diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

I don't think shouting solves anything. If anything it makes the deniers and hysterics dig their heels in more. All you can do is discuss the topic.
That is listen to why they believe what they do on both sides, then point out any errors/omissions/emotional arguments. Work through the math, and verify.

I wouldn't mind the FCC forcing Fox News to be changed to Fox Entertainment. But, I wouldn't be in favor of them having their license pulled because more government control of news would just lead to other problems.

In this entire thread, there is yet any solid science that climate change isn't a problem. There have been numerous counterarguments (a lot by me in the first few pages of the thread) that have all been researched and proven false. I don't think there's been a single opinion changed by that.

We don't know everything, as several of our discussions have pointed out there are many things we don't know. But, overall the best science we have shows global warming is real, climate change is real, and it's backed up by decades of predictions well within the range of uncertainty set by the scientists.

You mean the oil companies? Yep, that argument goes both ways.

This is what I mean by an emotional argument. That not everyone is carbon neutral isn't evidence. That some of them, like Bill Gates, spending millions out of their own pocket to be "green" when they don't have to should at least tell you they have an honest belief in it. Of course, they're not climate scientists, so their belief isn't proof either. There will always be profiteers whether it is in polluting the environment or cleaning it up.
You are taking what I am saying it too literally .... why focus on the word shout?

If legitimate scientists don't actively work to rid the movement of the charlatans .... they are just happily going along with their lies.
You are taking what I am saying it too literally .... why focus on the word shout?

If legitimate scientists don't actively work to rid the movement of the charlatans .... they are just happily going along with their lies.
That's one of the things I see over and over again from left leaning people .... they refuse to admonish people who are "on their side." If someone on the right gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar .... so to speak ... most people on the right will condemn their actions.

It's a little the same on this thread .... you think that Leo and Murphy are good for your side of the discussion. In actuality, that they are actively agreeing with you and posting here diminishes your work.
They have a reputation for ignoring facts that don't agree with their viewpoint .... they are not advancing your viewpoint.

Don't get me started on Bill Gates ..... I'll just say he is NOT what he pretends to be.
That's one of the things I see over and over again from left leaning people .... they refuse to admonish people who are "on their side." If someone on the right gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar .... so to speak ... most people on the right will condemn their actions.
As with most of what you say, that is complete BS.

The left and right both behave the same way when it comes to such things.

It's a little the same on this thread .... you think that Leo and Murphy are good for your side of the discussion. In actuality, that they are actively agreeing with you and posting here diminishes your work.
I don't think I have agreed with or disagreed with anything he has said. But I do understand that you've been reduced to making stuff up.. a sign of desperation.

They have a reputation for ignoring facts that don't agree with their viewpoint .... they are not advancing your viewpoint.

Don't get me started on Bill Gates ..... I'll just say he is NOT what he pretends to be.

I'm sure I do have a reputation for ignoring your "made up facts" that have their origins coming from websites like "conspiracy morons R' Us dot com"

You know what's interesting, you don't have your own opinions because you don't have an education. Your opinions are handed to you. A literal case of "When they want your opinion, they'll give it to you" Want proof? That's easy... your opinions are all aligned with the conservative right wing folks... a very simple pattern to recognize, but one that can't be found without watching your postings over time.

Every one of your opinions is nothing but right wing garbage given to you.. and you don't have the education to know any better..

As for me on the other hand, I agree with the left about 40% of the time and with the right about 40%.. more or less.. sometimes it shifts depending on what propaganda each side spews forth and how much of it.

The smoking gun here is that your opinions always align with the conservative right wingers.. actually, that's not entirely fair.. Many conservative right wingers are reasonable people.. I should say "radical conservative alt-right wingers".. bunch of nut jobs.
You are taking what I am saying it too literally ....
Sorry. It's not on purpose. In my defense, it's a literal medium.

If legitimate scientists don't actively work to rid the movement of the charlatans .... they are just happily going along with their lies.
It's not their job and IMO unreasonable to ask them to do so. From reports they are already harassed and have received death threats for trying to do their job. They definitely at not just happily going along with their lies. There was even an email exchange a few years back where some scientists discussed what they could do to combat misinformation - which hackers got, released, and it was used against them in the vein of they were trying to suppress other points of view. Pretty funny huh?

It takes no time to scoff, and a lot of work to disprove them. Even if a particular point is thoroughly disproved, as you've seen here, it's common for the disbeliever to willfully ignore any evidence to the contrary. The only person I know that's changed their mind on the topic due to the thread is me. But I still enjoy discussing the evidence as there's still a lot to learn.

.... they refuse to admonish people who are "on their side."
I meant the warning about playing nice to everyone, so please don't take that personally. Certainly, when Leo, Murphy, or anyone else is rude they are doing nothing to advance the discussion, in fact, it says the opposite.

.... you think that Leo and Murphy are good for your side of the discussion. In actuality, that they are actively agreeing with you and posting here diminishes your work....
I've had the same thought, but it's a public thread and everyone is welcome to their opinions regardless of what we think. I hope they will at least play nicely, cite facts so they can be properly challenged, or at least state why they think something.

I liked the old days when you could just report such posts and they'd get deleted for attacking another member and banned if they couldn't stop. If you can't ignore their childish barbs AFAIK the remaining solution is to /ignore them.

What I really hate is when they do it and make a good point in the same post. Mainly because I like to reward well-thought-out posts with a thumbs up, but won't do so if they also put in stuff I disagree with.

.... they are not advancing your viewpoint.
Have to agree as what I'm trying to "advance" is an open discussion on a difficult and for some reason emotional topic.

Don't get me started on Bill Gates ..... I'll just say he is NOT what he pretends to be.
Who is? Even I want to be a better person than I know I am. But to make such a claim without first-hand experience (e.g., your name being Melinda or Satya) it's hard to imagine anyone being capable of such a judgment. Actually, I'm not even sure if my own family can properly judge me. Best to leave character debates out of it I say. ; -)
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I've had the same thought, but it's a public thread and everyone is welcome to their opinions regardless of what we think. I hope they will at least play nicely, cite facts so they can be properly challenged, or at least state why they think something.

I liked the old days when you could just report such posts and they'd get deleted for attacking another member and banned if they couldn't stop. If you can't ignore their childish barbs AFAIK the remaining solution is to /ignore them.

What I really hate is when they do it and make a good point. Mainly because I like to reward well-thought-out posts with a thumbs up, but won't do so if they also put in stuff I disagree with.
We've tried being nice for 30+ years.. We tried explaining the science. IT DOES NOT WORK. It has never worked. It didn't work with the ozone hole issue in the 80's, it didn't work with the acid rain issue in the 70's, it didn't work with the tobacco controversies, and it didn't work with the DDT controversy.

When you are nice to the propaganda pushers and the denial machinery, it just encourages it to continue.

You think that by explaining and explaining more, by posting data, by trying convince these propaganda pawns, that you might be able to win them over or reason with them? It will never work, it has never worked.. While it is your time to waste, you are just wasting it, and providing a platform for them.

Bob B will always push whatever the right wing propaganda machine tells him to push.
As with most of what you say, that is complete BS.

The left and right both behave the same way when it comes to such things.

I don't think I have agreed with or disagreed with anything he has said. But I do understand that you've been reduced to making stuff up.. a sign of desperation.


I'm sure I do have a reputation for ignoring your "made up facts" that have their origins coming from websites like "conspiracy morons R' Us dot com"

You know what's interesting, you don't have your own opinions because you don't have an education. Your opinions are handed to you. A literal case of "When they want your opinion, they'll give it to you" Want proof? That's easy... your opinions are all aligned with the conservative right wing folks... a very simple pattern to recognize, but one that can't be found without watching your postings over time.

Every one of your opinions is nothing but right wing garbage given to you.. and you don't have the education to know any better..

As for me on the other hand, I agree with the left about 40% of the time and with the right about 40%.. more or less.. sometimes it shifts depending on what propaganda each side spews forth and how much of it.

The smoking gun here is that your opinions always align with the conservative right wingers.. actually, that's not entirely fair.. Many conservative right wingers are reasonable people.. I should say "radical conservative alt-right wingers".. bunch of nut jobs.
I guarantee you I have done much more research into climate change than you have .... The problem is that all you want to do is present your condescending .... I know so much more than these people .... attitude. When the reality is that you know next to nothing about climate science.
My opinions aren't handed to me by anyone .... that's just another of your silly defense mechanisms.
I guarantee you I have done much more research into climate change than you have ....
Of course you have.. You didn't need to waste your money on going to college, you have the internet! Just think of all the money you saved making yourself so smart and knowledgeable.. Dang.. People in scientific disciplines (like me) wasted thousands of dollars of their hard earned money, and years of their life getting educated.. and we could have just used google like you.. what a bunch of fools we are.

The problem is that all you want to do is present your condescending .... I know so much more than these people .... attitude. When the reality is that you know next to nothing about climate science.
My opinions aren't handed to me by anyone .... that's just another of your silly defense mechanisms.
Then it's just a coincidence that YOUR opinions are always aligned with the right wing? That's one hell of a coincidence.
Of course you have.. You didn't need to waste your money on going to college, you have the internet! Just think of all the money you saved making yourself so smart and knowledgeable.. Dang.. People in scientific disciplines (like me) wasted thousands of dollars of their hard earned money, and years of their life getting educated.. and we could have just used google like you.. what a bunch of fools we are.

Then it's just a coincidence that YOUR opinions are always aligned with the right wing? That's one hell of a coincidence.
I did go to college .. moron. I just don't go around thinking other people are stupid like you do. For some reason, it is necessary for you to think everyone else is stupid so you can feel better about yourself.

I was in the top 10% of my class ... and when I was in the military I graduated 1st in my class in every electronic and computer class I took and even got letters of commendation for my achievements. When I got out of the military I did continuing education and had straight A's in everything I took.
I've probably lost more brain cells than you ever had.
It's just not necessary for me to think everyone else is stupid like it is for you. In my experience, that is only necessary for those who are intellectually challenged themselves.
I did go to college .. moron. I just don't go around thinking other people are stupid like you do. For some reason, it is necessary for you to think everyone else is stupid so you can feel better about yourself.
I don't think everyone is stupid, just most.. There are some really smart folks in these forums.. But per your statement, it means you're either one of them, or you lack experience if you think people are "generally smart". I assure you, most are not.

In fact, 50% of the country is below average.

I was in the top 10% of my class ... and when I was in the military I graduated 1st in my class in every electronic and computer class I took and even got letters of commendation for my achievements. When I got out of the military I did continuing education and had straight A's in everything I took.
I've probably lost more brain cells than you ever had.
It's just not necessary for me to think everyone else is stupid like it is for you. In my experience, that is only necessary for those who are intellectually challenged themselves.
Right.. it's just a coincidence that whatever the scientific consensus is, you take the opposite position with the radical right wing, and then throw in the conspiracy garbage for good measure.

Nope, you're not a conspiracy pushing pawn.. You're a highly educated virologist, immunologist and medical doctor with an opinion on the Covid virus and the associated vaccines. And now you're a highly educated climatologist with an opinion on global warming.. and both opinions go against what the actual professionals agree on.

Yup.. got it..
I don't think everyone is stupid, just most.. There are some really smart folks in these forums.. But per your statement, it means you're either one of them, or you lack experience if you think people are "generally smart". I assure you, most are not.

In fact, 50% of the country is below average.

Right.. it's just a coincidence that whatever the scientific consensus is, you take the opposite position with the radical right wing, and then throw in the conspiracy garbage for good measure.

Nope, you're not a conspiracy pushing pawn.. You're a highly educated virologist, immunologist and medical doctor with an opinion on the Covid virus and the associated vaccines. And now you're a highly educated climatologist with an opinion on global warming.. and both opinions go against what the actual professionals agree on.

Yup.. got it..
If you have been paying any attention at all to current events, you would have seen that most of what you tried have to call conspiracy theories is being proven to be true .... you probably still think that all the people bringing the truth to light should be censored.

I apologize to the others on this thread for side tracking it .... just got tired of Murphy's simple minded rhetoric. I'll go back to ignoring him.
Nope, you're not a conspiracy pushing pawn.. You're a highly educated virologist, immunologist and medical doctor with an opinion on the Covid virus and the associated vaccines. And now you're a highly educated climatologist with an opinion on global warming.. and both opinions go against what the actual professionals agree on.

Aren't you in the same boat? I mean, you also have opinions on the mRNA vaccines and climate change and I assume those opinions also come without the associated formal education, but rather based on your own self-study and experience.

Do you discount the knowledge you have gained since obtaining your engineering degree as worthless and invalid simply because it wasn't taught to you in a classroom?
Aren't you in the same boat? I mean, you also have opinions on the mRNA vaccines and climate change and I assume those opinions also come without the associated formal education, but rather based on your own self-study and experience.

Do you discount the knowledge you have gained since obtaining your engineering degree as worthless and invalid simply because it wasn't taught to you in a classroom?
I have no opinion on the vaccines other than what my own doctor(s) told me and my (near useless) personal experience. If someone asked me for an opinion, I would reference the expert opinions of the highly educated professionals. I have on many occasions directed others to "listen to their own doctor".

Climate change is a bit of a different animal in that regard, and for a couple of specific reasons. 1) My formal and very expensive education to become an electrical engineer involved a certain layer of physics, and I have a better understanding of physics than the average person. 2) As an amateur astronomy geek who studies astrophysics as a retirement hobby, I understand why atoms and molecules react to some wavelengths and ignore others. And lastly 3) I can read, understand, and comprehend much, but not all, of what I am reading within climate research papers. Just because people can read words does not mean they can comprehend what those words mean. Reading does not equate to understanding or comprehension.

None of that makes me a climate expert by any measure or stretch. Not even remotely close. Just because I can read the words does not make me an expert, and it does not put me in a position to make ridiculous conspiracy claims about the field of climate science or their findings.

I don't read about the science to argue with the experts or cast doubt upon them, I do it out of curiosity.

Now, if an engineer or some other expert claimed the utility meter on the side of their house is what caused cancer in their family, then game on...
Without years of formal education, I'm not arrogant enough to think I can understand virology, immunology, or the rest of the stuff involved in the covid fiasco. Oh sure, I can read the words like anyone else, but I won't comprehend what I'm reading.. It takes an intimate knowledge to understand that stuff.

And that's one of the problems we have today. Papers are published and people can read them.. what they don't realize is that just because they can read those words does not mean they understand the broader comprehension.
Or to put it in other words that might be better understood by some: "If they can read the paper, understand and comprehend the science, why aren't they a medical doctor, virologist, or immunologist" ?? And I think we both know the answer to that one.

These guys aren't here for solar discussions, nor are they interested in climate change or covid.. they're purpose is to cast doubt and spread misinformation, and they probably do it on several websites. They also do it in concert with each other if you didn't notice. They will have similar opinions on all controversies from 911 being an inside job, to stolen elections, climate change, covid, and anything else that is pushed by the propaganda machines. That is not a coincidence.

Read the books "Merchants of doubt" and "The death of expertise" and it will shed some light on it.
Aren't you in the same boat? I mean, you also have opinions on the mRNA vaccines and climate change and I assume those opinions also come without the associated formal education, but rather based on your own self-study and experience.

Do you discount the knowledge you have gained since obtaining your engineering degree as worthless and invalid simply because it wasn't taught to you in a classroom?
I hated college lecture classes where the professor gave us their version of the education vs what was in the expensive purchased required books, come test time you best enter the professor's lecture version vs the expensive book. I asked the professor why we were told to buy the books and got a shoulder shrug. I learned to get through some courses had to pretend like the professor was the boss and all had to do was get past them. History and English lit were the worse classes. I had a 4.0 gpa until met a history teacher which dropped me to 3.89 gpa. gotta say what they say........ don't open that book

Found out some Senior professors get paid to pick some of the required course-class books ..... for those college classes. Imagine that.
.. who really knows. Why would they make that confusing? I don't think the college that, Tesla came from even exist now. Would it be popular.
School via home study was real popular once upon a time. Lincoln home studied according to some sources. I read Gates didnt finish college. some ppl claim Tesla didn't finish while others say he did then some say it was honorary ... who really knows. Why would they make that confusing? I don't think the college that, Tesla came from even exist now. Would it be popular?. That is a serious doubling for questions.

College is a business .... why lot of college credits won't transfer... why classes have expiration dates and you must retake them after a period of time. Don't get a parking ticket or your grades and such will be with held. Transfers whatever.

sometimes we just run into college educated idiots.... so have to wonder why they are here.... on this forum.... notice the whine about groups of ppl? He and his friends kept everyone ran off this forum. acted and talked however they pleased like on leftist based twitter Now he is the victim...... Oldest trick in the World is run up .... punch someone then scream out in pain... everyone will think the victim did something to you. The Whine needs some cheese with it.

The permanence of book learning is always a reference... a base for the knowledge.... with lecture there is only professor so and so said.
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We've tried being nice for 30+ years.. We tried explaining the science. IT DOES NOT WORK.
Ridicule sure isn't going to work either, and as Bob points out, does you no favors. You say it does not work, and that's your opinion. The facts however don't support that, numerous studies have shown that disucssion is one of the best ways to resolve conflict [ref].

Just as you believe Bob is blindly following a certain party's rhetoric, how can you be sure you're not blindly following your own party's rhetoric to just discredit the other side? By following their dogma of shouting them down aren't you building walls rather than tearing them down?

The PR deception is also larger than this topic. You can see the same techniques being used wherever there is a strategy to separate us vs them. From Woke, to Covid, to name-your-issue. It's by uniting us against them that gives two sides power to the detriment of all.

You want the sleeper to awaken, I assure you ridiculing or shaming them isn't going to work. So, find a path to what you want and fight.

When you are nice to the propaganda pushers and the denial machinery, it just encourages it to continue.
I doubt anyone on the forums is secretly on the payroll of Hill of Knowlton. Occam's Razor points to your earlier explanation that powerful propaganda is being used to deceive people. Given that they are powerful forces, it's easy to see why some would think that way.

As to encouraging it to continue, isn't that a good thing? Keeping the discussion alive allows us to talk about the roots of why someone believes what they do and allows us to get to the underlying truth.

You think that by explaining and explaining more, by posting data, by trying convince these propaganda pawns, that you might be able to win them over or reason with them? It will never work, it has never worked..
I agree it has never worked in this thread, but my goal isn't to change their mind. Only they can do that. Also, I myself am proof that it has worked, people do change their opinions when they seriously look into the topic.

As a recent convert somewhat familiar with the arguments on both sides, what I hope is to be able to peel back some of the chicaneries. After all bamboozling people has been proven to work, so the pattern will repeat with the next issue unless the root causes are addressed. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...

For example, when Bob scoffed at the narrative change going from "global warming" to "climate change" as if it was evidence of a weak science I knew exactly what to cite because it wasn't all that long ago I scoffed in the same way. (If other readers missed it, it's not that global warming has ever gone away, it's that once it was proved beyond reasonable doubt the narrative naturally changed from is global warming real to what do we do about it ref).

Bob B will always push whatever the right wing propaganda machine tells him to push.
How many people are like Bob & myself that have been deceived? If you google for facts it's a quagmire and hard to separate fact from fiction.
You really have to dig in and be tenacious. Not everyone has that sort of time. What I hope is to be able to look at facts presented on both sides and get to the real truth. I even learn new things as I go.

How many people don't post but don't know who to trust and have heard the denier claims wondering if they can be true? Having an inviting forum for discussion allows people to ask questions safely so they can make their own decisions. But ridicule and trying to shout people down is the opposite. It makes people want to never return to the thread.
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I guarantee you I have done much more research into climate change than you have
The problem with the way you do "research" is that you follow only those arguments that agree with your position.

The first time I heard about global warming was over 50 years ago in school. The next time was 10 years later talking with guides who took people to hike glaciers around the world. Another one was when I was visiting the US and read a story about the Inuit needing to hunt further North. In every case I took it all with a grain of salt as there were other explanations possible.

About 20 years ago I was watching an argument between climate change deniers and climate scientists and the deniers dismissed every argument the scientists made as a conspiracy. I went to the library and did some research and now I ask the following three really simple questions.

  1. Is CO2 a greenhouse gas?
  2. Are we increasing the amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere?
  3. Does increasing CO2 in the atmosphere lead the earth retaining more energy (heat).
In order for some one to deny global warming is happening, you would have to answer "no" to at least one of these questions. Want to be the first climate change denier who disagrees with any of those three?
... I ask the following three really simple questions.
  1. Is CO2 a greenhouse gas?
  2. Are we increasing the amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere?
  3. Does increasing CO2 in the atmosphere lead the earth retaining more energy (heat).
In order for some one to deny global warming is happening, you would have to answer "no" to at least one of these questions. Want to be the first climate change denier who disagrees with any of those three?
I don't believe that's sufficient in itself, for example, CO2 has been in the atmosphere long before our contributions. The whole "it's natural" argument because CO2 varies is designed to hand-wave that away. Or, if you know a little more about GHGs you can say H2O is a far more impactful GHG and in far higher concentrations, CO2 is nothing in comparison; how come no one talks about that? That they don't talk about it isn't proof of course, it's more that hardly anyone asks. From my look at the NASA model, it is accounted for.

What started clinching the deal for me was the half-life of GHGs, the rate at which they were being produced, and the accuracy of the modeling (which I'd previously always assumed was ridiculously bad via statements like Florida will be under water by 2020 - never suspecting that those statements may have been generated by PR firms to get the media's attention, have real scientists explain why it wasn't true, and then use their proof to deny global warming, and encourage the belief that the debate was still raging).
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I don't believe that's sufficient in itself, for example, CO2 has been in the atmosphere long before our contributions.
You are right, but it is that start of having a reasoned debate. And the argument that CO2 has been in the atmosphere (at various concentrations), before our contributions is correct. The current levels of CO2 is one of the reasons the average temperature on earth is warmer than on the moon. So if you wanted to argue that CO2 is not the only trigger, you would be right, but you would be ignoring the fundamental argument that (withou changing anything else) increasing CO2 does increase the heat retention.

What started clinching the deal for me was the half-life of GHGs and the accuracy of the modeling (which I'd previously always assumed was ridiculously bad via statements like Florida will be under water by 2020 - never suspecting that those statements may have been generated by PR firms to get the media's attention).
We all have different things that trigger a change of thinking. I tend to lean towards the majority opinion of the scientists, not because they are always right, but because they are more likely to be right. They spend way more time on the subject and have access to information that is difficult for me to comprehend in depth. People might argue that scientist can and do make mistakes, but it is a big leap from "individual scientists making mistakes", to "all scientists are part of a fast conspiracy".

I am a born skeptic (it is a curse) and naturally started out looking into the arguments as a skeptic, but like every self respecting skeptic, I looked at the arguments for and against. If there are convincing arguments, evidence, I will change my opinion. For the last 15 years I have become less concerned about global warming, I came to the conclusion that the switch to solar and wind will largely be driven by economics and while politicians will not be able to prevent the transition, they can make the transition less painful.

Love your post btw, they are well thought out.
Some good examples there of the law of unintended consequences ..... and examples of the folly of focusing only on CO2.
A virtual global shutdown should have been a dream come true for the climate ... but had the opposite effect.
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Some good examples there of the law of unintended consequences ..... and examples of the folly of focusing only on CO2.
A virtual global shutdown should have been a dream come true for the climate ... but had the opposite effect.
Basically taken right from google.... the science is confused and bewildered and Al Gore was wrong.

Soylent Green
Basically taken right from google.... the science is confused and bewildered and Al Gore was wrong.

Soylent Green
Well .... the hysteria over climate change has obviously worked on some people. Al gore would be proud.

You know it's getting REALLY bad when AOC sounds like the voice of reason.
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Basically taken right from google.... the science is confused and bewildered and Al Gore was wrong.

Soylent Green
That is why you should go to the actual scientists for information, as there are nutters everywhere.

diy solar

diy solar