diy solar

diy solar

China returns


?SW sunshine =⚡️⚡️lit up thru the darkness✌️
Sep 20, 2019
1000 miles to somewhere
Has anybody had any experience with returns from Ailiexpress? No having much luck with a Ruixu battery return.
the message board for Rachel is not good. They say return to US address but give no address
When I asked for the address the message back was I’ll tell you later. Red warning flags are flying
On that purchase.
I haven't dealt with them, but you know, I've been burned a time or two too on returns, not getting my stuff, stuff broken, or not what it's supposed to be. That might be a good forum topic to where folks can tell about their experience and such so that others don't get bitten in the backside too. Hint hint.
Someone around here dealt with the company in question and had pretty good luck from the sounds of it...personally no experience but there was a positive forum thread about dealing with warranty from Ruixu???

Come to think about I have no idea if AliExpress figured into it all though?
Hi MrNatural22

I had a bad experience with a flexible 75w solar panel from a seller on AliExpress, when it eventually arrived the UPS man said "Are you happy to take delivery of this?" I should have said no, it looked like a Bison had been doing a tango on it. I thought I'd best check it, sure enough in full sunshine there was about 20 volts - so I assumed it was okay.

But weeks later when I actually installed it, I was only managing to get a few hundred milliamps from it - it was useless. I got back to the seller who said to contact UPS (passing the buck) UPS didn't want to know because two weeks had elapsed. The seller was equally unhelpful when I went back to them.

My only recourse at the time was to place negative feedback on the item, I have just looked at that now and it's been removed, I guess they must have removed it from sale and relisted it.

I'll never really know if it was a rubbish panel or if it's journey to me was the cause. But either way I blame the supplier for very poor packaging and not wanting to know about my problem when I approached them.
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I’ve had the same experience with Chinese venders especially where communication glitch’s are rampant. Also had very bad experience with flexible panels failing quickly. (2 in a year and a half) Replaced and failing soon again. There are many problems with the longevity of these panels due to many reasons. Concept is nice but quality is very poor.
There may be some quality flex panels that endure but only time any wasted $$$ will tell. The Chinese venders do not like to deal with returns or refunds and make it very difficult. Buying thru amazon offer some protection but can still be a hassle.
@MrNatural22 If you still have time, you can file a complaint with Aliexpress and they are good about refunds, though I've never done a return with them. I buy from Aliexpress all the time, about 60 orders per year. If the sellers is giving you a hard time, stop playing games and file a complaint with Aliexpress. They are pretty good about that.

In one case I received an MP3 player where the battery did not hold a charge. When I pressed the power button the screen would flash briefly, then nothing. All Aliexpress wanted me to do was provide a video of what the player was doing, and I got my refund. If the item is broken, you generally have to provide a picture of the broken item.

NOTE: Stuff from Asia to US tends to gets lost, possibly from sea storms, if it's shipped in December, so I stop all purchases from Asia on Nov 25 every year, and do not purchase again until about Jan 10. I have a 10% loss rate for packages shipped during this winter/Xmas time.
@MrNatural22 If you still have time, you can file a complaint with Aliexpress and they are good about refunds, though I've never done a return with them. I buy from Aliexpress all the time, about 60 orders per year. If the sellers is giving you a hard time, stop playing games and file a complaint with Aliexpress. They are pretty good about that.

In one case I received an MP3 player where the battery did not hold a charge. When I pressed the power button the screen would flash briefly, then nothing. All Aliexpress wanted me to do was provide a video of what the player was doing, and I got my refund. If the item is broken, you generally have to provide a picture of the broken item.

NOTE: Stuff from Asia to US tends to gets lost, possibly from sea storms, if it's shipped in December, so I stop all purchases from Asia on Nov 25 every year, and do not purchase again until about Jan 10. I have a 10% loss rate for packages shipped during this winter/Xmas time.

Good to know. My issue with a purchase has been figured out this time, my bad. but i was ready to complain to Aliexpress after the useless chat session and response with the Ruixu store. Its always a gamble buying from Asia. Little problems can be absorbed and chalked up as experience. But big $$ purchases are scary unless ya got money to burn. ???
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I've just started my journey returning a Giandel 24v 3000w inverter I bought in August and is now dead. Not even two months old and it has failed on a 100a input limited system. Their "support" kept sending me emails telling me that it wasn't turned on and to press the power button. Duh! I think I had that figured out. Finally got an address in Florida. Bought it on Amazon but past the return date. Will let people know how this turns out. So far, I can only say it is a piece of junk. Be careful. I know Will likes the brand. Be careful.
Let us know how you go. I have 240v Giandel and while it is the usual direct HF inverter and all that that entails so far it has been working perfectly. It does seem to be one of the better ones, not full of bodge wires and spaghetti wiring, but as you can imagine it uses only the *cough* highest quality componentry and *cough* heavy wiring so how long it will actually last is another thing.
Hi MrNatural22
My only recourse at the time was to place negative feedback on the item, I have just looked at that now and it's been removed, I guess they must have removed it from sale and relisted it.
Yes it looks like on Ali-express the seller can have negative comments removed . Ali baba and his 40 theives would be delighted.
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I’m thinking they’re all likely all in the same building or warehouse area maybe sitting next to each other taking orders in the same sales area but using different seller names or store fronts. Sort of an unregulated Asian craigslist. LOL
I’m sure there are a lot of honest distributors but it’s like spinning the wheel of imported electronic merchandise fate show
and hoping for either a lucky number or the fateful gong of wish “I hadn’t done that”
At least you’ll have some reasonable recourse buying from China thru Amazon.
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Yes it looks like on Ali-express the seller can have negateive comments removed . Ali baba and his 40 theives would be delighted.
I have no proof the seller cannot have negative comments removed on Aliexpress, all they can do is remove the item for sale, lose all feedback on it, and relist it with no feedback. Aliexpress is pretty strict about rules and will remove sellers that list unrelated items in one listing that try to artificially skew search results. And I hear rumors that the seller does not get paid unless the buyer gives the transaction all 5 stars. But I have not found evidence of that.

IME Aliexpress is much more responsive than Ebay for complaints, Ebay can take a week to respond, and your complaint may very well get "lost". I don't think Ebay has many personnel to handle complaints while Aliexpress, being super profitable, can hire more personnel. I've been buying from Ebay since 1999 and from Aliexpress for 3 years. I've done 90 shipments from Aliexpress with a few returns and they were always decent.

Talking to a real person on Aliexpress is difficult as the option is hidden under several pages. Chatting with the robot thing on the side is just a robot who searches a database for keywords, and the search isn't even that good. The robot search thing is just for beginner questions.

The Chat Now button is at the bottom left of this page. Bookmark this page as the Chat Now button can be hard to find.
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I purchased a wind/solar hybrid MPPT controller from eBay, tried to return it but the language barrier with, "The China Company", in Shanghai was so extreme, that we were never able to achieve a return of the product, so I still have it!
If you are having a problem with a supplier. Then complain to Aliexpress and they will make the matter right. It has worked for me on many occasions.
The seller cannot have negative comments removed on Aliexpress, all they can do is remove the item, lose all feedback on it, and relist it with no feedback. Aliexpress is pretty strict about rules and will remove sellers that list unrelated items in one listing that try to artificially skew search results. And I hear rumors that the seller does not get paid unless the buyer gives the transaction all 5 stars. But I have not found evidence of that.
No mate not so. Know for a fact. Put a not satisfied comment up on a 48 egg chicken incubator and it was gone a week later . Nothing else changed .
Check out returns . "local returns" 10 days etc etc . Its not made to be a working refund system , rather one that looks the part BUT you just miss out on.
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I've just started my journey returning a Giandel 24v 3000w inverter I bought in August and is now dead. Not even two months old and it has failed on a 100a input limited system. Their "support" kept sending me emails telling me that it wasn't turned on and to press the power button. Duh! I think I had that figured out. Finally got an address in Florida. Bought it on Amazon but past the return date. Will let people know how this turns out. So far, I can only say it is a piece of junk. Be careful. I know Will likes the brand. Be careful.
I haven't yet received my repaired or replacement inverter, but the folks at Giandel have been very courteous and responsive. I want people to know. Next step is to get the inverter back and continue with my project. I will provide an update.
I've just started my journey returning a Giandel 24v 3000w inverter I bought in August and is now dead. Not even two months old and it has failed on a 100a input limited system. Their "support" kept sending me emails telling me that it wasn't turned on and to press the power button. Duh! I think I had that figured out. Finally got an address in Florida. Bought it on Amazon but past the return date. Will let people know how this turns out. So far, I can only say it is a piece of junk. Be careful. I know Will likes the brand. Be careful.
Are you sure that you are not the one at fault??
Actually Rachel told me about your return I think. She returns everything actually, even when she shouldn't. She sent me some returned cells and the customer ripped her off because they over charged the cells.

Specifically how did it fail? And what cells did you have?

Ruixu kicks ass as a distributor and they keep getting ripped off by accepting bad returns. I would not be as nice as they are. I can talk to Rachel directly. Tell me exactly how the battery is failing and I'll see what I can do
It's always good to hear from the other side of the equation. We only hear the grizzles from the customer but having seen some of the things customers claim are wrong from the selling side myself you have to wonder how on earth they even managed to order the thing in the first place.

Don't laugh but one example was that the customer wrote terrible abusive email to the support email address saying they'd been ripped off and that it was so bad that even the power cord wouldn't plug into their wall socket. They'd left the plastic shipping guard over the prongs on the plug.
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As I said, I wanted to make sure folks knew that Giandel was being very courteous and responsive so far. Too many suppliers get reamed by unreasonable customers. My initial post was too severe. This is a two way street. Was it my fault the unit failed? I don't see how given that neither my battery nor inverter loads were above the specified capacities of the inverter. But, let's see what Giandel says once they can put it on their bench and test it. System is a 24v 160Ah prismatic based 8s battery with a Daly 100a separate port BMS. Almost identical to the 24v set up Will has on his video. Inverter is fed from the BMS directly so you would not expect the current to be over 100 amps except at surge. The inverter is rated 6000w surge. I would have blown the fuse if it went above that.
If gets very technical very fast but you don't actually need to see high current on the DC input for things to blow up. The control circuitry inside the inverter would normally take care of this, but just the rate of change of current flow through the transistors can actually cause them to fail. Don't sweat it, it could just have been a weak component let go.

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