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diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

Idiots use a power source, created by science, to turn on a device, created by science, to connect to a network, created by science, to then log onto a website, also created by science, to then proclaim they don't believe the science.
And when these idiots need medical attention, they run to the nearest hospital and beg the doctors to use all their science to save them.. that is, the science they don't believe.
Idiots use a power source, created by science, to turn on a device, created by science, to connect to a network, created by science, to then log onto a website, also created by science, to then proclaim they don't believe the science.
And when these idiots need medical attention, they run to the nearest hospital and beg the doctors to use all their science to save them.. that is, the science they don't believe.

Science is a process, not a deity

Cruz chides NASA​

7 months ago...
DoD, GSA, and NASA issued a proposed rule on November 14, 2022, proposing to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement a requirement to ensure certain Federal contractors disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related financial risk ref

Sen. Ted Cruz from Texas, a senior member of the Senate Commerce Committee, and Sen. Eric Schmitt from Missouri, another senior member of the committee’s space wing, voiced concerns that NASA is advancing the "woke" agenda ... and could threaten the rare bipartisan support that NASA receives in Congress.

"I do worry sometimes that we may be losing focus on what makes America the preeminent spacefaring nation," Sen. Cruz told NASA Administrator Bill Nelson during a budget hearing on Tuesday (May 16), according to Space News' Jeff Foust.

Given climate change is real, I don't see it as being political... more like common sense. The problem seems to stem from Cruz's beliefs, since climate change isn't real then NASA must have an agenda:
Cruz believes that carbon dioxide (CO2) "is good for plant life," that the planet "is greener right now" than in the past, and that "for significant periods in history, prior to the industrial revolution, there has been markedly more CO2 in our atmosphere that could not have come from the burning of fossil fuels." He also believes that "for the past 18 years … there has been no significant warming whatsoever" and that the current computer models used to understand global climate trends "are profoundly wrong … and inconsistent with the evidence and the data." ref

Is America still the preeminent spacefaring nation?
I asked bing chat:
... it seems that the United States is still considered the preeminent spacefaring nation. The US has the most powerful economy in the world and is considered the richest nation on Earth. The US has been working on maintaining its position as the preeminent spacefaring nation by staying ahead of rising space powers such as China. The American Space Renaissance Act was introduced (2016) to ensure that America remains the preeminent spacefaring nation.
If you recall, that bill did not succeed... it was killed in subcommittee.
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Science is a process, not a deity

It isn't a deity yet...

In the future, science will most likely be capable of reading, recording, and reproducing every quantum state in your body.. And for those who fall a bit short on the subject, that means we can beam you up, beam you down, and make or store a copy of you. In other words, it will essentially make you immortal.

A copy of a person could be loaded on a flash drive, then sent on a long space mission to another star system where they will be recreated just as you were when the record was created.. Tens of thousands of years could pass and to you, it would be like waking up the next morning.

Science fiction at this point.. but so was supersonic travel, nuclear power, and world wide instant communications just a hundred years ago.
It isn't a deity yet...

In the future, science will most likely be capable of reading, recording, and reproducing every quantum state in your body.. And for those who fall a bit short on the subject, that means we can beam you up, beam you down, and make or store a copy of you. In other words, it will essentially make you immortal.

A copy of a person could be loaded on a flash drive, then sent on a long space mission to another star system where they will be recreated just as you were when the record was created.. Tens of thousands of years could pass and to you, it would be like waking up the next morning.

Science fiction at this point.. but so was supersonic travel, nuclear power, and world wide instant communications just a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago was 1923, not 1700.
A hundred years ago was 1923, not 1700.
And your point is?

Oh.. Oh oh.. I just figured out what your point is....... Oh man.. I'm laughing so hard I can't even hold my drink...

Dude, that's sad.. I can't even tell you how sad that is.

Seriously, your only escape from that utterly ignorant comment is to admit you're a child (that would be excusable), because if you're an adult, there are just no words.

You think supersonic travel, nuclear power and world wide instant coms were available BEFORE 1923? There's a laughing duck award waiting for you.
And your point is?

Oh.. Oh oh.. I just figured out what your point is....... Oh man.. I'm laughing so hard I can't even hold my drink...

Dude, that's sad.. I can't even tell you how sad that is.

Seriously, your only escape from that utterly ignorant comment is to admit you're a child (that would be excusable), because if you're an adult, there are just no words.

You think supersonic travel, nuclear power and world wide instant coms were available BEFORE 1923? There's a laughing duck award waiting for you.

Science fiction is claiming you'll be able to upload yourself onto a computer chip

The 3 examples above existed and were studied. They knew bullets went faster than sound. They were studying radio waves and knew they would be able to send messages long distance via the air.

Science fiction is claiming you'll be able to upload yourself onto a computer chip

The 3 examples above existed and were studied. They knew bullets went faster than sound. They were studying radio waves and knew they would be able to send messages long distance via the air.
You really are a dumbass... some kind of mental illness.
Science is a process, not a deity

That's another total fail of 6th grade science class...

'Deity' is a 'Belief' people hang onto despite all evidence to the contrary, and lack of evidence to support the deity theory.

Probably because they were programmed so young, or they want to be included in something, anything, for the feeling of belonging. I don't know which, I only had two years of psychology...

Correctly, Science is a process. It updates when new information comes along.
This requires continuing interest/education to keep up...

It's MUCH easier for the lazy to 'Believe' a deity "Wants it that way" than to exercise their brain a little.

As for the pro-life/death penalty example above, the answers show a remarkable lack of education/understanding... and a bunch of that good old entitlement/arrogance Americans have.

I was in the U.S. Marines for 16 years, I saw first hand women, childern, old men being victims of genocide, being executed simply for being the 'Wrong' color, the 'Wrong' religion, the 'Wrong' tribe, the 'Wrong' place or time...

Why do you assume those being executed are criminals? It was perfectly legal under current law where ever it was happening, and encouraged...

Maybe they should travel the world a little, or even read the bible...

Christians are supposed to kill anyone that mixes fabrics, doesn't grow the four corners of their beards according to the bible, or is the bible wrong?

Is Leviticus 19:27 wrong?

... Or is there going to be some big RATIONALIZATATION how you can be a 'Christian' and not grow the 4 corners of your beard?

How about Deuteronomy, mixing two kinds of fabric, planting two kinds of seed?

Is the bible wrong or are the christians going to pop up with some big RATIONALIZATION why they don't have to suffer bibical law repercussions?

Life is full of those big, juicy DELUSIONAL RATIONALIZATIONS that let people get away with diametrically opposed, mutually exclusive ideas/concepts...

But now we will hear from ones that don't want to accept this factoid of life and make MORE big, juicy rationalizations/mental backflips trying to avoid that fact.
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Bad example.
Yeah no kidding. One life is pure innocence and the other has a long track record of criminal behavior and murder.

Perfect example for a couple of reasons...

First, you ASSUME an execution is someone that is a criminal...

ASS.U.ME ASS out of U and ME.

I've been places people were executed, LEGALLY, and encouraged, because of skin color, heritage, religion, politics, etc. Old men, women, childern, babies...

HOW EXACTLY does that play into your delusion of guilt or innocence?

I spent 16 years in the U.S. Marines. No one deploys the Marines because everything is going perfectly and there is a big party going on...

In the Bosnian/Herzegovina, Croatia/Serbian genocide, bonuses were paid for the execution of women they called 'Breeders' and childern they called 'Rats'.

How EXACTLY does this fit into your neat little RATIONALIZATION box about guilt or innocence?

How about the Hutu/Tutsi genocide, just ONE of many in recent Africa/Middle East.

By your RATIONALIZATION every person executed by the NAZIs was a 'criminals' since only criminals get executed? Allied POWs were criminals? How about the childern & babies?

How about the indigenous in Vietnam or Cambodia genocides? POW executions, all those were 'Criminals' in your carefully constructed delusion of 'guilt or innocence'?

That's just RECENT history, and just a FEW examples thst disprove your 'Guilt or Innocence' differiental delusion.

So that's the first reason summed up, entitlement from you nice comfortable spot typing away half thought out ideas that simply aren't facts in life...

Now it's time for the BIG, JUICY RATIONALIZATION, mental back-flip saying some serial killer caught in the act... blah, blah, blah...

Which is more common, a court trial, appeals for 10, 20 or even 30 years, then ONE person getting executed, or the MILLIONS executed in genocides without trial of any kind, just wrong time, wrong place...

Between ASSUMPTIONS and ENTITLMENT, and complete disconnect with what is actually happening in the world, what's ALWAYS happened in the world between humans, you have the audacity to proclaim the facts aren't the facts, and YOU ALONE know what's really happening, and how dare us not believe YOU...

Now, the logical people get to watch the delusional thinking process in action as someone, probably several, will try to rationalize this factoid of human existence...

The most dangerous thing in existence is a bad idea. Weapons are just tools, and they can be disassembled/recycled, they take humans with bad ideas to operate.

Its the bad idea itself, and delusional rationalization to make it spread...

The fact that so many reject the idea bad ideas/delusional rationalizations exist should tell you there is something fundamentally screwed up about humans...

If you realize and accept this, you might just take a second and question what *YOU THINK* might be false, or a mistake...

I don't have the answers, never said I did. I'm pointing out the irrational things humans do then come up with some big, juicy RATIONALIZATION to confuse the issues/actions further...
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As for the pro-life/death penalty example above, the answers show a remarkable lack of education/understanding

Example of irrational thought:

The belief that climate change is primarily the result of human activity because the increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere correlates with industrial growth and emissions, while at the same time dismissing the possibility that the COVID virus was the result of a lab leak despite the fact that the first reported cases were near a Chinese lab doing gain of function research on coronaviruses and with reportedly questionable safety practices, as reported by workers at the lab. These are correlations and you cannot logically accept one and not the other as being possible and/or likely.

As to the pro-life vs death penalty issue - I am not sure how you define pro-life but my feeling is this; abortion for convenience should be limited to the first trimester. After that, abortion should no longer be allowed for convenience but should be allowed at any time there is a threat to the health of the mother or fetus, or a serious deformation or condition that would greatly affect quality of life for either mother or fetus.

I am a believer in the death penalty for heinous crimes when guilt is established with the highest possible level of certainty. Anyone who would shoot an intruder in their home or someone attacking a family member also believes in the death penalty.

This is my last off-topic comment in this thread and I won't respond to replies. I suggest you start a new thread to discuss "the science" where the conversation can wander anywhere you want it to and we can all enjoy insulting each other.

Beyond that, I thank @svetz for starting this thread. I gave me the incentive to do some further reading on the original topic and has changed my understanding and beliefs with regard to human impact on climate change.
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Example of irrational thought:

The belief that climate change is primarily the result of human activity because the increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere correlates with industrial growth and happening.

Irrefutable proof carbon/green house gas release during the industral revolution and beyond from several sources, from trees that captured carbon to ice cores.
Actual science.

... while at the same time dismissing the possibility that the COVID virus was the result of a lab leak despite the fact that the first reported cases were near a Chinese lab doing gain of function research on coronaviruses and with reportedly questionable safety practices, as reported by workers at the lab.

I DO NOT rule it out, entirely possible.

What I said was, there was no SCIENCE to support immedatly going to a lab leak when actual science/virologists had been tracking the SARS/MERSA/COVID virus and waring of another mutation for over 20 years. The previous generations of the virus appeared in the Middle East first, then migrated everywhere else.

It was jumping to conspiracy theories with no scientific proof that I was pointing out.

I question information that comes out as FACT afterwards since that can very much be engineered to support a theory or actual fact.

When you point out the 1918 'Spanish Flu' probably stated around 1880s/1900 in Kansas/Arkansas area in pigs, jumped to humans, then mutated into a deadly strain, Americans loose their crap!

Although 'Hog Fever' was commonly diagnosed in that area, and hog farmers knew it could jump to humans, about the same time frame, and samples were genetically linked to 'Spanish Flu' victim samples in 1999, for some reason Americans 'Believe' a pandemic can't originate in America...

Another one of those 'Beliefs' science doesn't agree with... but they are perfectly willing to believe China was not only the origin of COVID, but that it was an intentional release...

As to the pro-life vs death penalty issue - I am not sure how you define pro-life but my feeling is this; abortion for convenience should be limited to the first trimester.

Your personal belief, and you are welcome to it, I actually encourage you to take a reasonable position on a MEDICAL issue.

Personally, I think 28 weeks should be the tipping point where abortion for convince should stop. Past 28 weeks the fetus becomes viable due to surfactant production in the lungs.

EXTRADORDNARY MEDICAL INTERVENTION is the standard on every other MEDICAL decision... And surfactant production and delivery is extradnoary, to the point of severe hypoxic brain damage and organ damage since its so difficult to do in infants.

The fetus has a good chance of surviving without dramatic/extraordinary medical intervention. Fully formed everything, circulatory system can be self supporting, and the lungs have surfactant so they can stay inflated, oxygen can reach the brain and other organs.

But that's my personal threshold... I'm not an anti-abortion supporter. Medical decisions should be left to medical professionals. No sense in wasting a fetus that can survive and be fully functional past 28 weeks either...

After that, abortion should no longer be allowed for convenience but should be allowed at any time there is a threat to the health of the mother or fetus, or a serious deformation or condition that would greatly affect quality of life for either mother or fetus.

In my opinion... for what it's worth...
That's well through through, point well made, and it's very reasonable.

I am a believer in the death penalty for heinous crimes when guilt is established with the highest possible level of certainty.

I don't necessarily disagree. I simply pointed out there are a crap ton of places that DO NOT belive in a judicial process, and it's legal to 'Execute' (death penality) for simply existing outside of some homicidal maniacs idea of what is or isn't allowable.

The U.S. isn't the only place in the world, it's not the center of the universe, and a LOT of people are simply ignorant, or willfully stupid of that fact.

Anyone who would shoot an intruder in their home or someone attacking a family member also believes in the death penalty.

You left out military on the battle field or police in the line of duty. With your statements I'm positive that was just an oversight.

I haven't the slightest problem with that, I'm not a 'Pro Lifer' for life's sake. I was just pointing out the hyprocacy and rationalizations of the 'Pro-Life'/'Pro-Death Penelaty' Bunch they don't even realize the two are mutually exclusive.

This is my last off-topic comment in this thread and I won't respond to replies.

My argument isn't with you, sir. It wasn't directed AT YOU. It simply points out the rationalizations that exist between mutually exclusive ideas that somehow coexist in humans.

I suggest you start a new thread to discuss "the science" where the conversation can wander anywhere you want it to and we can all enjoy insulting each other.

As much as the 10 year-old in me enjoys a good insult, I was attempting to make a point about the disconnect between science, accepted facts, and some of the conflicting ideas that coexist in people's heads.

If you think I insulted YOU, I apologize for that. You don't seem to be the target of most of that hypocrisy.

Beyond that, I thank @svetz for starting this thread. I gave me the incentive to do some further reading on the original topic and has changed my understanding and beliefs with regard to human impact on climate change.

Well done! Good finish...
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Manmade climate change is scam and hoax.
The real problem is pollution, that noone seems to really care about (as it doesnt suit the control narrative).

I have mixed feelings about RFK Jr, but at least with this he is 100% spot on (as is his take on vaxxines, that is also 100% spot on)

RFK Jr.: The climate issues and pollution issues are being exploited by the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates and all of these big Mega billionaires the same way that COVID was exploited. To use it as an excuse to clamp down — top-down totalitarian controls on society and to then to give us engineering solutions. And if you look closely as it turns out, the guys who are promoting those engineering solutions are the people who own the IPs, the patents for those solutions. It’s being used.

They’ve given climate chaos a bad name because people now see that it’s just another crisis that’s being used to strip mine the wealth of the poor and to enrich billionaires. I, for 40 years, have had the same policy on climate and engineering. You can go check my speeches from the 1980s, and I’ve said the most important solution for environmental issues is not top-down controls, it’s free market capitalism and what we have in this country now is not free market capitalism; it’s corporate crony capitalism. It’s capitalism, cushy, kind of socialism for the rich, and a brutal, barbaric merciless capitalism for the poor.”"
Example of irrational thought:

The belief that climate change is primarily the result of human activity because the increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere correlates with industrial growth and emissions
The evidence for CO2 being a greenhouse gas was discovered in the 1800's

while at the same time dismissing the possibility that the COVID virus was the result of a lab leak despite the fact that the first reported cases were near a Chinese lab doing gain of function research on coronaviruses and with reportedly questionable safety practices, as reported by workers at the lab.
You have to prove that a lab leak is responsible in a court of law, this is hard to do if the local government is obstructing. But innocent until proven guilty is how we operate in Western democracies.

These are correlations and you cannot logically accept one and not the other as being possible and/or likely.
They are illogical because that argument is a straw man.
And while we are at it, look at the costs to operate an average private jet that the parasite class that wants to rule over you are using all over the place (while they want to force you to freeze in your home in winter, eat bugs, and live in a 15 minute ghetto in a city)

$4000 per hour, just fuel!

And these parasites want to ban your ICE vehicle!
Manmade climate change is scam and hoax.

The rest of the far crazy right wing political rant clipped because... no point after the first statment above...

This one is going to the ignore/delete file. Whatever nugget of information he might cone up with about something relevant can't be gleaned from the enormous pile of crap oozing out of him...
Manmade climate change is scam and hoax.
Why do you think it is a "scam"?
Why do you think it is a "hoax"?
The real problem is pollution, that noone seems to really care about (as it doesnt suit the control narrative).
CO2 is pollution, it is literally dumping one of the waste products from burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere.

The Daily Sceptic is a far-right biased quackery level pseudoscience website that frequently publishes false and misleading information regarding covid-19 and science in general.

And while we are at it, look at the costs to operate an average private jet that the parasite class that wants to rule over you are using all over the place (while they want to force you to freeze in your home in winter, eat bugs, and live in a 15 minute ghetto in a city)

$4000 per hour, just fuel!

And these parasites want to ban your ICE vehicle!
ICE vehicles are going to be banned from inner cities in Europe because of air pollution and there will be cleaner alternatives available, not because of CO2 emissions, diesel is already being phased out.
Why do you think it is a "scam"?
Why do you think it is a "hoax"?

CO2 is pollution, it is literally dumping one of the waste products from burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere.

The Daily Sceptic is a far-right biased quackery level pseudoscience website that frequently publishes false and misleading information regarding covid-19 and science in general.

LEO... MIC DROP! Great job LEO!

30 seconds of google-fu dismantles psychotic rant that took 3 hours to write between spastic rage fits by writer...
The rest of the far crazy right wing political rant clipped because... no point after the first statment above...

This one is going to the ignore/delete file. Whatever nugget of information he might cone up with about something relevant can't be gleaned from the enormous pile of crap oozing out of him...

I can make the same about your incoherent mumbling. Especially your "the science is settled because experts" bs.

diy solar

diy solar