diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

Oh hush. You spend more time than anyone making huge, long posts.
I also type north of 75 words a minute.. That learned skill comes from writing long winded reports, explanations, and instruction manuals.

Government inspectors love long reports like children love candy.
One is based on science, the other is not.

Science.. you know.. the science you use to type your messages? The science you use to travel faster than a horse?

Science is a process, not a diety. You are referring to the scientific process as though it were a deity.

Complete with hell fire. (Global Warming)

Followed by death and eternal suffering unless you submit to the truth of the "science".
I also type north of 75 words a minute.. That learned skill comes from writing long winded reports, explanations, and instruction manuals.

Government inspectors love long reports like children love candy.

You're actually sitting at a keyboard typing????

The rest of us are on our phones.
  • Haha
Reactions: D71
You're actually sitting at a keyboard typing????

The rest of us are on our phones.
Yes, I use a keyboard.

I have an older style flip phone.

Why do you find that funny?
Science is a process, not a diety. You are referring to the scientific process as though it were a deity.
I am not and have not ever referred to science as anything but what it is. And if you interpret my wording as viewing science as a deity, then you might want to get out a dictionary and start looking up the meaning of words.

Complete with hell fire. (Global Warming)

Followed by death and eternal suffering unless you submit to the truth of the "science".
Its a bit strange that you think of things in terms of religious dogma so frequently. I would normally suspect its a bit of psychological projection.. either that or just a restricted capacity for rational thought and a lack of critical thinking skills.

Your statements conflict with each other.. First you say "Science is a process", then you say "submit to the truth of the science".

Maybe you should make up your mind?? If you're that conflicted, you should get it ironed out.

How do we know climate change is happening?

... explains what the greenhouse gas effect is and what it tells us about the impact of human emissions on the planet; how scientists know natural phenomena such as the sun or the El Niño cycle cannot explain climate change; and why humans are causing atmospheric CO2 to reach higher levels than at any point in the last several million years.

Oceans are turning greener

More than half of the world’s oceans have become greener in the past 20 years, probably because of global warming. The discovery... is surprising because scientists thought they would need many more years of data before they could spot signs of climate change in the colour of the oceans.

Chicago Underground is sinking

A new study finds Chicago has heated up an average of more than five-and-a-half degrees since the mid-20th century and underground structures are seeping heat, making the ground shift.
Opinion: Suspect it can't actually be linked to climate change and could probably be fixed with more ventilation.

China paralyzed its auto market with stricter car pollution rules

Opinion: China announced the rules 6 years ago and it doesn't sound like anyone thought the government was serious. Apparently, they are very serious and it's probably also why the Chinese EV companies (e.g., BYD) are doing so well. The rest might go under. It doesn't just affect Chinese companies, Detroit and EU manufacturers were also notified six years and it sounds like their cars won't be legal to sell either. Protecting U.S. jobs and dominance was probably also one of the reasons why the EPA was pushing tougher emission standards.
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How do we know climate change is happening?

Oceans are turning greener

Chicago Underground is sinking

Opinion: Suspect it can't actually be linked to climate change and could probably be fixed with more ventilation.

China paralyzed its auto market with stricter car pollution rules

Opinion: China announced the rules 6 years ago and it doesn't sound like anyone thought the government was serious. Apparently, they are very serious and it's probably also why the Chinese EV companies (e.g., BYD) are doing so well. The rest might go under. It doesn't just affect Chinese companies, Detroit and EU manufacturers were also notified six years and it sounds like their cars won't be legal to sell either. Protecting U.S. jobs and dominance was probably also why the EPA was pushing tougher emission standards (which is fought at every turn).

What do you mean?

Electric cars are waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy easier/ cheaper to build than gas cars.

CO2 Electrolysis​

In a new perspective published in Joule titled Barriers and Opportunities for the Deployment of CO2 Electrolysis in Net-Zero Emissions Energy Systems, NREL and collaborating authors holistically review the status of CO2 electrolysis technology and its potential to reduce carbon emissions in future energy systems.

NASA Finds June 2023 Hottest on Record

GISTEMP, NASA’s global temperature analysis, is drawn from data collected by weather stations and Antarctic research stations, as well as instruments mounted on ships and ocean buoys. NASA scientists at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York analyze these measurements to account for uncertainties in the data and to maintain consistent methods for calculating global average surface temperature differences for every year. These ground-based measurements of surface temperature are consistent with satellite data collected since 2002 by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder on NASA's Aqua satellite and with other estimates. NASA uses the period from 1951-1980 as a baseline to understand how global temperatures change over time.

Independent analyses by the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service and NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information likewise found June 2023 to be the warmest June in their records.

Turns out all we may need to stop climate change is 139 billion gallons of white paint

...The problem though, is we would need to cover at least 1% of the earth's surface with the paint...

Californians support Climate Agena

...a PPIC poll showed that Californians support ... the Legislature’s climate agenda and now say climate change is a top concern...
From the "Watch what they do, not what they say department"

Biden Climate czar John Kerry threw a tantrum Thursday during a House subcommittee hearing when a Republican lawmaker brought up his repeated use of private jets.

Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) told Kerry “I hope it wasn’t too problematic for your operational team and your private jet to get here.”

Kerry couldn’t let the comment go without a response.

“I just don’t agree with your facts, which began with the presentation of one of the most outrageously persistent lies that I hear, which is this private jet,” he shot back.

He then claimed “We don’t own a private jet. I don’t own a private jet. I personally have never owned a private jet. And obviously it’s pretty stupid to talk about coming in a private jet from the State Department up here. Honestly, if that’s where you want to go, go there.”

John Kerry: "We don't own a private jet. I don't own a private jet. I've personally have never owned a private jet. And, obviously, it's pretty stupid to talk about coming in a private jet from the State Department up here. Honestly, if that's where you want to go, go there!"
— CSPAN (@cspan) July 13, 2023
John Kerry's family private jet emitted over 300 metric tons of carbon since Biden took office
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 13, 2023

Wireless road technology demo​

blah blah car mileage.... Looks like flat motor setup.... how much does it cost to use this so-called wireless charging? Again this looks like a flat motor setup as a generator to recharge the batteries. The power is coming from somewhere - big box next to road so how much does it cost and how effective can it be per cost for this so-called wireless charging?

Are there any negative effects from this wireless transmission to the ppl? Or has that been ignored. Doctor says, "the operation was a success but unfortunately the patient died."
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Wireless charging at the megawatt scale will never happen because physics. Complete and utter bs.
Regarding bought and paid for mass media...

I am not a fan of Musk or Twitter (and i dont use it, in fact i dont use any of the social media with exception of random internet forums such as this one), but this clearly shows that there is absolutely no objectivity in any of the mass media, or the "fact checkers" that they use.
Regarding bought and paid for mass media...

I am not a fan of Musk or Twitter (and i dont use it, in fact i dont use any of the social media with exception of random internet forums such as this one), but this clearly shows that there is absolutely no objectivity in any of the mass media, or the "fact checkers" that they use.
So you're a Russia Putin fan?

Why would anyone post a link from a Bulgarian pro Russian website? Are you expecting to find true and accurate information from zerohedge?

The co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has launched an excoriating attack on the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, calling it a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people”. Dr. John Clauser notes that misguided climate science has “metastasised into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience”.

Dr. Clauser is one of the world’s leading authorities on quantum mechanics, the study of matter and light at a sub-atomic and atomic level. In 2010 he was awarded the Wolf Prize in Physics, considered the second most prestigious physics award after the Nobel. His comments will help cast further doubt on the obvious falsehood that 99% of scientists believe humans cause all or most climate change. Physicists along with chemists play a dominant role in investigating the science surrounding climate, which at its core focuses on heat exchange and the behaviour of atmospheric gases.

In turn, continued Clauser, the climate pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies and environmentalists. “In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s largest population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science,” he added.

Dr. Clauser is not the first Nobel physics prize-winner to challenge the ‘settled’ scientific and political narrative of climate change. The World Climate Declaration has been signed by around 300 climate professors, and declares: “There is no climate emergency.” The lead signatory is the Nobel laureate Professor Ivar Giaever. Climate models are said to be “not remotely plausible as global policy tools”. They exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, but ignore any beneficial effect, the Declaration states. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science, it says.
So you're a Russia Putin fan?

Why would anyone post a link from a Bulgarian pro Russian website? Are you expecting to find true and accurate information from zerohedge?
Typical moron….. - suspect Murphy is a russian troll …. He always brings up russia russia russia….. No doubt he bought the bs Obama biden hillary …… Rissian bs they did in 2016 to Trump and spread out his whole Presidency. They wasted no time since door was open to create charges that other wise would never have existed such as Flynn and Stone - so on.

A wise person considers the content of websites …then weighs it for checks and balances.. if a website has 1 single advertisement then they are controlled and steered.
Ppl like Murphy are idiots…. and he wants you to accept him as the only truth ….. hahaha No real references from Murphy other then him saying “read what I am saying because it is the truth.“ lunacy

Anyone that has read a typical murphy post knows he rarely post a link to anything vs he merely says “read my shared my knowledge …. read me read me ….. read me,,,,,, “
Anyone that subscribes to that Murphy brain seizure is an idiot by proxy. Accurate real Information is grounded by print and references with links. The message if verified by subject matter experts is what you want.

The Hunter Biden laptop WILLFUL denial should have exposed sources that can’t be trusted so a sifter is required for all of them.

The change from “covid vaccines stop covid” to “covid vaccines offer little to no value” is another example of realizing information changes once verified. The best way to realize you are the “ mark” of a flim flam is when they give you a choice with steered forced participation and no liability offered on their behalf….. EUA emergency use authorization.…. No liability. What’s the motivation to do best practices with no accountabilities? Greed we wasted ~ $5 trillion dollars on covid and caused maximum inflation. If I drank half your beer and filled it back up to the full line with my piss would you be upset? You have a whole glass. That is what they did with the $5 trillion dollar expenditure during covid. As Biden has said you just have not seen it yet. ??? Hahahaha hahaha

So relevant the same applies to climate change where they - the pushers want trillions of dollars and offer very little effect in return. No accountability.

The info from the web link that Murphy doesn’t want you to read. See any Russian activity there?


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The co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has launched an excoriating attack on the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, calling it a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people”. Dr. John Clauser notes that misguided climate science has “metastasised into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience”.

Dr. Clauser is one of the world’s leading authorities on quantum mechanics, the study of matter and light at a sub-atomic and atomic level. In 2010 he was awarded the Wolf Prize in Physics, considered the second most prestigious physics award after the Nobel. His comments will help cast further doubt on the obvious falsehood that 99% of scientists believe humans cause all or most climate change. Physicists along with chemists play a dominant role in investigating the science surrounding climate, which at its core focuses on heat exchange and the behaviour of atmospheric gases.

In turn, continued Clauser, the climate pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies and environmentalists. “In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s largest population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science,” he added.

Dr. Clauser is not the first Nobel physics prize-winner to challenge the ‘settled’ scientific and political narrative of climate change. The World Climate Declaration has been signed by around 300 climate professors, and declares: “There is no climate emergency.” The lead signatory is the Nobel laureate Professor Ivar Giaever. Climate models are said to be “not remotely plausible as global policy tools”. They exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, but ignore any beneficial effect, the Declaration states. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science, it says.
This is interesting.. When googling him, I can't find any reputable reference to him making the comments. Every website (all 3 of them?) referencing these anti-climate statements he made, are all known climate change denial websites.

I suspect that either its a total fabrication, or he said something that has been taken out of context.. But I'm willing look into it further to see what his reasoning is if he did say it.

Can you post a link to the original source? An interview with him? A public statement he made? A report he filed? Something directly from him?
I'm guessing you can't because it doesn't exist, I can't seem to find it.. but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt..
The turn coats are the ones emptying the treasury supporting Ukraine so they can continue to cash-in at the expense of average Americans and Ukrainians.

And btw that applies to the Russian side - the people are being milked dry with all the sanctions and bs, while the oligarchs and Pu's ass kissers become richer every day, and they shit on sanctions, because they are easily bypassed behind closed door.
And why wouldnt they, after all Pu is a WEF global young leader.
Its sad that slavs are killing other slavs and the same parasites that created a generation of hate between Serbs and Croats have now done the same for Russians and Ukrainians.


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The turn coats are the ones emptying the treasury supporting Ukraine so they can continue to cash-in at the expense of average Americans and Ukrainians.
So you are pro-Putin.

If you like Russia that much, why don't you move there? In case you forgot, Russia invaded Ukraine, not the other way around.

diy solar

diy solar