diy solar

diy solar

Coming Energy Prices …..

LOL I can tell from your post you a very experienced warfighter with lots of time behind a rifle in the shit.
Nope, guys behind guns are called cannon fodder doing the bidding of others. Ive an interest in history and especially the history of conflict . I’ve a whole family of relatives in militaries all over the world ( US, SAS, Foreign Legion ).

Ps I target shoot , mind I not as much in thd last few years ( 1000s of hours behind rifles and handguns , didn’t get a whole lot better beyond a point ☺️) well used to what a man with a gun can do, which adds to my viewpoint.
Dude has no clue. He lives in La la land of Utopia.
The comment about the AR16 is a dead give away.

Guess he’s never heard of Local Militia either or Planning?
The local milita are the mob turning up to take away your stuff and my AR15 AR16 mistake is merely my dyslexia. I’ve more experience with an M1 anyway

People with a few guns simply don’t stop loads of other angry people who end up with guns too

The point is you can’t expect to hoard resources and stay alive.

Hence far better to strive for a society where too much wealth disparity is not allowed to exist and hence those with “ resources “ get allowed to keep them.

That’s worth taking some tax dollars fron the wealthy !!!!
The local milita are the mob turning up to take away your stuff and my AR15 AR16 mistake is merely my dyslexia. I’ve more experience with an M1 anyway

People with a few guns simply don’t stop loads of other angry people who end up with guns too

The point is you can’t expect to hoard resources and stay alive.

Hence far better to strive for a society where too much wealth disparity is not allowed to exist and hence those with “ resources “ get allowed to keep them.

That’s worth taking some tax dollars fron the wealthy !!!!

It comes down to this, the Romans knew it well. Bread and circuses.

Granted, the Romans eventually collapsed due to systemic corruption and hordes of "barbarians" taking advantage of their weakness.. but such is the way of things.

"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose." - James Baldwin.
"Every society is three meals away from chaos" — Vladimir Lenin

One final quote, which sums up almost all political discussions we have here and everywhere:

Nope, guys behind guns are called cannon fodder doing the bidding of others. Ive an interest in history and especially the history of conflict . I’ve a whole family of relatives in militaries all over the world ( US, SAS, Foreign Legion ).

Ps I target shoot , mind I not as much in thd last few years ( 1000s of hours behind rifles and handguns , didn’t get a whole lot better beyond a point ☺️) well used to what a man with a gun can do, which adds to my viewpoint.
As usual your FOS. You spend 9 months on a boat and spend thousands of hours behind Rifles and handguns?

Even if you did, Lying prone on a comfy mat shooting targets is NOT Training.

As usual You know everyone in every military and everything about everyone else's countries laws, culture, habits and propensities.

You have never belong to a local militia if you think they are going to be the ones stealing the food.

We need to call Oxford and tell them we have a Roving Professor of Law, Economics, Anthropology, warfare, and everything else.
As usual your FOS. You spend 9 months on a boat and spend thousands of hours behind Rifles and handguns?

Even if you did, Lying prone on a comfy mat shooting targets is NOT Training.

As usual You know everyone in every military and everything about everyone else's countries laws, culture, habits and propensities.

You have never belong to a local militia if you think they are going to be the ones stealing the food.

We need to call Oxford and tell them we have a Roving Professor of Law, Economics, Anthropology, warfare, and everything else.
I did say recently , i wasn’t doing much target shooting , I used to spend 6 months on the boat and my main winter hobby was target shooting. Lately I’ve sold one of the rifles and the handgun as I didn’t like them being in the house. I had been doing such shooting for twenty years.

( nor did i say I was combat trained , I target shot when I lived in the US. Very few there had any combat training either You need to go to countries with mandatory military service to see large amounts of trained people )

The point is this. You cannot allow a society to develop severe wealth disparities. Those societies break down , any study of history shows you that.
Hence the wealthy need a stable society so as to enjoy their relative wealth. This means redistributing their tax money( as the wealthy tend to pay most ) to ensure that society remains balanced. ( to a degree )

The second thing is it’s a huge delusion to think a few guys with guns can prevent their wealth from being taken from them. When a society revolts , the first thing that changes Is law and order. Often LEOs identify with the dispossessed more then the wealthy. The Syrian conflict was an outlier in this respect as it stayed loyal.

Hence , no more then southern plantation owners fervently believed their way of life would remain inviolate , it didn’t. Change sweeps away the old , guns or no guns

My point was about PV generation in a time of a huge energy crisis. Governments do seem to have learned from the pandemic that large scale intervention maybe needed. I see France has capped electricity price rises , others may even consider re-nationalising energy generation of the scale of increases was to continue.

Another alternative is massively subsidised PV generation reduce reliance on central generation , but loads of people especially the poor have no space for PV panels anyway so it’s unlikely to gain currency.

I think subsiding electricity for the poor is likely to be the route taken in my opinion. Certainly here the Gov is readying a package of support measures targeted at the low paid etc.

The other thing of course is massive new Pay demands and a potential spiral in costs.

Not good really
The other thing of course is massive new Pay demands and a potential spiral in costs.
Demand for pay increases tend to follow inflation, they are not the main cause of inflation.

It’s pretty simple for me.
If I earned it and you take it from me to give to someone who didn’t it’s theft. Call it whatever you like.
So the dude that thinks paying taxes in order to maintain a civil society where he can run his own Jiffy Lube is theft, is calling me deluded? Ha! That's a whole lot lke tRump saying that Israel's nuclear weapons program secrets the U.S. holds actually belong to him. Now that's theft. Pay your taxes and be a patriotic American.
So the dude that thinks paying taxes in order to maintain a civil society where he can run his own Jiffy Lube is theft, is calling me deluded? Ha! That's a whole lot lke tRump saying that Israel's nuclear weapons program secrets the U.S. holds actually belong to him. Now that's theft. Pay your taxes and be a patriotic American.
Side note - you really believe the sack of lies coming out of the FBI raid and the conveniently laid out fake 'secret" document folders (that don't even have the right covers)?

Look, if something is "leaked" to the Washington Post, you gotta take it with a huge grain of salt.
So the dude that thinks paying taxes in order to maintain a civil society where he can run his own Jiffy Lube is theft, is calling me deluded? Ha! That's a whole lot lke tRump saying that Israel's nuclear weapons program secrets the U.S. holds actually belong to him. Now that's theft. Pay your taxes and be a patriotic American.
I pay taxes. Try again boy.

They don’t need to go to people sitting on their asses doing nothing for themselves or the country.


Ukraine who isnt a member of NATO of even an ally. $8 Billion + that could have rebuilt our entire infrastructure..

Didn’t own a Jiffy Lube where all the employees stole me blind. It was independent.

What does Trump have to do with this?
He living in your head rent free after 2 years of being out of office?

Poor thing..
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Side note - you really believe the sack of lies coming out of the FBI raid and the conveniently laid out fake 'secret" document folders (that don't even have the right covers)?

Look, if something is "leaked" to the Washington Post, you gotta take it with a huge grain of salt.
WAPO is the lefts mouthpiece via Jeff Bezos as are many others.
Nah now you will get them arguing about the definition of socialism.

military is socialism, Firefighting is socialism, Social Security is socialism. Ect, Ect, Ect..

It’s pretty simple for me.
If I earned it and you take it from me to give to someone who didn’t it’s theft. Call it whatever you like.

I wasn’t put here to take care of the world just me and my family.

That’s not to say I don’t help people either.
I help those who help themselves not mooch off the system.

We have all benefited incalculably from countless generations of humanity that came before us. None of us appeared spontaneously from the earth and had to figure everything out all on our own. Whether it's the government taking from you, or overly large corporations taking from you, things have been and will continue to be taken from you. Wealth beyond measure has also been given to you by those very same entities. To argue that any one of us doesn't owe a debt to society is beyond my ability to comprehend.

I've read some of your posts about your childhood. I too had a rough childhood. There's no telling how far any one of us could have gone under more ideal circumstances. Even with the childhood I had, I still feel we owe it to past and future generations to attempt to pay it forward. Not just for our own families/children, but for humanity as a whole. Obviously some of them don't necessarily deserve it, but we have to see the forest for the trees.
We have all benefited incalculably from countless generations of humanity that came before us. None of us appeared spontaneously from the earth and had to figure everything out all on our own. Whether it's the government taking from you, or overly large corporations taking from you, things have been and will continue to be taken from you. Wealth beyond measure has also been given to you by those very same entities. To argue that any one of us doesn't owe a debt to society is beyond my ability to comprehend.

I've read some of your posts about your childhood. I too had a rough childhood. There's no telling how far any one of us could have gone under more ideal circumstances. Even with the childhood I had, I still feel we owe it to past and future generations to attempt to pay it forward. Not just for our own families/children, but for humanity as a whole. Obviously some of them don't necessarily deserve it, but we have to see the forest for the trees.
I refuse to contribute to the entitled attitude that has permeated the culture.

People feel they deserve everything for just being born.

Wealth beyond measured wasn’t bestowed upon me. It was hard fought.

There is a simple way of telling how things would have went.
Nobody who wants to succeed will fail forever.
Eventually you succeed after many attempts no matter what.

Trying once and throwing your hands up is not an option.

Sorry I didn’t use my brain and body up all my life to feed and clothe people who wouldn’t even bother to try.

If that’s selfish then so be it.

You want to give your money to people who don’t want to even try then go right ahead but don’t expect me too.
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Nope, guys behind guns are called cannon fodder doing the bidding of others. Ive an interest in history and especially the history of conflict . I’ve a whole family of relatives in militaries all over the world ( US, SAS, Foreign Legion ).

Ps I target shoot , mind I not as much in thd last few years ( 1000s of hours behind rifles and handguns , didn’t get a whole lot better beyond a point ☺️) well used to what a man with a gun can do, which adds to my viewpoint.
Me defending my property and family behind a rifle is not doing the bidding of others nor does it make me cannon-fodder. You move from dumb@ss point to dumb@ss point. You have 1000s marching for miles to my location to take my solar. A disciplined mob with cannons lol. You are also full of crap. You equate me defending my property against looters to mobs attacking the ultra-wealthy in a full-blown revolution for wage disparity. You clearly drank the liberal kool-aid where you got your education. You are going to be in for a rude awakening one day when the folks you attempt to pacify with handouts decide they are not satisfied and want more. If the grid does go down or hyperinflation hits, you won't have any more handouts for those you attempted to pacify. They will be coming for the easiest targets, not the guys that shoot back. They will be looking at you. Look at the REAL history of mob actions in America, where I live. They tend to bypass defended locations that shoot back.
Although the following encounter was a "beef" it still demonstrates what a few well motivated individuals CAN do behind a rifle. Believe it or not most people loose motivation when they are shot or being shot at.

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As usual your FOS. You spend 9 months on a boat and spend thousands of hours behind Rifles and handguns?

Even if you did, Lying prone on a comfy mat shooting targets is NOT Training.

As usual You know everyone in every military and everything about everyone else's countries laws, culture, habits and propensities.

You have never belong to a local militia if you think they are going to be the ones stealing the food.

We need to call Oxford and tell them we have a Roving Professor of Law, Economics, Anthropology, warfare, and everything else.
He's full of crap. Making crap up as he goes. Suddenly he has family all over the world in the SAS and the Legion (but he just called those guys "cannon fodder doing the bidding of others") and when called out on rifle nomenclature he suddenly has 1000s of HOURS shooting and his main winter hobby for the past 20 years has been target shooting. Most shooters I know reference round count, not hours like a boat hobbs meter or time reading a mad max comic book. What a joke. :ROFLMAO:
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You want to give your money to people who don’t want to even try then go right ahead but don’t expect me too.
Poor little don't have to want to do anything. Just pay the taxes we telz ya to. Go cry in yer pillow. :cool: