charged particles emitted by our Sun ref
We do get hit with particles from the sun all the time, it's what causes the aurora borealis. For example we recently had a Carrington-like event; except zero damage which is pretty surprising.
We also know, despite the magnetic field weakening, the solar radiation Earth receives has is currently at lowish point. See NASA ref to the right. For your theory to be true, it should go up.

But what about increased Cosmic Radiation! Yes, they've looked at that too.
Scientists don't ignore these effects, it's not like they haven't thought of them.
Here's some links that talk about cosmic radiation and climate change:

Lets see if any of the "climate scientists" decide to take a serious look at it.
It's a lot more ridiculous to believe that climate scientists somehow didn't think energy might be coming from the sun. These are things you can google and find the studies that scientists have done.

Gretta will probably be out next week yelling about how we are destroying the earth's magnetic field with CO2.
I doubt it, she seems pretty smart.

I'm not satisfied with your "response" ...... I'll let you know if I find evidence to the contrary.
That's the spirit! Thank you!
I am not going to put Svetz on ignore, simply because i want to see when he puts out another parrot of the narrative about cLIEmate change. I will immediately post numerous counters from various sources. I know i will not change Svetz's mind because he is most likely a shill - he always chooses to ignore any of the counter arguments when they do not follow the narrative or speak inconvenient truths.
But the plus side is that a whole lot of people are beginning to see through this BS, which is why its critical for us to inform them of reality especially when that reality agrees with what they are seeing around them.
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"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get."

The entire cLIEmate change narrative lays on false, inaccurate data (mainly temperature readings in the last several decades). (Which has been proven wrong many many times, from the horses mouth so to speak i.e establishment own admissions). Yet Svetz continues to post the the same narrative over and over again, that is based on complete made up lies.

Worse, Svetz does not practice what he preaches - this is usually the worst offence, but it is unsurprising - because pretty much everyone who orders this agenda is ignoring it in their action - they fly private jets, they consume prime steak, they sail diesel megaships, have numerous mansions that they use oil/gas to heat and a lot of grid power to cool.
So its baloney - watch what they do, not what they say.

The whole warming scam is a classic case of GIGA - garbage in , garbage out, and when the person refuses to listen to ANY refute (and screaming the same alarmist message as a response to every counter argument) - then only one thing remains - the person preaching it is a shill, either paid or ingorant.
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svetz, I get the logic, but then I would miss out on a lot of sweet information example:
I would be much poorer without it.
Basics more ppl more consumers more bad for everything. Why has population in USA been so controlled.? Abortion religion stops adultry….gays do not procreate. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the imbalance and deficits coming. A large group can almost always beat the best fighter. If ppl breed more then they can invade and take …. Force share. You either understand that or you do not.

The fact remains Africa doubled population after We are the World food drive. We feed them they responded by double population.
I will again post the link to this excellent documentary. It is really all you need to know about the cLIEmate debate.


The USA is suppose to do what? Save the planet. Are you mf’ers racist ? Think a minority can - ~5% of World population can save it from them over breeding? Seriously …are you that retarded?

@svetz ..... lets just look at this one chart you posted. It's clear the data and the conclusions have been manipulated.


First, up to about 1990, it is clear that as cosmic radiation goes up temperature goes up .... If the chart ended right there, it would be clear that cosmic radiation IS a big factor in temperature.

2nd, what happened around 1985 when the 2 lines diverge? Whatever changed there .... Maybe China coming online ...... seems like where the effort should be concentrated.

3rd, why does the graph of cosmic radiation end in 2003 when it was beginning to show a sharp increase? Based on what we know about the earth's magnetic field the radiation HAD to continue rising.

4th, the cosmic radiation doesn't line up with the other chart at all.

The only reason I am pointing any of this out is that it is VERY easy to present a graph that seems to show the result desired.
While we are at it we should send them more food too.
Keep being retarded
Mo ppl -= mo consumers mo mo money from guess who to who. Let it shine let shine. We are transferring our wealth to china… look at all those ppl. They love to screw

The real racist are these smug white colored liberal assholes that call everyone a racist for pointing over the white ppl are a tiny percentage of a world problem that is some howall about the white race saving the planet. Now that is the most racist shit ever seen. We are the mass problem polluters? Bs

Why don’t the white liberals here gothere and turn them into MASS queer abortionist? Go suck them for a while.
I'm not satisfied with your "response" ...... I'll let you know if I find evidence to the contrary.
MOST of the articles where climate is examined in relation to earths magnetic field focus solely on the magnetic pole shift.

The study linked below examines in detail how a reduction in earths magnetic field DOES affect climate. I am sure there are a gazillion .... give or take a few .... articles that try to downplay the findings of this study .... but, anyone who tries to say there is NO evidence that the escalating weakening of earth's magnetic field affects the climate is simply full of crap .... as logic would imply.

Keep in mind ..... at the time of this study, the rate of decay of the earth's magnetic field was MUCH slower ..... about 10 times slower .... than it is now.

A quote from this STUDY:
Previous studies may have failed to identify such a relationship between the Laschamps and climatic impacts because of the lack of temporal resolution and by focusing on the period of actual reversed geomagnetic field (41.5 to 41.1 ka) (5, 6) rather than the preceding extended phase of much weaker geomagnetic field (42.4 to 41.5 ka).

bob, if you want to reduce a magnetic field how would you do it?

reminds me of the chicken or the egg question.
bob, if you want to reduce a magnetic field how would you do it?

reminds me of the chicken or the egg question.

In other words, its best for humans to worry about things they can change - aka REAL chemical pollution, and not do crap that screws up the planet such as Geo and Bio engineering and all the other schananigans such as gain of function research into bioweapons.

In other words, its best for humans to worry about things they can change - aka REAL chemical pollution
aenyc, great idea! , getting rid of coal fired power generation should be step one.
that could also help with the problem bob it addressing.

D71's link:
bob, if you want to reduce a magnetic field how would you do it?

reminds me of the chicken or the egg question.
I don't want to reduce the magnetic field ..... It's happening whether we want it or not. It's another variable in the equation that we have NO control over.

Cmon Tommy ,,,,,, Are you trying to insinuate that climate change may be reducing the earth's magnetic field? If so, you need to post some evidence of that.

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diy solar