I've been watching a ton of videos on solar. I'm paralyzed to get anything really going because I'm not sure I 100% fully understand the difference on the types of systems. The semantics are getting to me. I'm basically wanting to start small and expand over time. I have three 370Watt panels. I'm wanting to set them up to ease the burden of my electric bill and slowly start offsetting my use of the grid. I do not have a battery currently but would like to add one sometime in the future. I'd like to start collecting wattage from the panels during sun to help out my system and get a battery soon and go from there.
Is it an "off grid" inverter I need? I want "zero export" (another term I keep seeing). I understand grid-tied can feed back to the grid (not what I'm looking for). I do not want to get permits nor a net metering agreement. But I want to hook into my breaker box to offset my home's consumption. I'm seeing these cheap Chinese inverters that say "grid tie inverter with limiter." The limiter is keeping anything from back feeding. Is that the same as "off grid"? Is off grid the same as zero export? Or, is "off grid" with my loads on a breaker box only connected to my solar inverter with no grid availability. And I don't think that's it, but I'm having a hard time putting this all together.
And if an "off grid" inverter is indeed what I'm looking for.....if there are open spots in my breaker panel, is there a need for a sub panel? I see people making sub panels with loads they want their inverter to run. What's the rationale for that versus just hooking it into the main? Thanks a lot.
Is it an "off grid" inverter I need? I want "zero export" (another term I keep seeing). I understand grid-tied can feed back to the grid (not what I'm looking for). I do not want to get permits nor a net metering agreement. But I want to hook into my breaker box to offset my home's consumption. I'm seeing these cheap Chinese inverters that say "grid tie inverter with limiter." The limiter is keeping anything from back feeding. Is that the same as "off grid"? Is off grid the same as zero export? Or, is "off grid" with my loads on a breaker box only connected to my solar inverter with no grid availability. And I don't think that's it, but I'm having a hard time putting this all together.
And if an "off grid" inverter is indeed what I'm looking for.....if there are open spots in my breaker panel, is there a need for a sub panel? I see people making sub panels with loads they want their inverter to run. What's the rationale for that versus just hooking it into the main? Thanks a lot.