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diy solar

MPP Solar no support, warranty a joke


New Member
May 25, 2023
First a little bit about myself, I'm a novice with solar, bought a Growatt SPF 5000 ES here in mexico.
Wife is Mexican, I work with computers building,programming, repairing, so i know a bit about electricity.
Dumb enough to buy the growatt, but never would i have thought that they would sell a European inverter here in Mexico.
I watched Will video on the dangers of those inverters, decided to write off the loss, took Will's recommendation and bought a Mpp solar LV6548V .
The inverter was troublesome from the start, never would charge my batteries properly, than after 8 days, batteries dead, the inverter was basically dead too.
Reported this to MPP solar, finally got this email

On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 10:01 PM Angus L. MPP Solar Inc. <> wrote:

Hi Bob,

We have confirmed that the Mainboard is damaged.

Warranty coverage has been confirmed for this part.

Replacement Part:

l LV6548V MB*1

As per the standard policy, the buyer has to pay postage to receive the RMA parts.

If you’d like to process the RMA, please provide us with your full address and contact number to confirm the postage, and I’ll send a PayPal invoice to you.

That was over 1 month ago, kept writing them asking what's going on never got any type of response!
Did a search of my gmail, over 40 emails to mpp! no response!
I'm off-grid, tired of living without electricity, so i bought another as backup PIP-LV-MK 3KW.
Why won't they honor their warranty?
I'll include my last message to MPP support to show how desperate I'm getting!

On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 10:01 PM Angus L. MPP Solar Inc. <> wrote:

Hi Bob,

We have confirmed that the Mainboard is damaged.

Warranty coverage has been confirmed for this part.

Replacement Part:

l LV6548V MB*1

As per the standard policy, the buyer has to pay postage to receive the RMA parts.

If you’d like to process the RMA, please provide us with your full address and contact number to confirm the postage, and I’ll send a PayPal invoice to you.

Bob Hendrix

Punta Placer

Calle principal San Agustinillo, Santa Maria Tonameca.

70947 San Agustinillo, Oax.

Cell 4151171457

They say great support, lol.

Ok, I get it you don't want to cover the warranty!

I'm old, retired, living on a pension.

Can't afford to buy another new inverter, by the same token can't leave a new inverter just lying on the floor, which i only got 8 days use from!

Right from the beginning had a series of little problems with that inverter that i didn't pay much attention too. Wow was i stupid.

Ok so how much you going to charge me for a new mainboard?

The second inverter i bought from you PIP-LV-MK 3KW, since I'm accustom to your service,

I videotaped everything, from me opening the new box to installing it, to the 01 warning code, to a close up of the fan not working the very day I received it!

Also of me opening the inverter, breaking your seal, (no doubt warranty void)

But seems your warranty is worthless anyways, also of me fixing it, reinstalling and everything working fine. Checked my email account over 50 emails to mpp solar still no help?

I filled out the RMA form and send it to you.

I've already used the little inverter for twice as long as LV6548V it works well, but like I said had to repair it myself, most likely voiding the warranty.

I get my check at the end of the month, let me know the cost of a new mainboard, I can go without eating every day, long as i got enough money that I can feed my dog!

Well that's it 2 expensive inverters, cant use either!


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Operating under damage control mode, I wonder if any of these options can help.

Have you tried maybe to email any of MPP Solar's other people in parallel, like for example, here are a couple good addresses I have in dealing with helpful people there (I own 4 of the LV6548s I bought through these people):

I know Eric is a technical resource, where Peggy and Irene were more on the Sales side of my communications.

Or as a last ditch effort, I wonder if you could call Ian Roux ( ) who is a reseller in USA (Utah), for MPP Solar, he offers support and service for people who buy his products. He might able to work out some deal (like a one-time support package), or be able to pull some strings and find somebody for you at MPP Solar who could help get your ball rolling. He is a really nice guy and very knowledgable with the products he sells and services, and does offer access to replacement parts. It might be worth it to pay a little bit of money if needed, to help in moving things forward (may not be necessary but could help if that was the only way available)...

Just a couple of ideas maybe you could try.
So now CA has passed the "Right to Repair" law. I would expect it is going to be of mixed success. I can see some manufacturers exiting the CA consumer market which will have the effect of reducing competition and product selection but overall I'm in favor of the idea, hope it has the intended results. Its kind of disturbing that we have to force companies to offer replacement parts!!

On the flip side, laws that are not enforced are useless. Unfortunately, the CA Attorney General is a POS. He prefers to sue gun manufacturers and School Districts that decline, State sanctioned Woke curriculum. It would be nice if he was more interested in suing District Attorneys that refuse to prosecute burning, looting and shoplifting which is an abrogation of public duty and a violation of their oath of office.
So, you are off grid and have 3 failed cheap inverters?
Have you learned the lesson yet? I'd recommend buying a higher quality inverter. I'd bet for about the cost you have into these 3 you could have gotten something tier 1.

Sorry that I don't have any useful advice.
No the growatt puts out 230 volts, burn up everything i got, put it back in the box.
The LV6548V has a damaged motherboard, $1,200 dollars is that cheap to you!
The PIP-LV-MK 3KW was cheap only $475, works great but not enough for my entire house, limited to 3 panels.
Operating under damage control mode, I wonder if any of these options can help.

Have you tried maybe to email any of MPP Solar's other people in parallel, like for example, here are a couple good addresses I have in dealing with helpful people there (I own 4 of the LV6548s I bought through these people):

I know Eric is a technical resource, where Peggy and Irene were more on the Sales side of my communications.

Or as a last ditch effort, I wonder if you could call Ian Roux ( ) who is a reseller in USA (Utah), for MPP Solar, he offers support and service for people who buy his products. He might able to work out some deal (like a one-time support package), or be able to pull some strings and find somebody for you at MPP Solar who could help get your ball rolling. He is a really nice guy and very knowledgable with the products he sells and services, and does offer access to replacement parts. It might be worth it to pay a little bit of money if needed, to help in moving things forward (may not be necessary but could help if that was the only way available)...

Just a couple of ideas maybe you could try.
Never tried eric, but yes did multiple contacts at once, her's the list,
"Vera Dai, MPP Solar Inc" <>,,
"Angus L. MPP Solar Inc." <>,
I know your down the money pit a bunch on all of that but I have had GREAT luck with my sungold tp6048. Split phase 6kw and 450V for panels plus a 120amp battery charger built in which is nice.
Hi Gringbob. I have a PIP Max 11kw, 2 actually, but 1 dead. Fortunately running fine on one for now. MPP Solar have been difficult wanting me strip down and self diagnose or strip down inverter internally.

Did they send you the board free and you fixed it? How easy was it, was it difficult or you find it straightforward? Self built a big system but I'm not keen on stripping down the whole entire thing.

Does it sound like I have no choice but to get my hands dirty?

For others, MPP appears to be tight on warranty work and help.l, not straightforward at all. I will let you know if they improve and help me, only time will tell.

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