diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

PLEASE do NOT try this because you are dead wrong here! YOU WILL DIE.

Reduction of CO/CX does NOT mean elimination. Suicide/Accidental Death is still quite common by running internal combustion engines in confined/non-vented spaces.

I own a shop/garage and we have been extensively educated in, and installed mitigation equipment for, tailpipe emissions.

This is real world science, it's factual, and accurate, so PLEASE do NOT try to prove something that's patently false, you WILL DIE.

Your agenda propaganda won't protect you from real world consequences, so PLEASE do NOT try this in the real world, keep it to internet entertainment arguments...

Not with modern vehicles.

If you have emissions test equipment go head and hook your bench up to a newer car and let us know what percentage of the exhaust gas is carbon monoxide, then do the same with your Corn stove.

Then let's talk.
Not with modern vehicles.

If you have emissions test equipment go head and hook your bench up to a newer car and let us know what percentage of the exhaust gas is carbon monoxide, then do the same with your Corn stove.

Then let's talk.
If you put a current car in a sealed garage you would die if left in long enough ALL ICE engines output gasses period. Of course when the ICE uses up all the 02 the point becomes mute.
If you did the same with a pellet stove it would happen faster.
If you put a current car in a sealed garage you would die if left in long enough ALL ICE engines output gasses period. Of course when the ICE uses up all the 02 the point becomes mute.
If you did the same with a pellet stove it would happen faster.

You will NOT get carbon monoxide poisoning from a modern vehicle exhaust.
You guys gotta listen to this podcast. Pure gold, shows how ridiculous these agendas really are


Just a top draft, recirculating heat fire box does a lot.
Rarely ever see the modern versions belch smoke because the combustion is so much more efficient and complete... And we don't burn coal anymore.

When my fire box burns out, and it will, I'll have a catalyst version installed...

No, it's the other way around. We know the "old" way can't work anymore. Not adapting to change is what's dangerous.

Rather than not try anything or saying it's bad, the onus is to use the lessons from the past to find new solutions as we move forward into new and more sustainable ways of doing things.

WAY too many humans in the biosphere to not think it through anymore...

The oil that's left is deep, dirty and expensive,
Coal is deep, dirty, expensive AND DANGEROUS to extract,

All the shallow, and less polluting is gone... no one digs oil wells by hand anymore, or scoops up oil from surface seeps... collects coal where it washed out of a hillside somewhere.

Coal/petrolium is dying an economic death.
Both solar and wind surpass coal in economic viability already.

Between extraction costs, transportation costs for both the fuel and the waste products, clean up costs (finally!), it's being surpassed by solar/wind quite handily.

Solar/wind is about even with methane on average, and in some markets surpasses it.
Pipeline transportation (less costly transportation) and no way to accurately assess/fine/force clean up by polluters is the reason gas is so prevalent in energy production.

Big energy has always relied on privatizing profits, and socializing cost/cleanup, environmental damage.

When it comes time for reclaimation/clean up they say 'We're bankrupt, but thanks for all the billions of dollars" and laugh all the way to the bank...

The American public in particular are so brainwashed they believe energy conservation is a communist plot.

They fought energy efficient anything, from appliances, to insulation standards, to thermal windows and doors not realizing those things ment they spent less for the next 50 years, money that stayed in their pockets...

Mileage standards ment less trips to the fuel pumps for the fuel they complain about the prices at!

I'm hesitant to say 'Saved', since the money you don't spend doesn't actually get saved, you just spend less... no guarantee it winds up in investments or savings.
It's another one of those big lies/social engineering tactics that get by the biggest part of Americans to say you 'Save' whatever amount.
If you put a current car in a sealed garage you would die if left in long enough ALL ICE engines output gasses period. Of course when the ICE uses up all the 02 the point becomes mute.
If you did the same with a pellet stove it would happen faster.


It's so ubiquitous and widely known I just can't believe this guy isn't handicapped in some way since he keeps repeating it no matter how many times people refute it, or am I missing something?...

It's so ubiquitous and widely known I just can't believe this guy isn't handicapped in some way since he keeps repeating it no matter how many times people refute it, or am I missing something?...

You will not suffer co poisoning from modern vehicle exhaust.

If you have evidence otherwise, present it.

Your corn stove exhaust will kill you in short order though.
Not with modern vehicles.

If you have emissions test equipment go head and hook your bench up to a newer car and let us know what percentage of the exhaust gas is carbon monoxide, then do the same with your Corn stove.

Then let's talk.

Um, you missed the part about owning a shop, we tune in part by tail pipe emissions, so I'm VERY aware what comes out of the tail pipe of modern, or older vehicles.

So let's talk...

I can unequivocally confirm YOU WILL DIE if you try what you are suggesting.

I can unequivocally confirm you will absorb, breathe, etc many more cancer causing, irritants, etc chemicals from gasoline or diesel than from organic fuel stoves.

While organic fuel exhaust is THROUGHLY researched, the chemicals in fuel are NOT.

They are considered propritary trade secrets and therefore not widely available for research.

They also are too new for longterm research, effects.

What I do know is we get CONSTANT notices about NOT allowing fuel/additives to touch skin, be breathed in because of new research about neurological damage, organ damage, reproductive tract damage (birth defects and infertility), auto-immune disorders, links to cancer, etc.

I've never got a notice about, or seen anything written about, wood or corn being a threat to my immune system, nervous system, reproductive system, etc.

I could go on about how your viewpoint is diametrically opposed to any science, but at this point I strongly suspect you are devlopmentaly handicapped and I don't beat on people that don't have the capacity to absorb information.

Just PLEASE, don't drink fossil fuels (or bleach), do NOT lock yourself in with a running vehicle to prove this idea you have. It will NOT turn out like you expect.
Smoke forms when wood or other organic matter burns. The smoke from wood burning is made up of a complex mixture of gases and fine particles (also called particle pollution, particulate matter, or PM). In addition to particle pollution, wood smoke contains several toxic air pollutants including The following links exit the site

The more efficiently you burn wood (e.g., using an EPA-certified wood stove and dry, seasoned wood) the less smoke is created.
You will NOT get carbon monoxide poisoning from a modern vehicle exhaust.

Patently false and an absloute lie, as many have pointed out...

The entire day wasted by everyone trying to set this guy straight.

He's either an oil company shill or developmentally disabled, and I can't take anymore.

Yet another person blocked...
Patently false and an absloute lie, as many have pointed out...

The entire day wasted by everyone trying to set this guy straight.

He's either an oil company shill or developmentally disabled, and I can't take anymore.

Yet another person blocked...

Post information showing otherwise.

A car driven through Los Angeles actually cleans the air as it drives.
Patently false and an absloute lie, as many have pointed out...

The entire day wasted by everyone trying to set this guy straight.

He's either an oil company shill or developmentally disabled, and I can't take anymore.

Yet another person blocked...
Yeah, you blocked me too and I agree with 95% of everything you've said in this forum, and that other 5% are minor differences subject to perspective.

I think you blocked the wrong person or misread a post. Might want to try to block the right one this time.
Yeah, you blocked me too and I agree with 95% of everything you've said in this forum, and that other 5% are minor differences subject to perspective.

I think you blocked the wrong person or misread a post. Might want to try to block the right one this time.

According to you and Jeep bro,

We should convert our indoor forklifts to run off wood pellet fuel and corn instead of propane.

According to you guys, are quality will increase because the fuel they are running off of is carbon neutral (so long as you don't count all the fertilizer used on the corn).
CO2 is not a pollutant.
Pollutant: a substance that pollutes something, especially water or the atmosphere. We already established that adding CO2 to the atmosphere is harmful.

We vent natural gas heater exhaust directly into the green house to help plants grow.
Adding CO2 is only beneficial when we add other chemical fertilizers.

We also deliberately put it into soda pop for better taste.
True, same for beer.

Probably better to label it as a byproduct that must be dealt with rather than something evil that must be eliminated.
It is a harmful byproduct in the quantities we dump it into the atmosphere, but as long as you agree it should be dealt with, I don't care what you call it.
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This is whats coming if we keep believing this bs...

"“If it is proven that the grid could be overloaded, the distribution grid operator has the right to reduce the power,” said Klaus Müller, head of the Federal Network Agency in an interview with BR24. In other words, if it’s January and -10°C outside, your heat pump may be remotely switched off. Have blankets ready."


CO2 is Pollutant
CO2 does not contribute to smog formation.
CO2 is a GHG as defined by the EPA, and the thread is about climate change; not smog.

Not that I'm against natural gas, it can be made renewably too. ;)

Can CO Kill you?
You will NOT get carbon monoxide poisoning from a modern vehicle exhaust.
CO detectors go off around 30 ppm and last year hundreds of people died from CO poisoning (usually furnace-related).

Note that CO is also produced from burning natural gas (or pretty much anything) and with improper settings can probably produce more than a pellet stove. But most of those that died from furnace problems last year, they were burning natural gas.

Running a Car in your home can kill you
Post information showing [it's a bad idea]
Easy peasy, let's bring out the math...

As the earlier reference showed, a catalytic converter reduces it from 30,000 ppm to 1,000 ppm.

That's 1000 ppm in the exhaust, which is then diluted into the room. The ratio is linear, so let a cubic foot of exhaust expand to two cubic feet and each cubic foot has 5000 ppm. Double the engine running time and 5,000 ppm goes to 10,000 ppm in those two cubic feet.

So a 10x10x8 sealed room has 800 cubic feet, so the first cubic foot of exhaust is 10,000/800 which makes the room concentration 12.5 ppm. The second cubic foot of exhaust doubles that, making it 25 ppm. The third cubic foot of exhaust makes the CO detector go off. In practice, as the car consumed the oxygen in the room, the car would even produce more CO.

Houses aren't sealed of course, but how quickly the CO builds up depends on the air tightness. For example, a Passivhaus design limits fresh air exchange much lower than a normal house. So, I'd certainly never say it can't happen, nothing is fool-proof.

Not to mention all the other chemical additives in the fuel (antiknock agents, fuel dyes, metal deactivators, corrosion inhibitors) that you'd be breathing in. Just a really really bad idea despite the point you're trying to make. Let's be adults and not give kids stupid ideas.

Driving Cars does not Clean the Air
A car driven through Los Angeles actually cleans the air as it drives.
Nope. That's an old wive's tale which you'd realize if you thought about it.

Let's take the above example at 30 ppm. The catalytic converter converts at 30:1. So, if the current concentration were 30 ppm then the catalytic converter would burn 30:1, so the exhaust would have 1000 + 1 ppm. In the actual atmosphere, the ppm is far lower (parts per billion) and less would be converted. So, as cars motor down LA freeway, they leave the air dirtier than they found it, and it's a sight to behold when flying into LAX.
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Thanks for sharing that, has a timeline been set? It does make sense to ban them from big inner cities where the concentration of vehicles creates a pollution problem.
I believe Copenhagen has set a deadline for 2030 on all ICE cars, but to be fair I am not keeping track of what the cities do, I prefer a EU wide deal.

AFAIK, here ICE vehicles will stop being available for sale, but folks will be able to drive them. California has the date set for 2035, and the Feds have said 2050 is when they expect all ICE to be replaced (but that's a goal and not codified AFAIK). Not sure we'll make that at the pace we're following.
The way things are looking, it is just manufacturing that needs to scale up. Which is why I am not too worried about global warming. Having clear mandates will help to guide the market even as existing industry pushes back hard. But have a look at Sandy Munroe's take on auto manufacturers.
All of which are present at greater levels in Wood and Pellet corn smoke by a large factor.
Wood and corn pellet stoves are fine out in the country where homes are large distances apart. But in cities and even small towns, they should be banned.

Might want to consider building codes to require new homes to have solar on the roof and (ground source) heat pumps installed.
Wood and corn pellet stoves are fine out in the country where homes are large distances apart. But in cities and even small towns, they should be banned.
Too restrictive in my opinion. I'd say only those that can't meet an emission standard for the property zone should be banned. That leaves the door open for technological improvements.
Too restrictive in my opinion. I'd say only those that can't meet an emission standard for the property zone should be banned. That leaves the door open for technological improvements.
Sure, rules on emissions would certainly be an option. I can also envisage situations where the choice is freezing or pollution in the case of a temporary power outage is a valid exception.

But I was invited for dinner in a small town where a few homes had coal fired heating. Under most circumstances this wasn't a big problem, but that night temperature inversion, combined with the smoke was something I really do not ever want to experience again. For stationary systems in certain locations, a ban is certainly warranted. Again with possible exceptions.
CO2 is Pollutant

CO2 is a GHG as defined by the EPA, and the thread is about climate change; not smog.

Not that I'm against natural gas, it can be made renewably too. ;)

Can CO Kill you?

CO detectors go off around 30 ppm and last year hundreds of people died from CO poisoning (usually furnace-related).

Note that CO is also produced from burning natural gas (or pretty much anything) and with improper settings can probably produce more than a pellet stove. But most of those that died from furnace problems last year, they were burning natural gas.

Running a Car in your home can kill you

Easy peasy, let's bring out the math...

As the earlier reference showed, a catalytic converter reduces it from 30,000 ppm to 1,000 ppm.

That's 1000 ppm in the exhaust, which is then diluted into the room. The ratio is linear, so let a cubic foot of exhaust expand to two cubic feet and each cubic foot has 5000 ppm. Double the engine running time and 5,000 ppm goes to 10,000 ppm in those two cubic feet.

So a 10x10x8 sealed room has 800 cubic feet, so the first cubic foot of exhaust is 10,000/800 which makes the room concentration 12.5 ppm. The second cubic foot of exhaust doubles that, making it 25 ppm. The third cubic foot of exhaust makes the CO detector go off. In practice, as the car consumed the oxygen in the room, the car would even produce more CO.

Houses aren't sealed of course, but how quickly the CO builds up depends on the air tightness. For example, a Passivhaus design limits fresh air exchange much lower than a normal house. So, I'd certainly never say it can't happen, nothing is fool-proof.

Not to mention all the other chemical additives in the fuel (antiknock agents, fuel dyes, metal deactivators, corrosion inhibitors) that you'd be breathing in. Just a really really bad idea despite the point you're trying to make. Let's be adults and not give kids stupid ideas.

Driving Cars does not Clean the Air

Nope. That's an old wive's tale which you'd realize if you thought about it.

Let's take the above example at 30 ppm. The catalytic converter converts at 30:1. So, if the current concentration were 30 ppm then the catalytic converter would burn 30:1, so the exhaust would have 1000 + 1 ppm. In the actual atmosphere, the ppm is far lower (parts per billion) and less would be converted. So, as cars motor down LA freeway, they leave the air dirtier than they found it, and it's a sight to behold when flying into LAX.
They clean the air from more dirty sources of combustion.

Aircraft, food prep, industrial output.

And the pollutants that form as part of smog.
Wood and corn pellet stoves are fine out in the country where homes are large distances apart. But in cities and even small towns, they should be banned.

Might want to consider building codes to require new homes to have solar on the roof and (ground source) heat pumps installed.

They are in many jurisdictions.

Ground source isn't practical for many. Solar panels are ok. They just need to get the cost down even further...

Or as discussed earlier, Solar siding and roofing (They already kinda have) so that instead of siding, your Solar siding is the siding which helps to reduce some of the cost.
Sure, rules on emissions would certainly be an option. I can also envisage situations where the choice is freezing or pollution in the case of a temporary power outage is a valid exception.

But I was invited for dinner in a small town where a few homes had coal fired heating. Under most circumstances this wasn't a big problem, but that night temperature inversion, combined with the smoke was something I really do not ever want to experience again. For stationary systems in certain locations, a ban is certainly warranted. Again with possible exceptions.

Untreated coal exhaust is nasty.

diy solar

diy solar